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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5204388 No.5204388 [Reply] [Original]

Grateful anon here. Starting off on this journey three months ago and I set the goal to hit 100k by the end of January. Today I hit that goal a month and a half early. Seriously sappy moment, but I have you fags to thank for a lot of this. I quit my wageslave kek job and dove deep in. Thank you fags for the support and courage to make that happen.

Post your portfolio and your progress anons.

>> No.5204420

How much did you start off with?

>> No.5204429

How much did you start with?

I just hit 100k like 5 minutes ago but it's pathetic given I started with 3k in March.

>> No.5204495

what are your plans to hit 500k - 1 mil, your portfolio alone looks like its just a hold to make that happen tho.

>> No.5204576

Congrats man. You obviously have a good eye for dank shitcoins.

>> No.5204591
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I beleive in consolidation

>> No.5204666

wut? 33,000% is pathetic?

>> No.5204681

youre literally holding the exact same amount of req as me. congrats of that, seriously

>> No.5204692

You quit your job over 100,000 dollars in some crypto coins? Lmao what the fuck are you going to do with 100k for the rest of your life? Also lol if you can’t cash out or it crashes before you try

Avg salary for someone with a decent education is around 100k mate, even tradies are making north of that.

Sure you made that in 3 mo. but still that is way too little

>> No.5204709

Poor wageslave here. appreciate a BTC donation to get me started.

>> No.5204727

Starting investment and some tips ? Congrats btw

>> No.5204734
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Oh look 100k, I make more then that wagecucking......

>> No.5204757

I'm only at 10k
95% of it is in ARK
the other 5% is just sitting as BTC
started with 700 in May
where do I go from here? I'm content with 10k but thats peanuts compared to you guys

>> No.5204788

Seconding the request for tips, feelin' mighty depressed I didn't dive in earlier around when you did. Totally could have too

>> No.5204812
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Will I ever make it? Pls respond. I started 3 months ago with 500€

>> No.5204839

humble brag

>> No.5204950

Started with 18.5 k

>> No.5204970

Yea man. I'm going to hold ADA for a while. Love XRB mid hold. QSP and ICX I think are about to moon forever and ever. I have a WTC masternode. Sorry guys i stepped away for a minute to take a dump

>> No.5205006

Thanks bruh. We are fucking REQing it.

>> No.5205040
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very respectable if true

>> No.5205052

imagine making that much and wagecucking at the same time? its amazing how these things work out isnt it

>> No.5205077

Started at 18.5k. If you think you missed it, you probably did. Follow people on twitter that know there shit. I get a lot of recommendations from there. Also, follow what was schilled on here, and wait until the hype calms down, then maybe after not hearing about it on Biz for about 7-10 days, if it's on a dip BUY the dip. Typically things are on here after they already mooned. Don't fear sell. I did it so much.. If you REALLY like something and believe in the project, buy the dip and just set it and forget it.

>> No.5205113

Dude, I'm not, but I know how to turn this 100k in to 200k now. I also have another 30k in the bank to sustain me. Moving in to a cheaper place in 2 months also. I couldnt cut the 9-5 i'm just not built for it. I am more productive and happier doing this and producing music.

>> No.5205151

You'll make it homie if you just put the time in. Look at ICX and ADA. Otherwise your portfolio looks great. OMG is a sure moon mission. Never let that go

>> No.5205153

you could've just bought into an index and have made basically the same amount

>> No.5205199

Are you joking or no? 82k profit in an index?

>> No.5205262

>index funds go up more than 500% in three months

>> No.5205273

Where's your LINK and TRX?

>> No.5205302
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>thinking in absolutes
nice larp

>> No.5205309

Who do you recommend to follow on Twitter?

>> No.5205315

Fair and thats a nice portfolio man

>> No.5205353

seriously dude wtf is going on here. you didnt really quit your job because you had 3 good months during the mania phase of a bubble, right? you cant be that stupid, r-right?

>> No.5205361

@peterbrandt @venturecoinist @cryptoinsiderx

>> No.5205372


>> No.5205406

I blew it with TRX. Binance gave me an air drop of 500 trx so I thought it was a shit coin. Now I keep looking at it hoping to buy a dip but it jsut never does. LINK i just can't stand to do what everyone else on Biz is doing.

>> No.5205509

How do you live off this money? What are your rules for what/how much you sell and what/how much you hold onto?

>> No.5205568
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whats your daily routine to get dem gainz? Like how long you trade, how much free time, sleep schedule ...

>> No.5205572

What shitcoin do you recommend I invest in now?

Just put money in XRB, and my biggest hold is Monero (60 XMR)

>> No.5206119

I like ICX. It's a good short term and long term play. Solid product and already has partnerships with some major korean universities. It will likely be korea's Ether. I also like ADA even at current price (May be a buy rumor sell news situation). RCN looks good right now too.

>> No.5206150

I don't yet. I'm still using my savings. I cashed out some WTC wins a few months ago.. But bigger plan is to move away and do all that stuff not here..

>> No.5206223

I sort of binge it. I will do a bunch of research and then pick a few coins i like and set a target price I want to buy on. I'll then just chill and produce music and wait for the right time to buy. Usually when I 2x something I throw half the position in to monero, but lately with this market, I just buy at the right price then set it and forget. Day trading is really hard, and often times yore just better off buying and holding. Think about the market cap.. As it continues to grow, especially when all the kids are home for the holidays getting their parents set up, you're money is going to just appreciate with the Crypto market cap. If you choose a solid coin with a strong leadership team, strong product, etc. other people are going to keep pouring money in to it.

>> No.5206228
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Started in August at the ATHs of everything for that time period. I bag held OMG, NEO, and a few others. Could have been up 4-5x instead. Just bad timing but I'm doing well all things considered.

>> No.5206340

6x your money is good shit anon but in all honesty that's peanuts. You need like $20k to make huge gains. Try and put more into crypto every paycheck. I'm 50/50 on crypto/savings contributions. I want to have $25k of my own $$ in crypto by mid 2018 - currently at $7500

>> No.5206366

I lost my job in August and had to sell my 3 BTC as a security buffer since I wasn’t sure when I’d line a new gig up. Starting new job in 2 weeks, $100k salary, finally ready to get serious about trading. Been lurking hard as fuk for ~8 months but still feel like a scared bitch

Thanks for the inspiration OP,

>> No.5206433
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grats dude.

i'm a poorfag who started with 750 then just paid 150 more in eth

>> No.5206441


Dude start ASAP. You're leaving money on the table by staying on the sidelines. I'm up 3x on 7k over 4 months and that's shit compared to others.

Learn from my mistakes though: don't chase pumps! You WILL lose. Buy and hold top/long term projects.

Good luck.

>> No.5206506

im going to put $2k in this week, trying to finalize a portfolio of where to spread it out

the only positive of currently being unemployed is being able to lurk biz all day lol

>> No.5206508

Just bought 200 MaidSafeCoin (MAID) time to become a millionaire boys. Known about crypto since BTC was $50 a pop but just getting into it now, Dec 2017. Lel

>> No.5206602

You gotta look at crypto portfolios the same way as long stock portfolios. Sure people are on /biz/ every day, day trading, and shitting every up and down, but here's the truth: we're all in this game super early and we're all not retarded (except maybe the pajeets), so if you take things with a grain of salt and aren't weak handed, any buy you make is likely to be profitable if you just hold on and enjoy the ride.

>> No.5206627

A bunch of flash in the pan dumpster fires and monero

>> No.5206678

reminder that we're all going to make it

>> No.5206774

thanks for the advice man. been getting some serious FOMO thinking its too late, hopefully it is still early in the 5-10 year picture

>> No.5206806

Brotherman we are in this together. There are super tips on biz because people do genuinely want to help each other on here. When you start buckling down and investing in alts but stick with your guns and don't look at the numbers too much. they fluctuate so much and weak hands can get the best of you. Gotta HODL

>> No.5206851

THIS is everything. Well said anon.

>> No.5206890
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From 50AUD deposit in April this year.

>> No.5206946

Yeah, it's just now really hitting the mainstream. I remember mining 1 whole LTC back in 2013 on my XFX 6950 2GB. Took me like 2 weeks. I wish I still had my LTC wallet cause I'd have $370 extra right now. Some people might call me wrong, but the gains are only now *really* starting to pick up. The massive gains between 2011 - 2017 were really only taken by the big players.

>> No.5206959

are you stupid or just deluded?

>> No.5206974

What exchange you using for Monero?

>> No.5207024
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>Investment tips
Here's a copypasta I've been working on. 1/?

>Step 1: Research
Start at number 1 on CMC and work to at least 25. Here's my copy pasta'd research algo to get you started:

[0] What is the products purpose (and actually read the whitepaper), what are it's competitors?
[1] what is the tokens purpose, what are you actually buying (and why do you think it will appreciate in value, what use cases)?
[2] What is the dev team like (are they real, do they have solid and provable backgrounds), any partnerships?
[3] Check out the roadmap, news, deadlines, etc. Have they been meeting deadlines? Is there big news on the horizon? What are the short and long term plans?
[4] What's the public perception? What does /biz/, plebbit, BTC talk etc have to say? Attempt to dispel FUD as it's encountered.
[5] Apply all the above criteria to the competitors.
[6] Is now a good time to buy? This is a whole different algo in itself.

You'll have to develop your own trading algorithm, since mine is more dynamic and less static. But generally, STICK to whatever algorithm you make (but know when to hold, and know when to cut losses), and improve the algorithm over time. Set entrance and exit plans ahead of time. Buy alts when BTC dominance is highest, and sell alts when BTC dominance is lowest. Don't overlook TA, but don't rely on it too much. From there, you'll figure out the rest. Personally, I follow 10-20 projects and do pretty good just getting in a month early and selling the news, and keeping a dynamically allocated portfolio based on what news is biggest. But also focus on trends (TA comes in here), its clear as day BCH is going to have a massive bull run soon, as an example (it goes like clockwork sometimes, and I made a bunch by noticing LTC was next when it was $70). Don't swing more than you're whole stack unless you're ok with getting left behind post-moon.

You can change your bags as you see fit after you complete this step. Never overlook a project.

>> No.5207069

Yeah this. I got massacred in august and didn't look at my phone for a month. Things are looking good now though!

>> No.5207106

I bought it on binance. Binance is awesome.

XMR is the only blue chip coin that hasn't really mooned. I think it will very soon. It's also just such a solid solid platform and an idea that will withstand the test of time.

>> No.5207134

Screen cap that anon

>> No.5207184
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Set to gain over 20k this month starting with $500 of bitcoin over the summer and 3k on credit cards over the last month. 50% REQ 30% LINK 10% Cindicator 10% BTC/Eth. I'm gonna end up really rich or really sad.

>> No.5207192

Gotcha, I thought about YoBit...but I get a weird vibe from it. Maybe I just need to look into it more, not sure.

>> No.5207204
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>Step 2: Fill Your Bags

Look for what your research told you is undervalued ofc. I make a lot buy looking at next months news, and dynamically allocating my portfolio accordingly (most profitable news I predict gets the biggest hold).I follow 10-20 different projects and make a nice little chunk of change doing this. However, in the low market cap holds, stay on top of news - you don't want to get JOOST'd or get stuck bagholding if all the devs die in a plane crash.

For each different position in your portfolio you'll want to determine what kind of trading algo / strategy you should be applying to it. You don't want to be selling half your long term low market cap holds for a measely +20% (unless you're actively swinging), but for BCH / XMR (my recommended high market cap buys right now) that'd be fine, as they're less likely to go absolutely parabolic and never come back.

>Step 3: Staying on Top of New Projects, Charts, etc..

I suck at this, but cryptowatch has some /comfy/ charts, and icoalert and cointelegraph are good for upcoming events, and I'm sure you'll dig up more resources from searching around. This site is unironically good for finding some new projects if you make sure to research the logos and names you don't know, rather than overlook them and only read the threads about projects you already know about.. And for news related to your holds, most teams use twitter and have dedicated ((((subreddits))))) that you can check daily/weekly whatever.

Also, I meant to include this in the algo (it's always a work in progress), but make sure to jot down potential questions and concerns and make sure they get answered, even it means asking the devs in telegram. And also just know what kinds of risks you're taking with lower market cap coins, but it's these sorts of risk that have the biggest potential pay off.

/blog, like n subscribe

>> No.5207233
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Jealous of your XRB OP. Best performer 2018 incoming.

>> No.5207369

what app

>> No.5207422


>> No.5207427


>> No.5207524

it's not complete yet though, I change a little bit every iteration.. but I think it'll be a final draft after a couple more post

>> No.5207527

What app is that anon?

>> No.5207561

damn guess not on ios. blockfolio doesnt show xrb

>> No.5208321

Your XRB holding looks great too bro. Thats going to fly. Did you see the next.exchange news for XRB? Exciting stuff

>> No.5208342
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Am I gonna make it guys.
Started with 5k