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52313992 No.52313992 [Reply] [Original]

Is everyone else losing their entire net worth, losing their job, losing their wife, losing their mental health, or is it just me?

>> No.52314044

ive been losing my fucking hair ever since i got into crypto 2 years ago

>> No.52314063

No, I invested in Vertex pharmaceuticals actually. So I made a small amount of money instead of losing a large amount of money. Not a big accomplishment, but better than nothing.

>> No.52314082
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I didn't have much to begin with. I am losing my hope, which was pretty much all I had my whole life.

>> No.52314091

Nah, I think it's just you homie

>> No.52314110


>> No.52314146

'Cause I'm losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine
Losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine

>> No.52314160

its just non-normies like us
normies are very happy

>> No.52314184

There is nothing safe.
Cash is losing to inflation.
Yet everything except food and gas are crashing.

>> No.52314196
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I never had a wife to lose

>> No.52314402

>There is nothing safe.
Vertex pharmaceuticals unironically.

>> No.52314471

Normies are doubly fucked. Be happy you have nothing to lose in the first place

>> No.52314489

When do we start killing bankers?
I personally hope that never, because that is very illegal and not good.
But what do you think?

>> No.52314539

Give it past the holidays. People will be laid off and even the cheaper gifts and discount booze can’t make them forget it’s the jews.

>> No.52314601

My mental health cracked a while ago. I guess it could drop further. Career-wise I'm in a good place, but I guess my relationship is on the rocks. As for my life savings, it already tanked.

>> No.52314636

Banker here, I don't think we should kill bankers at all, in fact I think bankers deserve more pay for the hard work they did this year

>> No.52314647
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I fucking hope so. The global economy was drunk with cheap debt and printed money. The music has stopped, the hangover is slowly hitting and the least productive are being let go first.

Say goodbye to useless recruiters, pointless WFH jobs, overemployed marketing and HR departments.

>> No.52314723

I mean I lost 400k but I had 8k in 2020, was able to quit my shit call center job that was making me consider drug abuse, spent the last 14 months living the dream travelling and building my dream battlestation and I've still got 100k left.
So you know, relative to most of you I'd say I can't complain

>> No.52314812

Not the heckin recruiterinos!

>> No.52314849

Good attitude.

>> No.52314960

idk every so often I get flashbacks to when I was walking around thinking I was hot shit and screenshotting my 600k balance and looking at supercars half-seriously, and then I get waves of self-hatred and want to scream. But I keep reminding myself I was a broke retard 2 years ago and how I almost cried with joy when I broke 5 figures. I can't let myself become a kike

>> No.52315029

You have to put it behind you, learn from your greed/mistakes, and move forward. Many have been there too and everyone handles it differently

>> No.52315066

normies are arill buying, they have no idea what's coming
> btc <$10k
a guy I know bought SOL at $16 today because he thought it's a good deal

>> No.52315077

I've lost everything but it was only $11k, that's all I had.

>> No.52315112
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Which is worse: premature balding or premature graying?

>> No.52315134

>Is everyone else losing their entire net worth,
Nope I cashed out months ago; still waiting for the bottom
>losing their job,
Getting a raise for the new year
>losing their wife,
Just got married.... so gained a wife?
>losing their mental health,
I feel pretty good
>or is it just me?
It is just you.

>> No.52315145


>> No.52315161

call center jobs are literally hell, those should be illegal, I started drinking at fucking 2pm on Mondays to be able to make it through the shift, thank god those days are over

>> No.52315246

>It is just you
bullshit half the normies I know are suffering hard right now, even 'successful' ones. Engineers on good salaries who bought a house on a variable rate mortgage last year, decent people who invested their savings into equities and are now down 60%. I could sit here and rub salt in the wounds of poorfags here but it's just cruel and dishonest to act like we aren't lucky escapees
yeah I think that's the only reason my mental health is good. Quitting that fucking job and being able to travel the world for a year is frankly more than I could have ever hoped for. I used to sit in the toilet having panic attacks and biting my hand with frustration. Once you've lived like that, suffered the grinding depression, knowing half your old school bullies are on twice the wages... I feel grateful to have escaped

>> No.52315280

I have like $200k in total which is useful for nothing
Yes, I have schizoid personality problems and my boss really liked me but I'm just not reliable
Keklmao if a woman would marry me she's more deranged than I am

>> No.52315285

balding is way worse. with greying you can get that anti grey shampoo, or dye, or just rock the silver fox look

>> No.52315295


>> No.52315328

Im still way up since 2017 peak. Also dont work since I'm a NEET. Things are pretty comfy on my end.

>> No.52315348

I have half your net worth and have no stress in my life, I own some land and don't work. You're doing it wrong. Move out of 1st world cities.

>> No.52315357
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I guess that's true. But man, I started to look like Mark Harmon by my mid-20s.

>> No.52315404

I am almost bald late 20s and I get like half the attention from girls I used to. I'm anon here so I can admit it's the worst thing to happen to me and has really impacted mental health. I'm tempted to sink 5-10k on a transplant but I know deep down I'd need another one, constant meds, I can't afford to keep it up like Elon Musk or footballers can. I just cope with it. But if I had grey hair I wouldn't give a single fuck I'd own it or dye it whichever looked better.

>> No.52315446

Yes, but there is one thing we won't lose and that is our virginity!


>> No.52315576
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I lost everything in a long series of losses playing out over the last few years. It now currently sits with me having no job, no fiance(lost millions in crypto she left me for my friend who had more money in crypto), no friends (covid stuff, stealing my fiance), family wont talk to me over covid stuff I was right about, living off $60k atm and im now staying in a shitty falling apart hovel in some shitty cabin village place I had bought on a whim and planned to upgrade and now am forced to live on. Yes I went to this spot and yes I bought it by choice and even tho its shit im glad I did. But yeah I have a small camper I sleep in since the shack is a bit rough tho the bathroom is in nice order (already had it worked on). So now I just am sitting in the woods and looking for work in the area and starting my entire life over. Im aight for the most.

>> No.52315668
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The only thing that keeps me going is those I love. If I lose them I will lose myself

>> No.52315775

It's just you homie cause I recently added a new crib last week in Cyprus, bought from Kensington
>Get drunk, sleep, and start your life again

>> No.52316447

>Things are pretty comfy on my end.
>Cool, I never invested what i couldn't afford to loose, i have most of my investment in properties, a few in s&p 500 and both ride and Xen sitting on maiar accruing interest their.
No urge to sell, not even now that everything is down.

>Not a big accomplishment, but better than nothing
>nothing brings peace of mind than accepting the now, and hope for things to come.

>> No.52316598

I don't live in a city and my net worth isn't my problem. My problem is I just lost my job recently and I have a personality disorder. I'm not acutely stressed I'm just a in a lifelong state of disappointment that I'll never have friends or a family

>> No.52316651

i'm down "only" like 3k which sucks but it is what it is

>> No.52316710

Variable rate mortgages basically don’t exist in the US , fixed is standard. No engineer would get a variable rate mortgage

>> No.52316736

Nah it's me as well, except it started in 2017 and it's got nothing to do with crypto or politics

>> No.52316791

They increased in popularity because JPowPow was raising rates.

>> No.52316796
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you're getting rid of all the burdens. embrace it and start over

>> No.52316836

i was balls deep in oilstocks before the war and thats the only thing that have kept me afloat.

>> No.52316864

Sold all my stocks in January, sold btc at 38k(not the top but better than 16k lol) and bought a house at 2.3% interest. And wifey loves me. Feels good man

>> No.52316877
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Simple as, brothers.

>> No.52317024

You are living your best life, but you are still broke isn't, I bet you use Kensington because it accepts crypto payment through Utrust so you can get the 1.5% cashback

>> No.52317051

For premature graying supplementing colloidal copper worked for me. You'd likely have to strengthen your gut health first though so you absorb minerals better (quit coffee and sugar, make your own kefir at home).