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File: 83 KB, 1024x595, 2017-10-20 02.31.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5221118 No.5221118 [Reply] [Original]

I have $14,000 in government monopoly bux (hooray med school loans) and am only mildly retarded. I want to into crypto. Just tell me where to start - guides, search terms, vague hints, sarcastic mocking - and I will shamefully return to the darkness from whence I came.

>> No.5221148

>using loan money for crypto

If this is your first time investing, guaranteed you'll lose it all

>> No.5221182

Dont buy bitcoin. Wont rise much more/small gains. Unless you buy shitcoins with it

Buy eth. Will rise more and get gains. Also good for shitcoins

Buy tc. Will rise more and get gains. I never used it for shitcoins just holding. Also biggest gainer award this year

>> No.5221197
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By my calculations, that would be true no matter when I started investing or with what money. So let's skip to the part where you give a useful answer.

>> No.5221210

>loans for btc

Oh boy, that's how the 1929 started. Crypto gonna fuck us all nicely, slums are going to exist again on anglo cunts, and it was all created by us, virgins NEETs playing cassino with habbo money.

>> No.5221288

Clearly no one here works in medicine. This is the only time I'll have even a few hundred to invest for the next 2 decades, and memecoins are going to be a hell of a lot more mainstream by then. The loans are already the stupidest fucking thing you could possibly do but I fell for the BE A DOCTOR scam so here we are.

All it needs to do is beat the interest rate. Just suggest a place to start looking.

>> No.5221363
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Thanks for only real answer so far, anon.

>> No.5221749


If you are going to be studying for medicine, you can't worry yourself with the stress of trading. You need a good long term hold that will last years.

Buy Chainlink. It's main market is institutional investors who will be using it for staking and earning interest, so it will unlikely to dump once it gets going since Banks aren't going to want to sell this. It's also got some extremely high potential and hasn't truly mooned yet. Though it's a bit expensive right now because of the bull market, maybe wait till January it might be a bit cheaper then.

>> No.5221776

>the absolute state of linkies

>> No.5221821

>buy chainlink

A better investment would be to buy a gun and kill yourself.

>> No.5221824

>Buy Chainlink.


>Breathes in


>> No.5221845

Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.

>> No.5221879

>med school loans
i'm a biomed engineer who works with clinicians regularly and i will tell you with complete certainty that at least 3/4 of doctors are dumbfucks who are good at memorizing shit.

>> No.5221901
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Not buying your shit bags pajeet, fuck off.

Pic related it’s you.

>> No.5221963
File: 46 KB, 750x573, pasta la vista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll look into it.
Turns out I'm a dumbfuck who's terrible at memorizing shit and hates the practice of medicine. Most cancerous work environment I could ever imagine. Best part is finding that out 3.5 years into the 4 year training. Hence why I'm here.
Already invested in that senpai, rainy day fund with guaranteed long-term security.

>> No.5221974

Fucking kek OP do not listen to this retard. Don't buy a coin that just mooned.

OP if you want a safe bet (although gambling with loan money is slightly retarded) put the money in the top three coins: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. It's entirely possible the crypto market can crash horribly any day, but it's equally possible the market cap can x2 or x3 any day and you'll make lots of money. Just understand this investment is not risk free, it IS a gamble.

>> No.5222059


I bought Chainlink at 15 cents you fucking retards, I am already way up on my investment. I have no bags, just permanent green gains.

And I told OP not to buy now, but wait till January when it might dip into the 20 cent range again.

If you think Chainlink doesn't have huge potential though you are truly retarded though.

>> No.5222078

How many years have you spent in medicine?

>hates medicine
>will go for another 8 years of schooling
>will hate being a doctor in the end
>most probably committ suicide

just do real estate dude

>> No.5222130


I just read the rest of your post and you don't even follow your own advice.

>don't buy a coin that just mooned
>get BTC which just mooned to 20k
>get ETH which just mooned from $600 to $1000
>get LTC which just mooned from $70 to $500

Don't buy any of these coins OP, the entire top 20 market cap coins will dump massively in January as people take profits. And even if they don't your gains will be tiny, may as well invest in fucking stocks if you are satisfied with pathetic 2% gains.

>> No.5222143

>hates the practice of medicine. Most cancerous work environment I could ever imagine

agreed agreed agreed

>Do you enjoy making excuses for human garbage (majority of your patients) and their terrible life choices?
>do you enjoy when this human garbage ignores your guidance for years and requires procedures costing hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money to keep them alive solely so they can continue their vices?
>do you enjoy being consistently hamstrung by ethical "debates" which are simply the product of kike/soviet subversion and increased % of unqualified women in your field?
>do you think you're king shit of turd mountain even though your medical degree never taught you to tie your shoes?
>good news! medicine is for you!

>> No.5222147

Chainlink will never be under 30 cents. The rocket has already left the atmosphere.

>> No.5222151
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Wow those are some serious gains! You would have even more if you just held BTC. Good job.

>> No.5222199
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Follow the calls here. https://discord.gg/dyhVxP Stay away from pump and dumps... Don't be greedy.

>> No.5222211

Go all in on Ripple

>> No.5222231

4th year med student. Preaching to the choir man. I should have stayed a college instructor, was the easiest job ever. But nooooo, now I'm saddled with 300k+ in debt and staring down 6 years of a surgical residency before I even come close to making money. FML. Being a doctor is overrated as shit

>> No.5222252

fuck off with your scam discords, pajeet, god damn. the admins of these groups dump on the dumb faggots that follow their "advice"

>pre-pump a coin
>tell a discord full of idiots that the coin is going to moon
>dump on the idiots

fuck off, pajeet

>> No.5222264

I'm in my second year of nursing school with the intention of becoming a PA eventually. Any insight on PAs?

>> No.5222272

all you did was buy BTC with fiat and then buy chainlink with BTC. if you had stopped at step 1 you'd have more than 3x what you have now

fucking brainlet

>> No.5222278

Thinking about pulling out on BTC. I think it'll rise more especially with mainstream hype but holy fuck the tx fees are ridiculous. Im just going to sell what I have when I make a decent profit and keep holding the rest of the big cryptos.

>> No.5222311

have fun telling fat fucks they're pre-diabetic for years and then whoops they become diabetic

have fun dealing with the increasing population of room-temperature IQ subhuman garbage

>> No.5222364
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I won't invest ALL of it, just used that for reference of total available funds. This isn't my native board and I can't tell shit from shit.
How would you spread between the 3, and what do you use for trading/portfolio? Still can't tell if binance is a meme or the de facto /biz/ choice.

Whatever it once was, it's a complete scam now from top to bottom. $250k+ in debt for school, half of which you spend working (for freeeeee) for the hospitals and getting shit on by everyone.
If I hear the words "professionalism", "patient-centered care", "lifelong-learning" or "evidence-based" one more time I might actually garrote one of our deans with my cheap-ass stethoscope. It's a goddamn nightmare and I want out as soon as I get my degree.

You'll get comparable amounts of money with fewer training requirements, legal liability, or bullshit political correctness. That and PT are the only viable options in medicine right now.

>> No.5222365


No I wouldn't have. Link was 15 cents literally a few weeks ago. BTC gives out absolutely pathetic gains.

>Link goes from 15 cents to 30 cents is a 2x (it was at 49 cents yesterday morning BTW)
>Bitcoin going from 10k to 17k is still not even a 2x but just a 70% gain

If you bought BTC in January this year, and held until the other day when it was almost 20k. You would have 20x'd your coin. That is fucking pathetic for a year long hold.

Link at $3, which it will be at in Q1 2018 will be a greater gain percentage wise than BTC in all of 2017. And Link isn't stopping at $3, it's going to $20 minimum.


>buy BTC with fiat

Kek no. I don't buy useless hype coins.

I buy ETH, an actual real fungible currency that works.

>> No.5222404

Depends what field you go into but a solid career choice. Kinda wish I would have done that instead. The schooling is waaaaaay shorter and debt burden waaaaaay lighter. Surgical PAs can work pretty hard (not as hard as surgeons but still hard) and clinical PAs work fairly hard too. But overall, PAs of all types seem to have a much better work-life balance. Yeah, they don't make as much as a doc but they work a little less, have far less headaches, way less debt, and spend less time in school. Solid choice.

>> No.5222409

k then you did the same thing but with eth. retard

>> No.5222412

Tell me more about the fees, how does overhead compare between BTC and the various alts? Same question for trading platforms.

>> No.5222442


link expired fag

>> No.5222444


>> No.5222451

>Still can't tell if binance is a meme or the de facto /biz/ choice.

Binance is a fairly new exchange that has some scummy practices and isn't entirely trustworthy, but it's getting big because every other exchange is shit and is having problems too. But since Binance is located in Hong Kong and can get around regulations that other exchances can't, Binance gets almost every new alt really fast. So you pretty much gotta get it if you want to get in on the ground floor with new coins.

Also supports all Bitcoin forks and gives you free shitfork coins all the time.

>> No.5222458


Med student here also contemplating suicide over my awful life decisions, nice to know I'm not alone.

Let's make it here and now in crypto, lads, and escape from the shackles of this terrible career full of stress, long hours, and mediocre pay

>> No.5222467

No one can give you a correct answer because no one really knows (and anyone who claims to know is full of shit), but I personally keep my USD split equally across btc, eth, and ltc. But I bought in about 5 months ago when prices were significantly lower, so this may not be a great option for you.

Also that's what I figured. I have friends who's parents are doctors and they all say the same thing. The requirements for becoming a PA are much less than that of a MD, the pay is still good, and it's much less of a hassle

>> No.5222476

this means cut your balls off and put them into a jar. you wouldn't want to tell someone they're wrong and destroy the work environment, would you?
>patient-centered care
make sure to make excuses for the fact that the drooling mouthbreather you call a human is too stupid to stop drinking soda and eating cool whip everyday
what a flowery word. i wonder if the women who invaded the field have anything to do with it?
this is such a doublethink word it's unimaginable at this point. i've used evidence-based arguments on why we should dump this fat cigarette-smoking fuck on the street rather than treat him and i get yelled-down. "evidence-based" means the exact opposite

at least i don't really have to directly interact with patients. i do personalized medicine, cell-based therapies, some gene therapies, and some experimental research into iPSC therapies.

fuck doctors. fuck medicine. and FUCK THE PATIENTS

>> No.5222489


Yeah but ETH isn't going to be 20k, ever. Link will be $20 next year easy.

It's a long term sure hold, not short term ADHD moon chasing you pajeet.

>> No.5222507
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>BTC gives out absolutely pathetic gains.

>> No.5222508

That's my plan. If my investments can grow and I make a fuckton, I will have no shame retiring as a young doc or resident. Wishful thinking, but still.

>> No.5222522

Just for reference, it cost $16 to send any amount of BTC the other day. ETH was under $2 for me, LTC is even lower. I'm aware its because there's much more strain on the blockhain on BTC but it just doesn't scale as well on the better tech of these newer coins.

>> No.5222521

>Yeah but ETH isn't going to be 20k, ever. Link will be $20 next year easy.
>well my short-term losses are ok because in the long run it might do X
lol delusion

>> No.5222600

Forgot to mention, signup on Coinbase then link the account to Gdax. Buy your bitcoin, eth, and ltc on Gdax (the fees are significantly lower there) then transfer them to Bittrex if you want to gamble on shitcoins. Make sure you verify your accounts and provide proof of identity (they'll ask for pictures of your ID and some other stuff) so you can reclaim your account if something happens. I lost my phone and therefore access to my Google Authenticator app, and having my identity attached to my accounts was the only reason I was able to recover my accounts. Make sure you add 2FA to your accounts so you don't need to worry about getting hacked.

>> No.5222630
File: 190 KB, 1155x1328, welp (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick rundown on ChainLink, from what you're describing sounds like a solid pleb-tier beginner coin but I assume there's a reason everyone shits on it. Frankly I don't even know the pros/cons of "middleware", this is what being actually retarded must feel like.

>> No.5222643

>>well my short-term losses are ok because in the long run it might do X

What losses? ETH was around $400-500 when I traded it for Link.

Wow I missed out on a 2.5x for a 3x


Percentage wise, it does. For BTC to 2x right now it has to go to 35k.

>> No.5222665
File: 94 KB, 1808x694, Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 11.49.55 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow I missed out on a 2.5x for a 3x
never go full retard

>> No.5222691

just out of curiosity, where are you from?

>> No.5222725


>> No.5222732

The people that shit on it are the people like you, that don't understand what CL is doing.

If you think Smart Contracts will be the way business is done in the feature then you should most definitely be invested in CL. If you think Smart Contracts are dumb, then move along.

>> No.5222763
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look for pump and dump groups if you want to go to the moon.

>> No.5222781

exactly, so it doesnt matter what you do. throw a dart at a board with the 500ish crptocurrencys and go all in with as much as you are willing to lose.

>> No.5222793
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Lurked long enough to realize we're still in the early phase of crypto investment. I don't have the numerical autism for daytrading but medium- to long-term investments have a good chance of actually not INCREASING my debt. Probably.

I know a bit of programming and enough calculus to understand current AI algorithms, might shoot for that as a career - very hot right now, Google is literally headhunting people based on their search history.

>crypto and AI memes = possible failure
>medicine = definite suicide
Not a hard choice desu.

>> No.5222819
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Just checking

>> No.5222821

sounds like you don't have anything you can afford to lose at this time. Pay off you fucking debt before you start to gamble

>> No.5222847


It's called FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) and it causes the price to go down. People often FUD coins they own so they can accumulate more for cheap.

That is one of the reasons people shit on Link so much, they want more. I am almost done accumulating at this state though so I am not worried on missing out.

The other reason is that it hasn't done much. Unlike other coins who have done real moon missions, Link got a lot of hype on /biz/ and still has only been over 50 cents once during a big conference, and Sergey Nazarov, the face of the coin barely markets it to the public, which scares /biz/ who are used to people like Jun Hasegawa from the OmiseGo team who post pictures of their skateboards with Apple stickers on them, cause hype and launch their coin from a few cents to $10 in a few days on pure speculation alone.

/biz/ are used to ADHD marketing and quick instant gains and don't have the patience to sit in a high potential coin that doesn't do anything in the meantime. But when it takes off it will really shoot for the stars since Sergey spends all of his time talking with banks in private anyways. They are his main audience. The Chainlink coin is actually a token that is used to run nodes. The whole thing is about Smart Contracts and connecting the blockchain technology to real world applications and banks love it. It will be the default decentralized trustless oracle provider for all banks to move data on and off the blockchain from real world sources. It's gonna be big once the product is out. But right now it's just a demo that Sergey showed off at SIBOS a few months back. So it's not doing anything much right now and /biz/ has ADHD and wont invest in it.


Kek, we are talking about Gwei here buddy. I don't use Forkcoin.

>> No.5222870

I'm guessing /pol/ with that reaction pic.

>> No.5222894

>Kek, we are talking about Gwei here buddy. I don't use Forkcoin.
>I don't care about the only thing that matters
>the one that went from 700 to 18,000 this year
stinky centralized skellycoin supporter
speaking of forks, are you looking forward to the coming hardfork wherein they refund all of the niggers who got pajeeted by the parity dev?

>> No.5222897

marry a Dr.

>> No.5222940
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for whatever it's worth, I went 40k in debt in a miserable point in my life in order to enter crypto, and made it to 100k in the green in three months. I'd say hold your shit in ETH for the time being, look for hyped, solid ICOs (currently none) and put 10k in one once you find it. I did this three times and just made 40k with ICON listing.

Good luck anon. Regards, former suicide tier anon, current stinkie linkie.

>> No.5222986
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South Florida, where the hospitals are shit and the babies all resemble it. I've dealt with enough Haitians and their refusal to learn English and their 3rd-world diseases and their fucking SCABIES to confidently say we could nuke that entire island and the human race would be better off in every respect.

>> No.5223019

Since I've abandoned all shame at this point, I'll just ask - which ones are shitcoins?

>> No.5223067

>which ones are shitcoins
all of them

>> No.5223068

avoid XVG and ANT, majority of alts are shitcoins

>> No.5223121
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I like you

>> No.5223245

Fortunately I know that I know nothing and will look into whatever aspect of crypto is worth a glance.

That is literally never going to happen. I asked for crypto advice not fucking fortune cookie financial strategy. I'll remember not to get into debt on my next playthrough.

>banks love it
Anywhere else and that would be a massive red flag, but that just makes it sound like SOMEONE is confident Link will keep gaining. And such a bargain too. So lots of fluctuation but trying to daytrade with it is a trap?

Where's a good place to keep uptodate on crypto hype? Besides this fine board, of course.

>> No.5223270

>Besides this fine board
this board. you just have to be able to differentiate between the shilling and the memeing. follow the memes, not the shills

>> No.5223293


The proper name is Altcoins, but BTCniggers call anything that isn't Bitcoin a shitcoin.

The true shitcoin is Bitcoin itself though.

>$25 transaction fees on average and up to $100 when the network is congested
>almost day long waiting times to move it anywhere, 6 hours if you are lucky or pay a high fee

Compared to ETH

>40 cent transaction fee on a bad day, 14 cent on a good day
>10-12 min wait time to move it

>> No.5223380

>So lots of fluctuation but trying to daytrade with it is a trap?

It's been having a bit more movement than usual because of this bull market and lots of FOMO news stories this month, usually it sits within a few cent range and does fuckall though.

And I would not recommend daytrading. Unless you are skilled at TA chart reading you will just lose money. Whales are experts at manipulation.

If you really want to daytrade, there are predictable daytrading coins just for that and Link isn't one of them.

>> No.5223390

Browse this board regularly for at least 3 months before following any of its advice. I got burned badly multiple times listening to the wrong posts. Eventually you'll be able to see through the pajeet shill posts and occasionally come across a gold nugget of info.

>> No.5223432

>even the makers said they don't know the point of it, and that it's only a proof-of-concept thing

Jesus fucking christ, BTC and Litecoin are great options because both have a limited supply. That's not a bad thing, that's a GOOD thing.

>> No.5223490
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Takes some acclimation to recognize a new flavor of shill, but the skills should still transfer more or less. This
and pic related don't inspire a great deal of confidence but hey, it's a learning process. Just want to avoid buying into literal shitcoins if possible. Not about to pump all my usury-bux into one crypto either way, goal of this thread was more for research direction than "plz tell me wut 2 buy" advice.

Appreciate the honest answers, I know medicine and the cyber, but this? Not my strong suit.

>> No.5223522
File: 70 KB, 1810x822, instructions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where's a good place to keep uptodate on crypto hype? Besides this fine board, of course.

What I usually check are all the ICO rating blogs I can find (I've found globalhalo.com to be the best), and if the ICO gets a decent rating and I think it makes sense (whitepaper, team, idea), I'll keep checking here if it gets a mention and what the overall sentiment is. You can get a pretty good pulse (no pun intended) on the public sentiment of an ICO from just browsing, but I have also started threads from time to time just to get some opinions from the folk here. My history of ICOs with this strategy are: LINK, ICON and REQ. If you think an ICO could get hyped, sign up for the whitelist, that way you wont miss it if it gains traction closer to the date.

>> No.5223563


This. Same happened to me.

Really though, I am suggesting Link because from your situation it sounds like you need a long term safe coin, that wont stress you out and eat up your life.

If you buy some shit that /biz/ is shilling today, and you are doing med school and have to study, your coin could moon while you are on your way to class, hit the all time high while you are taking your exam, then dump to below your buy in price by the time you get home. /biz/ pump and dump shit needs to be watched like a hawk. Worst case scenario you will buy some random /biz/ flavor of the month coin for $1.15, forget about it, come back in 2 month and find it's worth 1 cent, is completely forgotten by /biz/ already with no hope it getting it's value back as all the whales cashed out 4 weeks prior after it pumped to $5 for a day then tanked it.

If you had the free time, then yeah maybe don't get Link now, maybe there is better short term gains. But for a low stress safe long hold that will go up and stay up, because Banks aren't gonna dump this shit on you. Get some Link, put it in a wallet, forget about it, do your med school, come back in 2 years and you might have a few hundred k or even a million who knows.

>> No.5223564


They are all shitcoins. ETH maybe not, but the rest are trading like a futures market.

A solid chunk of the coins do not have a finished working product - some do have an MVP (minimal viable product) but are lacking revenues.

>> No.5223599

You won't make a good doctor
Kys facist

>> No.5223616

Dont browse this board. I procrastinate here too much instead of studying for med school. The best investment you can make is to invest in yourself
But i cant stop because those gainz.

>> No.5223658
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I know. I said that already. Gold star for reading comprehension, anon.

>> No.5223702

>Buy link
>If you buy some shit that /biz/ is shilling today

>> No.5223717

I'm past the study period, Step 1 and 2 already done. I just want the gainz now.

>> No.5223809

I feel you bro. Step 1, step 2, and audition rotations over. Now it’s coasting with massive vacation time until graduation. Might as well try to make some money with my free time

>> No.5224049
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That's all I'm focused on right now, the least I can do is put a dent in this debt before interest starts piling up. Perhaps there is even an impossible timeline where I make some sort of profit from crypto + freelance computering, but I dare not dream this early.

Going to start collating and researching all the Sound Financial Advice from this thread and begin my prerequisite lurking period. Good luck anon, we will meet again.

>> No.5224081

Good luck anon

>> No.5224101

None of those coins should have ever reached this price point. But were here. And both eth and ltc arent done. Not saying btc is but gains would be much more slower.

>> No.5224287


>> No.5224887

Just put all your money into setllar and ripple. Then wait a few years until you cash out.

>> No.5224951

I like you. Buy Bitbean.

>> No.5225037

>don't buy a coin that just mooned
>buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin
80 IQ is the average on nu-/biz/, I see.