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52426634 No.52426634 [Reply] [Original]

Brian Armstrong talking about wishing someone would make a flat coin that kept pace with inflation. Apparently he forgot that one of the 3 projects he personally has invested and his room mate at college created does exactly that. Apparently…..

Do with this mega Alpha info what you will.

>> No.52426662


>> No.52426703

>tags ampleforth

>> No.52426717
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>> No.52426724

that would be antisemitic
the whole point of fiat is that so the government can print steal value

>> No.52426747

>doesn’t know the difference between a tweet and the person in the video?

Retard levels off the chart.

>> No.52426761
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Oh no…let’s not do that then.

>> No.52426843
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>a currency not linked to fiat
>a true SOV
hmm yes yes... a type of electronic coin... made of bytes and bits... with an agreed upon issuance schedule which is created under computational perfect competition. someone should make that

>> No.52426882

Hmm yes very good. Oh sorry ser you bank account denominated in Bitcoin is down 20x. Yes we are sorry but you made your account at the 1m peak of the bull cycle. I’m sure we will be back to 1m in the next decade or so and then you can buy your house. Thanks for playing. Good SOV, very good project ser.

>> No.52426923

I can't honestly imagine that this mr. coinbase ceo doesn't realize that scampleforth is just a pointless mirage that will not work the way they say it does
It's not brian himself who said this but just some grifter

>> No.52426934

stop trying to associate your shitty scam with chainlink
you see how that went for bancor

>> No.52426942

he, like most of the other people that don't understand bitcoin, keep trying to look for the "next thing"
its why he built a company instead of simply buying bitcoin,he'd be 100x wealthier if he just did that instead.

>> No.52426964

if it's not bitcoin, it's nothing in crypto, that's completely undeniably certain at this point.

>> No.52426996

trading energy credits of the shoulder of orion

>> No.52427024
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Redditors really do hate anything new pushing crypto forward. But loves on Cardano. Kek. You all lose. This is gonna be huge.

>> No.52427068

Last time I saw you on here you were a lot less desperate, Ethan

>> No.52427073

Emotion of the bear market getting to you newfag?

>> No.52427160

the hallmark of a newfag is someone who still believes their favorite altcoin has a long-term future

maybe your first bear market will show you why people like me already won and you're still trying to save your village

>> No.52427170

See this is what biz was like in 2018. People talked about the low cap gems that were huge in the Holden bull run. It’s how I found out about Quant which I bought at 3 bucks, Fantom which I grabbed a bag at 3 cents and rode a 50x on Ampl in the defi summer. You Reddit faggots in is it on clock blocking the next set of gems with your sad little polymorphic beastial cuck gross Reddit faces.

In short. You tourists a Ngmi. Me..I already have. Spot is gonna take me close to billionaire levels. Lol. Fuck you faggots.

>> No.52427205

Kek. I was buying Dash wen it was dark coin. You have no idea how wealthy I am.

>> No.52427213

but has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.52427234

I’m going now…but insist that wen I come back to biz that anyone who wants some Spot will need to post a sharpie in their asses. Fairs fair. You ducking idiots here. Biz is over isn’t it.

>> No.52427440

scrumplefarth $1.12 eoy

>> No.52427557

You gave me an idea

If I created a shitpost coin with pow shitpost that is given "value" based off (You's) to create worse content on 4chan, I could essentially make 4chan Reddit with a high score list attached to your keys/trip
People would have a "small" proof of work but 100% less energy than solving complex problems. You'd have to anger people or make them laugh to create "value" which is the feedback loop you get of seeing your imaginary 4chan/reddit points go up.
People on 4chan would invest because it would make the quality of 4chan most likely go down which gets the (tranny's, trolls, competitors, liberals, commies, furries) to invest in it as a way to ruin 4chan.
Addicts of 4chan who want to see their score go up would invest in it to make sure their imaginary score is seen by all the people who think this is a stupid fucking idea and as a "flex" to every other trip fag or user.
Potential of making certain boards better.
You can even add an option to use your (You's) to remove someone else's (You's) or you can use a group vote to decide that so it's not just the (You) whales controlling the (You) economy.

>> No.52427761
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Never dreamed I'd make it from Scramplefifth before I make it from Chainlink (Ticker: LINK)

>> No.52427775

I'll name it (You) Coin after You anon

>> No.52427824
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He didn't "forget", he knows that nothing like this exists and anyone that says they have it is a grifter.
There is quite literally NO cryptocurrency that offers anything like he is talking about and his "tech" is all just vaporwave.

>> No.52428300

Yeah i'm sure BA doesnt understand bitcoin. You absolute retard.

>> No.52428415

Created the first Bitcoin android wallet with Ampl main developer. Some zoomer with a portfolio of nfts says this. The fucking absolute state of newbiz.

>> No.52428460
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>> No.52428505

Explain to me how OHM isn't just this?

By the way, during the last to crypto meltdowns gOHM basically stayed the same

>> No.52428511
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Bullish pushback.

>> No.52428526

Lol. Enjoy your cascading liquidation again…

>> No.52428548

>Not linked to fiat
What are his proposals for making it have value?

>> No.52428603

Again? In two weeks?

Literally just went through two crypto meltdowns and couldn't budge it.

OHM set out to do exactly what Brian Armstrong said the space needs

>> No.52428645

Their modus operandi is to make high flown blogposts and docs mentioning all these fancy economic theories and then putting a "and therefore, scampleforth" somewhere at the end, without even pretending to explain why scampleforth is a good implementation of these theories or addressing the criticism that any bright 5 year old can come up with when scampleforth's mechanics are first explained to them.
it just has ok

>> No.52428674

Read the ohm white paper

They bank crypto in the treasury. There is 253 million in the treasury right now

Does bitcoin have a treasury?

>> No.52428727

The whole point of bitcoin is that you don't need shit like (((treasuries))). Hope you get paid for shilling and aren't just a desperate baggie shitcoiner.

>> No.52428753

Tge treasury is on chain you retard. You have your keys.

>> No.52428789

They didn't call it defi summer and have thousands of ohm clones because it was a bad idea.

gOHM is up 60 percent in the last 5 months. How are your bags doing?