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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52427900 No.52427900 [Reply] [Original]

The signs were always there

>> No.52427928


>> No.52427930

Incredibly based

>> No.52427949

WTF I like Sam now?!

>> No.52427964
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>> No.52427976

Elite colleges really are just a meme
Just private clubs

>> No.52428055

That’s true for American-style commercial “books” that will dwell on a few simple ideas through 500 pages, but not for real books

>> No.52428186

If you skip preambles and conjunctions, 80% of a book is worthless

>> No.52428327

>me grug me dumdum me based

>> No.52428330

well that does it. this is basically hard proof that sbf was literally just handed his position without any personal skill or cunning of his own, all for the purpose of being a public facing puppet to dance in the spotlight for the grand scheme of crashing the market to keep chainlink from pumping.

>> No.52428362

Source? He never said that

>> No.52428367

When I was a kid I would always speed read until I got to meaty bits

>> No.52428372

tribesmen get positions and funding from other tribesmen based on nothing else than the fact they belong to the tribe. In other news, water is wet

>> No.52428431

If you're talking about self help books or business related books yeah it's entertainment and the bits of information that are transferrable to your life can be summarised in 1 page

>> No.52428535

normally you can see that those in high positions were selected based on nepotism AND some form of merit or useful character trait. Certainly not here though.

>> No.52428586

Same but mostly with shitty literature, I mean who makes people read fucking Ibsen?

>> No.52428618

imagine thinking this

>> No.52430010

>reading books makes you intelligent
Most of what's been published since 1899 is jewish nonsense that's intended to stunt your development.
You're either born with understanding or you're not. Sorry.

>> No.52430078

you never studied

>> No.52430106

Ibsen's Steppenwolf is the prime Sigma male tutorial

>> No.52430129

>studying from books
Hi grandpa. Ever heard of the Internet and compooters?

>> No.52430200

Speaking of being full of jewish nonsense.

>> No.52430309

hesse, not ibsen

>> No.52430371

LMAO true. What did Ibsen write then?? Damn I'm senile already

>> No.52430422

Aaah Peer Gynt is based too

>> No.52430508

This is how 90% of 4chan thinks.

>> No.52430522


>> No.52430540


You could tell just by looking at him physically that he was a lazy ill disciplined retard who was born lucky

>> No.52430569

Still nope.
Corporations are not meritocracies in the least.

>> No.52430585

facts. i wish i knew that going in.

>> No.52430630

Books are for people with slow brains

>> No.52430633
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Yes, he did: https://web.archive.org/web/20221109025610/https:/www.sequoiacap.com/article/sam-bankman-fried-spotlight/
Oh my god this article is so fucking bad AHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.52430793

most pathetic load of nonsensical drivel I've ever read in my entire life, and I browse /biz/ regularly.

>> No.52430944

He's gay Andrew Tate

>> No.52430964

I liked him as long as he scammed retards, but this is an utterly retarded take.

>> No.52430970

>this must be some advanced stategic play he's doing, I can't fathom his brilliant mind
Or as it turns out, Sam really was just a dumbass

>> No.52431020

>WTF I like Sam now?!

Books are based, faggot.

>> No.52431269

Shutup retard, we both need someone to make our food.

>> No.52431295

george w. bush graduated from Yale and got an MBA from harvard

>> No.52431360
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>> No.52431554

Ibsen was a playwright. Notable works are A Doll's House and Hedda Gabler

>> No.52431640

I used to actually think that, until I actually read books. Even if you don't even agree in the end with most of the author is saying, going through the through process and logic in a detailed manor develops your understanding about a topic immensely.

SBF sounds like a pseudo intellectual, arrogant, autist here in retrospect.

>> No.52432557

I've read a lot of books. They're enjoyable but overrated. The main problem with books is the people who read them. You need to understand that nobody cares about your literacy or your insights. Read, shut up and keep reading if that's what you supposedly enjoy the most. But no, you just rekoice in the fact that you're a reader. You're no better than those stupid audiophiles or instagram foodies.

>> No.52432630

>BTFO books
>net worth drops to 1$
karma is real, see digits

>> No.52432640

Can someone post this on >>>/lit/ for bait?

>> No.52432682

Ice always found 4chan to be pro-reading.
Reddit dumbfucks, on the other hand...

>> No.52433040

>i'd be running things if it were real merit

>> No.52433195

pretentious. people talk about things they like to other people. what do you talk about that is so impressively insightful? or are you just so deep that you can't find an intellectual equal to discuss any topic at all?

>> No.52433225


>> No.52433247

he's right get to the point

>> No.52433430

>can't read
Many such cases unfortunately. I thought what he said was the overconfident ramblings of someone on a lot of adderall.

>> No.52433524


>> No.52434572

so you concede tbat readers are at the same tier as a couple of Netflix potatoes or sports NPCs and that comments like these
are pure wankery?

>> No.52434593

answer the question pleb

>> No.52434650


>> No.52434683

you mean your rethorical questions? yeah I usually talk about my ass and I have found no intellectual that can get on my level.

>> No.52434690
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>> No.52435399
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Why post his only based take as a bad thing? Reading books is completely worthless. All I've ever read in my life is fiction and that's pretty much it, never really needed to read self help books to amass my own fortune, never needed a "coach" of any sort, etc.

Reading, working out, etc. All that dogshit feels god but you aren't smarter/better for doing it. Don't be retarded.

>> No.52435727

honestly, I agree with that in some sense and to some degree...
fiction books are good when you are a kid and are learning about philosophy, science, love, whatever. but when you are an adult, they are more or less worthless. you can learn a lot of shit (life experience stuff) from other people that isn't even written in fiction books, those books have a lot of content that actually amounts to little meat, and it's mostly pretentious faggots the ones that read a lot of fiction (drama, love, science fiction, ...) books
hell, I even have experience that directly proves this: my gf is a language teacher, she reads tons of books, yet sometimes makes dumbest life-affecting decisions simply because she hasn't read anything related to whatever decision she's making. meanwhile, I've read a lot of online forums relative to my job, and seen, and heard a lot about many things that affect wagies, which has lead me to think things beforehand so that I can be relatively prepared when they happen. I don't have much love experience and shit, but, why should I care? love won't pay the bills, love won't fix my life, I'm not waiting for someone else to do that, and even if I was PROMISED a good life by someone who tells me they love me, I wouldn't trust them and I wouldn't even let them support me. I'd rather have my freedom than 'love' from someone who could easily stab me in the back one day. which is something I've learned by reading other people's experiences, too.

>> No.52435799

How did you "amass your own fortune"?

>> No.52435872

I bet he bought low and sold high, repeating it for years

>> No.52435875
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>Reading, working out, etc, aren't smarter/better for doing it...

Lists self improvement, says you aren't better for it.

You have to go back.

>> No.52436069

I think the point he was trying to make was that non-fiction books specifically are all written by narcissists who generally fit the mold of rich, but fell off in relevance and are now writing a book about their life or how to be better at business, or stock trading, what have you.

he’s right about that. the people who write books are usually dumbass narcissists trying to get the final word against society. I’m guessing he is up there on the autism spectrum and just has trouble explaining things