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52243738 No.52243738 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit Lasik is one of the best investments had it yesterday and already 100% vision + no pain + no chud glasses

>> No.52243779


>> No.52243869
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They could literally use him as human dildo

>> No.52243968
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>> No.52243982

The girl on the right unironically looks like a twin of my ex.

>> No.52244025

Enjoy your permanently destroyed cornea.


>Business & Finance

>> No.52244040

He said investment, pedro

>> No.52244047


>> No.52244087

you'll always have chud glasses on the inside

>> No.52244088

Are you from georgia?

>> No.52244098

Are there any "LASIK lite" treatments? I am a little bit nearsighted, enough to be annoying but not enough to wear glasses or or do any drastic surgery with risks. I want a weak, safe operation with nearly no risks, and in return the adjustment doesn't need to be big at all, just like 1 diopter or something.

>> No.52244128

There is something called orthokeratology, but it's not permanent.

>> No.52244139

Ki : zd
Maybe if you have dry eyes and you fix that might help little bit other than that you can do eye exercises, sun exposure, and proper diet

>> No.52244154
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>Enjoy your permanently destroyed cornea.

>> No.52244174

Axal mzerashi xo?)) gilocav mec sharshan gavikete da dzaan magaria

>> No.52244185

Ok this is my shill topic so big post incoming. I've been doing Ortho-K for years now. Basically you wear hard lenses while you sleep and they reshape your eyes so you see normally during the day. You can skip a day if needed, e.g. if you're flying, because you shouldn't wear contacts when flying.

* You don't have to wear anything during the day
* Takes a bit of time each day to clean your contacts
* More expensive than glasses because you have to pay a large amount upfront (much less than LASIK mind you) to buy the lenses and be fitted for them, and then pay for cleaning stuff which you'll use every day.
* Fuck me is it expensive to break a contact. You can get insurance for this, either through your contents or sometimes the optometrist themselves will insure you

Protip: get one of these contact lens cleaners from AliExpress

>> No.52244212

its true only the outer part of the cornea heals, the rest doesnt regenerate. it also fucks with your night vision and makes you sensitive to flashing lights.

>> No.52244215

As an optometrist, I don't know why too many suckers want Ortho-K. The cons outweigh the pros. Just wear glasses or regular contact lenses if want to appease your vanity. But hey if you want to, more money for me.

Alternatively, roll a dice and do LASIK.

>> No.52244230

To all the Jews in this thread
Nearsightedness is curable
Just like you go to the gym to train your muscle, train your eye muscle to see far
Look it up

>> No.52244276

I've done glasses, soft contacts, and now Ortho-K, I prefer the latter. Soft contacts sometimes get uncomfortable during the day, and are a pain for anything water related.

>> No.52244280

Cool hopium shlomo they dont really work.
>t. have tried them for months

>> No.52244304

ეხა როგორ ხარ კარგად ჩაიარა ყველაფერმა?

>> No.52244359

კიი ერთხელაც არ მქონია პრობლემა მთავარია ეს პირველი თვე მოუარე კარგად თვალს და მერე რაც გინდა აკეთე ამათ არ დაუჯერო რო გაშინებენ მარტო 1-2% ს ექმნება პრობლემები ყველა სპორტსმენს და ჯარისკაცს ეგ ააქვთ გაკეთებული და არაფრი ჭირთ

>> No.52244365

უი ხო და კიდე ჯობია მაინც 1 წელი ბოქსზე და ეგეთ სპორტზე არ იარო 1 წლის მერე მთლიანად ხორცდება

>> No.52244374

აჰა thanks,

>> No.52244527

You should have kept the ring Frodo.

>> No.52244756
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>> No.52244777

endmyopia is free you fucking retard

>> No.52245046

Is there any technological improvement to LASIK on the horizon? Seems like the tech has remained unchanged for a few years now.

>> No.52245142
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>> No.52245163
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>the LASIK flap never actually heals..
>This was a real eye-opener for me..

>> No.52245190

Well there are SMILE, TransPRK, EpiLasik. Basically just different ways of cutting your eyes and different healing period. Then there are IOL transplant or RLE where """they""" replace the natural lens inside your eyes with man-made lenses to correct your vision.

>> No.52245208

Have you tried daily disposable soft lenses? I tried the newest Dailies Total 1 (tm) and I honestly don't feel anything on my eyes. Used that for swimming and throw it away afterwards.

>> No.52245221

why not SMILE or transPRK
also the drooling endmyopia retards have arrived alredy, I see

>> No.52245226

>"""they""" replace the natural lens inside your eyes with man-made lenses to correct your vision
Isn't that for cataracts?

>> No.52245230

Lasik was a terrible investment for me but I'm deep on the "bad outcomes" side of the bell curve

>Be me
>Use "best" (later realize, this means most Jewish) lasik service in Boston
>Show up
>"Hey anon as a reminder this is a teaching procedure, students will be involved. Take this benzo. It'll all be chill, we'll even give you a teddy bear to hold during."
>Sit for a while
>Jewish student comes to collect me
>Tell him I don't feel the benzo at all
>"Nonsense, come on in"
>Room full of Jew students ruled by one old wizard Jew
>"Lie down on the apparatus Anon"
>No teddy bear
>They put a plastic eyeball holder in my eye to hold my eyelid open and restrict eyeball movement
>It hurts and is disconcerting
>'Hey is it supposed to'
>"Shush. This may feel cold"
>They put drops in to weaken my cornea
>Feels like acid, yelp
>They slice my eye open without warning, yelp again
>"Now you may feel some pressure as the laser apparatus descends"
>Laser apparatus descends
>So much pressure, vision shuts off in that eye
>Building anxiety has passed threshold into panic
>Feels like my head is being crushed or my eye might explode
>"Look at the light Anon"
>Can't really move eye, can't really see, but try to comply
>Pray a little to summon will to wrench eyeball into position
>It works
>Start praying Christian prayers on the table
>"Shut up Anon you're moving we can't hear"
>Overhear them cursing, something is going wrong
>Laser apparatus removes
>So drained
>Finally remember to say "I - I was told there would be a teddy bear"
>Jew student throws a teddy bear at me, something is wrong in this room
>They do the other eye which goes just as poorly
>They rush me out of the building
>Qt3.14 gf drives me home
>Benzo starts to kick in

>> No.52245240

Basically the same procedure as cataract operation. Can also be used for non-cataract if you trust """them""".

>> No.52245247

>Be me on the next day for 1-day check up
>Other patients all healed already, I still can't really see
>Go to the Cornea Specialist, a pajeet
>Can't really open eyes
>Pajeet wrenches open my crunchy dry eyes
>"Oh wow Anon something went wrong here huh? Your corneas are probably going to scar up forever. Here's my emergency number in case something goes wrong in the next few days, and it might. Here's a backup emergency eye hospital in the city."
>4-week healing process ensues

>Be me
>18 months post op
>Go to the eye doctor
>"Anon you need glasses again already you're farsighted. This shouldn't have happened for another 40 years, odd!"

>> No.52245272

>Be me
>26 months post op
>Corneas are scarred
>Get random shooting pain in cornea scars
>100x more floaters in vision than ever
>Chronic severe dry eye, need constant eye drops like I'm fucking Aizawa from MHA
>Vision is slowly becoming that of a 60 year old man
>The Jews want me to come back in so I can fix it

The only thing that has helped is stuff like holistic eye care, like Dr. Taylor from optimetezinghealth. Liquid stable BPC, pineapple megadosing, stuff like that.

>> No.52245279


You guys are correct, lasik is a terrible investment but a lucrative business.

>> No.52245285
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Congratulations. I had LASEK (not LASIK) 10 years ago in South Korea. First 3 days post op was tough. But ever since then, I've had perfect 20/20 vision in both eyes.

2 days ago I just had hair transplant surgery in a Turkish-owned Clinic in Cancun, Mexico. The whole thing cost 1/3rd what it would have here in the US, including a stay at a deluxe, all-inclusive resort. The doctors even played Turkish music during the OP. I can't wait for my hair to grow out next quarter.

Financially speaking, Medical Tourism presents an EXCELLENT ROI and spending $$$ on yourself is usually a smart financial decision.

>> No.52245291

What are these moon runes?

>> No.52245294

Have you tried scleral contact lenses? I've heard they do wonders for some of the fucked up corneas due to lasik.

>> No.52245301

I would get it but my prescription keeps getting worse and I hear its a once in a life thing. Would hate to pay for lasik only to have to go back to glasses.

>> No.52245314
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I'm glad you kept reassuring me that you are in fact yourself at all times.

>> No.52245336
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Sounds just a little fake and gay / exaggerated but much of it rings true. The part about them just springing "Oh btw we have students here who will be observing / participating in the procedure, that's cool right? Good." sounds legit. There should really be a law requiring the patients explicit written consent before students are allowed to observe, much less participate in a medical procedure.

>> No.52245397

>he fell for LASIK when SMILE exists
NGMI, enjoy your eye flap

>> No.52245466

What's the diff?

>> No.52245497

>do eye exercises, sun exposure, and proper diet
Is this bullshit? It sounds bullshit.

>> No.52245744

did LASIK 2 months ago.
they put lenses in for 1 week to flatten the flap. didn't feel so good with the lenses but after they took them out it was really nice. I actively decided against smile (not for financial reasons).
I gotta admit, not being able to rub your eyes for 1 month is quite the hastle. next time (in a few years I hope) I go with smile. then they put in an artificial lense.

generally I find it to be a good investment for being able to see in baths or on the beach. also for wearing masks and doing sports.

>> No.52245927

peepee poopoo

>> No.52245994

DO NOT GET LASER EYE SURGERY! I started doing print pushing last June and my vision has already improved by +2.00 ill be free of glasses in a couple of years.
Do this once a week, every week for at least 90 mins. Thats all. You can use your favorite books or a magazine etc:



>> No.52246011

The print pushing is not bullshit, but the other stuff is.

>> No.52246057

An anon posted the print pushing video i just posted almost 2 years ago and it saved my vision. I would post the prescription they wanted to give me at the time but i would be doxxed so you have to take my word for it. It absolutely works.

>> No.52246062

>next time (in a few years I hope) I go with smile. then they put in an artificial lense.
no? that's ICL. smile is they make a cut on the side and pull the lenticul or whatever out which they cut with the laser. if you have -6.00 it's simply better than lasik

>> No.52246064
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Its kinda bullshit it wont fix much but still better than nothing
lol whats up with natural eye fix fags / anti lasik fags

>> No.52246101

I was 1 day away from getting TransPRK for my nearsightedness, and the doctor discovered that I have some rare genetic eye disease, Pre Descemet Corneal Dystrophy and backed out of the procedure. Are there any procedures that work well for this?

>> No.52246128

I have no idea you should ask doctor about it

>> No.52246129

you're right. I thought it was the same procedure with the small cut, so I assumed it was the same.
but yeah, they told me the thickness of the middle lense to do the procedure twice is not enough, so it has to be replaced.
somehow I was conviced lasik is just as good as smile. not sure anymore. I just did the procedure because I was in the mood to do it.

>> No.52246137
