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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52331445 No.52331445 [Reply] [Original]

what tokens are going to do the best under regulation?

>> No.52331458

Poor kid. Hope hes all right

>> No.52331484

I feel bad for him but what the fuck was he thinking?

>> No.52331503

Dude the kid obviously has no male role model he’s in the dark like many kids now

>> No.52331507

He's an asshole for doing it in public. You're supposed to backchannel it first through mutual friends

>> No.52331511

Why do you post this cringe ass shit

>> No.52331520
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yeah I'm normally an asshole here. but ngl I felt second hand pain and embarassment for the lil chud. blackpilled at that age is fucked up.

>> No.52331526

Look at his face, he clearly has aspergers unironically. He was born a little retarded. He will become trans in 5 years.

>> No.52331538

I don't. Inferior beta males don't deserve supiror puss. Simple as.

>> No.52331539

Okay, now where's the male role model to tell him this?

>> No.52331547

You are a faggot

>> No.52331549

dude has more balls that most people here

>> No.52331551

I'm thinking the classicsPoW

>> No.52331554
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Also, I never knew people called Homecoming HoCo. Is this a new thing?

>> No.52331563

That she’d say yes and they’d get married.

>> No.52331571

He doesn't get one due to family stability, social class, and genetics.

>> No.52331576

We live in a society.

>> No.52331579

please stay on topic. this is a place to discuss business

>> No.52331587

Getting married is finance, retard incel.

>> No.52331602
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get your business out of these nuts

>> No.52331636

That's about it.

>> No.52331638

Why don’t you post it on /b/ instead of here? They have a much more rich culture of circulating videos of children getting humiliated. I don’t understand why everyone on here thinks I need to see Tik Toks of 12 year olds being cringe

>> No.52331661

How can I profit off of the rejection of autistic tweens? The sandbox vidya market is oversaturated.

>> No.52331663

Theres a decent chance this kid is a billionaire and the girl gets prenant or becomes a drunk. First one being a fine option, but 2nd being a coin flip. Just a vibe.

Schools should be segrated by gender. Girls are much faster at emotionally developing. They want seed sooner and are basically retarded. We all know this.

Boys are slower and more volatile. Should be outside fighting or something. Working already maybe.

Kid is clearly pretty nice and probably fuckin smart. The girl just looks way older you know?

>> No.52331665

doesnt compute. regulation niggers are going to want crypto to be centralized so they can drop the ban hammer if need be. if anything I would think BTC would get banned along with monero

>> No.52331669
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>feeling bad for young people is NOT AN ALPHA MALE TRAIT
>Social Darwinism heh

>> No.52331713

Who are you quoting? Your posts are so shit. Terminal 4chan user

>> No.52331744

>Kid is clearly pretty nice
dude had a conniption at being turned down, he's probably gonna bring a gun to school

>> No.52331765
File: 6 KB, 162x200, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are you quoting? Your posts are so shit. Terminal 4chan user

>> No.52331780

You are a faggot though back to r*ddit

>> No.52331818

You even changed IPs to pwn me

You know all of the 4chan techniques, you collect all of the chudjaks, you know all the catchphrases. Fucking pathetic loser

>> No.52331825

was going to say this.

>> No.52331843
File: 2.99 MB, 357x281, 1666029791948604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inceldom is a key part of a businessman's life

>> No.52331938

you know you can click the IDs to auto quote-link, schizo

>> No.52331957

It's better to try and fail than to never try at all. I don't think about my embarrassing moments from high school, just all the opportunities that I didn't capitalize on.

>> No.52331960

Sorry I was doing the epic technique where you don’t link the person you’re talking to. Maybe you would know that if you weren’t such a newfag incel chud wojak frog

>> No.52332006
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>he must be samefagging on 3 IPs!!
>it can't be that almost everyone else have empathy

>> No.52332026

He’s still fucking doing it holy shit somebody help this epic 4chantard

>> No.52332071

this guy lost a ton of money in the market this year, guys. he's sadder than a rejected retard. It'll be ok, fren. Give it some time.

>> No.52332094



>> No.52332112
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>> No.52332118

>mutual friends
Anon I don't know what to say

>> No.52332141

The fuck is wrong with her hips. She's walking like she has to shit hard.

>> No.52332151
File: 83 KB, 1200x836, FTEd6e5UsAAxLGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch me talk to myself (you) fren.

>> No.52332161

this is how zoomers walk when they have to carry something more than 10% of their body weight

>> No.52332173

Thanks, fren. You get it

>> No.52332178

Her BF fucked her hard last night. Something you’ve never been aware of.

>> No.52332194

only BTC will survive

>> No.52332213

I dont think a decentralized coin with no CEO is going to survive regulation.

>> No.52332227
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this is a 10 in america

>> No.52332243

yeah likely
reminder that all these tech nerd billionaires that like to stunt about now are literally seething over rejection from women when they were younger. All that sociopathic hunger for money and power stems from it.

Real chads don't chase money after a certain point because a loving wife and a couple of kids are enough to make them happy

>> No.52332250

Bait, but this kid if for sure a 4chan brained incel poster. Nothing gets pussy wet like throwing a toddler tantrum after being rejected like a white kid in target.

>> No.52332545
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>bla bla bla meanwhile billionaire can literally pay to have chad get on his knees and suck him off, thats how much power he has....

....right the loser nobody chad who noone will ever know about with the now fat wife was the chad all along.....

>> No.52333501

The girls friend told him that the girl secretly wanted to go with him, but only if he asked in a nice public display. So he finally worked up the nerve to ask and then she denied him in front of everyone while being recorded and laughed at. This is why he kicked the one girls chair because it was all her plan

>> No.52333532

You can pinpoint the exact moment where a new /pol/chud incel was born.

>> No.52333596

I did something similar and she said yes, and I still think it’s cringe as fuck. Not sure why this ever became a thing for people who aren’t even couples. Kid looks like he has a decent frame I could see him growing into a beast in adulthood. He’ll be fine.

>> No.52333618

Ok, I'll spoon feed you. Xrp, xlm, algo, qnt, hbar, xdc, iota, albt, lcx, link. Basically the whole ISO20022 standard + a few others

>> No.52334085
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is bitcoin good for you?

>> No.52334144

Girls are so cruel bros.

>> No.52334156

he's doing the next school shooting? kek

>> No.52334165

LCX dot com don't waste time log on.

>> No.52334187
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>> No.52334193

There is a loo, don't waste time, go and poo.

>> No.52334237

I think the next bull cycle would see widespread use of platforms with solid antecedents. I mean payment related projects. They worth researching on.

>> No.52334243

>She must spread her legs because I asked her out
t. chud's mindset

>> No.52334298

I think you're fuckin retarded

>> No.52334302
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It will be an ideal match If you add projects that encourage adoption like utk, which promotes crypto use in Lugano, and Xpress, which is currently accepted as payment by Travala.

>> No.52334541

>the prelude of a new schoolshooting

>> No.52334701

All payment processing projects that thrive on crypto adoption. There are a couple good ones, with increased regulations, more would come, but keep an eye on the front runners like xpress, coti, dydx

>> No.52334753
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These are all projects that would thrive based on increased government interest. It's the way of the world, with more recognition, they'll become more valuable, naturally

>> No.52334769

This is why I'm unfazed by all the talk about sec and taxes. I see an opportunity here.

>> No.52334802
File: 25 KB, 345x408, images - 2022-10-31T130440.946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably UTK, EGLD, BNB, DGB and even BTC basically with all these we can do payments.
So yeah. With regulations they should be performing good.

>> No.52334898

Only institutional and foundation tokens.

Any business tokens will be wiped out as they will be disapproved by the sec as they promised a profit back and also because money crowdfunded something, be it a protocol, DAPP, or anything.

Stick to institutional tokens that pass the howey test and don’t provide you profit but benefits, like artwork, music, etc…

Use these exclusive artwork to sell on other markets and so on.

>> No.52334941
File: 2.02 MB, 319x294, caught.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are girls so mean?

>> No.52335007

Beside they not only have a functional product, but also deflationary with long-term viability. Xpress for instance

>> No.52335079

These days crypto payment gateways are developing pretty good, recently I came to know about a crypto payment gateway which started to support lightning network for cheaper and faster payments with BTC.
This is really nice and I am actually loving the way the grow.

>> No.52335150

> Kid is clearly pretty nice and probably fuckin smart
fuckin lol the little faggot had a meltdown and got violent, totally what smart and nice people do

>> No.52335373

Any project that aims to survive for the long term needs to have some buyback program and token burn. That's why deflationary tokens always have higher values

>> No.52335604

That incel looking retard never had a chance with that qt

Waaay out of his league. He needs to get rich first

>> No.52335722

>with that qt

6/10 in europe,and i'm generous

>> No.52336051
File: 9 KB, 249x249, images - 2022-06-06T025453.120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long-term projects tends to favor programs with practical applications. I'm placing my bet on geeq because I believe its data product will grow in the future.

>> No.52336327

manipulative incels like that know they can only pressure girls that are way more attractive by doing these publicity stunts. I abhor them. fuck you ugly faggots, stay in your lane nigger

>> No.52336328

That's is literally a low effort copy paste of Nano

>> No.52336379

Actually a worse copy paste of Nano since Nano have 0 fees

>> No.52336394

hes funny, ure gay

>> No.52336479

Im an short ugly incel but I think doing this shit is cringe, why the fuck would you ever do such a thing?

You deserve this kind of embarrassment if you're stupid enough to do it

>> No.52336507

My girlfriend didn't do this when I asked her out. I'm going to send this to my girlfriend, my girlfriend will find it funny, she has a great sense of humour (my girlfriend)

>> No.52336706

Good boy. When I’m next banging a girl I’ll think of you and your honourable conduct as an incel. Keep jerking yourself off and leave the girls alone, you’re a champ

>> No.52336789

Poor guy, this is the moment he lost his innocence, the moment he become black pilled. How will he ever recover from this?

>> No.52336806

>Single mother household

>> No.52336922

Web3 projects will survive.

>> No.52337841

ISO compliant coins like xrp and link

>> No.52337900

apparently he didn't consider the strong possibility that she might laugh in his face, so no, he doesn't have balls, he's just stupid.

>> No.52338693

what's going on in that webm? What's a hoco?

>> No.52338779

theres more you need money for than taking care of a family
I'm sure the people living in ukraine right now really wished they had more money rather than easy pussy

>> No.52338945

Poor kid. I've catfished lots of guys like him out of 20 dollars. Looks like my business will still be profitable for a while. I almost feel bad. Everyone gonna say he's creepy for doing this in public but we all know that if he was hot we would be calling it romantic and sweet.

>> No.52338967

homecoming, a type of normie mating ritual

>> No.52339076

Can someone put a chudjak face on this kid

>> No.52339353

This. Without the want for pussy, I can concentrate wholly on growing my empire.

>> No.52340897

No bullying so nobody knows their position in the pecking order anymore.
I was the opposite of that at his age, I was good looking and seen as a bad-boy but I secretly had cripplingly low self confidence when it came to girls and was incredibly bad at reading signals. The amount of prime trim I missed out on back in my teens and early 20's sickens me to this day.

>> No.52341023

Proton 100%

>> No.52341092

Why is a 30 year old woman in a high school science class

>> No.52341094

This. I feel bad for the kid but not because of the girl. He clearly has no idea how to handle rejection or if things don't go his way.

>> No.52341195

He got fooled by the people he kicked at to do that. They probably told him she liked him.

>> No.52341332

>all the cope posts saying this kid is a sweet innocent who is probably super smart and will grow up to be a rich chad
I can't with you people, lol

>> No.52342726

There are many that will, but I think those with patent approval like Geeq will perform well under any regulation. I think this achievement makes it possible to overcome existing barriers to blockchain adoption, ranging from cost to reliability and energy consumption to security.

>> No.52342944

if you watch it with sound, you can tell he was set up by this roastie's friend and he got mad because she encouraged him to try and ask her out.

>> No.52343104

I don't think so. This has a different architecture from nano, IMO. If I'm not mistaken, nano uses block lattice data structures as its key innovative technology, right? The architecture, approach, and consensus mechanism are different from each other. It is not a copy cat, as you think.

>> No.52343185
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These should go fairly well.
Depends who wins the war obviously.

>> No.52343619

why do gen zs just make up random words like hoco
they even redefine existing slang on the fly