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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52306990 No.52306990 [Reply] [Original]

If you bought in November 2021, you bought the final top. It's never going back up.

>> No.52307126

Heard it all before. Never doubt this reality bending shit.

You would have claimed it was over during mtgox hack. You would have sold in the Nov 2018 crash. You would have panic sold the COVID mega dump. You would have claimed that it was impossible for animalcoins to make billionaires.

100k bitcorns within 2 years

>> No.52307142

>it's over, for real this time
Now that people are starting to believe this, I know it's finally time to start buying again. Thank you

>> No.52307164

Not yet, too many slurpers around now. Something else will fail surely. These are still early stages of the post-Wuhan flu Kiev fallout

>> No.52307189

>100k is now considered a great achievement
Fucking lol that’s merely a x2 in FOUR years and there’s no guarantee about it too

>> No.52307227

It's different this time. I bought.

>> No.52307235

>stupid frog says stupid shit
many such cases

>> No.52307241

This, honestly

>> No.52307247

It's actually true this time
People won't realise until it's too late

>> No.52307287

Yeah see I hear what you're saying and it sounds great, but nah you're wrong. You're wrong, and you need to know that. I'm telling you you're wrong. Ok?

>> No.52307375

Thats a 10x when BTC hits $10k you retard.

>> No.52307438

>100k/17k = 2
The intelligence of an actual bear

>> No.52307458

Btc gains aren't that important. Btc is the rising tide that lifts all boats (alts)

>> No.52307461

No more
No less

>> No.52307465

It’s not even a x2 from the previous ATH

We’re trading 20% lower than the ATH of 5 years ago…holy cope you people are beyond delusional average crypto investor is really a pea brained NPC

>> No.52307905

Fpbp. These herd animals can’t see past the dildo of the day. I feel sorry for them.

>> No.52307915
File: 206 KB, 1070x601, 1599026753576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as I lost everything leverage trading. Thanks OP this is exactly what I needed to hear before.........................................................................................................................................................................

>> No.52307938

bottom signal.

>> No.52308100

Honestly it depends on the ripple case. If the SEC wins they could take down all of crypto. BTC is the only survivor.

>> No.52308117

post your buys cuckie

>> No.52308123

These. I'm seeing desperation and capitulation left and right. When normies thought that 90% down was enough, here comes another -25% lol

Bottom signal if I ever saw one. No norman wants to touch crypto, so that is the best time to buy: generational bottoms filled with normie despair.

>> No.52308175

see >>52308117

>> No.52308768

Im a complete retard that lost 1million and was then forced to sell low
to pay bills. Not sure if thats a bottom signal, but I truly believe its over. There wont be any pump this year and interests, deflation, stagflation simply didnt exist in crypto before and completely annihilate this worthless trash. Its literally only a sponge for excess liquidity in the market which does not exist anymore. Interests could stay high for the next decade. Its over

>> No.52308820

This. It's weird how people don't see how ridiculous and retarded they are from a long term 3rd person perspective. Like bitcoin pizza guy, or whatever.

>> No.52309060
File: 12 KB, 259x347, 1661764234230989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buys high instead of low
>Never takes profits
Youre not supposed to buy the ath and hold all the way down you fucking retard lmao

>> No.52309342

Oh fuck…

>> No.52309474

You know how I know you're correct? Look at all the LARPing poorfags saying they're slurping and it's a 'generational bottom'. Same they have been saying since 40k. Crypto is dead, it was set up to fail to pave the way for CBDCs. BTC will be 1k within the next 2 years and totally forgotten about, get out whilst you still can.

>> No.52309540

Been here since late 2017, Seen some of my absolute dead shitcoins pull x30-50 in a span of 3 months many times, And this is when the infrastructure and promise of this space was x100 smaller

Some shit CEX crashing is net neutral for this space, Sure price might dump but it's not inherently a bearish dump. Few understand

>> No.52309624

>BTC will be 1k within the next 2 years and totally forgotten about,
jesus, at least TRY to act serious lmao

>> No.52309721

You are one of the retards who claimed 30k was the generational bottom. Never change, you will always be poor. Look at the world around you and consider whether there's any room or money for highly speculative internet money. Put those 5 braincells to work for once in your life.

>> No.52309972

>You are one of the retards who claimed 30k
I'm not but you're fucking retarded and most likely poor as shit. I sold months ago and started to DCA back this month. Cope harder.

>> No.52310162

Keep DCAing Redditor faggot. That money will definitely come back, crypto is definitely not dead retard.

>> No.52310266

>Crypto is done.
so is the world you absolute faggot

>> No.52310402

This time for sure