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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5244449 No.5244449 [Reply] [Original]

>Be crypto millionaire
>Buy everything I've ever wanted
>But still have this feeling of emptiness and loneliness in the back of my head
What is it, /biz/? Is it because I don't have any friends? Because I don't have a girlfriend? What is wrong with me?

>> No.5244477


Fuck buying junk. Go outside, travel, see the world, meet people.

>> No.5244521

I refuse to believe these people are real. But in the off chance you are...do psylocybin.

>> No.5244523 [DELETED] 

share plz LOL

>> No.5244528

have you considered sharing your wealth with me

>> No.5244541

Probably LARPING, but I'll be your friend bro - where are you from?

>> No.5244550

Because you didn't create anything.

>> No.5244555

Use the money you have to advance yourself in life.

Also if I were you I wouldn’t tell too many people about your wealth

>> No.5244578

I hear oxy helps out

>> No.5244579

Why don't you have any friends, anon?

>> No.5244596

Life is literally unlivable without friends, no jk coming from another crypto millionaire

>> No.5244618

I don't believe you, but with the money you have made, you have basically all paths open. What is it? Do you not have someone to talk to? Do you not have any hobbies? I need more details bro

>> No.5244620

I am both a literal and crypto millionaire - feels meh.

I enjoy going to work.

Am I gay?

>> No.5244622

god damn im sick of seeing these fucking threads. what is the point?? go the fuck back to rebbit you faggot.

>> No.5244630
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>he bought the travel meme

i dunno op, i dont have friends, girlfriend, or money and i feel amazing and love life. at some point you should realize you are fully responsible for your state of being and it has nothing to do with these things

>> No.5244644

>Is it because I don't have any friends? Because I don't have a girlfriend?

Yes, exactly that.

>> No.5244655

you are gay for playing pretend. fucking neck yourself.

>> No.5244685

Similar situation as OP here. Shrooms don’t help. I get stuck in a thought loop. I can’t relax until I complete everything that has to be done. Only then can I rest. But I’ve done everything. I succeeded. Now it’s only a matter of time until something fucks that up.

>> No.5244689


Also money itself wont give you happiness consistently, but will give you the opportunity to find it yourself

>> No.5244710
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I'll be your friend. For money.
>to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand this joke

>> No.5244715

traveling sucks been all around the world doesn't do much for me

>> No.5244724

cut that out mang. you have us for that. there is too much money to be made and things to be done to get on that hedonic treadmill right now. once we all make it and cryptos reach peak liquidity we can all hang out driving lambos in real life.

>> No.5244725

Let's pretend I'm not pretending.

>> No.5244746
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that just be the way it do

>> No.5244757

>be me normie lite
>play csgo
>leave match early cause team is clearly throwing
And I come out angrier than I went in.

Wanna be happy OP have a real hard look at what made you happy before getting rich, was it the thrill of making more and more. Or was it been able to act like everyone else and fell their problems.

IMO if you're from Australia its pretty shitty living here so i can understand your sadness too.

>> No.5244761

Yes, you need to have at least TWO of the following to be happy


>> No.5244767

you are realizing that the world is basically just a superficial place and all anyone really cares about are material possessions and climbing social ladders.

>> No.5244784

Because life needs a challenge for you to feel accomplished. You need to spend time challenging yourself, start a business, master an instrument, learn to paint. Or just rot away.

>> No.5244803

Therapy. You are rich now you have time do it.

>> No.5244811

Usually make 40-50k a year. Made 120k In one month... Feel exactly the fucking same!

>> No.5244814

Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.5244841

Stop your shit now and just buy BZC

>> No.5244842

you have generalized anxiety disorder dumbass. go to your doc and get a prescription for klonopin it will change your life. just dont get hooked cuz they are super addictive.

>> No.5244854

I'm still wondering what life is like when you have a constant 5 figures.
Wish I get a good job someday.

>> No.5244863

If you are wealthy you could have 10 kids and stay home with them and homeschool. Would be a very fulfilling life. Especially if you can get 3 wives.

>> No.5244930

i just want to be a crypto millionaire so i can make music all day and travel around the world with my friends and raise some badass sons.

honestly most of you faggots probably spent your young adult lives learning bullshit instead of studying stuff like philosophy/lit/history or any of the arts and humanities. what good is a million dollars to an autistic shitposter with no thirst for adventure/knowledge/expression?

>> No.5244942

>1 post by this ID

I'm getting tired of this drive-by nothingposting. I swear I think it's just bots making half the posts on /biz/, and then everyone has these heated discussions about some complete fabrication, over and over. Anyone else feel this way?

>> No.5245003

>honestly most of you faggots probably spent your young adult lives learning bullshit instead of studying stuff like philosophy/lit/history or any of the arts and humanities. what good is a million dollars to an autistic shitposter with no thirst for adventure/knowledge/expression?

And yet our obsessive, autistic nature is how we make money. Ironic. Stay poor, adventure man.

>> No.5245032

i too am a bitcoin millionaire, except im very happy. whats wrong with you?

>> No.5245067
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Yeah I even hesitated to tell my parents about it but I had to tell them how I could suddenly afford to move out
Because I've met only shitty people so far. I want to meet a genuinely cool person that isn't a piece of fuckin' shit at heart.
I have a fuckton of hobbies, I just don't have anyone to talk too.
How cool would it be for all the crypto millionaires of /biz/ to meet up?

>> No.5245103
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What is your purpose. What is one thing you feel you were born to do. Perhaps your money can help you succeed at whatever you feel is your life's goal or purpose. Perhaps it's funding or creating the next revolution in science. Or perhaps it's causing world war 3. The choice is yours either way mate. Perhaps you could run for a position of power, or lobby under some sort of alias.

>> No.5245132

you could be friends with us. im a bitcoin millionaire that hangs out with a bunch of other crypto fiends, one of them another bitcoin millionaire (listened to me and bought a long time ago)

>> No.5245176

Find Jesus anon.

>> No.5245199
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>makes hundreds of thousands on crypto
>still a manlet

Money really can't buy happiness.

>> No.5245352

I'm on 2nd and 14th right next to union square in Manhattan if you want to hang out. Only at 850k so not quite millionaire status yet but several other guys I know made smarter picks than me and are already in 20mil+ after 5 years. We just fuck around all day playing games, watching movies, and impulse buying things and traveling like when Pokemon Go came out we actually went hunting Pokemon across the world together.

>> No.5245379

Bro, so thats pretty much my life right now. I produce music and play guitar/sing. Sublet my apt for a months and travel and live off my BTC. Honestly, not very fulfilling. I don't have a ton of motivation which makes it hard to make the music dream become a reality, because I make great music but just don't give a fuck to put the work in to get it out there.

>> No.5245388

If you're not leaping, start a food truck or some shit. Make a halfway decent product you like, and be forced to interact with people on conditions that even a depressive autist like yourself can handle.

>> No.5245410
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Fk I want to be a pokemon go playing crypto millyanair so BAD

>> No.5245413

Just get surgery bro

>> No.5245417

Yo I live on 9th and 1st and im living off my crypto money too. Can we chill?

>> No.5245428


Cripes you guys. If you legit have "crypto millions" cash some out and get a social life. It's not difficult to make friends.

>> No.5245445

>looking for happiness outside in
>not knowing happiness is inside out
stay poor rich anon

>> No.5245463
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That sounds like fun. We could probably meet up and act like retards and go on a shopping spree or some shit around Manhattan. You really down for this though? You're not some sort of serial killer are you?

>> No.5245508

these nyc /biz/ boys are making me jealous as hell, maybe one day.

>> No.5245517

A true autist would appreciate lit and history, obsessively

Making money here is just a matter of hodl

>> No.5245521

Dawgs an I get in on this?? Literally in same boat here, but a bit less crypto in the bank

>> No.5245535

Don't you have family? It's fun to share your wealth. I don't have much but I like buying and cooking for my family during the holidays.

>> No.5245543

anon.... money may not give you the happiness but on the other side the lack of money is a terrible thing. i was born in a shitty town in a shitty country and definitly not in a wealthy family. 10 years ago i came in italy with my family where i went to school but failed miserably. i worked as a waither in different restraunts and now all i got is 5k that i decided to put in crypto 1 week ago and for now it is not going very well considering that i succeded to lost 10%. i did't really had a great life but i'm pretty much happy with it. i managed to get some friends even if i had problems with language, i had some girls and some of them were pretty hot too hahaha i have to admit that i had some problems too and there were moments where i just wanted to kill myself but in the end that was just a small part of my life. If you want to make a break considering that you're rich you could come visit the italy, the food is great the people are nice and there's a lot of stuff to see.

>> No.5245574

Sure. If you have time we're all about to grab some drinks and quick Japanese at Kenka in St. Mark's in a few minutes if you want to join us. Going to be planning our next trip and talking crypto until closing.

>> No.5245592

Dude help support me and teach me the ways, teach me biz and I'll teach you to be chad.

>> No.5245594

Nah hes right

ive been hitting the bottle pretty hard and i have a 8 digit portfolio

i expect this to be quite common because only NEETs are on the PC enough to find out about and then get into crypto early. i dont like showing off so wealth isnt going to increase my confidence.

>> No.5245603

You really put things into perspective anon, thank you. I hope you make it
Yo you have a number or anything I can catch you on?

>> No.5245633

Find something worthwhile with your time, give your life meaning. A purpose.

>> No.5245660

>What is it, /biz/? Is it because I don't have any friends? Because I don't have a girlfriend? What is wrong with me?
see a shrink, retard. no one here is qualified to help you.

>> No.5245771

>tfw not rich enough to have disposable 4chan phone number
One day. Feel free to walk by and scout us out at the restaurant if anything? I wouldn't mind giving it to you in person. I'll be the mismatched one wearing a red beanie and pink sweater. Some of the guys in this group work in wall street for a living so we look like a mismatched group of neckbeards, NEETs and Chads but our love of crypto and shitposting keeps us together through all these years.

>> No.5245849

The only path to heaven leads through hell, Anon.

>> No.5245854

>>>5244449 (OP)
>>What is it, /biz/? Is it because I don't have any friends? Because I don't have a girlfriend? What is wrong with me?
>see a shrink, retard. no one here is qualified to help you.
i saw people depressed that went to doctors and going on pills falling always deeper and deeper... you have no idea how helpfull can be taking a beer with someone or just talk with other people without having to pay for it. i got a friend that was fucking anorexic that was always with doctors and always depressed. in few months after she started hanging out with us she changed completly. being treated as a normal person is the best cure for depression. making friends even better

>> No.5245875

Going through all this effort for a stranger doesn't sound worth it no offense. What about discord?

>> No.5245895
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You need to keep taking more risks to feel alive.


>> No.5245904

Just buy more friends problem solved you fucking retard.

>> No.5245915
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Explain right now why you aren't building a robot girlfriend.

>having a real girlfriend is no excuse.

>> No.5245918

what the hell man you just got an open invite to meet some cool guys that share your interests, take it dammit.

>> No.5245925


Chads, NEETs, and Neckbeards

Really is the holy trinity.

>> No.5245950
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>Mfw no robot girlfriend

>> No.5245954
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OP shoot me an email, my email is r3altalktim@gmail.com

I know what it feels like and I'm willing to talk, my dude.

>> No.5245961

why arent you answering me? you dont like friends but you want friends?

>> No.5245962

kys and send me the coins.

>> No.5245969

You still have to learn to love yourself bro, even more so now that you have money; finding true companionship might be more difficult now :(

>> No.5245984
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Op must respond

>> No.5246007

It is the absence of purpose which any of us that make it will have to consider. Humans are complex. Once you achieve economic freedom and your basic needs are met there needs to be a greater purpose. When you find a path everything else will follow including women. Otherwise you will end up weeding through mindless thots.

>> No.5246087
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hey me and my friend are crypto millionaires in nyc too we are coming too be there in 10

>> No.5246094

The only thing to life is the next million. the next moon mission.

embrace it and be free boyo

>> No.5246121
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Still here!

>> No.5246140

I'll know I've made it when I have one of those

>> No.5246148

Dude, find some kinda spirituality, get into anything that isn't nihilistic in nature, and see some shamans or hopped for drugs if you have to.

Misery is a choice

>> No.5246174

Travelling can be fun with a bro or a gf. Slows down time and can get you outta a funk.

>> No.5246181
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>8 digit portfolio

Hello friend

>> No.5246232
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shit sorry i didn't see this. are you from nyc as well?
dude I live in brooklyn, it's gonna take some time to get where he's asking, and by then he'll probably be gone.
too much hassle, i prefer real human pussy honestly

>> No.5246258

Dunno man. Instead focusing on money as a primary life goal you might just get something you would get fun out of it. A hobby. Programming, art, math, photography, going to University, start some small company or some coffee shop. Whatever you like. In the end you can't take the money with you; it just opens for you a lot of doors you need to enter. Maybe go hitchhiking without using much money at all for few months to get a clear mind and appreciate all the possibilities.

>> No.5246311

Well when I make it, gonna spend a lot of time in therapy undoing the damage of a fucked up childhood. If you depressed, and have money and time, sort yourselfself out, exercise, therapy etc

>> No.5246348

you may have depression. If you're really a crypto millionaire, here's what I suggest to try first (You may have tried some)

>Vitamin D. Especially if you live in an area with winters
>Get outside daily. You don't have to do much, but just get outside for at least 10 minutes a day.
>Exercise regularly. This might have the greatest effect
>Therapy really does help
>Worst case option, but antidepressants really do help. It might take trying a few different kinds, though, so keep at it.

It might also be social anxiety causing depression. This is something therapy can help too.

Or you're larping, in which case, your gey

>> No.5246352

what happened if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.5246392


>8 digit portfolio
>i would be happy with a 5 digit portfolio
>anon is still sad

c-can i have 10k so I can be happy anon?

we can go get beers and play vidya together. maybe go on a trip to iceland and rough it for a couple weeks, really get to know the meaning of life you know

>> No.5246417

Happiness comes from pursuing and accomplishing goals and social interaction. Do a search on the science of happiness and watch some of the videos that come up.

You could learn how to meditate, volunteer some where, and try to bond with a woman and it might help.

>> No.5246464


Travel isn't a meme, go see the world and experience all different things. Travel to different places and live like you're poor. Meet locals (if you're not in Pakistan lel) and make connections. Money doesn't define us, experiences do.

>> No.5246478

>Hit the gym
>Go see the world
>Donate to charity

Lots of options OP

>> No.5246514
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>too much hassle, i prefer real human pussy honestly

Wow, you have something really wrong with you. Go see a psychologist. Maybe some group therapy.

>> No.5246532

A lot of stuff. trauma. neglectful parents, drugs, wound up in a mental institute for awhile. Reality for me is super fucked up but with muh crypto gains, therapy, and dedication I'll sort it out lol

>> No.5246535

R u there ? I don't see ya bro

>> No.5246605

b-b-but "portofolio" is not cash yet

>> No.5246638

6464757945 ok text this

>> No.5246694

you actually there?

>> No.5246717

It's because you have no problems to solve, only haters to meet.

>> No.5246805

Yo I'm coming now lol

>> No.5246846

damn, i wish i was in new york right now but im a toronto tard

>> No.5246859

As a millionaire you have opened many doors to expand on your wealth. other investments such a real estate, stocks, education..so on. You have already accomplished what millions never do. you have ascended to the next level that is lonely and you have probably never met someone at that level therefore you have no one to look up to. People (assuming you arent full blown austismo) now look up to you. 50% of struggle is over. Now go find a girlfriend, friends in high places and friends of average middle class places. Improve yourself daily. congrats you have made it.

>> No.5246862

Fuck you rich fags. I actually have plans when I make it to change the world. While you bitches just gonna play video games and chill. Only have 10k rn but I believe God will bless me.

>> No.5246865

>i dont like showing off so wealth isnt going to increase my confidence.
Good. You don't want people being your friend or lover just because you have money. Don't let them know, you'll end up wondering if they're just using you.

>> No.5247092

Yo! Let me know how it goes I'd come myself but I'm worried that I'll go there and won't find anyone.
yeah you are right

>> No.5247230

Bump for interest. Like to see how this ends.

>> No.5247246

I’m literally outside trying to figure out how to find them.. hit me up on instagram dude @jeff_of_all_trades_

>> No.5247422

I hit you up

>> No.5247431

Update: tried to find them, didn’t work

>> No.5247479

Didn’t get anything. You need to do all the underscores. @jeff_of_all_trades_