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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 192 KB, 1280x1280, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52445836 No.52445836 [Reply] [Original]

Didnt you learn your lesson with all the "reputable" cryptos that scammed you in the last 5 FUCKING YEARS.
ambrosus, neo, bancor, rlc, vechain, fucking 80% of all cryptos have slowly rug-pulled with NO USE for their token or reason to be a store of value.
Even the big chains like solana and cosmos and dot are looking dead and no one is making anything useful. no company in the whole world has used crypto to this day to verify the quality and origin of their food/product.

here you have a JEWISH kike wearing a T-SHIRT with retard hair...and you trust him not to rug pull you? i dont wanna be a boomer fag judging people on dressing but...i dont even trust well dressed bankers....how can i trust some jew fag in a t-shirt? You are the CEO of a crypto exchange, you cant even make yourself look A LITTLE presentable?

never trust a CEO that goes around looking like a teenager.

>> No.52445847

>i dont wanna be a boomer fag judging people on dressing but..
Being unkempt is a sign of bad discipline, self-esteem, and sometimes character
Don't fall for the meme that if you care if someone showered this month is "boomer behavior"

>> No.52445873

>no company in the whole world has used crypto to this day
thats wrong, just because you are some boomer that doesnt know whats going on doesnt mean nothing is happening.

>> No.52445884

yes you should give all your money to the guy in the suit and tie instead
they never lie =]

>> No.52445887

Mass crypto adoption any day now
It will happen in the year of desktop Linux

>> No.52445902

>Mass crypto adoption any day now
its still very early.

>> No.52445907


>> No.52445920
File: 39 KB, 273x364, Elizabethweirstargate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know what to tell you...
up until 32 I was unkept and lazy, my room was a total garbage mess months ago.
something happened and is started to get more organized, bought a robo vacuum, then "oh i should clean more to help the robot i like it" "oh i should buy more shelves"
i bought a suit just to dab on wagies even though i work from home.

so now im suddenly a super organized guy, cooking at home, keeping the floors clean, suit, im organizing my kitchen, making everything need and cool. and i wasnt like that 1 year ago.

and after all these rugpulls in crypto....i dont even trust jews in suits to keep my money.
how can i trust a chubby jew in a tshirt "heyyy bro *hits bong* like keep your 20,000$ in my exchange bro, not gonna jew you"

he has millions...he cant afford 3000$ lyposucktion and some nice pullover?

>> No.52445929

>how can i trust a chubby jew in a tshirt "heyyy bro *hits bong* like keep your 20,000$ in my exchange bro, not gonna jew you"
you are not supposed to give your crypto to a jew. you dont have to rely on a custodian, you can just keep the crypto in your wallet and invest through DeFi.

>> No.52445951

i mean at this point...i dont even think i can trust ANY new crypto project ever again.I cant wait for even etherium and cardano to rugpull..and bitcoin is the only "safe" thing.

to be able to earn my trust you have to be:
- serious track record of running companies, putting the company before your own profits
- look presentable
- dont be jewish or a chink
- dont be a french faggot

how do you even pull this off? the only thing i would trust is defense, pharma and industrial/energy stocks in russia and china etc. and the chinese cant be trusted.

>> No.52445957

That’s why escorts dress better than hookers kid. You’re still getting fucked but you feel less bad about it if they look nice.

>> No.52445984

If they use the word "project" it's probably a scam
A product should be presented in a clear manner

>> No.52445990
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>Jewish guy asks you to trust him with money

>Say no

It really is the secret to success.

>> No.52445996

actually the cheaper the better because it's more exploitative

>> No.52445997

He looks like a fucking caveman on this pic. The neanderthal jew pill is true, isn't it?
>Grugberg gives Grug special leaves, in exchange Grug gives Grugberg his rocks
>Rocks in Grugberg cave very safe, no sabertooth tiger in Grugberg's cave, only chipmunks to protect Grug's rocks!

>> No.52446008

Oh but no i did not
Him, Zuckerberg, and Zelensky pull the nerve trick.

If you for that ego trap you deserve your loss

Btw, where did all thoses Meta billions went? No way it was all wasted in that Horizon world crap. There's embezzlement just like FTX...

>> No.52446013

But I didn't?

>> No.52446019

seriously, how is he so fat if all he ate was cucumber and Carolines ass?

>> No.52446028

Just buy bitcoin then

>> No.52446031

meta was such a money laundering scam operation. im talking BILLIONS.
he embezzled all the money paying his people 200,000k salaries while spending 50k on the project, like a fucking indie game.
he sold his own stock and walked away with billions. and no one will see their money back ever again.

>> No.52446040
File: 434 KB, 1140x640, Zelensky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel this guy doing the same thing...
They'll tell you any excuses, the truth is,
they can't lower themselves to the goyim customs. They must dominate them. Even by what they wear.

"Even in my shit suit i'm more powerful than you" that's the expressed motto.

>> No.52446045

carbs are vegan

>> No.52446049
File: 225 KB, 511x474, 1639067235420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you manage to get scammed by him
I didnt. I dont trust jews

>> No.52446065

The saddest part is Dominique is ticking each of your boxes, and iced pee still managed to pull a -99.9%.
It's safe to assume you simply can't trust any new (or old) project, period. Time to move on and find the next golden egg. Me think it will be silver.

>> No.52446081
File: 652 KB, 1118x540, QUIIIIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Him, Zuckerberg, and Zelensky pull the nerve trick.
mhmm i wonder what they all 3 have in common..

>> No.52446087

its definitely not going to be silver. they own too much of it to ever let you make money from it. the -30% buy/sell cut is brutal.

what the fuck is iced pee? why would trust a project called iced pee? you mean ICP? internet compuuutuuur?

>> No.52446117

You do know he started to dress like this after the war started right?
He was the standard suit politician before

>> No.52446126

Oh wow, another anti-semitic thread - real original stuff. But /biz/ isn't a Nazi site, huh?

Yeah, I now unironically associate antisemitism with low IQ. Openly hating kikes is retarded sheep NPC behavior that for some reason all of /biz/ thinks is le based and redpilled. How much further from the truth could that be? There once was a time when criticizing Jews actually meant something, but that movement has since been hijacked by actual retards who think they're smart yet have nothing to say other than "dajooz" or "shalom" when someone says something that doesn't fit their worldview. Pathetic.

I'm starting to root for the Jews just to piss you normies off. I'm greatly enjoying it too.

I grew up shit kicking you little Hitler wannabes one Doc to the face at a time. These manchildren would quite literally piss themselves in fear. Anyone that brings fascism, sexism, bigotry, and hatred for the fellow man is going to have their teeth forcibly ejected out of their face via fist.

>> No.52446140
File: 605 KB, 900x900, asm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

israel will be wiped out soon sayanim
and you will show me your diseased body.

>> No.52446156
File: 124 KB, 900x900, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so its a "look at me being a poor working class man like trying to protect muuh people" meme
kiev was the capitol of child trafficking and pedophilia before the russians came all the jews fled on a bus.

sayanim will have tumours in their heads soon enough.

>> No.52446167

>so its a "look at me being a poor working class man like trying to protect muuh people" meme
It doesn't look good when you're dressing all fancy while your country is being pillaged and raped by barbarians and men are dying trying to defend it

>> No.52446185

Two more weeks

>> No.52446187
File: 29 KB, 720x680, 5F9E6AE0-49EF-4423-806F-AC11BDFE7C6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Falling for obvious bait pasta

>> No.52446190

sorry but that doesn't fit the vatnik's brief in the russian troll factory he's working in

>> No.52446195
File: 40 KB, 570x432, pizzajew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust me cutie, if i ever got my hands on you. i will gut you like a chicken and put you in the oven.

>> No.52446197


>> No.52446252
File: 167 KB, 1024x735, Arab-Summit-New-Midea_Horo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Netanyahu did put the amount of effort to wear a suit with his peers
Any US presidents, Assad, Euro, they wear the suit

Zel's ego is Gaddafi tier

But well everyone in /biz know Ukies laundered the US aid into FTX. It's a small world

>> No.52446260
File: 1.07 MB, 1770x881, apu comex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its definitely not going to be silver.
We'll see. I'm convinced it will, bcuz all the indicators are pointing toward it, but only time will tell.

> they own too much of it to ever let you make money from it.
They used to*
ftfy, it costed (((them))) most of their stack to suppress PMs so hard the past 15 months, they don't have shit left. 34Moz left in Comex's registered, LBMA bleeding 50Moz each month and at it's lowest level since it's creation, the SGE decoupling from London's fixing because the asian demand is so high...
The real issue is they still manage to rig the prices with so few silver left in their possession, that's the real blackpill. That said, even the LBMA consortium had to admit it will at least go to 30+ in 2023, because at some point they WILL have to buyback part of their stack if they don't want to risk a Force Majeure on their deliveries. Idk if you are aware, but the CME Groupd paid the bars' owners who wanted to get their bars delivered a $2K bonus per physical contract (5000oz) if they rolled back their delivery demands in January. The bank fucking paying you to keep your silver in their vault. It's never before seen, and it reeks of despair.

>the -30% buy/sell cut is brutal
It's brutal only if you are retarded enough to sell it back to a (((shop))). You can sell it on ebay, fb marketplace or plebbit for basically retail prices. Even higher on ebay bcuz boomers are retarded.
And tbf, the demand is currently so insane, even the shops are forced to buyback with a premioom now. APMEX buy your ASE back for spot + $11.

>> No.52446266

Ivan, your post is too schizo, you need to be more clear or else you will not get paid

>> No.52446278

What's not clear about his post exactly? You simply might be retarded bro.

>> No.52446285

I'm not talking to you, Dmitry

>> No.52446298

>everyone is le heckin russhill
ok CIAnigger bot, go back to /uhg/

>> No.52446312

who would buy my silver coin on ebay for higher price than the silverjew exchange offers?
maybe they would meet in the middle in buy/sell spread, thats good.

NEVER FORGET, they always have ways to keeping you poor by force. If no one is giving them silver they will just declare force seizure and use the police to raid people.remember the police raided the guy that was hoarding toilet paper during pandemic.

you have to hide it or the state will just forcefully take it.

>> No.52446369

have you listened to zyklon don - in ovens.mp3?

i only found about it yesterday, my god what a good song.
i also like "im gonna gas you"

>> No.52446431

retard probably spent $5MM of retail investors' money on that retarded looking doge "art"

I fucking hate kikes even more than niggers

>> No.52446446
File: 71 KB, 503x454, cancelaju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these kikes have to go in ovens im telling you

>> No.52446585

>seething at pasta
lmao you won't do shit

>> No.52446599
File: 242 KB, 720x993, sayanm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me your diseased body moshe.

>> No.52446663

kek, no but i definitely check it up, sounds great.

That might indeed become a thing if they are really getting desperate. And i bet they will use their green tyranny bullshit as excuse to steal it from us. I'm expecting the talmudvision to pull stuff like
>mining operations are destroying nature, meanwhile, evil HOARDERS have plenty of blood-silver hidden in their safe! Save nature, give back the silver!
>did you know a single ounce of silver is equal to 10L of mercury in the soil + 10L of oil consumed + 2000T of dirt excavated just to extract it?
>the green revolution can only happen if we have enough silver, comrads! The evil stackers are purposefully stopping the hecckin PROGRESS by refusing to hand us their silver for free!
pretty soon. And the normies will buy this shit obviously.
Better keep a low profile these days if you own any commodity.

>> No.52446671

>no company in the whole world has used crypto to this day to verify the quality and origin of their food/product.
kek there was one company VERY heavily shilled here about 4-5 years ago, they were saying they were going to revolutionize the food chain and put everything 'on the blockchain' so you would know exactly where your zucchini or tomato came from. Does anyone remember what that coin was?

>> No.52446719

Connecting Food?

>> No.52446726

He can't scam me because I am an anti-semite.

>> No.52446736

VeChain, $VET.

>> No.52446749
File: 126 KB, 345x337, 34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wabi? WALTON?

>> No.52446772
File: 2 KB, 108x250, KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever the fuck happened to walton, remember the twitter giveaway scam? KEK

>> No.52446801

VeChain and Walton sound familiar, not sure if it was those, it wasn't a chink CEO, it was some Euro or American chad looking dude

>> No.52446845

I remember this shit, I forget the details but I think people in the company won their giveaways

>> No.52446870
File: 66 KB, 256x256, NIGGAnucleus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nucleus vision? ncash?

>> No.52446908
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>How did you get scammed?
>le Silicon Valley tech culture
Welp, I just looked at that team and said, "Yup, funds are safu."

>> No.52446911

yea great team, take my 20,000$ boys!

>> No.52446968
File: 137 KB, 900x900, 1668085477910131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. No one on biz got scammed by FTX. Hence there isnt any pink wojacking posting about it. No one here trusted Sam. It actually doesnt even seem r*ddit trusted him either. Its mostly venture capitalists, celebs and companies getting rinsed here.

>> No.52446976
File: 1.57 MB, 1851x1716, 1668144450258485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le CEO in a hoodie
Just like OP said. Big indicator that it's ultimately a scam. Good on you if you made money and cashed out of Faceberg. However, most people will just bag hold until Chapter 11.

>> No.52446977

I remember now, it was Ambrosus (AMB), I guess they are AirDAO now

>> No.52446991

Ambrosus. They killed bizonacci

>> No.52446997

he shilled their coin, and inspired me to lose 50$ on it.
he probably dumped on us and then disappeared.

>> No.52447005

I've realised this. I really don't think much retail money was actually in FTX at all. Just a bunch of parasites and predators that got fucked over. Bullish.

>> No.52447009

I never touched anything this kike created because he reminded me of h3h3

>> No.52447012

I didn't you fucking cucks. I only used DEXs on Polygon. if after Celsius, 3AC, voyager, etc you still had cash in a CEX then you're clinically retarded.

>> No.52447020

it still exists?

>> No.52447037

The only people affected by this are normal faggots trusting a cex who need to be purged from crypo anyway so we can have another accumulation period.

>> No.52447043

fuck, i think it just showed that chart when I looked up Ambrosus for some reason, I'm guessing they are kaput

>> No.52447118

He never touched the massive donations wallet tho

>> No.52447176

All time high: €1.78
Current price: €0.0097

>> No.52447237

ok thats fucking weird i forgot that

>> No.52447258
File: 80 KB, 620x723, DEE4EBB6-D69E-42A2-BD99-69678507AB2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine trusting someone else with your Bitcoins
Imagine trusting a kike with your Bitcoins

>> No.52447281
File: 33 KB, 948x860, bluewojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Current price: €0.0097

>> No.52447909

I'm starting to believe he was a scapegoat and Sam Trabucco was the real nigger of the situation

>> No.52448023

I'll remind you this board is full of Cardano fans who are getting scammed by the most obvious grifter in existence, well, maybe 2nd most obvious after that BSV guy

>> No.52448091
File: 95 KB, 384x214, 1668388873120415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thing made me trust physiognomy more than ever

>> No.52448107

no wonder bizonacci killed himself

>> No.52448121
File: 32 KB, 584x557, OCWOJAK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52448158

Cryplets are something akin to halfwits or brainlets

>> No.52448465


>> No.52448510

It’s hard to imagine anons getting scammed by a Jew we are semitically aware here and not influenced by celebrity super bowl ads. Only normies got fleeced which I have to say is actually kind of based.

>> No.52448576

Comfy 2018 crash times. We had regular "draw your own pink wojaks" threads.

>> No.52448667
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i saved a few

>> No.52448683
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>> No.52448720
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>> No.52448753

Kino. It was in one of these threads that the Nujak was born if I'm not mistaken

>> No.52448785
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>> No.52449347
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never heard of those, that does sound comfy
here's mine I just made, it's abstract

>> No.52449904

i hope he gets away with it. people never learn.

>> No.52449960

Amazing how not a single person on a shitcoin site got fucked over by this considering you all get fucked over pretty much daily by every other rug pull and pump and dump.
>noooo! my big brain didn't fall for this scam, I fell for a better scam.

>> No.52452722
File: 8 KB, 417x526, 1609772393214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legend status:
1. WTFWD from memory thread
2. Draw pink wojak from memory thread
3. Draw bobo from memory thread
4. Mumu versus bobo chess
If you have not been in and participated in at least 3 of these, you missed winning several internets.

>> No.52452769

Eth hotel mining anon can't be left out though. Adding that one.

>> No.52452786
File: 171 KB, 1000x800, 1522377497761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in crypto longer than sbf
>never used any sbf or affiliated projects
i still got it

>> No.52452883

For those who got screwed.
Serves you right for trusting a Jew. You got what you deserved.

>> No.52453117

why did Mubarak stand this?

Didn't it turn out he was the (known) richest man when he got ousted?

>> No.52453740

Find one single post by anyone saying he scammed them faggot? Your shit doesn't work here, we are now

C O U N T E R - S E M I T I C

>> No.52454029

what a trustworthy-looking guy. No instinctual repulsion and fear looking at that face. None at all.

>> No.52454545
File: 2 KB, 125x111, 1667594581181550s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea anon you sound great this got me so horny, looking forward for GSD to lunch it governance token, hope is comes with some juicy pussy experience,

>> No.52454916

I use Dex and make payments using Utrust and I get cashback when i stake it,as GSD is hitting me hard on my ass as it is designed to have a treasury backed by gold for investors.

>> No.52455052

Buying BTC got some folks retard and rekt anon guess am gonna move one with some nice pussy gains like XRP MATIC UTK GSD and keep my ass open for some real shit fegs

>> No.52455299
File: 8 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying BTC won't be a big deal but I enjoy the nice ass spank I get from one tha web3 platform as the offers a great facility for them to make their achievements instead of traditional assets such as real estate and stocks.

>> No.52455337

You locking for some trust what fegs your gonna get rekt on thats you can't make it to the top anon

>> No.52455486
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1667410064983747s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound horrible anon don't take you desperess assa of the thread you need some nice Asian pussy to take off some shit as a Gsd has some juicy pussy that will unfold when it lunch is governance token soon,

>> No.52455497

Sir this is a racist board.

No one here was fooled by SBF.

>> No.52455576

This all day. I notice a massive correlation between my best and worst hires, based on what they wear to the interview. Now, with that experience, I will literally point at the door an interviewer walked in through, and say "that way", if they walk in wearing anything but a suit, and no, I'm not kidding.

>> No.52455671

Is it true that there was such was an arbitrage opportunity in Japan that he could make 100's of millions? Sounds fake as fuck.

>> No.52455905

all of you stfu. it's so easy to say anything now. why didn't you guys say all of this earlier?
FTX been around since 2019.
>3 years later! BUST

>> No.52455944

Funny smug retards like you are making threads after the fact and not a word before.

>> No.52455953

He's like a pickup artist who acts disinterested as a way to signal his higher value. Then his targets will think they are inferior and work harder to try and impress him

>> No.52455967

>he has millions...he cant afford 3000$ lyposucktion and some nice pullover
he was busy gambling away user funds.
pullover not needed in bahamas.

>> No.52456601
File: 23 KB, 718x512, 1574325291692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Auible kek"