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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52265398 No.52265398 [Reply] [Original]

Ask any questions and hopefully an anon can help.
Be polite but tough love is welcome.
Tripfag if you are frequent or want to, or don't it's up to you.

In this thread, I'm going to compile the best income streams ordered by investment required, including both online and offline options

Little to no Investment($100-$1k), very hands on
>Direct Response Copywriting
>Social Media Marketing
>Digital Media or Marketing
>Affiliate Marketing
>Media Buying
>Web Development
>Freelance software development
>Making Online Courses
>Self publishing Ebook (comprehensive guide: https://kindlepreneur.com/book-marketing-101/))
>Product Arbitrage

Some Investment Required($1k-10k)
>POS Systems
>P2P Lending
>Authoring or Online publishing
>Vending Machines
>Automated News sites or any kind of automated blog
>Automated online Arbitrage with the help of a buy bot

Large Investment Required, but still very passive(10k+)
>Parking Garages or lots
>Batting Cages
>Rental Properties
>Buying Royalty rights on music, media, etc

If you have any comprehensive guides. Post them and we'll add them here.

Feel free to add more and share your knowledge, experience, advice with others, but I think that's a lot of value that you won't find in most threads here.

>> No.52265409


If you are a business owner or aspiring one, check out the /entg/ Discord.


>> No.52265449

My history of becoming an entrepreneur
>worked in cybersecurity several years
>started taking unpaid leave to teach cybersecurity courses as an independent contractor
>6 weeks of teaching paid more than my salary so I quit
>started doing consulting for my students who gave me referrals to fill the rest of the year
I usually work 40 weeks per year. I make $500k per year

>> No.52265481

Nice anon, I just started in Cybersecurity as a SOC 1 Analyst. Any recommendations of what subset of CSec to get into?

What exactly do you teach in your security courses?

>> No.52265592

Im a SANS instructor. There’s not enough of us for me to not doxx myself if i get too specific

You should probably focus on security operations. Adding in cloud skills will make you more competitive without being “niche”. Cloud is going to dominant the future of tech

>> No.52265638

Also, look into the sans.edu ACS undergraduate program. You get GSEC, GCIH, and (I recommend) GCIA for a 50% discount. If you’re going to spend your entire career in cybersecurity, it’s worth the investment. Just don’t switch to investment banking after spending $15k of your own money on training. Some employers will reimburse your tuition for this.

>> No.52265806

Thanks for the advice anon!!

>> No.52266125

Dumb question- but selling on Etsy (buying shit cheap and reselling for higher margins) any tips on how to increase sales? It’s doing fine but I wanna do better. Also any genealogy advice appreciated, i love these threads and I took a sleeping g pill so pls keep it going brehs. Also is dropshipping still profitable/ doable? I heard in 2015 biz it was the shit but it’s fussed now? Also how do u research/ find out what to sell?

>> No.52266141

How profitable are vending machines? Is that like the shrimp farm meme

>> No.52266533

Do you consult from home or do you host workshops for these students? I currently make a little over $200k working from home as a systems engineer, but for another $300k I'll gladly work in whatever conditions.
I also have an Applied Science bachelors in Cybersecurity, so not sure if the undergrad program you mentioned would be worthwhile, or if you think something else makes more sense. Like OSCP or going heavy on AWS certs. I'm just 3.5 years out of college

>> No.52266646

Should I sell hot dogs outside of bars on Friday and Saturday nights

>> No.52267587

Vending machines are good but its all about location. You have to find places that will let you put them there.

>> No.52267880
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>> No.52267964
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>tell me your secrets
mmmmmm well, writing a book sounds like the only smart thing from group A. there's a few eh's in group B but they are good ideas, group C is how to get yourself investigated by the IRS.

>> No.52267988
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Kind of new to your board, but I own a small restaurant/bar on the beach, if anyone wants info on that sort of thing.

>> No.52268010
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qrd on fish prices

>> No.52268034

I only sell shrimp. $9 a lb when I buy 1,000 a week.

>> No.52268035

Insanely misspriced.

>> No.52268036
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>I only sell shrimp
stopped reading there

>> No.52268043

25 count hoppers, whites, and pinks.

It's good to specialize in something in the restaurant business. Simple is better, make one thing but make it right.

>> No.52268045


Any /biz/ anons got any advice on dropshipping? I got about 4k and want to start dropshipping, I set up a shopify before for a relative who does dropshipping so I have a bit of experience.

>> No.52268061

is that retail, produce, or farm price. come on, ain't nobody got time to juggle around here.

>> No.52268098

I'm on the coast, it will vary slightly for a dollar or so, but last year it was around $7. That depends on the volume you buy. My volume increased this year, so my price didn't rise as much, but yeah a 20% cost increase on goods across the board in a year or so is fucked up.

I buy fresh unprocessed head on, then clean it at the restaurant.

>> No.52268148
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>a 20% cost increase on goods across the board in a year or so is fucked up.
that's international economics fundamentals, of which, shrimp from around the world is a delicacy - tropic to arctic zones. if it's $7 for a hopper of $25 that would be awesome. or are you saying it's $7 for 25 hoppers of 25 counts? how fucking big are we talking here? i've got beer from 2012 that i know has an unregulated market, and i know shrimp has an unregulated market. i want the JUICY DEETS!!!!
>That depends on the volume you buy.

>> No.52268170

25 count means there are 25 shrimp in a pound. A pound of shrimp grosses me $40.

>> No.52268184

is liquid gold a thing? because that better be what's in your mediocre tartar and heinz cocktail sauce knockoffs.

>> No.52268239
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We don't sell tartar sauce, the cocktail sauce is homemade. Details anon, it's all in the details.

I got $40 dollars off that pound of shrimp only after I added another $5 in other ingredients. And, another $12-13 dollars paying the people who cooked it and paying the bills, taxes, other bullshit...

>> No.52268285

then you've got a hook, a line, but do you have a sinker..? homemade and familiar balance well, but i know your worker(s) don't work for that much. are you one of those places that promises stellar tips? >:(

>> No.52268294
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>made $100 in four weeks selling candy in 8th grade
Yeah I'm a bit of entrepreneur

>> No.52268325
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No tips really, there is a tip jar, but it's only counter service no waitresses. It's a very small place, next to the public beach area, walk up window, outdoor seating. We only sell shrimp and beer really. Sometimes we play music, simple nothing fancy.

>> No.52268347
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i said qrd, not ghost from christmas past

>> No.52268356
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Sorry, didn't answer your question. I work the most of anyone there. I own the place, but I'm not above washing dishes and scrubbing toilets myself. I pay at least $20 an hour. But, I only need a couple of guys to help me. And, we can smoke weed and drink on the beach while we do it.

>> No.52268387

How do I get sponsorships and funding for crypto project I've KYCed for without getting cucked with obscene sponsor control, excessive stake forfeiture or having the idea stolen and passed off to a buttbuddy by thr shark tank?

I have the concept, tokenomics and architecture mapped out already, I'm just broke. I've also registered my business for the project.

>Batting Cages
I read that as battling cages.

>> No.52269074


>> No.52269099

Is a CFA worth it if ai'm interested in finance and trading? I have a CS background with infosec focus and I'm 26yo

>> No.52271722

I consult from home. I teach on premises.

>> No.52271931

Have a little business idea. Made a survey to see if there's interest.
How the fuck do I get a large quantity of people to answer it? Do I just stroll into a big city and approach random people?

>> No.52271945

pay them

>> No.52272074

If it has revenue it can get funding.

>> No.52273912

I have a large email list (200k+) that I gathered over a couple of years through a blog and a travel agency service I did. These are all people who have either spent money traveling or are very interested in doing so. What's the best way to monetize this? I don't want to just sell the list and I also don't want to spam them with random bullshit that they are not interested in, but would cold calling travel agencies/services/hotels and pitching them a marketing campaign work?