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52239650 No.52239650 [Reply] [Original]

Inflation is just a construct

>> No.52239663

United Sharts of Copemerica

>> No.52239672
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>> No.52239681

Why isn't this creature in a zoo?

>> No.52239692

We are neither lying nor exaggerating when we say niggers are dumb.

>> No.52239699

Educating people is bad now? As expected of amerimutts.

>> No.52239719

t. lefties trying to make good from bad

>> No.52239728

she's already in florida

>> No.52239820

Joy reid makes more money than you, chud. Alot more.

>> No.52240504


This is the same chick who said we wuz missing too when the gabby petition search was going on. Her whole schtick is literally WE WUZ

>> No.52240534

Clown emoji

>> No.52240649

Probably. I literally don't give a shit because I made it. Only poorfags care about it.

>> No.52240742

Is it still transistory though?

>> No.52240763
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>obese niggers

>> No.52240766

I fucking hate liberals so bad.

>> No.52240857

>Monkey: Eek eek ooook oooooooook
This is news.

>> No.52241380

Not a nigger-exclusive thing though. It's an ongoing narrative among some left-leaning people in general.
This is not the usual 'wrongthink control' to moderate people from openly hating niggers or trannies (which is logical to some degree) this is straight up weaponizing politics to cancel even innocuous scrutiny by putting a label to it because ultimately people discussing negative things is bad and can snowball.
Now even if you try to explain to people what's wrong with the economy and why, the moment you used the no-no words, you will be branded a nazi and anything you have said or keep saying will be "just nazi things to spread discord".
Some Orwell type shit.

>> No.52241818
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stupid nigger

>> No.52241833

>coming up
ye is right

>> No.52241860
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>Only poorfags care about it.
>Since I can still pay the bills I’ll let central bankers keep robbing everyone
>it will never be my turn
Only morons don’t care about inflation

>> No.52241894
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if u care bout inflation then u pooor :^)

>> No.52241959

>implying it doesn’t affect you
dumb dumb monkey

>> No.52241973

uh oh. looks like we got a Princess Coperina here :^)
inflation means my assets, of which i own many, go up in value. i cannot lose :^)

>> No.52242064


>> No.52242283

Back you go retard

>> No.52242397

Honestly she isn't wrong, most normies are retarded enough to hold credit card debt, and that is basically a fincially litmus test for having impulse control higher than a feral dog or 4th grader.

>> No.52242750

Democrats don't teach people anything except how to be cucks so it makes sense.

>> No.52244953

Why not just add more zeros on the dollar bill?

Inflation problem solved.

>> No.52245049

So she's saying Republicans are teaching people economics? What's the problem?

>> No.52245057
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Americans are subhuman.

>> No.52245107

Lol literally a faggot nigger nation

>> No.52245152
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The rest of the world lost to the US never forget that thirdie.

>> No.52245235

The very first clip is from a high school JROTC event, right? Not actual military, right? I know the actual military is pozzed up, but that first clip seems like high school kid shenanigans.

>> No.52245258
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> Inflation is a construct
And math is fake according to some Anons

>> No.52245357
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>> No.52245368

Did you know Isaac Newton was an Alchemist first, and a Mathematician second?

>> No.52245391

Nobody's perfect.

>> No.52245474

He also bought the world's very first top

>> No.52245495

That's a funny bit of information. I didn't know that.

>> No.52246759

No shit this was the plan all along

>> No.52246780

>inflation is just a construct
double rate;
public void Inflation(double rate){
this.rate = rate;

>> No.52246783

He also skinned a jew in public