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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52372809 No.52372809 [Reply] [Original]

Share your experiences and expertise with other anons

>> No.52372870

I play Civ 5 but starting to get bored, not profitable either

>> No.52372980
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saving my christmas and birthday money i get from grandma and mommy

>> No.52373434

Etsy is pretty good for side hustles. People 3d print, paint, Lazer etch stuff for custom nameplates etc.

>> No.52373469

Good point any headers, how to start (not the typical youtube jargon) but like genuine growth hacks? Make friends buy like 10 items and ge tthe ball rolling, buy ads ...?

>> No.52373504
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I steal electricity, water and wifi from my neighbors

>> No.52373531

You could buy Facebook ads or whatever, yeah. If you're making something normie tier, then you will find more luck selling it locally since there won't be much competition, you could probably even double the price selling locally too, since boomers won't even dare to search on the internet.