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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51729029 No.51729029 [Reply] [Original]

Is marrying a girl from a lower class a bad financial decision?

>> No.51729048

This thread again, on the same day??? Give me a break

>> No.51729050

caked makeup hoop earings. id say that one wouldnt be too wise.

>> No.51729053

The problem with a lot of lower class/ middle class people is they waste a lot of money on useless junk and don't know how to cook. Saving money and investing is a foreign language

>> No.51729054

you know you don't need to marry them to lose your virginity right?

>> No.51729057


>> No.51729092

you just know

>> No.51729107

what is this game of thrones? you need to preserve your royal bloodline to provide an heir with a legitimate claim to the throne?

>> No.51729127

She looks cute enough to date and young enough to teach her the wrongs of her way

>> No.51729132

I dated this one girl who came from a single mom household, not exactly poor but not thriving. My family were born in commie poland, but having immigrated to the states worked their way up to upper middle with several lots of property in the Seattle metro region.
She had a huge chip on her shoulder over the wealth disparity between us, and would hold it against me whenever we argued. Fuck dating below your strata

>> No.51729158

You should always marry up

>> No.51729159

this is the kinda girl you fuck a few times when you find yourself in a dark place, working a job you're over qualified for in order to make ends meet and more lonely than you'd like to admit. Just don't get her pregnant OP.

>> No.51729162

Depending on the wealth gap, a lot of the time it comes with the expectation that you will also support their entire family.

>> No.51729177

You're pole

>> No.51729189

social standing means nothing. you're worrying about the problems of an ant when we're meant to grow up and deal with human problems, not just push around dirt all day.

>> No.51729198

i'd never fuck this girl. not worth the small chance of getting her pregnant.

>> No.51729203

Suck my monkey nuts

>> No.51729208

Bot thread

>> No.51729212

Dumb women make nice mothers. You know who awful mothers are? Career women.

>> No.51729221

Adopting a poor gf is based but the qualifications are narrow unless you just want to nut

>> No.51729256


Why tho.

>> No.51729310

Polish vermin

>> No.51729342

TL;DR lower class girl couldn't fix problem on her own

>One winter the oil runs out on house oil processing fucker idk what it's called
>Has to be reset
>I am entirely unfamiliar with it
>Youtube it, video is informative
>Take knowledge from youtube and apply it to situation, able to reset it
>Draw a diagram with a lot of steps about what to do, isn't the best but better than nothing

Fast forward to today
>"Anon we ran out of oil at the house and it has to be reset how is this done?!"
>Refer to my own drawing, "valve is bottom left, it is near such and such major feature as my drawing shows"
>Showing me live video, keeps giving up and pulling camera away from location I can't screenshot
>Finally finds it, turns something "I CAN'T TURN IT MORE THAN ONCE"
>I have feeling it's entirely incorrect thing
>She gives up entirely
>Have to go over there

It's all so tiresome

>> No.51729345

Suck 'em, anon

>> No.51729360

I financially mog my father in law. He makes $90k as an accountant. I make $180k doing IT

>> No.51729364

You just know she has unironically been put through the ringer at the trailer park and the trap house.

>> No.51729388

A girl's job isn't to be a handyman, you retard. It's to cook and raise kids.

>> No.51729650

Yes. It usually is.

>> No.51729672

women have nothing to offer beyond their ability to give you children

>> No.51729682

Literally only terminally online shut in incels think like that

>> No.51729689

Cinderella meme?
Nah find a super rich girl thats totally into you and will listen and learn from you. Get her pregnant, and her dad will buy you the house and make u the manager of one of his businesses.

>> No.51729709

Wow that's so enlightened of you. The rest of the world totally shares your values.

>> No.51729822


If they're from an immigrant family, you're probably fine.

If they're third generation or older, it's beat.

Important thing is the family is smart and of a high enough element to not get caught up in the goy nonsense like drugs and children out of wedlock.

>> No.51729835

You can take that spirituality crap out of here
I don't care about your god

>> No.51730013

Absolutely yes. They are the nigger cattle. Told what to think and believe via moderated internet forums believe whatever the nice Tv news lady says.

>> No.51730126

>If they're third generation or older, it's beat.

So basically you don't date white women

>> No.51730228


Gas knobs on stoves only turn once, so she's right. If a woman has to turn a knob more than once something in her world is wrong.

>> No.51730230
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Not if she's the right age, if you know what i mean.
With wives, it's all about being able to exert as much of your influence in your lifestyle and beliefs on her.

>> No.51730270

fuck outta here talking about your virginity OP

>> No.51730385

* I don't date poor and uneducated american white women.

If your family has been in the land of plenty for 3 generations, you ought to at least be comfortable middle class. If you're still broke it means you come from untouchable peasant stock. Exceptions apply, but are rare.

>> No.51730583

I’m a multimillionaire, and one of my favorite things to do is go to poor third world Asian countries, hire maids that are ten a penny, and treat them like my personal harem. I’ve impregnanted a few of them in the past.

>> No.51730608

Take this advice and take it well.
"If your wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty Sunnah your wife...
... She sure is ugly but she sure can cook"
At the end of the day you need a maternalistic woman who can take care of you, and by default want and take care of your children.
That is all you need for a good life. TRUST me

>> No.51730713

Thanks, papa

>> No.51730717

>financial decision
>emotional decision
If she's kind and loyal to you I'd say not.

>> No.51730801

That's a man.

>> No.51730898

>"If your wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty Sunnah your wife...

Such cope. Marrying an uggo means your kids will be uggos too

>> No.51730915

Not necessarily since she would have a greater understanding of financial responsibility. She also would not be one of those suburban or urban social justice obsessed bitches with misallocated maternal instincts.

>> No.51730945
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That's a man

>> No.51730955

broke bitches will ruin your fucking life

>> No.51731009

this almost perfectly mirrors my roommate's situation, minus the pregnancy, but his fiancee's almost 40

>> No.51731081

Not if you're not poor

>> No.51731142

the stakes are even higher if you're not poor

they have nothing to lose, but you do

>> No.51731173


I'm not even talking about rich, just $60k-$70k middle class money

>> No.51731625

That does not look like a real person anon

>> No.51732080

I'm a 34 year old engie; make 110k and am dating mostly broke younger girls. I'm not simping for them enough to let them ruin my life and the little bit of cash I do blow when we hang out or go on dates impresses them more than it would entitled rich girls; they appreciate it more.

>> No.51732266

If you have savings, they can easily go through it.

>> No.51732391

my wife's net value was less than mine when we met, but it was only because she had student debt that was quickly erased once her earning potential grew and outpaced mine, due to her becoming a licensed professional during the early course of our relationship. I am starting to catch up to her; it is a fun goal trying to earn more than the other person.

so... maybe? knowing my audience here, /biz/ posters view women as property/liability, in which case you should only marry women worth more than you on paper. if you aren't an autist and have good dick game, idunno man do what you want lmao