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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52280356 No.52280356 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me as if I was a child what Sam did wrong?

>> No.52280384 [DELETED] 

he couldn't help acting on his jewy urges

>> No.52280404

He signs deals with token team and tells them he wants to hold them long term
Then Sam sells those tokens and shorts them with the tether from selling them earlier
He was a big reason why Celsius went bankrupt then he bailed them out if they agreed to pay back all their vc funds first
He fucks over retail, his own customers, and the tokens that list on his exchange

>> No.52280408

He is a proxy; an artificial crypto leader with the sole objective of drive retail out of crypto

>> No.52280412

He was greedy.

>> No.52280430

just don't use his shit exchange and short whatever he owns. fuck this retarded nigger, i'm tired of seeing his face

>> No.52280450
File: 104 KB, 1024x870, 840168F5-8B3F-465F-B4DE-48EADA24C452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cooked Alameda books and got loans using FTT fully diluted marketcap as collateral, which is both extremely stupid and funny since totally illiquid
That’s also why CZ said he is gonna get rid of FTT
The rest of the Alameda book is Serum, Oxy and Maps, and a bit of Solana, and excluding Solana which is fairly liquid the rest is also totally illiquid
Good luck kike, things are about to get messy

>> No.52280481

The fuck is his problem? Does this retard not know how to keep appearances?

>> No.52280500

Sam borrowed money from a lot of people. The people Sam borrowed money from told Sam they wanted to hold on to something valuable until he paid back what he borrowed. Sam agreed and gave each them a coin he said was very special and valuable. When one of the people Sam borrowed from was curious about the coin they examined it carefully and found that coin wasn’t special or valuable after all. Now the people are mad at Sam for lying to them and Sam is in a lot of trouble

>> No.52280539
File: 9 KB, 236x224, E5E74217-6234-42F2-8281-594EB8B41959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are talented anon

>> No.52280569

Thanks, I work with a lot of retards

>> No.52280584

crypto attracts these short sighted swindlers

>> No.52280703

But dad... what will happen to Sam? why did he do it?

>> No.52280710 [DELETED] 

well, you see son, he was born a jewish.

>> No.52280805 [DELETED] 

This is ridiculous, another Jew wrecking the crypto markets. This is probably gonna be bad, fellas.

>> No.52280831

tl;dr he printed his shitcoin FTT and borrowed a fuckton against it

>> No.52280842

This is healthy for markets
Over leveraged traders getting flushed out leads to more upside later
Sam selling BTC now is much better than him doing it all near the top

>> No.52280857

he couldnt help himself and now a bunch of cool anons with big balls are gonna be RICH

>> No.52280858

I don't like Sam anymore

>> No.52280889

Why would CZ announce Binance was selling their FTT? Wouldn't that hurt their exit?

>> No.52280909 [DELETED] 

He tried to jew the chink. But chink live and breathe scam just like jew. Jew does not fear the chink but he should. Only chink as dishonest creature on planet as jew, see right through each other's scams

>> No.52280922


>> No.52280938 [DELETED] 

He literally doesn't give a fuck about a measily 500m. He just wanted to assfuck the Jew.

>> No.52280955

Yes. He did it to hurt FTX.
FTX has been shorting competition they made partnerships with.
CZ knows FTT is leveraged and his amount of tokens couldn’t crash FTT price. All the fud he’s created has been way worse to investor confidence
Big money is dumping FTT before Binance drives price lower

>> No.52280992

yeah totes he is the one hurting right now

>> No.52281186

can't short FTT due to liquidty, I shorted CRVUSDT what am I in for?

>> No.52281201

Close position and pivot to SOL/USDT

>> No.52281222 [DELETED] 

Tldr he is a Jew
Long version, he generated billions in assets out of thin air by creating and pumping a token that generated investors, they currently have more FTT on their balance sheet than it has in market cap, their company is basically built on nothing but Jew lies and investors are going to lose everything while he escapes to israel

>> No.52281230

Can't short FTT SOL and AKRO due to liquidty.

>> No.52281262

because it was in his nature

>> No.52281274


>> No.52281297 [DELETED] 

Sam would dump on retail and “donated” it to the Biden admin. It was a bribe to allow him to pick and choose regulations so he could kill his competition and fuck all of us over while he solidified his place at the top. If he had it his way, he would have killed defi. The Jew rat has to go.

>> No.52281372
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>Tldr he is a Jew
checked, this and /thread

>> No.52281410
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He crossed a Chinaman right before a blood moon. That shit is bad luck, Tone.

>> No.52281426

This anon gets it

>> No.52282061
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>> No.52282288

g-guys Sam is gonna pull through this, r-right?

>> No.52282375

He’s one of the Rothschild children……literally. His sole goal, along with his entire family, is to get ALL retail out of crypto currently.

On a side note, if you’ve lost any money to him file a class action suit, crypto is literally a Security in the United States now, you can’t legally buy and short at the same time.

>> No.52282390 [DELETED] 

Genetic, u can’t blame him

>> No.52282426 [DELETED] 

So what was his deal anyways? Obviously we can rule out glownigger? He's just a level 2 jew?

>> No.52282868

>lost my Goyager funds
>Sam was my ticket out

What now. At this point its just a few hundred dollars I could hope to recover

>> No.52283850

Pray for a miracle

>> No.52284872

flywheel scheme
they finna send it to zero fr fr on god nocap

>> No.52284913
File: 95 KB, 731x437, Scorpion_and_the_frog_kurzon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was born.

>> No.52284921

How much solana do they have? its 15% of my portfolio

>> No.52284932

He has like, a legion of YouTubers and media shills to paint him as a saint. He keeps his appearances very well in front of normies, not so much in front of anyone with two braincells and who knows the bare minimum about Alameda and FTX.

>> No.52284969

im gonna withdraw my usdc from ftx now

>> No.52285117
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he can't help his nature

>> No.52285659

I thought $800m of their SOL is locked and $250m is liquid.