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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 628x494, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52406973 No.52406973 [Reply] [Original]

>muh rocket man bad
Nigga, dude just spent 44 billi so he could shitpost about the most powerful political cabal on earth, you a faggot.

>> No.52406988

post the link nigger

>> No.52407008

hes great.
so are his cars.

Ironically i recently got a perminate suspension after Elon took over by testing if NIGGER would get you banned. It did. kek

>> No.52407010

By the time it took you to ask for the link, you could have gone to his profile and found the tweet, lazy ass nigger.

>> No.52407012


>> No.52407028

you're right and so is he. Investigation means returning funds which is reserved for small lone donations (a shooter or someone who said nigger). They will not delve into this and the msm will bury it. That's a cool $34M earned.

>> No.52407032
File: 1.39 MB, 6048x4032, mother-feeding-her-toddler-500228456-7588d86724814787b3adbda4049ea64b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.52407034

SBF is a jew
so no investigation
stop thinking this is a left/right issue, retards

>> No.52407045

Elon Musk is a welfare queen that relies entirely on subsidies from a dem government. This faggot needs to shut the fuck up.

>> No.52407058

just trying to help my fellow bizraelis during these troubled times

>> No.52407059

Literally no one mentioned "left/right" before you did, mongoloid.

>> No.52407061
File: 197 KB, 1000x1125, FhdKeEkaAAA8km_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what IS THIS REAL?

>> No.52407080

>major Dem donor, so no investigation
perhaps you should learn to read

>> No.52407089
File: 59 KB, 860x666, 161668468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks chad.
hey newfag in case you didn't know yet if you post twittertranny posts here you better link it up

>> No.52407090


>> No.52407099

>democrats are left wing
Perhaps you should learn to not be 12 anymore.

>> No.52407132


>> No.52407150

he is a trickster and agent of chaos who does things for lulz and attention and says a based thing or two every now and then. It's definitely entertaining sometimes, and I like that he's calling them out. Still not getting his chips or going along with transhumanist shit though and his influence on crypto has been really fucking gay

>> No.52407154

they met at Jane Street as collegues

>> No.52407178

So hundreds of anons have to do that work instead of you, the OP, doing it once?

>> No.52407269

>oh no! muh poor baby anons!
LMAO, get the fuck outta here faggot, go back to tumblr.

>> No.52407334

indeed not, they are full on commies. Left wing would be a massive shit to the right for them.

>> No.52407419
File: 1.14 MB, 750x920, 29594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LMAO, get the fuck outta here faggot, go back to tumblr
says the guy liking elon's tweet while being a phonefag. the absolute state of twitterfags.

>> No.52407453

Go back to reditt nu-male
Here we love Elon and Kanye

>> No.52407467

what do the arrows signify
sam fucked gensler?

>> No.52407497

Looking forward to thunderfoot's video about this.

>> No.52407510


>> No.52407593
File: 26 KB, 455x517, 1668361103834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I understand, Musk is a techno-pessimist, meaning that he believes the machines and AI will surpass mankind in the near future. So his reasoning is pretty simple, you either fuse with machines and become cyborgs GITS style, or you become an evolutionary dead end. Looking at the recent progress of AI, I can't say that he's fundamentally wrong, we're currently living in a world where machines can solve Turing tests. Think about the fact that there are AIs posting on 4chan right now and that they're undistinguishable from human posters.

>> No.52407635

kek, ai is already funnier than most humans..

>> No.52407650

kek @ ai

>> No.52407678

shut your monkey ass up nigger

>> No.52407700
File: 600 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20221113-025050~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This a real thought? Like the democrats are absolutely the left bud. I bet you're a democrat and you're trying to justify not blowing your tranny brain all over the walls.

This as the competition bros. Trump better call for us to rise up. If not we need to start to earnestly plan something. Find fellow patriots and stop being pussies please

>> No.52407790

democrats would be center-right in europe lol, meanwhile republicans are like our fringe far-right parties

>> No.52407814

Shkreli too

>> No.52407816

>First response is a dumb nigger getting ratioed

>> No.52407820

Yep, your age is over.

>> No.52407825

i would love it if molyneux still made political videos, he would be having a field day with this one

>> No.52407844

>a world where machines can solve Turing tests
Machines can already pass Turing Tests and they are no longer a metric for the success of an AI, because as it turns out, most humans are stupid and very easy to fool.
GPT3 and all these art generating AIs are a better metric for passing "the test" but even then we can recognize that we're still so far off from having an AI that can actually create new and unique inventions.
When AI can deepfake entire customer tailored Seinfeld episodes for me, then I will concede.

>> No.52407860
File: 87 KB, 680x927, e53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for the day when we get to shitpost with AIs

>> No.52408025
File: 25 KB, 256x341, billy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayosis it doos b like dat

we cans teams up with ya'll

one days we can both lives in a world of just our own peoples and there will be peace and harmony
but as long as the jews exist
that world will never materialise and we will trodden on and degraded our women and children will be dehumanised until theres jewish ran infant brothels like weimar germany until we are nothing but mutt slaves

with our brains and your climbing ability we would become unstoppable

>> No.52408098

just because CNN and reddit told you that doesnt mean its true

>> No.52409471
File: 852 KB, 4096x2339, 1668129528987933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think the SEC could ever investigate THIS?

>> No.52411098

LMAO, no wonder you post on /biz/.

>> No.52411120

Thats not how twitter on the phone looks like you mongoloid, i bet your IQ is even lower than your profits this year.

>> No.52411137

>AI will surpass mankind in the near future
You mean realist?