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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51712000 No.51712000 [Reply] [Original]

>Marrying a retail Walmart wagie

What are the financial implications of this?

>> No.51712004 [DELETED] 

thats a man

>> No.51712005 [DELETED] 

that's a man

>> No.51712015 [DELETED] 

that is a man

>> No.51712030 [DELETED] 

built for bbc

>> No.51712037

Better be 10 lbs

>> No.51712041
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>> No.51712052

You should never marry a woman that makes more money than you. All that matters when selecting a wife is how loyal she is, how attractive she is, and how dedicated she is to the family. A woman working at walmart is better than some CEO woman. Women cannot be content with a man that doesn't make more than them. The bar is much much lower for the walmart girl.

>> No.51712081

/thread this is the answer.

>> No.51712098

anon i…

>> No.51712102

Probably a better move than marrying either a lazy slob of a woman who does nothing, or a woman with a "career"

>> No.51712167

>woman with a "career"

Good way to be poor forever or get divorce rape

>> No.51712168

As long as she’s loyal, cute, young, and feminine then absolutely nothing. A women with a masters or PhD is straight cringe. Even finding out they have a bachelors or some college makes me want to scoop out my eyes. I’d take a cute, loyal, feminine, and young McDonalds cashier wagie over a Lmaoooo LOL even, career women. Simple as.

>> No.51712174

with that face yes
my gf is stupid with money (no hight debt) and wont move away from stupid service jobs, what do?

>> No.51712251

>wont move away from stupid service jobs, what do?

She likes getting random dick

>> No.51712257

Notice how he turned his name tag around

>> No.51712370

Is this a tiktok for a specific walmart store? If so it rustles my jimmies.

>> No.51712398

You're either gonna be super happy or super miserable, there's really no in between there. You better be really good at picking them and know exactly what you're looking for if you go down that route.

>> No.51712403

That potato has better skin than she does.

>> No.51712433

Pic related looks like she does drugs and fucks guys for $20 in the break room, but there's nothing inherently wrong with a retail wagie waifu. Their job should be pretty irrelevant since they will be busy at home raising your children anyway.

>> No.51712442

LoL I tried looking but it's no longer there

>> No.51712638

Why does the woman care how much money the man makes? Is it an ego thing? Would that really make her stop her from loving a man? My mom makes more than my step-dad. She’s a social worker and he works carpentry. Women are not animals, you can’t just predict their behavior with sayings and hearsay

>> No.51712660


>> No.51712684

Where I live, all the white Walmart girls have black boyfriends. Even the skinny ones.

>> No.51712702


Sorry you live in the hood

>> No.51712710

God I hate /biz/ this is the one board that perpetuates anger the most and its not even about politics take this shit to reddit

>> No.51712718

Women are literally animals, the same as you and I. I really hope this is just bait. A man making a lot of money means he can provide stability, security, safety, all the things that a woman craves the most on an instinctual level. It's the same reason women call their partners "daddy" and the same reason women always would prefer to be in a relationship where they aren't really happy over being single.

>> No.51712720

>My mom makes more than my step-dad. She’s a social worker and he works carpentry.
Your step-dad (you're his wife's son, kek) must be a shitty carpenter to be out-earned by a social worker.

>> No.51712725

Anon the point is that scenarios like yours are not the norm. Yes that exists. You know what else exists? Fat dudes who are 400 pounds marrying a super model. Should we base life on the niche? No. We should base stereotypes on the "norms".

The norm being, women who make more money are more independent. They are less likely to be attached to any single relationship or family due to their high level of self sustainability.

>> No.51712773

Sorry, I thought it was a relevant anecdote.

>> No.51712783

Are you trans

>> No.51712799

case in point about them having low standards based on their own low standing and income

>> No.51712800
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No I hate those things.

>> No.51712818

“The norm being, women who make more money are more independent. They are less likely to be attached to any single relationship or family due to their high level of self sustainability.“

You can’t really say this about even 50% of women that have high paying jobs. People that earn those positions are often hard working, knowledgeable, and know how to behave. Some of them even have close family relationships/loyal partners. There are good women out there who are also intelligent, not that I am linking success with intelligence

>> No.51712842

>step dad

Ohhh no no no no hahahaha LMAMMMMOOOOO whose ganna tell him bros?

>> No.51712844 [DELETED] 

That's 100% a man

>> No.51712850

Pretty much this. Women, no matter how good they are, are like antennas for evil. So you need as many failsafes as possible.

>Make more money
>Be attractive
>Must initiate affection and enjoy it
>can cook well
>intelligent and receptive to wisdom
>ethical and filial
>has women friends only
>almost never aggressive

Maybe I'm forgetting other stuff but you really can't trust them, and it's not because they're necessarily inferior but rather it's because there is so much evil in this world women are literally conduits for this force because of their superior intuition. It is a double edge sword.

FYI My wife doesn't even try to touch my dick or initiate sex and I'm 31. I'm not sure how long I can last. I love to read and study art and practice music and what not, so I'm very occupied and content with an ascetic lifestyle, but it always hurts knowing you're not attractive enough to be touched. Women live in the tube and expect their partners to be like the next best thing. They have no remorse for a male's desires but lose their shit if they cant get their needs fulfilled.

>> No.51712871
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>> No.51712886
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Do it if you love her.

>> No.51712914


>> No.51712923
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Stated a retail job recently in the back....there is this hot red head chick with an amazing ass i am basically in love with. She is probably like 5 years younger than me though, how do I ask her to marry me without being a weird creep? I She smiled at me and I'm a forklift operator if that matters

>> No.51712968

Tell her you know how to handle wide loads.

>> No.51713008

My gf only has like 2 of those traits. We've been dating for 1 year but I've been thinking about dumping her since month 3.

>> No.51713009

same, anon

>> No.51713031

really tells you all you need to know

>> No.51713061

Not Murican'
is walmart as cheap as people says for american and foreigner standards?
I hate goyslop , i like fruits and cooking normal food at home

>> No.51713062

if you're thinking about dumping her that early, do it. cut it early so she is less spiteful about it.

>> No.51713068 [DELETED] 

That's a man.

>> No.51713084
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Does she smoke/vape? I have met 95% of my work hook ups in the smoke area over the years. The cool thing about smoking is that it can force you into a non awkward social situation where it's just you and the other person. Makes it easy to talk and open up. Once you are in that scenario you just back and forth casually, ask some key questions, (Start slow like, do u live around here, what made u work at this joint, or talk about whatever else is being talked about) and eventually after a few trips to the smoke area together you guys are basically friends and at that point you should feel comfortable asking for her number. Because also if you were paying attention she would have revealed any conflicting life details at a more proper point so you can abandon ship long before you even ask her out.

Don't be the nerd who vapes and smokes on their phone and doesn't talk to anyone. That's fucking weird. Smokers are okay with eavesdropping when you are in the smoke section. All conversations at the smoker section are public and inputtable.

>> No.51713110

if she is unvaxxed (fertile) and young enough to give you children then fuck yeah, if shes vaxxed or old then you might as well just try to find an old ass widow with money

>> No.51713230

not him but what if you see an employee and she doesn't smoke?
like how tf do you approach a cashier or a chick stocking shelves?

>> No.51713238

He looks like he does crack

>> No.51713259

The potato is smarter

>> No.51713267
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College girl are way better because they will always need your money to pay off their debt. You think a wagie Walmart gal has debt???

>> No.51713279

I think she'll be pretty spiteful regardless since she's 32. She's asked me multiple times if I love her and can see us spending the rest of our lives together.

>> No.51713301

If she’s there because she’s too dumb to do anything else, stay away.
If she’s there because of shitty life circumstances that has trapped her in a negative spiral, give her a chance to prove her worth.

>> No.51713326

>like how tf do you approach a cashier or a chick stocking shelves?

"Hey which isle do these go in" while you hold a vaginal douche

>> No.51713408
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I went for the low hanging fruits, and very rarely went for those challenges, honestly there'd be times where I ask girls "hey you headed out to smoke?" and when they say no it practically ends the entire discussion lmao.
In the few instances that I did hook up with non smokers. They eventually came back around and 'returned the offer' by pursuing conversation with me in other ways that weren't smoking. It felt like the "hey do u smoke" question to them kinda helped initiate the moment, even though it was short, it planted the seed in their head that you had interest in wanting to talk to them more.
And if they don't come looking, then maybe that's a sign to back off anyway.

>> No.51713472

they are the same demographic

>> No.51713546

>Women are not animals, you can’t just predict their behavior
finally a relevant post to call someone an actual incel

>> No.51713612


>> No.51713623

Moreso the male drive they are attracted to, rather than literally earning more. As long as he is ambitious

>> No.51713627

>my mom makes more than my step dad


>> No.51713679

>bitch I love my time and you waste it with your needy highschool bullshit.

>> No.51713700

>I went for the low hanging fruits
ye I do the same. back when i worked in amazon, I'd only consider the ones that approached me and open up a convo. but even then i'd only get approached by a skinny tatted up slight-skin black woman, a Muslim hijab-wearing light skin black woman, one white pr woman that look a lil mixed with black from her curls, and 2 obese black women with giant asses. Slim pickings but decided to not choose either of them out of fear of catching an STD or possibly getting baby trapped.

>> No.51713709

your wife's job should be child rearing anyway

>> No.51713725

High earning women are competitive and therefore bitches and therefore unattractive

I already compete enough in my life I don’t need a cunt to drag me down at home when I want to chill. Ambitious women are combative by nature and their personalities are shit for that reason

Just because women want a high earning man with status doesn’t mean men want that. Men are not insecure about ambitious women. We just don’t want more bullshit to deal with at home. It doesn’t mean I want a woman to walk all over because I dated a woman who was fake about everything to keep me and I dumped her because it was so clear it was an act and I wanted her to simply be herself and be happy

>> No.51713835

>You should never marry a woman that makes more money than you
I wouldn't say never, but its a one in a million it'll work out if you do. Knew these 2 spics that the guy had almost nothing working for him on paper. He earned way less then her, was way less educated, was way shorter (5'6), family was basically with zero social status, and the list could go on. Keep in mind he was pretty good looking though, and he was very charismatic. Despite all the things he was lacking he married a very traditional, very tall (6'2), extremely educated (BA at Harvard, PHD at MIT), extremely prestigious family, very good looking (8/10 as a Mexican), and very high earner (worked at google.) So just know its possible but don't count on it.

>> No.51713890
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that's like asking what are the financial implications of giving a woman half my shit and paying her alimony and maybe even child support.

lol fucking retards

>> No.51713992
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>>Marrying a retail Walmart wagie
>What are the financial implications of this?

If she come debt free with no kids, no addictions, no crazy criminal EX, not a religious nut, not a vegan, not a feminist liberal progressive environmentalist, never been in the sex industry, not insane, no debt, AND the has a very healthy sex drive and does anal and swallows, then... sure

>> No.51714011
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>If she come debt free with no kids, no addictions, no crazy criminal EX, not a religious nut, not a vegan, not a feminist liberal progressive environmentalist, never been in the sex industry, not insane, no debt, AND the has a very healthy sex drive and does anal and swallows, then... sure

this is all I want is it too much to ask for?

>> No.51714051

Retail girls are dumb, they're good for sex but very very bad for investment, females are bad investment in everyway. Btw nice trips.

>> No.51714100

>does anal
Why would you want to put your dick in a shitty anus when the vagina is just a couple inches away?

>> No.51714115

You do not date or marry a girl for financial reasons ever, the majority are financially illiterate at best, total consoomer retards at worst. Never merge finances, always hold full authority over major spending decisions and if she objects then cut her out of your life. Think of them as long term rentals to give birth and raise your children, you're literally paying her to propagate your genetics. That's all there is to human existence.

>> No.51714120

this pussy has just as much funky shit in it.

blood and white sticky discharge. humans are disgusting when you really think about it

>> No.51714128

yeah but you have a chance of creating offspring

>> No.51714131

Blood and discharge are icky but they aren't literally feces with trillions of bacteria that spread a variety of infectious diseases. I mean hell, even kissing is kinda nasty, the human mouth is pretty gross. But the anus is on a whole different level of filth.

>> No.51714139

why would you want to do that? having a kid basically ends your life and your freedom to do what you want unless you're black

>> No.51714155

if you think the vagina is free of bacteria you're fucking retarded

>> No.51714160

As a man who has fucked many assholes, yes they can be gross but if you fuck vegens who douche it's great.
you know how good a tight asshole feels pulsating on the head of your cock?

It's an experience but gotta find the right one.

>> No.51714161

What diseases can I get from a vagina in a monogamous relationship?

>> No.51714166

there's a whole range of STDs. look them up dumbass

>> No.51714167

Your life was already over and freedom gutted the moment you were born into a central bank my friend
Having children and educating them yourself is one of the primary methods for destroying the shackles that bind us

>> No.51714187

>lacking so much
>good looking
>married a freak beast
Uh huh. You do realize looks and inhibition are everything right? Everything else is just arbitrary in comparison.

>> No.51714216

>Your life was already over and freedom gutted the moment you were born
so your idea is to then bring more into the world to suffer?

bringing an innocent child into this world is in fact an act of cruelty.

>central bank
there are far worse fates. i was reading today about a gladiator back in ancient rome that suicided himself by sticking a tersorium down his throat to avoid being eaten alive my animals in the arena

>> No.51714269

God damn just go back, or do us all a favor if life is so painful and off yourself
I have had enough of you and Dostoyevsky's nonsense

>> No.51714280

cry me a river faggot

>> No.51714287

seethe and cope
you will never make anything

>> No.51714299

Since that's actually unironically a man am I supposed to say that's a woman? You guys aren't doing it right

>> No.51714301


>> No.51714304

already have but thanks. i'm sure lots of dumb hicks like you think they'll contribute enough to the world by having 10 kids in the trailer park with miss piggy

>> No.51714323

>looks and inhibition are everything right
I mean yah, that was the point of my post.
People will say height and money mater, but looks and confidence trump them easily.

>> No.51714324

>What are the financial implications of this?

>> No.51714338

getting discount at walmart

>> No.51714342

There is a man in the foreground of the photograph. And alimony when he divorces you.

>> No.51714353

Oh my bad anon

>> No.51714358

You know nothing of life yet purport superiority, just like your kin Dosteyevsky
What makes you carry yourself in such a manner?
Do you truly believe there is nothing to life but sorrow?

>> No.51714421

This. It always ends in divorce because they get bored. Or if she's loyal, no divorce, only a dead bedroom that makes you wish you were divorced.

>> No.51714426

smoking is a red flag to me

>> No.51714532

> and hasnt fucked niggers

>> No.51714547


>> No.51714583

where do you live?

>> No.51714587

can't tell if tranny or female from photo. that's already a red flag right there. too much make up and giant false eye lashes, flat chest. Biggest hoop earrings I've ever seen.

>> No.51714597

Learn your heritage

>> No.51714648

cigarettes are substitute for them not having a dick. its a way of showing they are cultivated feminists. you know that anon? also they smell out of their mouth its gross

>> No.51714664

scythians smoked cannabis

>> No.51714689

t. retard

>> No.51714734
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shut up nigger. women dont smoke weed. if she is smoking weed its probably a tranny.

>> No.51714746
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>> No.51714754

double nigger
learn your heritage

>> No.51714778

Retail slags are comfy, but honestly too trashy and low iq to have any decent kids and/or establish a family with if your plan is to settle down. She almost always has a shitty extended family to deal with too. I just want a smarter woman from a decent background that isn’t a self-righteous cunt, but that combo might as well be impossible to find these days. Kek

>> No.51714788
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Incels sheeting, makes no sense
>Be me
>27 year old loser with 4k in savings
>Dating a 21 Gymnast 5'4'' blonde aryan chick with a rich dad
>Has never once in 4 years asked about my finances nor care about it
>Loves me because of how I make her feel and wants to spend everyday together

This whole ''Women won't date someone who makes less than them'' seems like a cope

>> No.51714900

the fuck?

>> No.51714917


>> No.51715066


>> No.51715077

the college girl takes 14 dicks a day but the walmart girl only takes 3

>> No.51715130

Seeing a single person post about the same thing across multiple days and boards always makes me wonder if there are really only maybe a thousand people here.

>> No.51715145

Tel Aviv

>> No.51715153

Damn bro. They really have Walmarts in Israel?

>> No.51715230
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>> No.51715240

this AI thing is getting out of control

>> No.51715304

im jewish

>> No.51715459

>omg not that disgusting white cream!! Ewwww is that BLOOD? I'm gonna faint
Kill yourself

>> No.51716451

>too trashy and low iq to have any decent kids and/or establish a family with if your plan i

That's weird cause most eventually get married

>> No.51716596

I got divorced this year for this reason. My wife only made about 10/20K more than me and it drove her insane.

>> No.51716894

Lol this is literal beta mindset. The exact opposite is true. If a woman is only sticking with you because she needs your resources, she's going to resent you and leave whenever she finds a deal with better resources.

If she makes more money or is financially secure and still wants your dick, you've won.

>> No.51717196

>Despite all the things he was lacking he married a very traditional, very tall (6'2), extremely educated (BA at Harvard, PHD at MIT), extremely prestigious family, very good looking (8/10 as a Mexican), and very high earner (worked at google.)
MF lucked out. I would've taken on that deal in a heartbeat TO GO

>> No.51717258

>I'm a forklift operator
your literally the Chad of the store.
Fork lift operators make no apologies.
everyone fears the Certified Forklift Operator
they move the big loads
always have the right of way
go where they want
and take what they want

>> No.51717278

Women are hypergamous, feminized incel. Stop imagining they think like men, read rational male.

>> No.51717308

>5 year difference
You should just marry a post wall roastie, no more worries bro

>> No.51717338

Based, I can tell from your experienced words that the dumb hoe must have put you through a lot, just get rid of her, if you don't have kids or are financially bonded consider yourself lucky and leave as far and as fast as you can. If you're tied to her in some legal/biological form, it's over.

>> No.51717374


>> No.51717402
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>Cultivated feminists
Anon pls, smoking will always be one of the most social adult activities out there, sure, smoking is definitely something that gross roasties do too, but you cannot deny that there are cuties and trad types that smoke/vape too. You can find them if you look. I do prefer girls who vape obviously, but most smokers carry around gum/mints so breath is never an issue. But yeah I'm biased, because I vape/used to smoke.

>> No.51717566
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>> No.51717604


>> No.51717627

>but you cannot deny that there are cuties and trad types that smoke/vape too
Cuties maybe but not trads. If she is trad she doesn't smoke. Simple as

>> No.51717630

>not a religious nut
Pagan detected

>> No.51717715

It might be a regional thing
I've heard on the mega lefty west coast (Seattle/Portland) if you smoke/vape at all you're looked at like some kinda rude weirdo.
Deep south everyone smokes including trad types.
I think you confuse general trad mentality with your personal definition of trad.
Either way I mean if you are using any of the above methods for picking up chicks these really aren't methods for meeting a trad wife lmao. Mostly just hookups, and tatted smokers fit the bill.

>> No.51718692

I hate divorce but I'm fairly sure unwillingness to have sex (with the exception of inability) are grounds for one. Do you all have kids together? If not it might be time to leave. If so get a sugar baby or two.

>> No.51718707

Pathetic mindset. Get a girl who is as ambitious. The stay at home wife meme is pathetic - you are essentially taking care of a golden retriever. I can't be with a dumb girl even if she is sweet and pretty. I have tried.

>> No.51718746

Did this come before or after the meme?

>> No.51718764

moonman wage theme kek

>> No.51720543


>> No.51720636

Good luck anon. It's your job to keep her out of the cat food and wine aisle.

>> No.51720655
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>Women are not animals

>> No.51722658

have fun with a 28 yo hag with a 40 yo's face lmao

>> No.51722691
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>gf just got a job at walmart

>> No.51722748

actually you should marry a rich girl that is already set and doesnt need an income

>> No.51724572

>you are essentially taking care of a golden retriever

>> No.51724584


>> No.51724761

Women are bilogically hardwire to seek the best mates in terms of how physical they are and how much they provide. You cannot overwrite bioligal hardwiring. Your mom may be an exception but 99.99% of women are. Yes, they are animals. We're all animals. Sorry but you have a step father meaning you were already fucked from the start. You version of reality is already warped as it was. Good luck, don't become a faggot or tranny and don't do drugs.

>> No.51725236

that's a man