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523865 No.523865 [Reply] [Original]

How do you really get rich?
Stocks? Startups? Real Estate?

I don't know.. enlighten me

>> No.523870
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xD he fell for the meme guys

>> No.523875


>> No.523877

>How do you really get rich?

>"A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money. The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, "Well, son, it was 1932. The depth of the Great Depression. I was down to my last nickel. I invested that nickel in an apple. I spent the entire day polishing the apple and, at the end of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents. The next morning, I invested those ten cents in two apples. I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them at 5 pm for 20 cents. I continued this system for a month, by the end of which I'd accumulated a fortune of $1.37. Then my wife's father died and left us two million dollars."

>> No.523880


>> No.523884


"Startup" is definitely one. The problem with "startup" is that it tells you NOTHING. Which brings us to the next point - no one here can tell you how to get wealthy, and if they can, they won't.

>> No.523887


just do this.

>> No.523892

Where is this from?

>> No.523905

Low yield bonds. Put 95% of your money into them and the other 5% in BTC.

>> No.523906

If you want to be rich just make lost of money, marry rich or win the lottery.

If you want to be wealthy learn how to invest,work hard, be practical and frugal with your money and stick with the proven methods of wealth building:
Small business, real estate and stocks and other securities.

Small business have the biggest potential for exponential growth, but usually carry lots of risk

Real estate: spite if fluctuation on the market value real estate tends to appreciate on the long term if you hold real estate for 20 years or longer you will seldom lose money, atleast that you purchased an over priced money pit

Stocks: this is the best way to invest with little capital, now a days anybody can put their money to work through mutual funds if you can handle volatility and will hang on to your holdings for the long haul you can expect to grow your money at an average of 6-10%/ year ( but some years you might lose value )

Bonds: are good diversification tools, they usually only keep up with inflation but they are good to have during bad markets and high inflation periods

Money markets and high interest saving accounts: this are good places to keep money that you will need at short term like your emergency fund or cash that you are saving for a mayor purchase

Avoid hedge funds, derivatives and speculative currencies

>> No.523908

this board is fucking pointless

rich people will never tell you how to get rich because they dont want to share their money with anyone else

>> No.523910

This isn't the "rich people tell poor retards how to be rich" board.

It's business and finance.

>> No.523916

>real estate
How? Flipping or what? How is it not a gamble most of the time if you just want to buy low and sell high?

Index funds or you need to be a genius for this to work.

>Other securities
Like what?

>Real estate: spite if fluctuation on the market value real estate tends to appreciate on the long term if you hold real estate for 20 years or longer you will seldom lose mone
Where did you get this data from? Why is it guaranteed to raise in 20 years?

>> No.523917

>rich people will never tell you how to get rich because they dont want to share their money with anyone else
Not true. Warren Buffett will tell you, but you will be too stupid to do it anyway.

Same goes for other successful individuals.

Angry birds makers will tell you, go make a popular app! How does that help you?

You already know how to get rich, you are just procrastinating with it. That's why you want to just read and not work. Reading is for lazy people. Go do something. If patience, hard work and some luck you might just make it.

>> No.523924

b-but Buffett just got lucky
I'm only poor due to chance
Rich people just game the system

>> No.523929

You mean really rich? Buy PND.

>> No.523933


You don't need to be told how to get rich. Teach yourself how to get rich with the resources given to you, like every successful person out there. Google is your best friend, bud. I'm 22 years old and making well over 500k a year; self-taught.

>> No.523936

You want to be a trillionaire? Then go invent a working polywell fusion device.

>> No.523944

If you look at it statistically over 90% of millionaires at some point * had dealings in real estate.

Gitta have money to make money and if a bank will loan you a mortgage on a duplex so that some other schmuck is paying for a roof over your head you have a good start.

Its very hands on. I think the /biz/ culture still imagines spending 12 hours reading about forex and turning a hundred bucks into a million is a thing that happens.

It fucking aint. Real estate and some frugal living? You could be in.early retiremwnt in ten years (with luck and hard work) and you'll have a sweet nest egg even if you screw up a bit learning.

>> No.523945

>real estate
>How? Flipping or what? How is it not a gamble most of the time if you just want to buy low and sell high?

There are several ways to make money with real estate, buying holding selling is one, rental property business, commercial real estate, developing land , flipping etc. it really depends in your skill set

Index funds or you need to be a genius for this to work.

You need to build a diversified portfolio of stocks : index funds ,domestic "growth stocks ( small and micro cap companies)
REIT's ,global mutual funds ( invest in over seas markets) and so on you change the configuration of your portfolio over time and to fit your financial goals and needs

>Other securities
Like what?

t-bills,money markets, convertible bonds,striped bonds, inflation adjusted government bonds and some times options ( spite that you should avoid derivatives options sometimes can pay enough to offset the risk)

>Real estate: spite if fluctuation on the market value real estate tends to appreciate on the long term if you hold real estate for 20 years or longer you will seldom lose mone
Where did you get this data from? Why is it guaranteed to raise in 20 years?

It isn't a guarantee but according MBA Eric Tyson and Dr.tony Martin in their book investing for Canadian for dummies they have review the over all pricing of real estate in North America and Europe and found that historically all real estate have appreciated in value way over inflation after a period of 20 years, the same is true for the over all stick market spite all the crashes, recessions and depressions

>> No.523946

>I'm 22 years old and making well over 500k a year

But you won't tell anyone how you do it, will you? :^)

>> No.523957

Well I've traded Forex, stocks, done videography, know computers, and other blah blah. Just turned 18.

But yeah, I basically have 0 liquid cash.

Thanks for the top tips.

>> No.523964

Last question look at any areas home prices over any 20 year period and adjust for inflation.

Flipping is one option. You can just middle man deals. You can lend money to others who fix and flip houses. You can buy to then rent them out. You could get into the commercial end of things , say...buy a worn out factory , throw some money into repairs and make it a "factory outlet strip mall" and then collect rent

Lots of ways

>> No.523970

All of them are viable choices OP or like I do, I invest in all of them.

I think most people's goals is to be financially independent. For me it's earning 4,000€ a month after taxes from dividends only. When I have that I can retire if I want to. For me it means that I will need around 1.5 mil in stocks.

I now invest in Real Estate because of leverage. I can make 20% yield of my initial investment in the first years and then every year it goes down until about 7-8 year, which is when I sell it and divide the profits into down payment to 2-3 apartments. I'll do this until I have 500-600k and then I will invest half into stocks and continue with the apartments. If all goes like it should. I'm going to be financially independent in 10-15 years. If I want to get extra bang for my buck, I'll just move to another cheaper country like Portugal or somewhere.

My start up again is a totally different deal. Anything extra it makes me that doesn't go back into investing in the business is just extra dough going into investing into my financial independence. If it goes well it'll shorten the time until I have financial independence, if it doesn't then I'll just continue with my plan.

>> No.524038 [DELETED] 


I don't mind telling people how I do it. I just won't answer specific questions such as, "omg how do I do it, teach me, how do you know what to do?" because all that shit is out there on the internet if you put in the time to learn. I'm a "full-time" daytrader.

>> No.524040


I don't mind telling people WHAT I do. I just won't answer specific questions such as, "omg how do I do it, teach me, how do you know what to do?" because all that shit is out there on the internet if you put in the time to learn. I'm a "full-time" daytrader. If there's one thing I can tell you guys, it's that no one has gotten their money easy. Anyone with a decent amount of money, living a decent lifestyle, has worked for it (unless born into it like some pompous faggot). You can't sit around and expect to be spoon-fed all the info for a get-rich-quick scheme. It doesn't work that way. You want something? You go and get it. Unless you wanna be stuck in that brainless, paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle that 99% of the world is living.

>> No.524042

The most realistic way is to properly plan and invest in rental properties. Save up enough cash to buy a 2-4 unit property flat out, save more money and repeat this process, eventually moving on to large properties that you can take a mortgage out on and still make money off of.

>> No.524046

How long have you been doing it? How much did you start with? What made you decide that's something you're going to do? how much knowledge did you already have before you began researching how to do it?

>> No.524048


Been doing it three years, started when I was 19 years old with just 5k. As for what made me want to do it; I hated school. This isn't to say I was dumb or anything, I graduated high school with a 97 average; I just hated every second of it. I went to college and dropped out after first year, I just knew it wasn't for me and that I couldn't do it for 4 years. I also knew I didn't want an average lifestyle after college (paying off student debt, middle class income, etc). I wanted a better lifestyle for myself. I just knew of several success stories that came from real estate, stock market, etc. Successful people always seem to think outside the box, they don't just get a degree like everyone else and hope it works out for the best. I had very little capital so I knew I couldn't get into real estate, so I chose stocks. I knew absolutely nothing about the market before looking into it, I just felt it was worth researching. Spent about 2 months or so of just strict research, countless hours spent learning how the market works, the best brokers, best platforms, chart patterns, etc. Then I spent a 1.5 months paper trading (trading on the live market with virtual money) and by then, I was making consistent profits and then I started trading with real money. There are also some "guru" services that I paid for online.

>> No.524053

how long was it before you started seeing profit?
I'm new to all this and i was thinking of having a go at it. This may be spoon feeding but are there any particular websites you'd suggest i look at?

>> No.524054

Oh also do you enjoy it?

>> No.524055


Like I said, I was paper trading long enough to be profiting consistently, my first week I was up about 1.5k. It's only exponential growth from there, if you know what you're doing your account grows ridiculously fast. As for websites; investopedia, tradetheticker.blogspot.ca, goodetrades, there are also some investor forums with great tutorials, I just cant remember them off the top of my head. As for gurus, check out Timothy Sykes and InvestorsLive. I've seen quite a few success stories from them.

>> No.524056

I absolutely fucking love it man. No obligations, no commitments, no boss. You can skip as many days as you're comfortable with, you can take a laptop on vacation and make thousands while drinking margaritas on the beach, it's glorious. Also, if you're Canadian, you only get taxed on 50% of your profits.

>> No.524067

1) How do you compete with robots?
2) How do you manage to profit from day trade with all the fees?
3) What methods of Technical and Fundamental analysis do you use?
4) Do you trade blue chip stocks only or penny stocks?

>> No.524074


1. I don't know why so many people think competing with huge wall street firms is so hard/impossible. They're in trades for the same reason you are, price action. Play along with the chart patterns that they create and you come out on top, simple.

2. If you trade well, the fees are negligible. I only pay like $0.002 per share I trade, with clearing/transaction fees of like... 0.00002 * commission. Also, if you trade right, you can get rebates from some routes and they pretty much cancel out 90% of your commission fees.

3. All I do is watch Level 2 Quotes, Volume, Previous Days Close, Resistance/Support (These are dynamic), and I create my own trendlines based on what the stock is doing. I rarely ever check news, I mostly just trade chart patterns.

4. I mostly trade micro-cap to small-cap stocks. It's where all the money is; easy chart patterns, much more volatility. Sometimes I trade blue-chips, but for the most part I never trade anything that costs more than 100/share. MOST of what I trade is under 35 a share.

>> No.524085

>2. If you trade well, the fees are negligible. I only pay like $0.002 per share I trade, with clearing/transaction fees of like... 0.00002 * commission.

Which broker do you use?

>3. All I do is watch Level 2 Quotes, Volume, Previous Days Close, Resistance/Support (These are dynamic), and I create my own trendlines based on what the stock is doing. I rarely ever check news, I mostly just trade chart patterns.
Which EMA's, Fibonnaci sequences, MACD, and so on?

>4. I mostly trade micro-cap to small-cap stocks. It's where all the money is; easy chart patterns, much more volatility. Sometimes I trade blue-chips, but for the most part I never trade anything that costs more than 100/share. MOST of what I trade is under 35 a share.
Any stocks or particular field/industry? Can you give some examples?

>> No.524101


Interactive Brokers mostly. Centerpoint for shorts. All those technicals are absolute bullshit IMO. Pointless clutter, doesn't help me. No particular stocks, I just use filters and scans to figure out what's volatile enough to be worth trading. Obviously I also trade hot sectors, such as the recent ebola hype. Made a killing off of that.

>> No.524103

from jew facts.

>> No.524117

At which point do you cut your losers? how much does a stock have to fall for you to sell? How long do you hold your winners?

>> No.524125

Wait for a market crash
Wait for recovery
Wait for market crash

>> No.524134

Timing the market doesn't work.

>> No.524163


I always set mental stop losses for myself. Usually using previous support breaks or previous lows of the day/previous closing price. As for profits, I set a target for myself and, unless I'm seeing some AMAZING parabolic price action, I get out as soon as I get to that target. I don't get greedy; that's the easiest way to lose your unrealized profits.

Terrible idea. Good luck executing.

>> No.524168

>Flipping is one option
Yeah, don't do this unless you want to wind up broke.

>> No.524172

from inheritance.
else, you're going to have shitty time getting rich by studying your ass off and working yourself to the grave and the only one who would benefit fro it are your piece of shit grateless sons who won't know what hard work is because they inherit everything from you anyway.

>> No.524176
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but when will you know that the market is done crashing or done recovering...?

>> No.524181

Startup - generally 1 in 50 go anywhere. Some make a little money, these are unappealing to VCs who prefer no money and an audience. Your odds are low.

Stocks - Way lower here. You will make money over the long haul, but day trading is so insanely gamed and competitive you won't make shit and you'll make yourself miserable.

Real Estate - not huge gains, you need to work in volume, but this can happen. Relatively reliable if you can withstand the valleys. You'll only get rich once you're dealing with a ton of property.

>> No.524183


Market "crashes" are rare enough that this is a horrible strategy. Recessions aren't generally deep enough to create a massive margin on this principle alone. Even worse, some sectors withstand dips and don't rise with the tide all that much and you never know which industry that will be.

For most people, treat the market like a 401k, not a method to quick riches.

>> No.524190

a little

a lot if you happen to be the top 1% genuinely talented, hard working and committed

if not then it is always good to understand the stock market, the economy and build a diversified well researched and monitored portfolio

you are more likely to have success, with time,

bonus: have some sort of skill or experience in an industry

start small and work your way up

>Real Estate?
to me this is just another type of startup if you intend to develop the property

>> No.524198
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>> No.524213


You know the people saying that timing the market doesn't work? They're wrong.

Not everybody starved during the Great Depression, and not everybody lost money in the recent crash. Only a sucker places a long term bet whenever they know a crash is coming. Insulate your money for now and buy later.

>> No.524216

most of the multi-millionaires I know were born into wealth, and their 'start ups' were basically given 7 or 8 figure cash injections from mommy and daddy. how successful these actually are I'm not sure, but these people sure love boasting how their 'hard work' and 'dedication' got them there...

the others basically got good jobs, got plenty of experience in their industry and progressed from there to establishing their own firms. the thing with these was they had the cash to make mistakes early on.

no shortcuts unless you strike it lucky

>> No.524227


Even if you get "hot" and someone pours $2-$5M in VC seed/series A into your startup, you'll probably be making the $150k - $200k as a founder, tops. And that's just for a few years.

Good money? You bet. "Really rich?" No. And then one of three things happens:

1. You get Series B or some lifeline capital. This buys you another year or so of a good, comfortable life, but not really rich.

2. Someone buys your company, the VC is happy and you keep 10%-20%. In a perfect world, a $2M investment should sell for $10M-$15M minimum, leaving you with $1-$3M. This probably qualifies as "really rich." It's not a lifetime of luxury, but it's a good setup. Not to mention you can walk into any VC with a success story and get some money easily. This is maybe 5% of VC funded companies.

3. It flounders out and dies. This is probably 80%-85%.

If you have a business that is profitable without VC, that may sound good, but it's not. VCs really don't care all that much about this unless you're on the precipice of explosive growth, and that's hard to do bootstrapped.

>> No.524230

Oh also, if you want funding in the U.S., you damned well better be in the Valley, New York or *maybe* one of the second-tier U.S. markets like Seattle or Austin.

Getting VC is very hard outside of those places.

>> No.524235

You can get rich by investing in micro cap stocks.

Buffett knows about micro cap stocks that can generate 50% return per year.


>> No.524236

A University of Kansas student asked Buffett about this in 2005:
> According to a business week report published in 1999, you were quoted as saying: “It's a huge structural advantage not to have a lot of money. I think I could make you 50% a year on $1 million. No, I know I could. I guarantee that.”…would you say the same thing today?

Buffett’s answer:
> Yes, I would still say the same thing today. In fact, we are still earning those types of returns on some of our smaller investments. The best decade was the 1950s; I was earning 50% plus returns with small amounts of capital. I could do the same thing today with smaller amounts. It would perhaps even be easier to make that much money in today's environment because information is easier to access.

>> No.524241


I guess I'll see how their companies pan out in the next few years then. One is probably going to make it alone now they've partnered up with one of the big four in Aus.

The others have parents with deep enough pockets they could run them at big losses year in year out, just to give the illusion their son 'made it on their own'.

Come to think of it I wouldn't be surprised if they were fronts for some big international drug syndicate. End of the day its kick in the face to see them boast of their success when they've achieved nothing on their own.


>> No.524249


If you have a good idea - like a genuinely good idea - you can get venture capital. Not a lot,and you may lose a lot of equity, but enough to survive for six months.

>> No.524253

This is not really true. The problem is that there is no formula for getting rich, otherwise most people would be rich.

Most people who are extremely wealthy of course have high intelligence and really, really high motivation, but I'd argue that all of them got there thanks to a lot of luck as well. There are plenty of people as smart and educated at investing as Warren Buffet, but not many who have gotten as lucky in their bets.

>> No.524257


IMO it all comes down to motivation and drive, and how bad you truly fucking want something. COUNTLESS amounts of people that just sit at home, drinking beer, smoking pot, going clubbing and saying "damn I wish I was rich. BRB spending 200bucks at the club and then going home so I can go work my minimum wage job tomorrow." Gotta be driven enough to focus on nothing but bettering yourself, and you'll get there eventually.

>> No.524260


they won't tell you how to get rich in a way that'll be of detriment to them of course

>> No.524261

I think most of those people will be somewhat successful eventually, but, again, they aren't all going to be billionaires. That requires a lot of luck, right place/right time, etc.

>> No.524263

Yeah becoming a billionaire definitely takes some alignment of the stars. But becoming a millionaire is realistic to anyone with the right mindset

>> No.524264


what do you think of forex?

>> No.524269


No idea, I've never actually looked into Forex aside from reading the occasional success story. Wouldn't be able to tell you much

>> No.524275

thank you for your advice, it is kind of creepy how similar you and i are , even in that 5k figure you had when you were 19 (i had 5k in my bank when i was 18 and was a complete idiot and bought a car. now i know better) if you are canadian as well then it's just plain funny.

i will do my research and hopefully one day in a few year i can see you post again on /biz/ and thank you.

>> No.524279

Haha yeah I actually am Canadian. We're at a huge advantage when it comes to daytrading though. And for sure man, if anything that should encourage you even more; anyone can do it and it's realistic. You're welcome and good luck dude!

>> No.524287


I appreciate your advice. It's studying time.

>> No.524296

Would you be able to recommend a good website for paper trading?

>> No.524302


SureTrader. Free Level 2 Live Market Access for almost every stock (they're missing some OTC's). All you have to do is change your MAC address every week as well as request a new account with new email and you can paper trade as long as you want. Also, take a look at EquityFeed. 30 day Full Version free trial, no credit card needed.

>> No.524303

EquityFeed is just market data, charting, filters, and scanning btw. Not paper trading software. Just a good market feed software.

>> No.524304

This is a bit unrelated but what are some vices/habits/ general things that someone should give up to become successful in day trading? What i mean is, there are alot of people who day dream about becoming traders but then they stop because they need to go play a video game or distract themselves with other bullshit.

What do you think is necessary to give up on in order to be able to truly focus on learning day trading?

>> No.524308


Not unrelated at all, I've seen tons of people fuck this up and blow up their accounts because they had bad habits. Just like with anything, you can only focus on something for as long as you can stay interested. Taking breaks from studying/scanning/analyzing is perfectly fine, but walking away because you want to play video games or watch a movie just shows a lack of motivation/drive. When I started studying, I stopped playing games the entire time because I knew if I started playing I wouldn't stop. Of course, I took breaks here and there; watched a TV show, went out with friends etc. But my focus was ALWAYS on the market. To be completely honest with you, as long as you have the right mindset and you're TRULY determined to become a good daytrader, you'll find a way to make it happen even if you come across distractions. One thing I will warn you about though; during that initial learning curve, unless you wanna fuck up, forget about an active social life (Partying, clubbing, etc). You'll thank yourself later. Some things are just more important.

>> No.524310


Once you've become a fairly decent trader, you can be more laid back about that kinda shit. Obviously that doesn't mean stop trying to improve, you still gotta look into potential plays for the next day, do research and whatnot, but once you have some experience in the market, you've got some leeway to let those habits come back into the light. I play games all the time now, I go out every other night, etc because I know what I'm doing now. It's just like being trained for a job. Once you're more comfortable doing the job you were hired for, you start finding shortcuts to certain tasks, being more relaxed while at work, etc. because you know what it's all about.

>> No.524314

Thank you very much anon , i am not very well educated in business/trading as much as i wish i was. So I've got a long way to go and alot to learn but i am taking your advice to heart .

What are some things you wish you had known early on in your journey ?

>> No.524327

seconding this

>> No.524330
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>>Get to know something on a stupid, crazy, wild-eyed level.
>Do something with your depth of stupid knowledge.

>> No.524494

What if I set up some perverted fund that only gives them access to my money once they are 60?

>> No.524500

Funny how no-one mentioned having a career..
Becoming/exploiting being the best in a certain field will get you big buck, either self-employed, in management or as a high payed consultant..

Invest the money you make in real-estate, stocks/investments and some entrepreneurial side-projects and you can't go wrong on any level

If you're talking about filthy rich, well, that's a matter of luck or inheritance really
Rich people do the same four things, just on a bigger scale

>> No.524516

Do you follow a strict plan you made, and go ''auto pilot'', or do you involve intuition and experience?

>> No.524533
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give me your best hustles / scams / bets to earn money with

>> No.524715

Would knowledge about math, statistics, and computer science be useful to get into day trading?

>> No.524728

the one where I get my gf to pick you up at a bar then lead you back to her car then I jump out beat the shit out of you and take your money, phone and keys. Then I watch your house for a day or 2 and then rob you while you are gone.

>> No.524740

can you give an estimate of how much money you trade with on average? I'm assuming you can't day trade with like millions if you stay under $35 right? Also how long is an average work week for you currently? And how much do you get taxed on income in Canada? It would be 45% where I live i the US

>> No.524755
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Not true at all.

My business got off the ground solely because of local rich people helping me and guiding me.

Check out a local Rotary club if you need to be convinced of that.

People who make money want the opposite of what you think, they want everyone to make money, but usually business, at least for me, takes up almost 100% of the day.

It's 7pm here, and I had 5 minutes in between doing shit to shitpost on 4chan for a bit, and I'll be doing shit till probably an hour before bed, then workout, then bed.

tl;dr stop being a nigger, cynicism will definitely not get you there.

>> No.524810

I've fucked off enough.
I've got a wife, 2 kids, am 27 and have been doing shit work for 9 years. Got a government job a while back only to get fucked by "being a civilian" and getting laid off along with like a hundred others. I don't mind about being rich . I just want to be able to work hard and make enough to not have to worry anymore.
I live in Texas and the job market is terrible in my area.
I want to give my family a decent life. Please, show me the way.
Mentor me. Guide me. Ill email or chat or whatever, I just want to be done with this.

>> No.524829

Does your wife work? Do you guys have degrees in anything?

>> No.524878

If he's been working for 9 years I'd bet he doesn't have more than an AA.

And since they are from Texas chances are the wife would have a diploma/GED but no more.

>> No.524930

I'm sorry for the wait in response, I was tending to my kids.
Anyways, no, I don't have a degree and neither does the wife. I have a GED as I was forced to get one back when I lived in Puerto Rico but didn't know spanish. Father moved there after retiring. I was easily more than capable of finishing high school with straight As, but the language barrier was just too much. I failed several years.
Anyways, there's some of my fucked situation.

>> No.525051

Every market is different, right now after the hurricane that ravaged Cabo San Lucas there is lots of good property for sell that was damaged and you can pick up for cents on the dollar if you are a competent builder .
Once the town bounce back in a year or two this real estate will be worth a lot more

>> No.525071


Untrue. Sorta-wealthy here and I'm not doing forex or options, so I'm not playing a zero-sum game. I want to see other market participants succeed. Your loss is not my gain, nor vice versa.

What keeps me up at night is the idea of a generation of kids entering the market and never investing, and ending up like a lot of Depression-era people did: "investing" in a savings account and earning very little over inflation, because "Wall Street" was rigged.

Well, yes, Wall Street is rigged. It's rigged to funnel money from those who work for a living (labor) to those who invest for a living (capital). Buy a boring-ass index fund and let the trickle-up work in your favor, not against you. Don't try to sell at the very top, don't try to buy at the very bottom. Extract value out of the long boring times in between where the market just crawls its way up.

>> No.525106

>avoid hedge funds

>> No.525131


Fuck sorry, finished up some trades and went to sleep earlier. Forgot about thread. Anytime guys, it's all about paying it forward. Hm..that's actually a hard question to answer. I guess you'll hear this quite often, but it's definitely the hardest thing to pull off. Never trade off of emotions man. Don't get greedy, don't think to yourself "damn I lost 300 yesterday so I need to make 300 more today," don't trade if you're angry or upset about something and you know it'll affect your performance. Shit like that will make you lose money QUICK. Also, don't cheap out on market data. I tried to trade without Level 2 once and it went terribly. I was still paper trading at that time but Level 2 quotes is absolutely crucial to day trade. Another HUGE thing, arguably the most important; set a target for yourself and lock in profits. Don't be too scared to walk away from a trade once you've made your money. Getting too greedy can easily work against you and a stock can drop quicker than you can react sometimes.

>> No.525134


There's never a STRICT plan. Stocks are dynamic, you gotta go with what the chart, volume, and price action are telling you during the day. From time to time, there will be perfect textbook setups that can be played brainlessly. But a lot of the time there are trades that involve some degree of experience and intuition. It's a little bit of both. You definitely NEED to make some rules for yourself and stick to them though.

>> No.525139


No. As long as you can add, subtract, multiply, and sometimes divide, you can daytrade. No special advantage really comes from advanced math, statistics, or computer sciences. Scanning/filtering sites will work out all statistics for you.

Right now I'm trading with a 400k account. Next year I'll probably start with 500-600k. And of course you can trade cheap stocks with millions, you just take larger position sizes. Obviously that doesn't mean dump your whole account into one stock, but bigger position size = bigger potential reward. I know millionaires that still trade sub-penny stocks sometimes. Trade anything that can make you money. Like I said before, if you trade well, commissions/share are negligible. Also I trade 5 days a week. I wake up at around 7, shower, eat, etc. Do research, start trading premarket at 8. I'm USUALLY done by about 11-12am when I'm up 1500-2500. In Canada we have tiered tax brackets, you can look them up. But only 50% of your profits in stocks is considered taxable income.

>> No.525155

OP here, thanks for the replies guys, very constructive. Here's a little background on me: I'm 18 y/o and I know how to do videography, I've done video editing for companies and musicians, not the crappy kind, with good graphics, even did kinetic typography.
I know how to write, I've run blogs, websites, traded Forex with real money, traded stocks on demo, worked as vice president at a moving company for like a couple of weeks, did account-trading and currency trading on games, have good public speaking skills(Spoke in front of a group of thousands in school), know the basics about computers and internet, know Word, Excel and all that basic shit, love to write passionate speeches, am patient and calm, play the guitar, quick learner.

I'm working on a video-game project right now which I believe will provide me money, but that will materialize in around a year before I begin making anything off it. I'm looking for ways now so I can move out and get my own place.

Problem is, I am a student in the US, so I can't technically work for any company as my visa won't permit that.

So any more tips, anybody would like to hire me, blah blah anything, where to start? I mean I have a whole lot of time left, I'm very young, and have a lot of willpower. So I want to utilize my time here the best I can.

Thing is, I prefer advice from complete strangers, you offer it without any bias.

>> No.525198

Gratz bro, looks like you've done very well.

I note though you havent mentioned anythong on risk/position size management

>> No.525206


Angle Investing
Selling drugs to negro children

>> No.525263

short acute
long reflex

>> No.525331


Another question - do you have a Bloomberg terminal? What tools do you use mostly? Can you link to some sites for the newbies?

>> No.525344


Thanks man, appreciate it. Not many people can say gratz to someone successful, most people just hate on them out of envy lol.

And I believe I did mention my mental stop losses (aka risk) and I determine it using previous supports or lows. If it dips below a previous support/low, chances are that its gonna crack much further down. Of course, if I'm shorting I look for previous highs/resistance. As for position size, it all comes down to how confident you are in the trade. I've done trades early on in my "Career" where I bet 90% of my account. I've also done trades where I bet like 5%. If you have to stop, and ask yourself, "Shit, what if this doesn't go the way I think it's going to go," you're in way too big and you need to size down. Also another thing worth mentioning is scaling in. If you see a trade you like, don't buy 50k shares right away, for example. Start with maybe 10-20k, see if it's going your way, add another few thousand, keep watching it, add more, etc. Work up to your goal. Yes, you may not be maximizing profits this way, BUT you could save yourself a TON of money if the trade goes against you unexpectedly.

No. I use Briefing.com, Yahoo Finance, SeekingAlpha for news.

DasTrader, SterlingPro, and EquityFeed for market platforms/feeds.

Also I mentioned some sites in one of my earlier posts that will help out newbies. Some google searches will get you some more.One forum that I forgot to mention that's actually pretty amazing is hotstockmarket.

>> No.525365

Whats your opinion on Forex? Or Forex vs Stocks?

>> No.525366


Read >>524269

>> No.525493

Do you use SureTrader as your day trading service with real money? Can i use it legally here in the US to day trade?

>> No.525498


No, I use CenterPoint and SpeedTrader but yes, you can use SureTrader. It's completely legal and its the best option for small accounts.

>> No.525503

Are you sure you are not just lucky and won't lose it all one day?

What do you do to protect your capital?

>> No.525507


Haha, if it were purely luck I would've lost my money a long time ago. Wouldn't have been growing for 3 years if it was just luck. Like I said, I only bet big when I'm 99% sure that the stock will do what I want it to do. Otherwise I play small. Always ensure your risk/reward ratios are favorable, and always respect your stop loss.

>> No.525510

>tfw got rich on sports betting

>> No.525521

What would you say the minimum someone getting into daytrading should bring to the table using SureTrader? I know you mentioned you started with 5k

>> No.525527


To be honest, I wouldn't start until I had like 2k-2.5k

>> No.525533

Do you ever get burned out working 16 hour days? For me this is the biggest hurdle to get over.

>> No.525539


Oh man I fucked that up, derp. I meant to put 11am-12pm. I only "work" 4-5 hours at most. oops.

>> No.525555

That seems nice.
I really want to do it the way you do, but I live one the west coast and I usually dedicate my early mornings at the gym. It's nice and empty.

>> No.525556


Eh.. I put all that stuff off to get started. Stopped working out for like a year and a half, money was more important to me. West Coast sucks though, You gotta be at your computer at 6 30 AM for market open. 4AM for premarket.

>> No.525557


5AM for premarket**

>> No.525561

>3 years
But we are in bull market. What matters is if it will still work in 10, 20, 50 years.

>> No.525562


Whether it's a bull market or a bear market, there's still money to be made. Stocks will always be volatile on a daily basis, and I don't hold stocks long term. Price action is all I care about, and price action will exist whether its a bull or bear market.

>> No.525563

To the guy investing, I'm curious:
How familiar did you get in your learning process with mathematics and probability? Are you familiar with Ito calculation, do you delve into the RNG algorithms, etc.

Also, with your track record, did you consider joining a hedge fund/bank? Yeah I get that you want to work on your own terms, but seeing how much you make with just your own money, you could make mad profits leveraging high amounts of money.

>> No.525567


Think I answered this already. I don't use anything except price action, volume, chart patterns. No probability, no advanced math, no bullshit advanced technical analysis. Just the basic stuff. As for the second question, no. I've never considered it, I like the way my life is going right now. I have the freedom to do whatever I want and I really don't want to work for someone else after this. Being able to work on my own terms is great, and I wouldn't give it up for anything at this rate. Besides, I think you need some sort of education for those kinds of jobs and I'm a dropout. Maybe I'll look into it later on down the road if I get greedy for more money but, as of right now, I'm content with what I'm doing. My goal is 1 million a year and, if I'm able to hit that on my own, then I don't care for anything greater.

>> No.525572

Go live in Europoor and follow American Markets.

Sleep till noon, work out, enjoy a relaxed lunch and work till late in the evening.

>> No.525579

I want to do this. I have plenty of time to study. Can I have your mail to send questions if I have any?

>> No.525580

>no special advantage
I was asking because I want to become a day trader but my family absolutely wants me to go to college, so I'm trying to figure out which field of study could help. Would economics be more useful?
Are there no cases for which math or stats/probability can be useful depending on one's strategy? If not, how come prop shops and hedge funds either hire people with math/stats bachelors' or CS/math PhDs?

>> No.525581


The times work just fine for me, I was referring to times for people that live on the west coast.

I'd rather not give out my email because I only use one email for everything and it has my full name in it, which I'd rather keep private for now. But I frequent this board so you can just make a thread if you have any questions and I'll answer what I can. It also lets you get some input from everyone else on the board. Maybe at some point I'll give my email but idk yet.

>> No.525582


Eh..economics might help. Maybe some stuff in the field of finance; just helps you understand the world better and decrypt financial jargon in some news articles I guess. And as far as I know, I can't really think of any cases where it can be useful. Perhaps there are strategies out there somewhere that could use math/stats but not mine. I don't see how that would work, considering stock prices don't typically follow statistical rules or anything. And I feel like educational requirements in 80% of jobs these days are just a way to filter out the "lazy" people. Someone I once spoke to worded it pretty well; a degree is just proof that you've learned how to learn.

>> No.525583

Ok, what is your "bankroll management" so to say?

Let's say I have 10k to start with.

How do I make sure I don't fucking lose it? How big should my first trade be?

Does day trading mean that you will always buy in the morning, sell in the evening or can it depend? Can you buy one day, sell after 3 days? What is your discipline like? Do you have preset of hard rules?

>> No.525584

>And I feel like educational requirements in 80% of jobs these days are just a way to filter out the "lazy" people. Someone I once spoke to worded it pretty well; a degree is just proof that you've learned how to learn.
That's very true, but it's one of those truth you should never ever say to anybody. Everybody knows companies have to form their new graduate employees, even if they have PhD, but nobody wants to admit it.

>I don't see how that would work, considering stock prices don't typically follow statistical rules or anything.
Well there's the classical example of: you analyze stocks/products by pairs, until you find two of them that are closely correlated. If they are, it's because of some fundamental reasons (like one is a raw material used to make the other). Then you look for a moment where the two values diverge, one drops, one rises. Since you know they will probably come back together because of those fundamental reasons, you short the one which rised and buy the one which dropped, until they re-equalize.

>> No.525586


These are the kinds of things you'll learn on your own through research, experience, and time spent paper trading. As for making sure you don't lose it? So many people seem to get some money, and just jump into the market thinking "this is the best way to learn." That's completely wrong, it's an awful way to learn. Like I said before, PAPER TRADE until you're consistently profiting. CONSISTENTLY. By consistent I mean green on 4 out of 5 days on average. Any less and you need to refine your strategies and learn more. I somewhat covered position sizes in this thread already as well, so read through all of my prior posts. Once you learn what you're looking for (which comes with time,) you'll be able to increase your position sizes but, at the beginning, start low so you don't chop chunks off of your account before you've even had a chance to grow. Day trading doesn't mean buy in the morning, sell in the evening. Day trading just means I'm buying and selling stocks, USUALLY within the span of ONE market day. Typically I make 3-4 trades from premarket to close. I've never held a stock for longer than one day before (Overnight, selling/covering the next day). Discipline is absolutely crucial. You can't be losing money and sitting there thinking "Hey, maybe it'll turn around for me. There's a chance." You can't think that way. Keep your stop losses strict, whether they're mental or not, and respect them at all times. Lock in profits when you meet your target. Don't get greedy, etc. I've covered some of these things in previous posts as well, go through the thread.

>> No.525588


Well yeah, but see that isn't something defined by statistics moreso than it is by logic. For example, the recent Ebola hype in the market. LAKE and APT practically mirrored each other everyday. Doesn't take much experience to realize the trend after 3 hours of watching them both, you know what I mean? Pretty much anything you wanna do in the stock market can be learned with a simple google search and effort. Doesn't take a degree to do fundamental analysis

>> No.525590

>Typically I make 3-4 trades from premarket to close.
Oh? Interesting, I thought you would be doing much more microtrading.

>> No.525591


Eh. There are some days when I do more but, like I emphasized before, when you trade well, commissions are negligible. Quality > Quantity; trading too much adds up in commission and can take away from profits, so I've made a habit of making few trades in a day, but good trades. Large position sizes though, obviously.

>> No.525593

Which paper trading platform you recommend?

>> No.525598

OK, here comes the secret of getting rich:
(sry for my English)

1. be the best in school
2. be the best in university
3. get the best job
4. work hard
5. get rich
6. realize money does not make you happy
7. kill yourself

>> No.525602


Definitely SureTrader. Covered this already as well, read the thread. Make a demo account.


Anyone that says money doesn't buy happiness has never had enough of it.

>> No.525604


I assume, enough would be like millions, and... furthermore... I assume you don't have millions, else you wouldn't hang around in 4chan discussing such topics. So we both don't know, right? What I can say is that if you have enough to live and can buy everything you want, you still can't buy a lot of things... happiness, health, love.

>> No.525606


I guess you haven't read the thread. Believe me, money buys happiness; and I'm on my way to buy some more.

>> No.525607

why you on /biz/ then hypocrite?

>> No.525612

I am rich, can I cure cancer with money?

>> No.525616


plz look up that term, boy

>> No.525619


Can't cure it, but you sure as hell can pay for the best treatment money can buy. And instead of sitting around wallowing hopelessly once diagnosed, you can live what's rest of your life however you want to. I'd rather live a short happy life than a prolonged crappy life.

>> No.525629

Bonds, James Bonds

>> No.525630

Question - do you trade on margin?

>> No.525633


Trade with a margin account, but don't use more than your cash balance. Cash accounts suck because it takes 3 days for funds to settle after a trade is made. Margin accounts are instant. But borrowing on margin is a bad idea for obvious reasons.

>> No.525634

criticizing other people for wanting money yet you are on a forum dedicated to money related things? did you look up that term, idiot? fuck off if you don't like what's being discussed. no one wants hear that bullshit poor people say about money don't buy happiness and shit, why would they spend 60years of their life working dead end jobs living paycheck to paycheck if they don't care about money hate fake ass people be real with yourself if no one else.

>> No.525635


Wise investments and frugal living.

>> No.525636

i like you. a lot

>> No.525638

Could you go through and tell us a bit of your day work plan. Where do you go to check the stocks? Do you have a certain watch list and focus on trading only select stocks? Or do you just look through overall market data via filters like you said and pic a few stocks that match your filters. If you do, could you tell what filters do you use and what do you look for specifically. Sharing info about stocks on /biz/ would in no way give you competition like other industries, so I thought maybe you could share in detail.

Will go register a demo account today.

>> No.525648


I sometimes make watchlists the night before, other times I make them in the morning. I mentioned briefing.com, amazing site for daytraders to look for stocks to trade. Info is streamed there much earlier than other sources and other top traders are there as well. I've covered my sources in a previous post. I trade whatever stocks are relevant for the day. as for what filters I use, go through the links and websites I mentioned for newbies in a previous post. Theyll teach you what to do. Like I said, I'm not one to spoonfeed info. Not because of competition, but because I want people to learn things for themselves and show enough determination to research on their own.

>> No.525671

>Believe me, money buys happiness
fucking this.If you have money you will not care of everyday shit.
>hurr do i have money for rent,car
>is this too expensive may be i should reinvest.
I like your style anon

>> No.525739

easy, just be a trust fund baby

>> No.526051

Sorry if you already posted this, but do you know any sites or books to read to help learn?

>> No.526103

people like you are why no one ever posts useful information in this board. If you can't even be bothered to read the thread, why would anyone send you links to reading material?

enjoy never being successful

>> No.526118

I did read it. Either way, fuck off retard.

>> No.526124

Then your reading comprehension is terrible, because multiple sites were already provided.
....and I'm the retard?

>> No.526149


One of my best friends was a trust fund babby, and his trust just ran out. He's in his late 20s and has no idea how to work a real job. It's pretty sad.

>> No.526157

>Stocks? Startups? Real Estate?
Out of the 3, obviously startups. I can look at the CNBC feed and guess what's going up, plus macro, but you're not me and you'd lose money in stocks. You need a bubble to make money in real estate. But anyone with a decent idea can embezzle with kickstarter

>> No.526158

Ok, but this is >2014 and being a millionaire really isn't a big deal anymore. I wouldn't call someone with a net worth of $1 million "rich"

>> No.526182

Maybe not in New York, but it is in 2nd and 3rd world.

Million EUR can buy you lifetime of perfect life in Latvia, for example.

>> No.526238

hehehe huahauahauha


>> No.526243

Care to answer some questions to a complete beginner?

>> No.526255


Becoming a millionaire is just the first step in becoming a multi-millionaire. No one said you have to stop growing at 1m. Also, even if it is 2014, being a millionaire still puts you in the top percentile.

Depends. If they're not in the thread and they're not questions that can easily be answeredby googling, sure.

>> No.526261
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Well, as a total beginner I assume that starting with stocks that are safe, slowly growing, verified by time and issue dividents is the best thing to do? What is your opinion on dividents?

Also, what is the minimum of funds I should have before actually starting buying stocks?

>> No.526275


For the average stock, what would you set as a target profit? 5% above what you paid for it? 2.5%?

>> No.526279
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>> No.526281

I'm not an investment trader, I'm a day trader. Wouldn't be able to tell you. As for minimum, I believe I mentioned up above I wouldn't bother starting with less than 2k.

Eh. I aim for 5-10% per trade. If I'm having a crappy day and I need to scalp, then I settle for less.

>> No.526284


I enjoy when this happens to people, because it's what /biz/ enjoys having happen to everyone.

>> No.526285

At least call me a retard instead of posting le gifs.
I see, got five grands saved but though maybe that's not much and I'd need like ten or even fifty thousand.

>> No.526286


I could live the rest of my life in relative comfort on one million dollars with my current job and proper investments.

One million dollars in assets is a pretty big deal.

>> No.526292
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>> No.526295
File: 19 KB, 300x225, teeheee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we want to make 10k a year?

I don't need excessive riches, I just want to survive without being some manager's bitch.

>> No.526298

if you are good enough 10k would be cake but at the same time if you were good enough 10k wouldnt be enough

>> No.526309

>Eh. I aim for 5-10% per trade. If I'm having a crappy day and I need to scalp, then I settle for less.

Cool, thanks for the response.

I'm actually 19 right now, and have a few thousand to put into stocks. Finding your story pretty inspirational, to be honest. I'd love to daytrade, but I work two jobs and the nature of my work doesn't really allow for me to spend much time trading on the internet unfortunately.

I guess that leap of faith is what separates the poor and "safe" from those of us who made their wealth.

>> No.526315


You'd want to aim for something more like...say...5K (after taxes) a month.

>> No.526346

This faggots boasting hard he knows very basic shit definitely doesn't make 500k a yr tho

>> No.526354

How does one search for stocks exactly. I mean, it's obvious that you must research a stock through and through but where does one find ones to actually proceed your research with futher? Stock Market Activity?

>> No.526357

You mentioned before that you use SureTrader. Do you use the web app or the desktop app? It sounds like a retarded question, but I'm thinking about trying out the free paper trading feature and I'm wondering what I need in terms of features, etc.

>> No.526388


That amount of money would make me feel like a king. I really need to look into this.

>> No.526394

Wow. Either this is b8 or you are just a kid.
In the latter case, start off with your local library.
If you really know nothing start with these three books;

1) A Random Walk Down Wall Street

2) The Intelligent Investor

3) McMillan on Options

On the side for excitement's sake, you might want to check out anything by Michael Lewis.

>> No.526416

Getting a better job for starters.
Buy assets, not liabilities. (Car is a liability, Restaurant is an Asset (usually)
and yes Bonds and Real Estate.
It takes time but cash flow increases faster than inflation because most parts of the world are generally growing.

>> No.526420

>Restaurant is an Asset

>> No.526656

5-10% per day? I don't believe this for one second. It's hard to even find a single stock that moves 10% a day unless you're just trading penny stocks, might as well do crypto currency at that point.

>> No.526663

He said per trade, not per day. 10% is easily achievable for a professional.

>> No.526664

>good grades
>work hard

are you fucking retarted or something? why I'd like to be a fucking full-time worker and working for anyone ELSE dreams.

I'd rather being a lazy fucker and have people like you working for me.

>> No.526665

Yeah I know, but he said he closes his fucking positions every day.

I've made a couple 7% runs in the past month or two but they both took 2-5 days.

This guy hasn't posted one pic of proof and sounds like a pathological liar. I bet he makes money but he overstates the shit out of it, and started with a sizeable amount from his parents too.

>> No.526717


Shit, you're right. I like to come on /biz/ in my spare time and talk about the life I wish I had. How did you catch me?

I used SureTrader to papertrade and learn, I never used them as a broker myself. You should definitely use them to learn, I'm pretty sure it's the only one that hooks you up to live market data with level 2 quotes for most stocks. Some OTC's won't work on it though. Just make a new account every week and change your MAC address every 7 days to keep using it.

I'm not sure what to say to this other than you're not looking at the right stocks bud. Tons of micro-small cap stocks move enough for you to be able to make 5-10% on your investment. You're trying to tell me it's impossible to make 500 off a trade that you put 5k into? You're doing it wrong. Use a platform with filters, and use % Change to screen for stocks that have moved +/-10% in the day. There are quite a few, remember that there is money to be made whether they go up or down. There are even more stocks that move +/- 5$ in the day. I gave a general range of what I aim for, I didn't say I made at least 10% on every single trade that I've ever done.

I have no need to prove myself to anyone on here. Believe me, or don't. It doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever. Also, no. I had no help from my parents. My family was broke before this, I used my savings.

>> No.526719

+/- 5%, not $5.

>> No.526724

Goddamn. You must be black

>> No.526731

Hey bro thanks for all the info... I have always wanted to get stared but didn't know where to get stared. Much appreciated and I wish you continue with your success x1000.
Been thinking of reading the free course at babypips. Com but that is forex..

Why don't you do forex?

>> No.526751


Anon, thank you for all your info. Idc if you're fake or not, but just reading about the hard work people put into building themselves into a better person motivates me to get my ass in gear and start learning about the stock market. I'm 20 yrs old, studying to be an computer scienctist but obviously there is a shit ton of work/schooling necessary to succeed. I'm thinking of maybe taking some time off and dedicating my time to studying everything and anything that can help me break into the stock market and make some kind of profit. I just wanted to say thank you and hopefully I too will be on my way to making a great deal of money.

P.S. i will be frequenting this board every now and then for help/tips so i hope to see you posting.

>> No.526754

I am not sure about his reasons, but forex is more of a zero sum game, there is no underlying value as it is for the companies.

>> No.526774


>> No.526778


Like I said before, I've just never looked into forex. Stocks are the first thing I researched and actually got into, and the market interests me. I'm happy with where I am right now and it works for me. Maybe at some point down the road I'll explore forex. Also when I started out there seemed to be a lot more resources available that taught about the stock market compared to forex.

Any time man. Haha yeah some people just need that little push and they become a whole new person, this shit isn't as impossible as everyone makes it out to be. And yeah dude, take shit slow, it requires patience. Just dedicate a few hours of your time to studying shit on a daily basis, and don't rush into anything until your fairly confident you know what you're doing. Good luck man, in both the market and your studies. And for sure dude, I'll be on this board more often.

>> No.526783

To invest in dividend paying stock (thinking of Microsoft), what minimum amount of cash do you advise, /biz/ ?

>> No.526784


Can I do what you've done in the Australian market?

>> No.526790


I've got no idea, man. I only trade American markets.

>> No.526811

I am also in Australia, I guess we could do the same, after all he is in Canada. It would be a matter of time.

>> No.526862

Is there a broker here that does not charge $20/trade? I don't have much starting money and don't want to give most of my profit to cba.

>> No.526880

Get really lucky.

>> No.526883

What is a good trading forum, blog or community to follow and learn from?

>> No.526890


Read the thread, it's been covered

>> No.526893
File: 957 KB, 500x418, 1395361431659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. I get money from my work and know how to market myself thanks to the book.

>> No.526895

i did boss,

He mentioned trading platforms and news resources.... not any trading chans or shit like that

>> No.526899


I mentioned a forum as well as some blogs

>> No.526902

ill have to go back through

>> No.526931

What did you specifically learn from it? Sounds interesting

>> No.526932

No shit you stupid faggot

Stock screeners is the term you're looking for, and you'd have that internalized if you knew what you were talking about.

I already told you I have made several ~7% gains this year (SKX swing trade being one of them) but to say you can do that 100 times a year you're a fucking looney

>> No.526971

>A car is a liability
Oh god please don't start this bullshit again

>> No.526987

>(Car is a liability, Restaurant is an Asset (usually)
Do you even know what those words mean?

>> No.526999

sounds like someones mad cuz they suck.

What's stopping someone from making 5-10% a trade if there are stocks that jump 5-10% in a day?

>> No.527011

Asset is what makes you money now, not in the future! (c) Rich Dad

>> No.527024

Startups is the real answer but you already need to be a millionaire to play.

>> No.527027

Nothing in theory, I've done it myself. But it's really hard to get the EXACT bottom and sell at the EXACT top, there are almost always stutters

>> No.527036


Screeners, filters, and scanners are all the same thing and the term is used interchangeably. Just because you call it one thing, the rest of the world doesn't have to. Also, raging to prove a point stopped working when you turned 10. And also, learn to read. I said I AIM for 5-10%, not that I get it every time. I sometimes scalp, as I mentioned. But just because you can only get a handful of 7% gains, doesn't mean everyone else is incapable of it.

>> No.527040

you said earlier that you were good in school. I was also a straight A student. Just wondering if you felt like you had any other special skills that have helped you along the way. Lots of common sense? Mental calculation?

>> No.527049


Eh, perhaps the common sense/rationalism helped a bit. I feel like my mind works different from most ppl

>> No.527059

If anything I hope you ARE telling the truth because we do the same thing. Do you short or just use long positions? Maximum you are willing to hold for? I usually hold for 1-5 days my maximum being 12 days.

Do you keep a reserve of your buying power in index funds? Ever use margin?

>> No.527060

Hey guys I've been daytrading for around a year now and I've been making progress. I definitely can't say that I was positive in the beginning, but now I've been seeing consistent profits. I guess you could say I'm the early version of WnWU3ry2 one year in. If anybody has anything to ask to a new timer who've only just recently been seeing profits go ahead and ask.

Somethings to add to WnWU3ry2 stuff is econoday is a goldmine for newstimes.

Oh and mr. WnWU3ry2 if you would like to, I wanted chat with you. Nothing serious, I just wanted to make more trading friends.

>> No.527071

How much you make monthly
What do you do if you have a losing month?
Do you have plan B i case daytrading won't work out as you planned?

I'll soon be 22, I want to start a CS BCh(served 3 years in the navy), while learning daytrading slowly on the side, do you think its a good plan?

>everyone can post their opinion, not only the person I quoted

>> No.527080

If I have a losing month I re-evaluate my strategy. If it's not compatible with the sentiment of the market at the time you need to start doing something different like looking at futures or shorting. Even holding cash is better than losing $. In a bull market it's the easiest to make a shit load of gains on long positions because you know if a blue chip just had a major crash it was overhyped and will bounce back (at least temporarily) almost immediately.

By being a swing trader and not a daytrader I can work a full time career. Currently I have a very small business while going to college finishing my finance diploma. I'm then going tol work in a bank to make high net worth contacts and hopefully become a broker/senior analyst/corporate banker in less than 10 years.

A salary above 150k is my realistic goal (not including the profits of my solo investments)

My dream is a 7 figure salary which would be possible after being promoted to what I mentioned above

>> No.527081

Anywhere from 2.5k-4k
2. I haven't had a losing month yet (surprisingly), but ordinary, stick to the system that you trust and everything will work out in the end.
3. I have a lot of plan Bs: I still go to school, veteran status, work, anything?

Brother, we're actually very similar. I'm 23 years old, 5 years US army. I have no idea what CS BCh is (computer science?), but assuming that it's school related I'll tell you my story, it'll be quicker that way.

>18 joined army
>22 done 4 year contract
>started school with GI BILL (US gov. pays for my school incase you didn't know)
>during school hours I would study trading on the side while waiting for the bus or something.
>now I still go to school, and trade on the side.

Any more questions? Oh and by the way I'm looking to make friends who trade. I guess I'm trying to grow my social circle of people who I can relate work with?

>> No.527082

I have no idea who this guy is lol

>> No.527088


Yes, CS is computer science.
I'm not from the US. I plan on moving to Germany for school this/next year, right now I don't do much, I study math for 1-2 hours a day, go to the gym and basically chill. I'll start reading about the stock market and daytrading.
The problem is I have about 12k$ liquid right now, which I'm saving for school(living costs etc)

>> No.527095

>12k liquid for school
Like how a lot of people will say: Only trade risk capital aka: money you don't mind losing.

I trade futures so I can't say for stocks or options, but I honestly say you should start with 10k because you will lose a lot of money. So build up more capital before you trade if that's emotional money.

>> No.527099

That's fine. Just find a paper trading/stock simulation to practice. You don't have to daytrade I would actually advise against it. Get a career and just invest casually.

>> No.527112

Is that a catch 22.?

>> No.527164

Start-up literally means anything. For instance, for me it was start-up online trading. And there's also info online how to start-up your own stuff, you just have to have a passion for something.

>> No.527168

Oh and another nugget I've found was 4min trading discipline. Youtube it. I've saved episodes number: 1-6,9,15,16 on my computer incase it goes down.

>> No.527210

A lot of these videos mention having a 'system' and sticking to it. What's a system, and can you recommend a good one?

>> No.527214

buy low sell high

>> No.527220
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Just a set of rules you compose that indicate when you should do shit.

>> No.527229

Holy shit this thread is like /b/ , yeah let's all make money on the stock market because a video on YouTube will show you the magic that only works for you.. 4 minutes wasted.

>> No.527239

>what's a system?
A system is like a strategy guide that you stick to. Maybe something like buy at A then sell at B etc.

>Holy shit this thread is like /b/
Well it is 4chan after all. But in seriousness, you can definitely make money doing anything. it's up to you whether or not you believe in it. I was also skeptical when I started losing alot of money (like 10-20% of my account). Then I realized that the problem was me for not believing. After all, I don't gain anything in trying to convince you to do anything.

>> No.527240

what do you guys think about $baba?

should i invest now, or wait until it dips. been going pretty straight up this week

>> No.527260

Want to get rich? You need to own shit that makes you more money. You take that money, and you use it to buy more shit that makes you money.

Don't have any money? Make something with your own 2 hands and sell it or go work for someone else at a wage that will let you buy shit that makes you money.

Let it compound.

>> No.527269

I trade futures, not stocks or whatever that is.

>> No.527270

why? why trade stocks or futures or forex or..? whats the difference in the day trading world

>> No.527280

Just taste, I guess. I actually studied how to trade stocks first, but I then I thought it was too much work so I switched to options. Then I stopped studying options because I didn't like how it operated leaving me with futures. I don't think there is a difference in the trading world. Probably the only difference is that you gotta pay attention to different news events.

>> No.527282

You solve a problem people have for a price they can afford.

>> No.527298

Not that there's no such thing as a system that's guaranteed to always make money, etc. If there were, everybody would use it, and nobody would be making any money off it. Markets move because investors have thousahds - millions - of different systems, and prices move as money flows between them.

What a system really gives you is discipline. "Buy, hold, and hope it comes back if it moves against you" is not a system. Sometimes it goes to zero, or never comes back.

A system like "buy when these two moving averages cross, and sell when they cross in the other direction" isn't delivering value because there's anything magic about moving averages. It delivers value because it gives the trader a signal to sell before a small loss becomes a large loss. A disciplined trader will sell their stock when the system says to do so.

An undisciplined trader will say "Umm, maybe it'll go higher so I'll hold it..." and either devolve to "I hope it comes back", or worse, maybe it *does* go higher, but if they've already abandoned their system for some emotional idea, they now have no way of knowing when to sell.

tl;dr: The most important part about a system isn't the choice of indicators, it's the ability of the trader to stick to it.

>> No.527459

Can you expand on regards to the gurus please? Is it worth the money for a beginner to spend in sites like Profit.ly ? Could I learn and profit at the same time or is it just a scam?

Thank you.

>> No.527484

How much was your biggest loss? Just curious.

>> No.527697

Fuck retirement, fuck frugality bitch I want to fly sky high motha fucka.

>> No.527705

yeah i haven't seen a thread this helpful in a while your cool man

i work on the Friday-Sunday 50 hours and do nohtin mon-thu. I make a enough money i think i will start day trading once i feel comfortable paper trading. Thanks for all the tips

>> No.527787

I actually have an accounting exam next week,
will remember to put car under liability

>> No.527820
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I wonder if stocks are actually kind of viable. The idea of trading stocks actually seems kind of fun to me, like something I'd actually enjoy doing.

>> No.527821


I try to both short and use long positions, but I'm just personally more comfortable with shorting so most of my trades are shorts. Max I've ever held for is 2 days. Like 75% of the time I finish trades intraday, 24% I'll do overnight holds. Something like that. And no index funds, and I never buy on margin.

Yeah dude it takes some time to get going I guess, that's where a shitload of paper trading paid off for me. Once you start seeing consistent profits you just feel on top of the world though. And yeah sure, post your email.

See this can go two ways. If you're gonna pay for a guru service and follow them blindly and just try to copy their entry/exit using alerts, you're gonna fail and you're gonna run off preaching that it's a scam. However, if you use all the resources these gurus give you, listen to what they say, understand their reasoning, and do research of your own; you'll definitely be able to profit off of their teachings and the service will pay for itself. Lots of people say Tim Sykes is a scam. He isn't a scam, he's just a scumbag. His videos are quite helpful at times, and you can pirate his DVD's. However his live chat sucks, the decent traders in there rarely talk/explain what they're doing and it's just amateurs spewing off BS about what they think is going to happen when they have -10k records on profit.ly. InvestorsLive is a good chatroom, great videos, explains his trades, and he's a much better teacher imo. I tried both of them for a while and InvestorsLive was much better. His DVD is also much more educational than Tim's and I feel it's more indepth. This can also be pirated, since these gurus charge like 1k+ for dvd's. But yeah, like I said before, whether you profit or lose money is all up to you and how you use the info they give you.

In one day? I lost about 190k this year off one stock. Fucking ebola. Unpredictable. Broke my rules and didn't respect mental stops.

>> No.527823


No problem, man. And good luck with day trading! Make sure you do some research and educate yourself too, rather than just learn from paper trading.


Haha that's exactly what got me started dude. I needed money, looked into stocks, the idea of daytrading fascinated me.

>> No.527856


Her bro, if you're still here I wantd to ask for some advice. Basically, I'm nearly 22 in like ten days and though I had tons of interest in investing since I've been 17 depression and fear have stopped me from committing to being good at, so here I am, broke, and old, with little education. I was wondering if you think I should try to follow my goal of getting into a top ten university (personal reasons, this is my long term intermediary goal) or should I focus on trading. Is it possible to both?

>> No.527865

Dude I don't think you would use cba for trading. Maybe I markets. May be we Australians can use the dame software as our Canadian friend, I am not really sure as I am a noob.

>> No.527879


I'm no life advisor, but I'd say go for whatever option actually interests/motivates you. If you say you've been interested in investing for 5 years now, given that you've done adequate research and your due diligence, I say go for it. The fact that you're interested in it will drive you to be successful, it's motivating when it's something you actually want to do. It's definitely possible to do this and try to get into school as well, it all comes down to who you are as a person. Me, personally, I'll be the first to admit I wouldn't have been able to handle school and learning to trade at the same time along with a part time job when I first started. It would've been too much. However, that isn't to say it's impossible, people have balanced those things and been successful. You probably know yourself better as a person than I do, base your decision off your capabilities. Perhaps focus on trading until you're semi-decent at it and then work towards your other goal? You've got tons of time to turn your life around, 22 isn't old.


I'm fairly certain Interactive Brokers has an Australian division. Look into that.

>> No.527880

Hey bro thanks for expanding on regards to gurus.. Very much appreciated.

If you were to advice a beginner, where would you get them started? Is there something in particular that you think would be best learning first?

Just asking as trading seems to have so much info that it overwhelms any beginner and it is hard to know where to begin.

Once again thank you for taking the time to help us all.

>> No.527881


You're welcome. Read through the thread for the sites, blogs and forums I recommended for newbies, some others have also recommended some websites. There's really nothing specific to learn first, just explore the resources and you'll understand it in no time. You can also get a 2 week trial at Tim Sykes website I believe and go through his video library, I'm pretty sure he has several videos that teach basics for beginners. Just go on his site and wait for that little chatbox to pop up in the bottom right and ask for a trial.

>> No.527966

Hey WnWU3ry2 it's ycP0IPxr. Yeah I like to think of my losses as a "deposit" into the market and make a withdraw later lol, which I've already done so. Some people pay for services that educate them, and I choose to pay for my mistakes in order to educate myself. in the end we're educated and that's all that matters. Here's my e-mail:ycare123(a)hot...mail. It's a junk e-mail so if I don't get back to you right away don't think it's the wrong e-mail.

>where do I start?
To expand on WnWU3ry2, I say head over to investopedia and read/watch everything. If you head over the gurus right away, sometimes they talk in a manner that newbies won't understand using technical jargon.

>> No.527968

Tu esi latvietis?

>> No.527970

Jaa, esmu.

>> No.527988


>Make $30K in 7 days
Are you for real Tim Sykes sounds like a complete scam.

How is that any different from
>Soccer mom makes $5K a week find out how.

>> No.528002

30k in a week is completely feasible. Very often? Probably not, but feasible for some people.

And you would be surprised how many "soccer moms" make 5k in a week.

>> No.528017


300k in sixty minutes is feasible.

It's just a matter of how much you're willing to prioritize actually learning the skills to get there. Most people have a 100:1 ratio of greed to patience, so they'll never be able to independently reach and successfully sustain figures like that without someone handing it to them.

>> No.528105

Tfw you are being ironic but right. There's not enough for everyone to live a rich life. Everyone will always lose no matter what you do.

>> No.528120

>There's not enough for everyone to live a rich life. Everyone will always lose no matter what you do.
There is enough if people don't sit on their ass.

>> No.528154

How do I start? I need steps by steps, I have aspergers.

>> No.528158

Get autismbux

>> No.528197

>Also, if you're Canadian, you only get taxed on 50% of your profits.
Why would you pay 50% tax when you could incorporate and pay a much lower tax? For instance you would probably qualify for a small business and pay only 17% tax.

>> No.528198

>How do I get rich?
Hory shit. I can't believe I didn't think to ask this question before.

>> No.528228

You don't pay 50% tax. The capital gains you make say ($2,000) only ($1,000) 50% would be taxable. So whichever your tax rate was is taxed on that $1,000. if 17% tax you'd pay $170 on capital gains of $2,000.

>> No.528576

Fantastic, Thank you!

That info helps a tone. 4 chan has paid off with this single post and the answers within.
Thanks heaps

>> No.528585

Bro from what I gather... What I am going to do. I could be wrong.

Steps to get started:
1. www.Investopedia.com Read a shitload there.

2. www.piratebay.com = Download everything on Timothy Sykes and Investorslive Learn as much from that.

3. Open paper trading account with one of the sites mentioned earlier.

4. Develop a system of trading, practice a shitload until making profit 4 out of 5 trades. At the same time continue learning via Youtube or forums on the sites provided earlier.

5. Create a Margin account (not sure how) but only trade with your actual money, benefits are instant payment.


Well those I are the steps I am taking to hopefully learn... I am a total noob so I am not sure those steps are correct, only going by what the other guys have said.

I hope this helps.

>> No.528591

pretty good plan so far.

There's one thing I want to convey to you, however it's very difficult how to explain this.

You see, there is an important aspect of trading that not a lot of people will teach you (actually I've only seen one person ever teach it). All the factors we've spoken on here apply to trader that it applies to. What I'm trying to say is that there are different types of personalities and they have different trading methods. What Sykes does, as far as I remember, he shorts penny stocks and trades intraday only. My trading style is COMPLETELY different.

I tried a lot of different trading styles until I've landed on the perfect one. In other words I've lost a lot of money trading the wrong styles until I found the right one. All I can say is: learn yourself before learning how to trade. But of course, learning terminology and technical words is a good start.

Hope this helped.

>> No.528603

if you start with $3000, how long until you should expect to double that?

>> No.528619

I think every bit helps...

Do you remember who thought that particular thing you were talking about? " (actually I've only seen one person ever teach it)"

>> No.528813

the guy I mentioned in my previous post "disciplined trader 4 min videos" check him out in youtube.

3k is not enough to even open an account.
25k for stocks
5k for futures.
I don't know about options.
Get more capital before you start.

>> No.528968

suretrader lets you open an account with $500

>> No.529257

Oh really, my mistake. However, my previous warning still stands, get more capital before you start, you will lose a lot of money.

Now that I'm sober I'll illustrate another two warning for new comers.
1. Paper trading is not real trading. There are such things as queue times and market fills. Therefore, some trading techniques are dead (not really, but to you they are) and should be avoided. You will understand what I mean when you start to learn, everybody teaches you which techniques are obsolete unless you wanted to "donate" to the free market aka lose money.

2. I highly recommend using the free platform ninjatrader in order to practice/paper trade. It doesn't take any money for you to make an account and use their platform, however it does take money to trade for real. They have something that no other platform has, as far as my knowledge goes, and that is the "market replay". It isn't like most other trading platforms that "insta-fills" you in positions, it has some algorithm to fill you similarly to the real market. Since you have no idea what I'm talking about, just do it.

Looks like this thread is dead. If there are any more questions feel free to ask, I won't be here forever.

>> No.529306

Capitalism in a nutshell.

>> No.529518

If you started with 25k, how much could you make in 12 months?

>> No.529524

The best way to learn to trade is to lose your first wad. Lose all of it. Just get fucking hammered thinking you know it all when you actually know jack shit.

That was me in 1999-2000. Lost 25k in 3 months. Had a pretty good first month, got cocky and lost it all because I thought I fucking knew it all. Looking back, its scary how little I actually knew.

BUT in the long run, it made me a much better trader when I made my second attempt years later. I knew the reality of how easy it was to lose everything. I thought everything was gonna be so easy.

>> No.529547

As an absolute noob where do I start? What is the first thing I should do? What websites, blogs, etc

>> No.529572
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>> No.529587

>That was me in 1999-2000. Lost 25k in 3 months.
This makes me scared of investing ;_;

>> No.529611

>There are several ways to make money with real estate, buying holding selling is one, rental property business, commercial real estate, developing land , flipping etc. it really depends in your skill set

There are also various ways to control real estate with options that don't require large sums of money to do and requires more advertising and people skills instead.

>> No.529621

Try reading investopedia guide, though I do admit there's just overwhelming amount of information and books to read through for a total beginner, but you'll have to sort out a plan yourself.

>> No.529624

It's the difference between (bad) luck and knowing what you do.
I lost over half my money too the first time investing, got scared and ran away. Now I realize I just didn't know what I was doing.
Two people in my family started investing (with good results) and they spend countless hours a day on it. That made me realize how stupid I was :P

>> No.529662


No idea, I started with less than that.

This guy gets it. Man looking back at my losses, they seem so small now compared to how big they were when I lost it. By the way are you a full time trader now?

Scared because you might lose? Trading is not the profession for you brother.

Do you still trade? which market?

>> No.529673

Startup "culture" is the most depressing thing ever. It's like a black hole of desperation and sycophancy. And indians.

>> No.529679


that doesn't really mean anything though because you basically have to be a millionaire to fuck around with real estate

>> No.529684

you can count on legal system intervention to butcher whatever you have and give it to relations based on who "needs" it. They can do this on a whim.

>> No.529697


You can read the thread. Lots of links and basic info.

>> No.529708

Hey goy!
Question: Which paper trading platform is the most realistic? With commissions etc.. And which one did you use? SureTrader seems too complicated

>> No.529714
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Ah wonderful a day trader. Ive been looking forward to getting into day trades myself but i lack the start up funds atm, which i guess is good because that prevents me from rushing into things...with that being said Do you use Fibonacci levels when you trade? I always take everything i read and watch with a grain of salt especially when they want to sell me something along with thier advice

>> No.529720

I swear like everyone on 4chan is 22 like what the hell

>> No.529727


Too complicated how? SureTrader is probably the best paper trading platform out there. It incorporates fill times to some extent, uses short sale restriction, only allows shorts if the shares are available, and I do believe there is a way to see commissions on it, I just can't remember the exact option. SureTrader, although it can look a bit archaic, is actually a very straight forward and simple platform.

Read the thread please, I don't believe in anything except the basic technicals. More often than not, all those advanced forms of analysis have done nothing for me.

>> No.529728


Well, SureTrader's platform is actually Das Trader but you get the point.

>> No.529759

what did you not know? could you give a brief recap?

>> No.529794

I'm actually 23

>> No.529811

Do you know of any resource that breaks down the suretrader desktop software for dummies? I downloaded the software and had no idea what I was looking at.

>> No.529850


Really? Did you try google? Takes 10 seconds.

>> No.529907

>I don't believe in anything except the basic technicals. More often than not, all those advanced forms of analysis have done nothing for me.

I'm actually using some basic analysis indicators such as MACD, and ichimoku. Not that I believe that they are a future-predicting machine, but it's what the "masses" sees and hold some power to an extent. But the old saying is still true, "price is the best indicator."

>> No.529945

Fucking this.

>> No.529954

Price is literally the worst indicator because it is not an indicator

>> No.529964

It's just a saying. There is a deeper meaning behind it.

>> No.529970

Can someone shed some light on this? I would like to give paper-trading a try with suretrader. Now let's say someone does well consistently and decides they want to try their hand at real trading. What's the difference? What is there to remember so that you don't learn the wrong way?

>> No.530192

That is actually extremely helpful.

>> No.530213

Go learn. Right now you're asking about learning about learning. Do you think anybody taught me how to trade? Do you think I could ask questions to a book or wall of text? Nope. Your making lions out of kittens (or however the quote goes). Just jump in that 3 feet pool you sissy.

>> No.530240

I did that once, almost drowned

>> No.530612


Well, yeah. The people with actual solid ideas for startups and have the drive to make them work ... start up.

>> No.530631

story of my life, tl; dr version

>wasted 3 years
>will finish high school at 20 and a half
>currently 18 and doing a 7-15 job that gives me little money

i plan on learning some trade skills like plumber/electrician/etc while i still am on high school and after i finish, i was thinking about accounting, does this soung like a good idea?

>> No.530945


I know right? It's because most of grew up together shit posting since we were like 16. People who say 18 or so probably aren't and are most likely from reddit. I turn 22 next week.

>> No.531094

Try googling info on how the software works. All you get is links from suretrader where they just talk about the features and why you should use their software. Nothing that explains how to use it or what everything does or is used for.

This software is confusing af

>> No.531201
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took 0.48 seconds. Read the thread, platform is Das Trader. Not SureTrader.

>> No.531856

aw shit nigga it's $3,000 to open an account if you're under 25 instead of 10k

that's definitely an incentive not to put it off