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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 240x236, csm_bitcoin_logo_DDAEEA68FA_seeklogo_com_png__PNG_Image__299_x_300_pixels__4003e5afda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5200934 No.5200934 [Reply] [Original]

The audacity of you fucking retards. You come here sharing tips and analysis of crypto, when it's just a roll of the fucking dice. You're like a sad old booze hound that thinks he's got a great method for winning the coin slots. You all think you're Jordan Belfort. If you weren't £1000 deep in crypto by 2014 you're a fucking victim. If you haven't already lost most of your money, you're going to at one point. Even the photos you post of your "14k portfolio", you're not kidding anyone. Spend 10k, up 4k one day, down 4k the next. This should not be a business and finance thread it should be a help thread for problem gamblers. You're fucking pathetic. You're lazy. You have nothing going in in life. That's why you choose crypto currency. You're all too lazy to invest in real business ventures. Take me for example, a real entrepreneur. I've been buying and selling cars since I was 17. It's paid my bills for 6 years. Just this morning I bought a "spares or repairs" listing for £150. Got it running after a quick reference of the hanes manual and an hour on YouTube. Same car, similar age and millage are selling for £4500 on autotrader. Night just sell it for £4000, for a quick sale. Even if I buy a car that is truly fucked, it still has scrap value, real physical value. What do you have? Nothing. Ive also put the deposit on a car that cost 3300 but will sell for 5000 easily. And all that took was 15 mins looking for a good deal. Last year I used only £8000 to buy my uncle a van and tolls for his landscaping business, for which I'm getting £1200 per month cash for zero effort. No sleepless nights. No spending hours each day following trends (100% pointless task) and now I'm looking to buy a small piece of low grade land for forestry operations. You idiots really have no idea about business or finance. I hope bitcoin crashes to 1k most of you fucking hang yourself. Worthless posers.

>> No.5200985

cool story bro

>> No.5201051
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stay mad faggot

>> No.5201499

Hey, nice to see some honesty here. These crypto fools are lazier and more worthless than lifetime welfare recipients. Not only do they do nothing, they waste copious amounts of bandwidth and electricity producing nothing.

I also agree that /biz should be reworked to include actual business discussion; give the cryptocucks their own section where they can play with their ponzi scams.

>> No.5201661

Fuck you bruh me and my homie is gonna come up in this white world. we from detroit but recently got out because we was dealing with bitcoin back then. we sittin on 100 bitcoin between the both of us and we bouta start a business soon. we coming up in this white world. but you right, this board is childish as fuck lmao. these fucking kids be shitting on each others investments and shit. y'all need to grow up.

>> No.5201695
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ah this pasta again?

>> No.5201701

even though you're trying to have bad grammar it's not bad enough to be coming from a nigger

>> No.5201726

Aww, baby just realized Capitalism is a nonsensical system chock-full of contradictions. Guess what? The people at the top realized it long ago, yet you STILL perpetuate it ("muh real value, muh get a real job"). If you actually believe you have intrinsically more worth because you're """"""ethically"""""" sacrificing your health, time and stress in order to be a cog in a smiley face killing machine, guess what, you are deluded beyond words. If you aren't playing the system, the system plays you. Welcome to the real world. Now do something about it, or shut up.

>> No.5201728

Your a shitcar flipper congratulations.

>> No.5201754
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>your wish is my command

>> No.5201786
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is this a new pasta i see?

>> No.5201823

Look at this salty faggot, kys I don't care if it's bait or not.

>tfw make money at my helpdesk job while also making thousands off easy trades

Git gud faggot, take your bootstrap meme and shove it up your ass.

>> No.5201898


The absolute state of this chav

>> No.5202001
File: 16 KB, 480x368, 1512143865615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong faggot? Sad that the capitalist cat caught your tongue? Making money just got one hell of a lot easier and it's going to boom for the next 3-4 years.
Why dont you just buy in now and cut your loses? Or are you too fucking stupid to see your fuckup in not getting in earlier?

Land is worthless & crypto is the new standard. Get on the fucking train or get RAN THE FUCK OVER!

>> No.5202077

Damn. Sounds like someone's butthurt about losing all their money.

Maybe you should have studied fundamental and technical analysis before you threw money at a computer and expected it grant you 3 wishes. You familiar with projection?

>> No.5202088

Get out of crypto NOW.

Before you lose all your money.

This is last warning.

>> No.5202118

lol nocoiner detected

>> No.5202122

>helpdesk job

Pajeet detected

>> No.5202143
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Cry more nigger. What are you gonna do? Crash the markets? Kill us all? Hack the exchanged? Good fucking luck. You'll have hundreds of thousands of people coming after you and your shit tier family.

>> No.5202183
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he thinks we buy/own buttcoin. FAGGOT

>> No.5202189
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Nice blog

>> No.5202205
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muhbuh geh oot o creeptu

>> No.5202227
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and fucking stay there

>> No.5202284

So fucking what you mouth breathing minimum wage scum? While you're moving heavy weight literal trash in the earth around getting your hands dirty, creating back problems 20 years earlier and smoking every 5 minutes on "break" because your life is harder than those who chose to make smart money. You think you have it better than us? Well guess what old man, when I'm 20 years old and already have my first million you will be out in the boonies scrapping any kind of human waste to provide for your ugly wife you settled for and ungrateful kids who you chose so selfishly to raise on a 20k a year salary. While I am sitting at home moving decimals and pressing buttons sitting on my 20k recliner I bought with the 1% earnings of my portfolio because why the frick not and my hot as heck Slavic model wife I so graciously had the nobility to purchase her safe passage into the Americas and provide to her like a proper man should. You know what? So recently I actually managed to make more money than I can even withdraw so I had to just buy my wife her 4th Gucci designer bag and me, myself a 2nd sports car I bought off the many international approved bitcoin markets that are already established. Quite embarrassing you can call yourself a man who can't even provide for his family and will just end up as a nameless loser on your small Wisconsin flyover states obituary on the shitty newspaper I will wipe myself with in the morning on my golden toilet in my god damn penthouse looking over new york fucking city.

>> No.5202340

If you held any major coin for the last month you've at least doubled your money, probably more.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5202363

You can laugh today, but in the end you'll cry when the governments shut down bitcoin and arrest all the fraudsters behind it.

They have shut down the bitcoin offices in taiwan. Next hong kong, new york and seoul.

You literally have less than 3 months to sell everything and get out of crypto completely.

I'm telling you this because it seems like y'all too stupid to see this obvious ponzi scheme.

>> No.5202392

>when the governments shut down bitcoin and arrest all the fraudsters behind it.
>They have shut down the bitcoin offices in taiwan. Next hong kong, new york and seoul.
but this will make buttcoins even more valuable??

just bought 100k more monero

>> No.5202397
File: 1.35 MB, 1393x1656, chad investor vs virgin investor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you watch a lot of movies and tv
wanna know how i know this?

>> No.5202398

I've already withdrawn my initial investment and I'm still up thousands.

I'm not too worried. Now it's just a game to be.

>> No.5202438

Fucking No coiners rofl

>> No.5202445


underrated post

>> No.5202552

desu trading is fucking easy

I'm literally never wrong on medium and ultra short time frames. The only problem is I get impatient lmao.

>> No.5202577

I made 1.6 million this year from 20k, how much did you make being a used car salesman? My portfolio has to change 10k for me to even notice. 1000 is too small of a unit.

>> No.5202649
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What a sad degenerate. Crypto is our generations gold rush. Why would we ignore it? If anything that’s just reckless and stupid on your part. I’m sure most of us have real jobs, I know I do. I make a lot of money (330k/yr), and I choose to invest a decent portion into crypto. Why? So my kids don’t have to worry about money. So my retirement dreams will happen. So keep flipping cars for $1500 profit, and I’ll keep making 300% every week, taking profits and laughing all the way to the bank.

>> No.5202684
File: 68 KB, 178x173, 1513562417274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew lad

>> No.5202738

Pretty accurate, but I'm going to keep rolling the dice until I'm rich or broke, hoping that I can get out before I'm deadass broke.

>> No.5202757

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

>> No.5202791
File: 9 KB, 238x217, 3216546543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The audacity of you fucking retards.
Hear, hear..!

>You come here sharing tips and analysis of crypto,
You're welcome to pitch your girlfriends underwear, (but I can tell you she doesn't wear any.)

>when it's just a roll of the fucking dice.
Wrong. My charts do not lie.

>You're like a sad old booze hound that thinks he's got a great method for winning the coin slots.

Lighten up bro, you sound like a faggot who'd call the police just interrupt a good party.

>> No.5202862


fuck off boomer

>> No.5202877
File: 152 KB, 600x583, IMG_1017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people that lose the most money are the ones that watch a bubble get bigger and bigger and bigger and do nothing but wait until it eventually pops. Still with the same amount of money they started with. Never took profits. Never had the chance too. It's not how hard you work but working hard to figure out how you won't have to work anymore. Money doesn't buy happiness but it does buy freedom and freedom is happiness. Good luck OP.

>> No.5202929

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.5203021

Love it.
Best post in days

>> No.5203149


I'm saving this

>> No.5203432

Shh, the guys at the top brainwashed OP into "muh honest living" like they did with the boomers. Let him live in that artificial world

>> No.5203703
File: 16 KB, 230x220, F058BEC1-8B6B-4E8F-9CFB-81F0FECC46E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> bitcoin offices in Taiwan
The absolute fucking state of gen x-ers

>> No.5203920

This. You can either wagecuck for the rest of your life making an "honest dollar" or find a way to make money outside of the way you were told to.

>> No.5204004

>shut down the bitcoin offices in taiwan
what are you even talking about?

>> No.5204033
File: 68 KB, 630x374, 56e024e81500002a000b1742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The audacity of you fucking Lannisters. You come here sharing tips and analysis of how to defeat the ice king, when it's just a roll of the fucking dice. You're like a sad old peasant that thinks he's got a great method for defeating armies of the dead. You all think you're Tywin Lannister. If you weren't balls deep in zombie flesh north of the wall, you're a victim. If you haven't already lost your entire family, you're going to at one point. Even primitive ultrascans of your unborn incest child, you're not kidding anyone. Have a bunch of blonde kids, one dies one day, one dies the next. This should not be a discussion about killing the ice king it should be a help thread for failed families. You're fucking pathetic. You're lazy. You have nothing going in in life. That's why you choose King's Landing. You're all too lazy to fight real undead hordes. Take me for example, a real entrepreneur. I've been standing on this wall since I was 17. It's paid my bills for 6 years. Just this morning I saw an undead horde. Got it running after a couple of dragons came down and fucked shit up. Same dragon, same age, nobody even knew they existed a year ago. Night king killed one of them, for a quick fail. Even if I buy a dragon that is truly fucked, dead in an ice pond, it still has value, real physical value. What do you have? Nothing. I've also got the wildlings and I can assemble 5000 easily. And all that took was 15 mins fucking some redhead chick. Last year I used only 8000 men to go north of the wall and fight the army of the dead. No sleepless nights. No spending hours each day following trends (ungh, how much are thee Tyrells worth now?) and now I'm looking to fight the Ice King and his undead horde with a huge alliance. You idiots really have no idea about freeing the land of the living from the scourge of the dead. I hope your incest child is stillborn and most of you fucking hang yourself. Worthless posers.

>> No.5204131

mother fucking POST OF THE YEAR

fuck I love you OP <3 <3 <3

as someone with a lot in crypto, I would love to watch all these fags kill themselves

>> No.5204135

this post is nothing short of pure gold

>> No.5204231

really? tl;dr

>> No.5204242

> the bitcoin offices
we are reaching autism levels that shouldn't even be possible

>> No.5204351

Nice reddit spacing faggot, if crypto is a ponzi (which its not) it is no more a ponzi than our fucking current system is.

>> No.5204448
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>This edgelord