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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52328487 No.52328487 [Reply] [Original]

bye bye SOL niggers

>> No.52328741
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finally my meme became true

>> No.52328941
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We finally did it bros, we fucking did it

>> No.52329219

just bought more avax

>> No.52329325

shit talk from a sub top 10 coin. get the fuck outta here. if you arn't BTC ETH OR ADA ur shit teir.

>> No.52329370
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Heh, you AVAXfags are alright sometimes, you know that? Let's cease our hostilities for today and laugh at the collapse of SOL.

>> No.52329374

Solana is *STILL* doing better than avax in both marketcap and price right now, even after total collapse of SBF empire.

Why is avax underperforming so badly if it's so great?

>> No.52329383

>He doesn't know about the upcoming big-ass Söylana unlock

>> No.52329396

really good question, should be valued x5-10 on market relative basis

>> No.52329653
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wait for the unlock

in 6 hours Söylana DIES.
Your last chance to sell before it goes to 0. just bend the knees and buy AVAX you fucking SölNigger, do it.

>> No.52329836
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Söybros, I'm scared...

>> No.52330758


Yawn, they postponed that unlock so majority of that won't be moving.


Meanwhile I just checked the price again and Solana is back over $14 meanwhile avax is still struggling to stay above $13,

So let's recap here Solana is directly connected to Scam Bankrun the most hated person in crypto history at this point, it's arguably lost it's biggest bull case that papa Sam will pump it and the other anon posted some anecdotal shit about it's entire defi market on the brink of total collapse..

Meanwhile avax is having nothing but good news and I saw something about GREE running over a dozen avax validator nodes, which even I can admit it's reasonably bullish.

And even with it all laid out like that avax is STILL getting fucked harder than Solana.

So why the fuck would I sell for avax when even after all of this shit we are still out performing you? Atleast the matic shills have a leg to stand on as they are still up 40c from the lows in June.

Anyway, we've weathered the worst of it and after things settle down Solana will climb back up the ranks. Last time avax lost a couple ranks it never got them back, and with it's current performance I don't see this time being any different.

>> No.52331742
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mine is next

>> No.52331767

I don't think Solana can recover from this I'll be honest with you

>> No.52331827

Just did a reading on solmeme
3 cards, all inverted. 7 of cups, Page of swords, Ace of wands
Interpretation is: used to have fake value. Its leader failed them , corruption overtook him. Now only ruin awaits it. This is the end anon. SELL

>> No.52331928
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>SOL network crashes
>team rollbacks the validators
>SOL price crashes
>team rollbacks the unlocks
everything about SOL is fake and gay

>> No.52331996

Since three shill groups are in here, what is AVAX and SOL differentiation?

>> No.52332469
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AVAX is actually decentralized, faster finality (sub second), doesn't fake TPS, doesn't crash routinely (SOL crashed a dozen times this year)

SOL has talented devs and have put a lot of work into their project but they built on shaky foundations(PoH is just a modified pre-BTC legacy consensus protocol). Remove the money propping it up(SBF) and everything crumbles.

AVAX built on solid foundations: Avalanche consensus is novel and objectively superior to Nakamoto and Classic. Their multi-chain architecture borrowed and improved from what Cosmos and Polkadot had pioneered and further improved by taking advantage of Avalanche Consensus unique unlimited validator scaling. Also factor in that Emin is a professor of Network and System Design at Cornell where he designed one of the first PoW cryptocurrencies years before Bitcoin even existed. And as a founder of IC3 has access to talent that Solana could only dream of. It's honestly not fair for Solana and the only reason they are even compared is because faggots only care about Mcap rank which is about 70% influenced by VCs and retail hype than the actual tech.

>> No.52332475

Just a quick update

SOL: $15.11
AVAX: $13.70

Looks like I made the right choice

>> No.52332566

I forgot to mention that SOL made a huge mistake by not porting EVM. I can't blame them too much since EVM is garbage, but Avalanche wisely noted 90% of adoption depends on making it as easy as possible for devs to build on your chains. In terms of gaining dev accessibility, nothing can even compare to porting EVM. Nothing else is even close.

>> No.52332569

sol was double the price of avax a few days ago
it'll go down further

>> No.52332649

Kek next avax too

>> No.52332912

man all this fud every time I listen to any of it I lose money there's no boogeyman $1 sol waiting to rape me in the middle of the night I'm sure of it haha

>> No.52332928

SOL isn't a top 10 coin anymore either lol

>> No.52333697

why would avax meet the same fate as SOL anon? It's not a centralized piece of shit which is what Sol is

>> No.52334316
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biz is an alchemical board

>> No.52334379
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"Sol niger (black sun) can refer to the first stage of the alchemical magnum opus, the nigredo (blackening)."

>> No.52334778

is this it it's probably just gonna go to 12 that's it?

>> No.52334992
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>> No.52335518
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Anatoly Yakovenko went after the wrong guy (Emin). Emin took a private jet straight to scandinavia with some elite turkish wrestlers and i have it on good authority that he put a glock in Anatoly Yakovenko's mouth threatening to blow his brains out. Anatoly Yakovenko has been silent about it since that incident.

>> No.52336330

You made a perfect case for why AVAX is undervalued, which makes it an opportunity to make money. The market is presently retarded and thinks Avalanche = the c-chain Ethereum clone. In a few years Avalanche will be an entire platform of chains running different VMs joined together by the best cross-subnet communication protocol. Avalanche does not go down, it just works, the team delivers, they meet every goal on their roadmap, they are not dream peddlers. You can run a Validator using your old computer if you have to, Ava Labs have investments in other companies, sell consultancy and are building their own exchange, they are likely to become profitably independent of the Avalanche Foundation. Ensuring their survival and preserving Avalanches runway. There is no project more likely to succeed long-term.

>> No.52336343

>Roach coin
I give it 1 more year before it gets more worthless than the lira.

>> No.52336643

price flipped, mcap flip soon


still looks like a huge amount of stake unlocking $450m worth

>> No.52338555

Check again tranny, probably just some weak handed pussy exiting anyway. Solchads bought it all up and we are back over $15

>> No.52338599

I was afraid of Avax breaking during this shithow because of its underperformance lately, but it will finally flip SOL in middle of this. A good surprise really...

>> No.52338674

yesterday /biz/ promised a bloodbath on SOL, Could have bought at 13 but expected it would keep falling, now the price is rising, where is my bloodbath? What's going on? And I want a non-gay explanation!

>> No.52338687

>designed one of the first PoW cryptocurrencies years before Bitcoin even existed

>> No.52338933

Basedlana is still pumping more than us somehow. Its fucking over. Why do people keep buying that scam over Avax? Crypto twitter hates Avax also they dont know it or what it is.

>> No.52338948
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>> No.52339504

it will keep falling, the whole defi space on that chain collateralised by solBTC which is another almaeda scam

>> No.52339566
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>> No.52339741

About fucking time.
Austria BTFO, also you can program in RUST on AVAX now.