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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52350605 No.52350605 [Reply] [Original]

SBF ran a sex cult
He ran FX from a Bahamas penthouse were all 10 senior employees lived and had polyamorous sexual relationships and drug fuelled sex parties influenced by the ideology of "Effective altruism" and Peter Singer's writings.

>> No.52350635

It’s so funny because all of them are grotesque cretins.

>> No.52350664
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It just gets better and better

>> No.52350710

>Several housemates, including Bankman-Fried and Ellison, are active participants in effective altruism, a movement that “aims to find the best ways to help others,” possibly through philanthropy.

Fucking cocksuckers were fellating eachother while donating away other peoples money

>> No.52350720 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52350723

Kek Constance was getting railed the whole time instead of doing her job

>> No.52350728

Employees living together like this seems fucking weird.

>> No.52350744

welcome to tech houses bro

>> No.52350745

>Among his nine housemates are FTX co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Gary Wang, FTX Director of Engineering Nishad Singh and Ellison of Alameda
>Ellison of Alameda

>> No.52350751 [DELETED] 
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I wonder if the stolen money will be returned to FTX users

>> No.52350758

>Bahamas penthouse
How is a bahamas penthouse an effective way to use your money to help people.

>> No.52350761

>All 10 are, or used to be, paired up in romantic relationships with each other.
>All 10

>> No.52350775
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>they hire you
>the pay is seven figures
>you have to participate in their orgies

>> No.52350779

One wonders what else he ran out of the bahamas.

But yeah. was FTX a money laundering front for illegal black market activities?

After all, in a cashless society, human traffickers, arms dealers and drug dealers still need a means of exchanging money.

What better place to do that than FTX, owned and operated by one of Biden's top political donors? After all, Biden's policies are what bring in all the undocumented humans ripe for the trafficking.

What did Sam do with all the money?

>> No.52350796

at least they looksmatched. there was the other thread and it had pictures of a fewof them off their twitter profiles

>> No.52350806

Effective altruism is an interesting scam because it's specifically targeted towards narcissi tic intellectuals who are allergic to admitting they've been scammed.

>> No.52350807

Imagine if Sammy becomes the center of the next pizzagate, aimed at Bidenstein (from Frankenstein)

>> No.52350820

It's not really...
You pay all their expenses and bring them out to the house/office to live
Plenty of youtubers live like that

>> No.52350827

>celebs live like that it's not weird
It is weird, have you ever lived in the real non-youtube world

>> No.52350838
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Was my beautiful Caroline involved? Did they defile my perfect girl?

>> No.52350856

Yes, she's one of the 10.
>Ellison of Alameda

>> No.52350858

Wow the biggest liberal donor was a drug addled sex freak weirdo (100% pedo as well guaranteed) what an absolute shocker!

>> No.52350875 [DELETED] 

someone post the caroline 4chan fat cheek hamster gangbang screencap plz

>> No.52350895

Penthouse in Albany Bahamas
Search Albany resort and it’s founders lol

>> No.52350913 [DELETED] 

You just know lil Caroline took all that Jewish, Asian and Poojeet dick 24/7 in all of her holes. Imagine the smell.

>> No.52350948

It's carover...

>> No.52350953 [DELETED] 

No, and it's better this way. No good /biz/nisman is philosemitic enough to have used FTX, so the only ones who lost money were niggerjewloving normalfags and plebbitors. And they deserved it.

>> No.52350973
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This can't be happening

She was meant to me!

>> No.52351003

Wheres this from

>> No.52351012
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>> No.52351018

fucking nightmare fuel.

>> No.52351027

>Many are former co-workers from quantitative trading firm Jane Street, others he met at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, his alma mater. All 10 are, or used to be, paired up in romantic relationships with each other. That includes Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison, whose firm played a central role in the company's collapse – and who, at times, has dated Bankman-Fried, according to people familiar with the matter.

>At times

Utilitarians really do become the most degenerate freaks.
Oh yeah let's date then you fuck a few of our coworkers then we date some more then you fuck a few more of them.
These "people" live like animals.

>> No.52351049
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imagine being cucked by this

>> No.52351055 [DELETED] 
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>It’s so funny because all of them are grotesque cretins.
You spelled "jews" wrong.

>> No.52351062

The size of those sams

>> No.52351065

Peter Singer is based, but he would oppose such capitalistic degeneracy.

>> No.52351074

I thought everyone knew that effective altruists from LessWrong are usually polyamorous.

>> No.52351087

>ran a sex cult
what does this even mean nowadays? everything is a "cult". A guy who gets laid a lot now is running a "sex cult". Why do words not have meaning now?

>> No.52351093


>> No.52351119

Everyone here should read this article. Not skim, read it.

>> No.52351122

Imagine the smell

>> No.52351123
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>FTX and Alameda employees CoinDesk interviewed say they have been kept in the dark about the events of the past week,
>“It’s been radio silence from Sam,”
>Bankman-Fried finally addressed employees later on Wednesday – a week after a CoinDesk article set the crisis in motion

>“Some employees kept their life savings on FTX,” the second anonymous employee told CoinDesk. “We trusted that everything was fine.”

SBF even kiked his own employees.

>> No.52351143

What the fuckkkk hahahha

>> No.52351146 [DELETED] 


Today on "Jew's Acting Typically"

>> No.52351152

Peter Singer did a podcast with sam friedman and praised him as one of his acolytes.

>> No.52351191
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>Capitalism: The Movie

>> No.52351221

That's pretty much all poly groups. Working in silicon valley in my expat years; and all the known poly groups at the office were all repulsive people. The only women among them that had a decent body, was an utter butherface with a gross deep wrinkle granny Merkel mouth despite being in her early 30s. All the married couples among them lowkey hated their spouse and cannot recall them ever making eye contact. They were great to play D&D with though.

>> No.52351225
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>SBF ran a sex cult

>> No.52351227

The dude fooled a lot of people with his 'genius autist' act.

>> No.52351248

I met Gary and one of the other roommates who wasn’t named. They’re both cool guys, and despite people thinking everyone there is dumb, they’re actually very very smart. Doesn’t mean they can’t make mistakes though. Those two were more coders than traders as I understood it.

>> No.52351249
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does that mean caroline is no longer a virgin? i could have saved her!

>> No.52351269
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He could date models and yet he chose my Caroline. You know why? She is a special girl. You can see her beautiful heart on her face

I am proud to be cucked

>> No.52351271
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>others he met at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, his alma mater
The usual suspects

>> No.52351280

Bro this is some of the weirdest fucking shit I've seen. I don't want to go any further down this disgusting rabbit hole.

>> No.52351283

Sorry buddy, she got gangbanged several times a week

>> No.52351295

Never claimed they were dumb on an intellectual level -- just the opposite, in fact. The point is, these people deliberately committed fraud and will end up serving long prison sentences.

>> No.52351296

damn this shit runs deep


>> No.52351297

>It just gets better and better
zipit zpalm

>> No.52351298
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>> No.52351303

Imagine his huge jewish cock pounding caroline for hours on end

>> No.52351311
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A threesome occurred between these people.

This timeline

>> No.52351317

Why do you think they chose to be based in the Bahamas? Do the math.

>> No.52351326

When does this kike unlock withdrawals?

>> No.52351332

Tribuchet is a pure boy he dindu nuffin

>> No.52351334

What does this mean? You shouldn't trust ugly people?

>> No.52351337

Oh yeah absolutely. They seemed so chill, hard to imagine they were pulling stuff this bad. Wonder who knew and who didn’t too.

>> No.52351339 [DELETED] 

someone shouldve told them
>with jews you lose

>> No.52351354

How is America so corrupt...

>> No.52351356

having no risk management and being a utilitarian makes one a midwit, but certainly not very very smart. Being good at doing math doesn't equal being smart. just look at all the bad genes they express

>> No.52351357
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>> No.52351360

>unlock withdrawals
FTX is insolvent, there's nothing to withdraw

>> No.52351369 [DELETED] 

Tabbaco was a gay jew and you NEVER trust a GAY JEW.

>> No.52351385

Lobbying shouldn't be legal, most countries around the world just call lobbying "corruption"

>> No.52351400

In what circumstances would you trust a straight Jew then?

>> No.52351433

Didnt a Congressman get reports saying that Gensler was trying to help SBF get a regulatory monopoly in the US? Fucking hell

>> No.52351436
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>having no risk management and being a utilitarian makes one a midwit

>> No.52351445
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The semitic mindset...

>> No.52351457

Imagine being a female jew

>> No.52351459


>> No.52351470 [DELETED] 

jews are gross

>> No.52351471

The problem is that America has a political party called "Republicans" who live off corporate bribery. They make a lot of noise about cultural wedge issues in order to get the proles to validate their own continued impoverishment.

>> No.52351477

I love jewesses, they're the closest a woman can get to thinking like a man and still have the right chromosomes. Ugly as hell though

>> No.52351480

lol can't make this shit up
incidentally i wonder how many crypto founders were GATE kids groomed from elementary school for their present roles

>> No.52351499

You are literally in a thread about a guy who donated billions he stole from users to the dems. No amount of real life data can change your programming, they did a good job on you

>> No.52351521

quoting other people without adding anything to the discussion and attaching a lame wojak makes one a dimwit

>> No.52351538
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>> No.52351570

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.52351585

Surely someone with billions of dollars to gamble, could do better than that batch of IVF rejects for his orgies? Like, why not splurge on a couple 4/10's to really spice things up?

>> No.52351598

>a guy who donated billions he stole from users to the dems.
You wish, retard.

>No amount of real life data can change your programming
Link to me making any claim about the quantity of donations by any individual to any party? No? Because you are a drooling dumbfuck.

>they did a good job on you
Nice self-description, mongoloid. What you accurately call "corruption" only exists because Republicans have legalized it.

>> No.52351601
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>The usual suspects

>> No.52351613

are you saying that philanthropy/charity is fundamentally a scam then? or that EA only drives them towards scammy charities

>> No.52351627

Not him but yes to both.

>> No.52351630

>Citizens United is not a rightwing Republican decision
lol good one retard

>> No.52351650

>Democract damage control.
Fuck off, shill.

>> No.52351657


>> No.52351659

doesn't matter, everyone is out to take the largest bite of the pie and narcissistic individuals love to have the moral upper hand for virtue signalling purposes without actually following through

>> No.52351681

The altruism bullshit has real cult vibes, same with how he pushed his employees to invest in ftx themselves. Like a ponzi sex cult, how Jewish.

>> No.52351692
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>its real
>sometimes very smart people have a very bad idea
picrel comes to mind instantly also the article is on 9/11 lol

>> No.52351703

sometimes, very smart people have no moral compass aka. have no soul

>> No.52351736
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Sweet Caroline.

>> No.52351748
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>> No.52351750

>cultists taking aim at cultists
You Milady retards never cease to amaze with your lack of self awareness.

>> No.52351766

Alameda’s website is down lol

>> No.52351767
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>> No.52351774
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>That includes Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison, whose firm played a central role in the company's collapse – and who, at times, has dated Bankman-Fried, according to people familiar with the matter.

>> No.52351790

wow I can't believe anti-semitism like this is allowed on twitter now

>> No.52351835
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Tag yourself

>> No.52351842

He couldn't fool the schizos. Schizos are always right.

>> No.52351850

pfp nfts are supposed to be cults
and milady is an incredibly resilient one

>> No.52351863

>All 10 are, or used to be, paired up in romantic relationships with each other. That includes Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison, whose firm played a central role in the company's collapse – and who, at times, has dated Bankman-Fried, according to people familiar with the matter.
He fucked the chipmunk

>> No.52351864

I wanted to buy miladies but he liquidated me of my last 10k ten days ago

>> No.52351877

Meanwhile is /biz/ bungalow

>> No.52351900

i bought dozens of miladies and I'm not selling until we flip bored apes

>> No.52351920

>He couldn't fool the schizos.

>Schizos are always right.
No, they just have a low false-positive trust rate

>> No.52351927

I browse here all the time but I would never get physically near anybody from /biz/

>> No.52351942

Do you think all the biz jannies live in the same basement?

>> No.52351992

It's amazing how genetics influence behavior. We saw the same pattern with Epstein.

>> No.52352051

clott adams in the thread

>> No.52352163

So when do we get saucy pics of the goblin girl?

>> No.52352204
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>future pincushion chimes in

>> No.52352359

you shouldn't trust kikes

>> No.52352392

its like being... a double jew

>> No.52352410
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>Was my beautiful Caroline involved? Did they defile my perfect girl?

You mean GAPER gal?
You can toss a silver dollar into her without hitting the sides.

>> No.52352424

I let one of my employees rent out my spare room. Nothing weird about it except that he might hear my gf when we have sex. She's a screamer.

>> No.52352594

Stop taking jews at their word

>> No.52352649
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Smurfette was the hardest smurfing smurf in the whole bohemian smurf kingdom. It takes a lot of smurf to smurf up with pappa and the other smurfs all by herself.

Here are her favorite quotes:

“Being a bystander to smurfing is not an option.”

“If doing the most smurf you can for others means that you are also smurfing, then that is the best possible outcome for everyone.”

“We do not have to make self-sacrifice a necessary element of smurf. We can regard people as smurf because of the kind of smurfs they have rather than because they are sacrificing their smurfs.”

“Target smurfs you care about that other people mostly don’t, and take advantage of strategies other people are biased against using.”

“Be brave and valiant agents of reason and smurf.”

“As the area of our knowledge grows, so does the perimeter of our smurf."

>> No.52352666
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>and will end up serving long prison sentences.
Is this your first jew-run ponzi scheme experience?

>> No.52352692

We truly live in a Society.

>> No.52352717

>>the pay is seven figures
Of FTT lmao

>> No.52352720

No, you?

>> No.52352789

I knew he was a midwit fraud the moment I saw his interview with David Schwartz. David knew exactly what he was talking about and came across as extremely intelligent and knowledgable while SBF looked lost the entire time and couldn't keep up.

>> No.52352808

>who donated billions
Millions, and lobbying goes back a lot further than this one guy, this one election.

>> No.52352932

> t. untrustworthy uggo

>> No.52352976

Some nice perky A cup breasts on this dude

>> No.52353000
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>> No.52353235

god bless the anon that always has the right picture on his dirty pc folders

>> No.52353257

you shouldn't trust white people that look inbred

>> No.52353473

They are too autistic to pull even average women without paying them off and doing it with straight up prostitutes isn’t even fun

>> No.52353511

lmfao jesus. imagine working in crypto, being around it for years and STILL keeping your life savings on an exchange.... fucking rule number one is to never do that.

>> No.52353587

So the Sam/Caroline beanbag sex tape is real then, right?

>> No.52353610

extremely popular among alums of elite colleges in big cities, even after they get FAANG jobs. you live with your friends & save on rent.

>> No.52353639

(((white))) nice try at deflecting moshe

>> No.52353642

Number four: Never get high on your own supply.

>> No.52353668

Everyday I am reminded that the only thing Hitler did wrong was not finish the job

>> No.52353680


>save on rent

They were worth BILLIONS

>> No.52353699

I feel like living with your coworkers must be so awful I bet they all hate each other and would never talk to each other again once the money runs dry

>> No.52353753


>> No.52353757

sure, I'm talking about run-of-the mill $300k/yr FAANGers. Alameda did it because it is fun. if you have never experienced it then you'll never know.

>> No.52353778

Imagine the smell

>> No.52353784

oh no no no

based schwartz appreciator, link to interview? Google gives me nothing

>> No.52353793


>> No.52353828

you're the one trying to obscure the meaning of words, kike
we all know what a sex cult is

>> No.52353857
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>> No.52353862

how is this a sex cult then? there's a trend of people not using words correctly and using them to fit their narrative

>> No.52353899

>a group of friends decide they can fuck each other freely
>this is a cult
It just makes them all friends with benefits with each other.

>> No.52353934

the effective altruism shit is the cult part

>> No.52354039

>“Some employees kept their life savings on FTX,” the second anonymous employee told CoinDesk. “We trusted that everything was fine.”
This is another repeat of Enron / WorldCom.

>> No.52354040

What is the 'astronaut' image from?

>> No.52354081

Unbelievable how many literal kikes on /biz/ trying to ignore this news or play it off ironically like it's no big thing. Nepotistic kikes steal billions and nothing happens. If a goy did this he'd be locked up for life. So you lot are either kikes in on it or severely retarded.

>> No.52354102

op called it a sex cult, where is the sex cult aspect

>> No.52354114

>Just because they have orgies and are in a cult of effective altruism doesn't make it a sex cult

>> No.52354125

The scale of their evil is, naturally, Biblical.

>> No.52354143

yeah it's really unbelievable

>> No.52354175

No amount of money on earth could get me in an orgy with SBF

>> No.52354181


This shit is also pure delusional gold. This is literally how fried bankman viewed himself. Anyone who fell for this garbage deserves to stay poor.

>> No.52354198

Haha yeah haha

>> No.52354307
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>Oh nooo, they're having pre-marital sex and smoking the devil lettuce!!!!
Why should I give a single fuck?

>> No.52354339

See now maybe some people will see the Jew shit now that Ye has spoken out. These aren’t just “young, super smart” people. They are Jews. They didn’t go to MIT for brilliance, they went because they’re Jews. They didn’t start these fantastically funded and promoted hedge funds (BANKS) due to sharp business models. They got them because they’re Jews. Hopefully people see. They won’t.

>> No.52354340
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Ben posted a letter yesterday where a dev from a project SBF tanked pretty much said that FTX was mossad backed.

>> No.52354356

>As in bitboy, no longer bitgoy

>> No.52354412


>> No.52354446

This was the fundamental reason I never got into ftx

>> No.52354463

>nothing happens
It's only been a few days, retard.

>> No.52354472

sir please
do not say "jews"
they are individuals
not a cohesive group

>> No.52354508

Honestly wtf else are you going to do with billions if not stuff a house full of fuckable pussy? Like really? After you got the houses, cars, travels, yacth honestly? Your not going to have at least 3-4 women paid to just hang out and except cock on a whim?

>> No.52354574

>it’s another episode of rich people are into really degenerate shit because their brains are fried from too much money
Color me surprised. Turns out shocker, it’s actually really mentally unhealthy to have more money than you could ever spend at your personal command

>> No.52354576

Stop trying to make this a moral issue. The issue is that through nepotism retarded kids were given billions of dollars with no accountability. I have total faith in the kids ability to have sex and do drugs.

>> No.52354592
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>"synagogue of satan"
who cares what we call them at this point?
Verification not required.

>> No.52354629

Names remain important, even as our war against them really begins.

>> No.52354654

fellanthropy lmao

>> No.52354665
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>> No.52354684

gamer house

>> No.52354720

EA targets people who want to feel superior about their charity donations actually going to something bc yes, most of them are indeed scams, but if you dig into it you find that most of the charities and causes they want people to donate to just happen to be ones that the biggest EA proponents control.

Like totally not sus at all that AI researchers make a big deal out of trying to squeeze as much money as they can out of autists because "AI WILL SAVE THE FUTURE"

>> No.52354723

NOOOO I was saving myself Caroline how could you do this to me??

>> No.52354745

>even as our war against them really begins
lol the cryptotard revolution is here, is it?

>> No.52354761

Yeah, Crypto makes central banking obsolete look into it.

>> No.52354781

but why

>> No.52354796
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kim dotcom just posted this and said he talked to SBF yesterday and said that he would likely go to jail

>> No.52354810

>A cult of $500 nft shitposters
>A cult of Jews that steal billions from retail
They're literally le same thing

>> No.52354819

If anything crypto is chiefly Jewish, because of the history of crypto-Jews. No, the war is in heaven and on earth, as they say.

>> No.52354840

i could go for something like this

>> No.52354851

You know what I found interesting?

SBF was working on regulation with DCCPA, and the head of the SEC is Gary, a tribesmen.

SBF was one of the top Democrat donors, only second to Soros, a tribesmen.

SBF frauded billions with FTX, reminding everyone of what happened with celsius and Mashinsky, a tribesmen.

SBFs fraud is so big it reminds people of Bernie Madoff, another tribesmen.

>> No.52354858
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if u have money on kucoin might wanna pull it bros

>> No.52354875

reddit moment

>> No.52354887


>> No.52354893

retard moment

>> No.52354919

What we know is that they aren't "really" Jews-- insofar as Jew really means anything at all. They're Babylonians who practice human sacrifice.

>> No.52354932

I have some LUNC that's down by like 30% on there. I don't think trezor wallets can accept lunc.
Maybe it's time I swapped it for BTC or ETH. I will be very sad if anything happens to Kucoin

>> No.52354957

they're not getting anywhere near prison

>> No.52354980

Madoff, retard.

>> No.52355013

jfc you're so stupid it's not even funny

>> No.52355050
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Why do you assume that everyone falls under this golden rule?

I make 60,000 a year. For me that's a lot of money because I don't have any desires to spend it on shit
For me having 100k in the bank and having 100 billion is the exact same
Like throwing money on sex and drugs sounds like such an exhausting ordeal. I can't stand being in a bar for more than 30 minutes but having weekend long orgies in a crammed Bahamas apartment sounds like an actual nightmare after your first COOM

People who gravitate towards depraved actions would gravitate toward them even if they had only a dollar to their names

Money and power doesn't turn people degenerate
They were already degenerate to start with

>> No.52355055

>t. delusionally invincible jewboy

>> No.52355082

Kucoin is so unregulated they might as well be a Black Market

If any exchange would survive, it's Kucoin because they're not beholden to anyone and even if they were good luck trying to get this literal borderline criminal exchange to pay their debts

>> No.52355102

>he forgot about tradeogre
That exchange has operated inside a Chinese restaurant produce basement for years without a single hiccup

>> No.52355111

You are unbelievably retarded and amoral, and I'm glad you will be scammed out of all your money.

>> No.52355118

Based polpot/elon enjoyer

>> No.52355130

I can see the worm turning, anon. Even normies are starting to react to Jewish trickery. I hope at Bankman goes down, Gensler would be best, but Bankman is a nice head on the wall, like Epstein or Weiner.

>> No.52355149

>I can't stand being in a bar for more than 30 minutes but having weekend long orgies in a crammed Bahamas apartment sounds like an actual nightmare after your first COOM
That changes after your first line of cocaine.

>> No.52355152
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Are you a homosexual?

Also Kucoin futures gambling is one of the absolute best ways to earn money hands down

>> No.52355164
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>> No.52355168
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I already trade on high leverage. If I do Cocaine my heart would explode

>> No.52355196

Boomers got lazy and boomer CEOs/majority shareholders/politicians saw an opportunity to make a shitload of money. It has happened in many empires many times before. Now the question is: can the US right the ship or are we heading to the graveyard in slow motion?

>> No.52355240

Yeah but that's because Madoff ripped off jews more than he ripped off gents. Is that the case for FTX too?

>> No.52355262

>dude logic and biological functions are not real, they're just like... chemicals and words
>everyone should just be a sociopathic criminal dick like me, then the total instability of society would itself be a kind of stability
I feel bad for anti-social parasites like you, you will never get it or be able to participate in any social aspect of life in a meaningful sense. You think you are strong, yet everything shows that society and individuals both are strongest when they manages to minimize their exposure to purely harmful individuals like you, and on your own or with others like yourself you can create nothing.
The very fact that a parasite like you push Kucoin is the strongest possible indicator that it's a scam, and doomed.

>> No.52355264

Yup. Hell there are real life examples of this, did Notch turn evil and/or degenerate? No, he just wasted some money on a lame mansion and called it a day

>> No.52355282
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>> No.52355292
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TradeOgre is BASED as FUCK

>> No.52355319

it is really . its fucking disgusting. and youre also disgusting for thinking its not

>> No.52355326
File: 560 KB, 1405x1192, kucoinn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get it or be able to participate in any social aspect of life in a meaningful sense
That's fine. Society is all about appeasing and groveling whilst hiding your true feelings and playing pretend. It's a cringe game and I'm not paying retail price for it.

>Kucoin is the strongest possible indicator that it's a scam, and doomed.
Kucoin gets fudded all the time because of it's unregulated actions. But that's one of the reasons why it's the best exchange to use.
See, FTX was a start golden child that got nothing but praise, walking around in fancy suits and doing television interviews, than it shit on everyone else, same thing with Celsius and probably the same thing that's going to happen to Coinbase.

Meanwhile Kucoin is the dirty poor kid on the playground who everyone spreads bad rumors about and nobody wants to associate with.
Which is why it's actually the most trust worthy.

>> No.52355341
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Can someone more knowledgeable actually confirm if this is difficult/noteworthy or just blatant bullshit?

>> No.52355365
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Excellent USS Liberty meme

>> No.52355380

Also what kind of bullshit argument is this lol:

>"One of SBF’s formative moments came at age 12, when he was weighing arguments, pro and con, around the abortion debate. A rights-based theorist might argue that there aren’t really any discontinuous differences as a fetus becomes a child (and thus fetus murder is essentially child murder). The utilitarian argument compares the consequences of each. The loss of an actual child’s life—a life in which a great deal of parental and societal resources have been invested—is much more consequential than the loss of a potential life, in utero. And thus, to a utilitarian, abortion looks more like birth control than like murder. SBF’s application of utilitarianism helped him resolve some nagging doubts he had about the ethics of abortion. It made him comfortable being pro-choice—as his friends, family, and peers were. He saw the essential rightness of his philosophical faith."

>A child has more resources invested in it than a dog, therefore we should kill dogs

>> No.52355386

Kimchi premium is real and currency arbitrage is the most heist thing possible so no wonder ((())) did it. Although I thought you needed Korean citizenship to do it, but it's entirely possibly there was some nasty kpop gook in his basedpolycule

>> No.52355390

Apple is an apple because of occult/Satanist iconographies. No one makes it into the rich stratosphere without getting into bed with Satanists: most of them Jews.

>> No.52355398

Bullshit. 2017 was when China banned crypto ico's and started to crack down on crypto.

>> No.52355437
File: 69 KB, 1024x1024, 47A1B6EC-85E5-4EDB-A28D-CE1ABF65A18C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody ever explains in detail just WHY Sam was the first “brilliant” mind to arb the kimchi premium. Why didn’t any other big players go after this opportunity? /biz/ assumed it was just mega jew connections. I’d say /biz/ was right, either that or the WEF connection. Essentially the same thing.

>> No.52355465


>> No.52355467

people have drilled sam on how he took advantage of the kimchi premium and he's never given any details. one guy who interviewed him made a video like a month ago saying he thought the story was fake as fuck

>> No.52355485

Utilitarianism is a retarded moral philosophy that was conclusively disproven long ago, the fact that people mistook a utilitarian for a genius is hilarious.

>> No.52355552

I'm not into philosophy but I always find it humorous when someone values bullshit like "utility to society" while placing literally zero value on individual liberty. What are we a colony of ants? What is the point in some ultra-productive society if you are just going to get exploited whenever it is more convenient for someone?

>> No.52355601

Count the Jewish names you read related to this and remember they’re like 1% of the population or less

>> No.52355706

Kikes get the rope, as you know.

>> No.52355735

PEW puts it at 2.4 but your point stands.

>> No.52355738

It was also invented by a kike in England. A real sick fuck that dreamt up the panopticon.

>> No.52355755

Any /biz/bros want to move in together? We could get like 15 of us and rent a big ass ranchhouse mansion and fly in j-girls for orgies when we're not shooting guns posting epic lulz.

>> No.52355765

sounds like a fake backstory, where did the money come from he used to start, its fuckin fake

>> No.52355770

Sure they do, sure they do.

>> No.52355778


>> No.52355781

i found a guy posting the video, the guy in that video said that stuff a month or 2 ago before ftx blew up


>> No.52355782

the bull shit kin chee sotry its a dan blizarian type of fucking lie

>> No.52355790

It's not (they), it's (You)

>> No.52355825


There's a pretty good story by Ursula K le Guin called "The Ones Who Walk away from Omelas" that essentially shows how fucked of a philosophy utilitarianism actually is.

>> No.52355846

If you say so.

>> No.52355867

It's funny, because her whole career was feminism-good, transgender-good, communism-good-- but yeah, that one story is her nod to the utopia's downside.

>> No.52355876

Wait, does that include xrp schizos

>> No.52355889

Are you a glownigger, a Jew, or just a glownigger Jew?

>> No.52355895

pizzagate/Qtard detected

>> No.52355905

how isnt he in jail right now

>> No.52355917

nvm that wasnt the right part of the interview, this is


>> No.52355919

Jeremy Bentham was Jewish? Source?

>> No.52355932
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And I find it funny and I find it kinda sad

That the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had

>> No.52355936

Glownigger detected. Say hi to your tranny girlfriend in Tel Aviv for us.

>> No.52355941

Communism and utilitarianism aren't related.

>> No.52355970

I'm a moleman masquerading as a lizard masquerading as a CIA glownigger Jew pretending to be an anon.

>> No.52355975

Yeah they are, dumb fuck. The greatest good for the greatest number is communism. Lowest common denominator bullshit.

>> No.52355982

You're the one on meds, which is funny. What are you on?

>> No.52355989

Adrenochrome and vitamin D.

>> No.52355999

You've already lost. Good luck.

>> No.52356012

You should seek professional psychiatric help. Good luck. Sometimes an apple is just an apple.

>> No.52356049

Dear prae you never end up in a (((future))) sex cult again, XSGchan.

>Carolines monster stew sex cauldron

>> No.52356104

Your crimes might not even be punished in this life, but don't worry, there's more to come.

>> No.52356155

spot the degenerate

>> No.52356187

>Bankelstein’s dad is literally trying to come up with methods for psyoping Goya into paying more taxes

It’s beyond parody

>> No.52356195
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>> No.52356215

kike or shill
nobody else could be this invested

>> No.52356276

>You know why? She is a special girl. You can see her beautiful heart on her face

That's usually a sign of cancer anon

>> No.52356294

What really happens when you try to do good.

>> No.52356298

tell me a country that's not corrupt

>> No.52356331

>we say so thus it's true!
I'm glad it's jews jewing jews this time
praying for a real nuclear holohoax this time

>> No.52356357
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>> No.52356386

Duh...She can "polymorph" too. I wonder if this a job for the Dissector Class D&D scenario for my 5G+ frens.

>> No.52356637

It's not just the ugliness.
It's more something like this, but all races. Their asian friends look weird af too

>> No.52356794
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kek i guess these are actually smurfized EA community nuggets of wisdom or something?

>> No.52357192

If I was a millionaire I wouldn't get my dick anywhere near this.

>> No.52357262

SBF is scared of Prison


>> No.52357278

XRP Schizos dont hold in exchanges. They all have hardware wallets for self custody.

>> No.52357392

He is gonna be a wanted man, luckily he has a passport to Israel

>> No.52357468

There is nothing wrong with taking Epstein money to fund STEM research.

>> No.52357508

SBF can I lick your ass

>> No.52357561

nft prices collapsed once tornado cash wallets got flagged. I wonder why?

>> No.52357643

These people were having crooked toothed nerd orgies in the sweaty bahamas while you lost everything LOL

>> No.52357657

he doesn’t participate he just watches

>> No.52357748

we really need to kill these fucking things holy shit

>> No.52357786

>grotesque cretins
Redundant to point out when its poly

>> No.52357924


>> No.52357993
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>> No.52358001
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their cohesion is in denying Christ
thus modern pagan/secular "whites" are also part of the problem

>> No.52358005

jesus christ no way those creatures are real

>> No.52358028

Physiognomy is real. Sorry I was the one to break it to you

>> No.52358077

>You know why?
She looks like his mom

>> No.52358085

Just Jews being Jews

>> No.52358087

they are cohensive group

>> No.52358091

jew mad

>> No.52358137
File: 140 KB, 1300x1300, constance wang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All 10 are, or used to be, paired up in romantic relationships with each other.
>That includes Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison, whose firm played a central role in the company's collapse – and who, at times, has dated Bankman-Fried, according to people familiar with the matter.
>Among his nine housemates are FTX co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Gary Wang, FTX Director of Engineering Nishad Singh and Ellison of Alameda, Bankman-Fried’s trading business that’s at the center of the current chaos and to which the Wall Street Journal reported got $10 billion of FTX customer money. The remaining six are also FTX employees.

So who are these 10? There's only 6 people listed here https://about.ftx.com/
>Sam Bankman-Fried (CEO and Founder)
>Gary Wang (CTO and Founder)
>Nishad Singh (Head of Engineering)
>Dan Friedberg (Regulatory Officer)
>Can Sun (General Counsel)
>Constance Wang (COO)

Then there's 7 ppl at Alameda https://archive(dot)ph/nAUme
>Caroline Ellison (CEO)
>Nate Parke (CTO)
>Charlie Tsang (Trader)
>Christian Drappi (Developer)
>Aditya Baradwaj (Developer)
>Sam Trabucco (Advisor)
>Oliver Hamilton (Developer)

So who was in the orgies? Was Wang there?

>> No.52358141

Tradeogre is from where I get my ERG lmao

>> No.52358178

Lots of Jews on FTX. It was the “sanctioned” onepxhggw

>> No.52358254
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Constance is pretty cute. I'd definitely ream her asshole out.

>> No.52358263

It might not be fake but probabally not something any ole MIT shlub could do from his garage. Very powerful wealthy people would’ve had to help him out.

Is SBF just the patsy!?!? He knew what he was doing to some degree but he obviously wasn’t the Oracle everyone thought.

Maybe he got around currency controls with shit coins hence the lack of BYC and ETH on that alleged leaked balance sheet. IDEK just speculating (what I do best)

>> No.52358274

>what are we a colony of ants?
To the Jews, yes

>> No.52358311

Hope he gets to pay for this. I lost a lot on FTX due to the crash and the saddest thing is that even if I closed all my positions, I still wouldn't be able to withdraw. Been depressed lately. Fuck this.

>> No.52358473

> 10-person silicon valley coastal elite-style orgies
> 8+ dudes sharing 1 nerdy jewish girl and 1 mediocre-at-best asian girl
sounds about right

>> No.52358475

i always wonder how south park gets away with it while everything else that tries to portray jews wrongly gets cancelled
i haven't even seen any criticism of it for "anti-semitism"

>> No.52358494

One of the creators is jewish.

>> No.52358496
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apparently there's also
>Claire Watanabe

>> No.52358499

based defender of the english language

>> No.52358555
File: 1.07 MB, 2731x4096, FZVkyZyXgAEB_E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her face to body size ratio is all sorts of fucked up wtf.

>> No.52358593

He did try the degenerate lifestyle but said it wasnt for him and made him feel empty and lonely

>> No.52358634


>> No.52358649

I bet he bought one escort and got drunk with her and thought that was "degenerate" and crazy and stopped.

>> No.52358796

>powerful people also have sex
what a fucking eye opener. this whole thread and subject needs to be isolated to no more than 3 threads. you fucking twats keep posting (You) threads for this crap over the exact happenings that have been happening since BTC wasn't even a thought on this site. reactionary hype, you are literally the same fucking problem that capital hill pushes on your parents facebook.

>> No.52358809

that sounds grim af

>> No.52358837
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How is she both ugly and hot

>> No.52358849

>have sex
With each other, in the office, while promoting their lovers. It's not exactly shocking but it does speak to their level of competence

>> No.52358892

considering how much EA money goes to bullshit like AI ethics/AI safety, the latter
a not-insignificant unironcially believes in midwit-tier 'philosophy' like roko's basilisk, aka a more retarded version of pascal's wager
not to mention SBF's idea of "EA" involved donating billions to democrats, which was so corrupt and ineffective that most other effective altruists called him out for it

>> No.52358928

>Oy vey shut it down!

>> No.52358929

>considering how much EA money goes to bullshit like AI ethics/AI safety
what's the point of wasting money on such fields? doesn't seem very effective to me

>> No.52358962

boo fucking hoo. it's literally what you're supposed to do once you make it, cop feels on all your single and available hires, be your own boss, tell people what's what. if you can't align your perspectives to the paralleling abstracts between such debauchery and the standards of anonymous then uh, sussy baka nigga. go back to your monero threads and fuck off.

>> No.52359109

once you've made it you're supposed to do human sacrifice and traffick kids, be your own boss, tell people what's what, go back to your anti pedophile threads and fuck off

>> No.52359150 [DELETED] 

u dumb idiots believe anything always ready to believe some stupid juicy racy story so dumb

>> No.52359172

>t. jew

>> No.52359196

They're purely for attracting investors, making it seem like the tech is "safe".
t. robotics startup wagie

>> No.52359222

He fucked over most of his employees, but all the ones living with him in Casa Del Sexo were insiders, and they knew what was happening and probably withdrew however much they could.

>> No.52359236
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>> No.52359305

why are VCs so retarded? If that's the case I'm gonna make it in this life just because I'm able to smell bs from miles away

>> No.52359370

The last 30 years made a lot of brainlets and midwits very wealthy by them simply being in the right place at the right time.

>> No.52359722

Don't be anti semitic, not all Jews are ugly

>> No.52359746

>a guy who donated billions he stole from users to the dems.
>You wish, retard.

It was posted earlier in this thread

>> No.52359852
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>44 hits

I'm proud of you, /biz/, you're realizing how disgusting Jews really are.

>> No.52360036

3 jews, 3 chinks, not a single white man

>> No.52360095
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i'm literally laughing out loud at this circus...this is hilarious. do we know if el salvador had money on there as well? that would be the cherry on top of this clown market

>> No.52360137
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Checked and can be fixed by pic related