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51701844 No.51701844 [Reply] [Original]

How are we feeling millenialbros? We're about to walk towards our 3rd (((once in a lifetime))) market crash. Us europoor millenials are doubly fucked since the US of A blew up the nord stream... I'm legit scavenging for broken wooden pallets in warehouses so I can heat my house.

>> No.51701917

Everything is fucked and I don’t care about the future anymore

-30 year old boomer

>> No.51701937
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Being a brown 3rdie is a blessing, don't have to dump thousands on heating in the winter and superior brown genetics makes summer heat a non-issue.

>> No.51701968

I just wanted to have kids and a cozy house somewhere quiet.. that's it.
It's almost like people should stay where they are adapted to live.

>> No.51702064
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things could be worse I guess but yeah this year in particular has been really fucking gay for me

sounds based

>> No.51702105

everything is getting more and more gay, more and more kosher, more and more black... every year

>> No.51702116
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> How are we feeling millenialbros?
Honestly, not too bad. The next few years will have pain, but I'm generally optimistic about the long-term future of America and my own life/career. Doomers need to go get laid and stop schizoposting.

>> No.51702163

>It's almost like people should stay where they are adapted to live.
Then why are you complaining, bro? Just go out in the wild and embrace the cold like your ancestors did.

>> No.51702162

You are a russian cocksucker. You are too dumb to make it.

>> No.51702166

Same age, same attitude. Legit don't give a fuck, oh, gas is 20$? Don't have a car.
Milk is 5 bucks? Ok, here you go.
There's not really any big dreams left to be crushed.

>> No.51702200

I'm used to being poor as dirt op, nothing changes I'm just starve soon.

>> No.51702238

I can’t get a new job and is now considering joining the military. If the Big One is coming then the elites will need hired guns if they want to keep their necks intact.

>> No.51702245


Could you russians please start giving reasonable terms for peace please. I understand ukraine was a vassal russian state and it is important territory for russia, so its only reasonable you should get something back, but please, the whole: lets recreate the sovjet union is retarded. If you gave clear limits to your demands this shit wouldnt need to happen.

>> No.51702247

Guess you are closer to the boomers than me.
Knock it the fuck off with this bullshit.
The cold is the least of my problems anon. I worked in a steel mill and guess what the company will close here and go to China bc of energy prices. I'll have to work at some fucking retail job dealing with karens and niggers all day.

>> No.51702272

I'm not Russian I'm Portuguese

>> No.51702278

I live in Lapland and have never used a heater in my life anyway

>> No.51702294

based eskimo

>> No.51702301

Rent-free, now be a good goy and pay the gas bills, paypiggy

>> No.51702306

>The cold is the least of my problems anon. I worked in a steel mill and guess what the company will close here and go to China bc of energy prices. I'll have to work at some fucking retail job dealing with karens and niggers all day.
Damn, that sucks. My sincerest condolences.

>> No.51702450

thx anon

>> No.51702470

You do realise that if we all decided to unite behind the same leader we would be unstoppable?

>> No.51702473
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I'm holding in there, continuing to slurp dividend stocks for better yields, crypto isn't really my thing. Luckily I have a pretty solid job so I'm not too worried but it's still painful watching my portfolio value steadily decrease.
I'm the last year of millennials (1996) so I was still pretty young when 2008 hit and didn't realize how bad it was because of that. I'm still kicking myself for not buying more stocks during the COVID crash, not making that same mistake.

>> No.51702539

UK, 38, live with parents, trying to save as much as I can to survive this crisis. Boomer father continues to waste money without a care in the world. Frustrating.

>> No.51702608

Wym, dark times? It's the perfect time to get a waifu

>> No.51702680

Honkler is dead and we are living in peak weimar.
I'm into both. I have a lot of bank stocks but I'd be completely out of tech related stuff if not for crypto. We're both late millenials I was born in 94.
I feel your pain anon.. I'm not in my 30s and I can't cope with the fact that I don't have my house and renting will just fuck me up bc it will eat 60% of my income.

>> No.51702689

I have grown a tolerance. Just let the planet explode and everyone dies instantly. Get it over with, humanity really isn't worth preserving.

>> No.51702738

Things are ok except that labour does not transform into capital like it should in capitalism.

>> No.51703722
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Feeling good. All this turmoil got me to put my shit together. I don't want to be sucking on the government's titty when the milk stops flowing.

t. mostly NEET since 2011

>> No.51703769

We are fucked, it's obvious .
Relaxing and taking a look at what to bag when the dust clears off

>> No.51703819
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>greatest buying opportunity since covid crash
>too broke to buy anything

Let it all fucking burn Im so fucking tired bros. Sleep cannot cure this tiredness I am watching opportunity of a lifetime pass by as I wage for pennies just to see it all dissapear paying bills the moment my paycheck clears. I just want to sleep and drift away from this clown existence I never asked to incarnate in this horrible luciferian timeline and no matter what I do I cant shift away from it 2 years of mediation visualization grounding exercises etc and all I feel is a deep fear and tiredness when I wake up and have to play my role for the day. Only my connections to family members and thinking of their pain keep me from ending it its a videogame where your character is locked into a shitty ending and you cant hit reset and start fresh

>> No.51704340
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It is your fucking duty. YOURS! Gen X and the boomers destroyed the West. The boomers contributions are well documented but Gen X has evaded all criticism.

Gen X were the ones to create and usher in social media. Gen X were the ones that raised these faggot Zoomers.

Millennials are the MOST redpilled generation. We NEVER bought 9/11. We do NOT agree with globoHomo agenda.

It is up to us to sway society and recapture power towards sanity. We are raising Gen Alpha the last hope. WE HAVE TO DO RIGHT THINGS HERE UNLIKE THE FAGGOT GEN Xers AND THE WYA THEY RAISED ZOOMERS.

Don't get it twisted, there are a lot of Marvel soi Millennials who are man children but their are way way more doomers who never bought into anything this entire time and remember what a normal society looked like at the turn of the 21st century.

Raise your kids to reject globohomo, vaccines and social media. FUCK ALL ZOOMERS AND FUCK ALL GEN Xers. Raise generation Alpha the correct way.

Remember society and the social fabric of society is controlled by the youth. These faggot Zoomers who have boot licked their way to a totalitarian world government and made it cool, will get old and lose all power to the next generation of 15 year olds. All their faggy rights and climate garbage and comply with the system boot licking will end up being ridiculed by GEN ALPHA if you MILLENIALS RAISE YOUR KIDS RIGHT!

Or you can give in to apathy like most of the loser GENXers that became coke heads and bums. The choice is yours.

>> No.51704374

good. i sold the top and don't care

>> No.51704714
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i moved to SEA bfor corona and things are looking pretty good over here but you know best of luck out there kiddo

>> No.51704960

with jews you lose.
i'm getting really frustrated because i'm in a disagreement with my landlord and taking steps to prepare to sue him. i wish i could just have a condo of my own and not have to deal with landlord swine anymore and all their bullshit. i can't hang shelves because i'm terrified of losing my sec dep making holes in the walls, and i'm losing my patience to deal with their incompetence.
(tried to file for a lease renewal and they've been ignoring me for over a week now. my lease is up tomorrow and i have no idea what to do. this is illegal.)
all i ever wanted was to own my own place. doesnt have to be big or super nice. just a comfy 1 bd. but i can't have that because boomers ruined the housing market.

i work fulltime and have a good education. i can't afford housing or healthcare. good thing i never wanted a family becuase i can't even support myself let alone children. the entire planet is going back to the dark ages because of boomer greed and jew malice.

>> No.51705715

Every single one of my dreams and goals have failed. At least, I'm married. It's nice but it increases stress. I really don't want to fail my family. I love them dearly.

>> No.51705760
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I am officially priced out of bread.

>> No.51705822

I'm right here with you brother. I'm a millennial. And I'm proud of that.

Everything lies with us folk. The future depends on us. We are the hope left in the world. Zoomers don't know how things were, but we do. Only us can set things straight. So keep yourself safe, brother. Much love, from your friendly millennial brother, Sam.

>> No.51706325

Your boomers literally escaping winter by partying in Thailand.

>> No.51706378

>world of food

>> No.51706470

you cockroaches will outlive us all

>> No.51706488

I quickly went through the five stages of grief and now I'm accepting everything that comes. I live in an especially cucked country: germany.
I'm part of the skilled workforce and I will move to the swiss in the foreseeable future. fuck germany.

>> No.51706530

Based equator nigger

>> No.51706749

too busy with women problems, don't fall in love, on the other hand it made me not care and I took huge risks in crypto which paid

>> No.51707485

Honestly, we created most of the social media out there today.

>> No.51707613

38 Jesus Christ

>> No.51707772

No we did not. Every millennial founder in silicon valley during the tech boom of the 2000's was backed by GEN X VC scum. You think Facebook could have grew as fast and as rapid and hold such a monopoly for so long without the majority of GENX leadership within those companies/boards/investors? GEN Xers in power back then knew better, yet they still pushed social media into the world. They knew better but still gave their toddler zoomer kids tablets at 4.

>> No.51708042

Part of me wonders if female standards will move downwards out of necessity: the average guy today will never be able to afford a decent house mortgage, kids, and a middle class standard of living on one income. There's still millions of women out there thinking they'll be able to stay at home or work part time and marry a provider. Never mind the female to male college enrollment ratio is 62:38 and increasing, and affirmative action fucks men, especially white men, in every area of life from scholarships to hiring to even healthcare now. Or will we simply have a generation of spinsters? By 2030 the majority of American women under 40 will be single for the first time ever. I wonder what will happen then

>> No.51708083

My only hope left is that the coming depression will wipe out all Boomers portfolios to restore affordability, particularly of housing.

If that doesn't happen I'll quit the west and move to Thailand. If I'm going to own nothing I might as well do it somewhere warm and cheap.

>> No.51708200

Welcome to the 4th Turning. The crisis will end sometime this decade and then we’ll have new problems to deal with. Such is life.

>> No.51708784

> My only hope left is that the coming depression
GloboHomo won't do this. It is the great equalizer both economically and socially. You think people will put up with their agendas when mass starvation and homeless populations quadruple?

Do you remember occupy wall st? That came from 2008 and so did the satoshi whitepaper. If GloboHomo is smart they will keep things exactly as it is for the next 2 decades. A literal crab all markets scenario.

No depression-like collapses which could easily give rise to revolutions, nope only minor hiccups as the real estate market never corrects back to normal levels and inflation and stagflation continues ad infinitum.

People are content with netflix and ordering uber eats. Sure they're poor but at least their favorite streamer is live rn and they got 3 new message on tinder....

>> No.51708885

What would you buy if you had extra cash?

>> No.51709253

>Gen X and the boomers destroyed the West.
No GenX or boomer fought in either of the world war's.

>> No.51709288

I don't even know bros. People will be like "ur larping" and "u have it made", but im fucked, honestly. I live entirely off of shitcoin investments. Unironically. I rent for $1600 a month and i have no job or car. I don't even go to college anymore. I order groceries online. I have a NW of like $165k. Idk what I'm doing. I considered the army, but I feel like I'd rather end my life than do that shit. I'm so lost. Should I learn to code? Also, I live beside a train. That's why I don't have a car. The train barely goes anywhere tho. Help me bros. I'm 22 and lost.

>> No.51709331

Also, the reason I say I'm lost, is because I know this lifestyle isn't sustainable. It's almost surreal, even. I came from poverty and I made it big with SHIB. "Big", meaning lower six figures. It was life-changing money. But I have no skillset. It's just such a weird position to be in. And now I could never fathom waging another day in my life. Unironically. Might sound like a mindset of complacency, but what's the fucking point? Genuinely.

>> No.51709391

>too young to remember early 90's crash
>too young for the dotcom bust to remember it very well
>only remember it based on the little "pearls of wisdom" that boomers repeat about the dotcom bubble that only make sense if you know nothing at all about tech
>definitely remember 2008
>including the lifestyles of largess that ordinary, middle class folks were living in the run up to the crash based on riding real estate prices and the subsequent panic
>distinctly remember half the houses in every neighborhood being foreclosed on
>remember panic at school as kids parents lost their jobs and their homes lost half their value overnight, and suddenly there was no easy credit to keep the lights turned on

It's weird. It takes a different form every time. This time it's the form of raw inflation squeezing people out in real time instead of over the course of many years, quite probably right before another round of job losses and companies collapsing because they got too greedy and took fat profits during what should have been a recession. It's a different feeling this time because we're watching it happen right in front of us.

>> No.51709681

>Or will we simply have a generation of spinsters? yes but first onlyfanners, gig workers, and rental girlfriends until they're ~30

>> No.51709825
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Bruh, why no so mad bussin fr fr no cap

>> No.51709844

Based brown king

>> No.51710369
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>pretty good

Lmao, you’re still wearing face mask and face shield, goyim. How many boosters? 12 now?

>> No.51710402
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>globohomo says they will do it and write books they will do it and even practice drills they will do it
>you, a literal who: they won’t do it

>> No.51710462

Make sure you buy a few bags of rice and some other long lasting foods just in case things get really bad during winter. The possibility of food producing factories going bust and supermarkets being empty for weeks at a time is a real possibility this time.

$100 worth of food that you can eat next year if nothing happens is a cheap life insurance

>> No.51710564

>Millennials are the MOST redpilled generation

lol no chance bro... Most millenials are conssomer faggots. The only good thing about millenials is that we made the internet cool, before boomers understood how to use it after 2010.

We are the last gen to live BEFORE high speed internet, thank god I experienced that world.

>> No.51710590

they'd love to keep the status quo going
problem is they can't

>> No.51710636

Finally grinded out of the hole that 2020 put me in, paying off debt and making the most money I ever have. So yeah I completely expect to get fucked over within the next few months.

>> No.51710653

Being part of the 96 to 92 lost generation really does suck.

>> No.51710686

I'll be fine. I've got plenty of capital and a good support network if things really go south. I hope for maximum pain on the rest of my generation though.

>> No.51710690

I haven't a worked a day in my life so I'm good. I have not supported this system in any meaningful way.
I'll just keep leeching and earning money in shady ways as long as I can

>> No.51710698
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If crypto isn't your thing, then it is for me. The upcoming bullrun season is going to be huge, and I hope to add more of my alts, including geeq, reef, zil, uni, eth, and rose. Just gettin ready for the upcoming season anon.

>> No.51710708

What are you optimistic about?

>> No.51710716

Faggot we are going to keep going down if your bullish

>> No.51710810
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>no gf
>no house
>career is stagnant
>economy is fucked
>virtually no friends
At least I have a fast internet connection to frogpost with

>> No.51710827

God I envy you niggers sometimes. Going from $0 to $200k this bullrun changes nothing in my life. Meanwhile I could be king of the jeets

>> No.51710861

I own 3900 LINK and Im thinking about ending it all.

>> No.51711233

Age? Go to college

>> No.51711273

That's a jeet scammer anon don't reply

>> No.51711391

I'm preparing for a collapse of society but I'm living like things are going to be relatively fine.

>> No.51711499
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>Doomers need to go get laid and stop schizoposting.

Schizoposts are what give me hope for the future though

>> No.51711695

the usa caused this situation and is forcing it, it's about cucking germany and russia out of being gas buddies. take a look at the euro&pound vs the dollar. usa big bully.

>> No.51712853

Why did they receive a patent approval for their blockchain's security and scalability features if it were a scam? Anon, what drugs are you taking?

>> No.51712867

I own land but I still live as if I'm essentially homeless
At least when the financial system falls apart it won't impact my standard of living much

>> No.51712893

the quintessential millenial >>51712155

>> No.51712928

This is a completely serious question: how are Europeans so poor when the government pays for your education, health care, and hands you tons of social benefits every month?

>> No.51712956

I would argue 4th: dot com, great recession, covid crash, and now the great stupiding.

>> No.51712989

Rise up against your overlords, or at least try to get a new Jewish high score
But you’re too much of a bitch to do so

>> No.51713028

You actually did agree to incarnate in this horrible luciferian timeline but you haven’t yet focused your will on what you need to do to make your life fulfil your mission. How much time have you spent lamenting things you didn’t agree to (money) vs what you did agree to (???)

>> No.51713128

Come off it, pleb. This is one of the few projects with real-life application. The team is committed to providing the best data service for both worlds. Don't conclude without checking.

>> No.51713160

I literally work at a supermarket that gives me free food (bread mostly).

All I want is a decent paying job with nice people, everyone's always been a miserable asshole or sweatshop conditions.
Meanwhile girls just have to learn2code poorly and they make more then any of us.

I can't win anymore

>> No.51713180

This normally takes 2–3 years. They must have had everything figured out before now.

>> No.51713248

>life-changing money
but did it change your life? was that change a positive one? Paying $18k/year to rent an apartment you never leave, not even to go flirt with the cute cashiers at your local food co-op? Sounds like prison with extra steps.
I've been there, having make greater returns in both 2013 and 2017 than I could have imagined. Considering other expenses that means you've got 8 years of runway max considering you don't make any stupid plays. Genuinely, though, you need to figure out what you want to achieve with your life and then manifest that reality. Personally I went the L2C route and have leveraged that into a solid career from which I can finance a community of artists and musician friends and build beautiful things together.

>> No.51713290

Im in EU and got literally no clue whats all the fuss and whining about.

>> No.51713731

thanks to the internet, many people are aware and is watching this all unfold in real time. in 2008 people only had CNBC. they can only go so far with changing the definition of recession and "trust the economists"

>> No.51713768


thought about shooting up the federal reserve or something at this point. But I'm actually too pussy and am just gonna drink and smoke my life away instead.

>> No.51713785

yeah I think they are "banking" on that, friend

>> No.51713819

glowie detected

>> No.51713857

You should try making money in a crash. Just open a short position on a company you really hate.

>> No.51713882

>gold, gold miners, silver, silver miners.

Yeah, the same bad advice over and over again! I mean if it was so easy that's what the market would do right?

>> No.51713930

Feds are so easy to spot.

>> No.51713935

The Chad reindeer herder fears no cold

>> No.51714068

I'm 35 and an ENTJ commander type, I've got serious influence when I speak/type.
I'm sick but I got a few years left in me.

Oddly enough I saw my future surrounded by rich younger men and I was their leader, not because of me wanting to lead them but we came to the logical conclusion that my charisma and intelligence would be enough to sway the normies, and the fact I'm actually dying shields me from fear of death, which is what turned Trump into a pussy he feared his life being taken.

>> No.51714108

which country? what visa?

>> No.51715216

financially im fucked too but there is a chance i will officially have a gf tomorrow wish me luck bros

>> No.51715302

Like absolute garbage, not even quitting porn or carbs is helping anymore. I don't see the point anymore

>> No.51715318

I'm taking shelter in a bank job unironically.
Heating is going to cost 2/3x more this year. And I've got a small solar system running that should keep my fridges running for a week or so of no power conditions during winter in case of blackouts.

I've got about two months worth of food stocked up, but not enough drinkable water.

>> No.51715332

russia blew the nordstream rip. i'm in italy and doing just fine. my condolences, hitlerbros

>> No.51715409
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Not great. I finally gave up on having children at some point during lockdowns, and depending on how the next year goes I’ll probably give up on seeing this through to the end.
Just a bad roll.

>> No.51715470

Because the money to do those things comes f>>51712956
rom europeans.

>> No.51715501
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>We're about to walk towards our 3rd (((once in a lifetime))) market crash
just fuck my shit up already