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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52440603 No.52440603 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52440619

Gotta give it to SBF he's 160 IQ

>> No.52440626

>he thinks Elon didn't save a copy of the whole site to a flash drive on day 1

>> No.52440639
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>deleting tweets that are all backed up on "deleted tweet" servers

>> No.52440641

That's one big fucking flash drive

>> No.52440652
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>> No.52440675

burning all the evidence

>> No.52440766

So anyone know what the deleted tweets are?

>> No.52440783

the stuff about FTX being GAAP audited and being backed 1:1 and stuff

>> No.52440789
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>> No.52440803

then blame elon for losing it all

>> No.52440805

Isn't it super easy to prove someone deleted tweets? If there even exists a universe where SBF did nothing, intentionally hiding information from the public will send you straight to jail. It's how Shkreli got convicted

>> No.52440811

>halfway through a game of LoL
>intrusive thought comes through your adderall jangled brain
>"oh fuck, all those incriminating tweets that could send me to jail for life"
>finish game
>delete the tweets
>fire up another game

>> No.52440825

I cannot wait for all the shit that's going to come out at his trial (assuming he's not Epstein'd)

>> No.52440837

Yes. People have undoubtedly downloaded archives of SBF's tweets last week and just can compare that dataset with an archive downloaded today to find the deleted tweets.

>> No.52440851

kinda based desu desu

>> No.52440853
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Blockchain fixes this

>> No.52440874

that's retarded, tweets are probably never deleted just flagged

>> No.52440889

It's coming right after he gets this $400 lunch situation under control.

>> No.52440903

Yeah there is no doubt some archive of tweet, so it seems stupid to do this, unless its just to prevent people linking to statements or something.

>> No.52440915
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I don't know what the fuck is going on in this world anymore

>> No.52440936

twitter is better than biz

>> No.52440937

it's not to hide evidence. it's to not push his total number of tweets up. there probably a mechanism in place when he tweets something new and his total goes up.

>> No.52440966
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>> No.52440974

That's true unfortunately. 4chan has really lost its edge. All the good content comes out of CT

>> No.52440990

Yes, the mechanism in place to detect deleted tweets

>> No.52441003

I hope he's epsteined. Can't there be a crypto pool for someone to take out SBF and the payment is processed before the hitman's job is done, or refunded if he's acquitted or whatever? Imagine that, feds, a public, anonymous donation pool to take care of political leaders in the world. That's not illegal is it? I mean, can I pay $5 to the pool to have some terrorist captured or eliminated? Surely we're not splitting hairs here.

>> No.52441039

For you

>> No.52441067

He's not playing LoL right now, he's on that storybook brawl

>> No.52441108

what is CT

>> No.52441124

crypto twitter

>> No.52441219

Post a hit on tor

>> No.52441228

so you niggers are saying that if you know the bot alogithms you can communicate secretly on twitter?

>> No.52441232

is this a joke

>> No.52441305
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Chrono Trigger

>> No.52441327

for you

>> No.52441345

cunny toucher

>> No.52441346
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>> No.52441376
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he's a fucking idiot this is going to look horrible in court. premeditated tweet deleting. Guilty!

>> No.52441380

no im genuinely that out of touch now
was sectioned for 5 years

>> No.52441400

So now it will be easy as shit to differ old and new tweets to find whats deleted

>> No.52441585

Then go back you dumb fucking Twitter niggers

>> No.52441598


>> No.52441617

He was probably meth'd up and pacing around, then convinced himself that this was a good idea.

>> No.52441627

how'd those 5 years go, friend? welcome back to the world.

>> No.52441661

>was sectioned for 5 years
How fucking crazy are you?

>> No.52441672

I guess you can't embed the tweets in articles though.

>> No.52441685

This. And take your soap opera NCSI cybercrime bullshit with you

>> No.52441705


>> No.52441723


>> No.52441724

> lolno

>> No.52441735

>All the good content

All the good news.
The content/memes are super lame.

>> No.52441737

what a stupid jew meth smoking homo

>> No.52441817

this is literally 0IQ, conspiring to delete evidence

>> No.52441885

My man

>> No.52441908

/biz/ knew right from day 1 that the only goal of FTX and Alameda was to jew the shit out of investors. /biz/ nooticers called and documented each and every one of their dirty moves. No one, absolutely no one here was dumb enough to give a single penny to them. Solana threads were constantly derailed, debunked and utterly rekt in spite of the efforts of their jeet and discord tranny army. Every time Sam, Tabasco and the squirrel went public we laughed our asses off at them. We even exposed her and her zionist-ass tripcode multiple times until she gave up. And now that -oh surprise!!- shit actually hit the fan, come the fucking Twitter NPCs playing couch detective and posting their "evidence" in screencaps, building their wacky and retrospectively brillant scenarios and conspiracy theories of something that /biz/ foresaw abiut a year ago. And they even have the nerve to say that /biz/ has no edge. Bitch STFU and go back to your tranny site and servers. You've got no business here.

>> No.52441911
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For you

>> No.52441932

when you realize SBF isn't a genius savant but actually an ADHD burnout retard what he does makes perfect sense

>> No.52441959

Normies will never notice this, won't they?

>> No.52441969
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Case in point

>> No.52441983
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thanks kek for making my ID an obviously worthless 2015 truth

>> No.52442010
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tells you how rigged, injected and old IDs really are

>> No.52442033

>Jeb a lie

>> No.52442039
File: 85 KB, 608x473, Screenshot from 2022-11-15 14-37-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like there's a list up of the deleted tweets


>> No.52442054
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Wait for 2024. Jeb! plays the long game.

>> No.52442060

what was her trip

>> No.52442082 [DELETED] 
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since jannies are unaware of this so far, let's make it count

>> No.52442085

Ah yes he wants to kill a CIA plant. I'm sure that won't backfire.

>> No.52442087

almost all of those are just retweets that the original tweeter deleted tho

>> No.52442102

I think it would be naive to assume anything is truly deleted at a user request
If something is free you are the product.

>> No.52442103

So does this mean /biz/ right about LINK or no?

>> No.52442112

True I guess, it's just a list of deleted tweets for whatever reason. Need more precision.

>> No.52442121

Fuck off cobie

>> No.52442126

Kek I wonder why Tom Brady deleted all of his tweets about FTX?

>> No.52442133

notable is
>2) FTX has enough to cover all client holdings
>We don't invest client assets

>> No.52442158

you're stupid if you think the tripcode faggot was really her

>> No.52442165
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>160 IQ

>> No.52442166

>FTX is fine. Assets are fine.
> It's [FTX] heavily regulated ... We have GAAP audits, with >$b excess cash.

>> No.52442169
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>kinda based
What if he's playing her tho?

>> No.52442170

This is another Shoah.

>> No.52442182

What a sloppy woman

>> No.52442185

I know that non-custodial wallets are a fucking scam with no recourse if they steal all your money. That's how I knew.

>> No.52442187
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i fucking hope i ever get into a game with sbf and fuck his shit up

>> No.52442227

The fudders are incoherent inorganic jeets

The link bagholders are English as a first language speaking authentic posters

You figure it out

>> No.52442244

It’s hilarious because all of this is going to be forgotten by the end of the week. Crypto is inherently volatile and there’s zero proof that he did anything illegal. He’s not even in custody either.

>> No.52442245

those tweets showed up in crypto deleted tho. there must be other ones hes deleting

>> No.52442255

Looks like a sloth from ice age

>> No.52442256

>the charges officer?

>> No.52442281

>all of this is going to be forgotten by the end of the week.
high profile celebs got ripped off so probably not, yet hardly anyone is going to want to admit they handed their money over to two 20-somethings who look like antisemitic caricatures

>> No.52442314

The tweets that are being deleted are Retweets that SBF made. It's not that he is deleting incriminating tweets, which he already did last November 10 (the one saying the FTX is backed and fine), rather, he is covering up for celebrities and other notable supporters deleting their promotion of FTX and SBF.

>> No.52442334

It was effective altruism all along bros...

>> No.52442346
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I wonder why Brady and his thot broke up.
Also super duper secret Berkshire County knowledge. Robert Kraft met his new biddy that he got engaged to in a restaurant owned by Ryan Salame, CO-CEO of FTX Digital Markets.
The story runs deep.


>> No.52442411

also may explain all these dubious claims about gisele's apparently huge networth despite not being relevant since bush was in office

>> No.52442414

I have been absolutely hammered in this place after going to shows at Tanglewood btw.

>> No.52442424

It is very suspicious. Bitch has not been relevant in years and was worth more than Brady or some shit?
Literally how.

>> No.52442493

>this ID

>> No.52442539

Play Singed for maximum antisemitic factor please.

>> No.52442549

I made a pol thread if anybody wants to explore this further. May be something worth investigating.

>> No.52443575
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>> No.52444579

you mean teemo

>> No.52444637

for you

>> No.52444646

>Jeb a lie

>> No.52444705

For you

>> No.52444796

CZ's evil twin brother, CT.

>> No.52444905

No it's not. That's literally amphetamine abuse psychosis and delirium compounded with desperation and futile attempts at trying to salvage a situation but instead making it worse. Sam's current condition and state of mind reminds me of mine back when I was in college and hopped up on Adderall and Vyvanse. I began abusing the fuck out of it about 6 months into college and by my 3rd year I was a full on junkie who had failed all of his classes the previous year, was put on academic probation and was barely hanging on to employment at the software and app company that hired me. Ended up doing some weird shit at work (not showing up, going missing, not communicating with people, straight up not doing any of the work, blaming others for my fucks ups, etc) and fell behind in school even more and tried desperately to fix it all until just accepted my fate got fired, was left with no other choice but to drop out of school and ended up moving back with my parents to get clean and start from zero.

Stimulants are a hell of a drug. The abuse potential is far too great that it offsets the benefits.

>> No.52445213

How you doing these days?

>> No.52445353

Was about to close this tab anon. I'm doing great these days. I turned things around in the decade that followed (I'm turning 31 next week). Probably in the best physical shape of my life. My mental health is great and I haven't touched a psychiatric prescription drug since then. I own a business now and trade the markets and still design and develop apps, web sites and other tools on the side. Life is good. Thanks for asking. Have a great one.

>> No.52445390

for you

>> No.52445444
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If he got away with it, maybe. This doughy, hooknose jewbag with the girlfriend who's face looks like a kicked in pumpkin is not nearly as clever as (((you))), Kramer, O'leary, and the rest of the boomerniggers that touted this Kike.

>> No.52445501


>> No.52445517

>2022-11-07T13:25:13Z RT @MoonOverlord: cant wait for my FTX airdrop for not moving any of my funds

kek, trying to bribe people to keep them from withdrawing funds

wew lad

>> No.52445523
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>> No.52445527

He just dunking on the cryplets who lost everything and it’s funny I admit

>> No.52445539

That's a nice narrative but we all know /biz/ fell hook and sinker for it, like literally ever scam under the sun

>> No.52445573

Big Tyrone's gonna be dunking his balls in his mouth pretty soon

>> No.52445617

What trial ? Shit has to be regulated in order to trial someone you delusional twat. Good luck getting the 2nd biggest donator to the dems in jail lol. Lmao even the level of cope here is unbelievable

>> No.52445651
File: 63 KB, 730x360, ross-ulbricht-turns-supreme-court-fight-freedom3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit has to be regulated in order to trial someone you delusional twat

is that you Sam?

Fucking retard. Ever heard of something called Silk Road and someone named Ross Ulbricht? Dumb, naïve little zoomzoom.

>> No.52445682

>or refunded if he's acquitted or whatever
I was told Chainlink solves this.

>> No.52445684

stop shilling that dead 2017 ico shitcoin

>> No.52445689
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for you

>> No.52445711

Sbf has been confirmed in custardy on twitter

>> No.52447158

for you

>> No.52447228

For you
Yay I’m a part of something

>> No.52447269

Already debunked, the deleted tweets are just dicksuck RTs deleted by the now ashamed posters