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51677711 No.51677711 [Reply] [Original]

Your greed will be your undoing. It is not right, it is not right to treat basic human rights as a commodity for profit...and then you dont stop at making a profit, you want an obscene profit and more. God will not let evil reign unabated forever, remember that.

>> No.51677723
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Inb4 someone says just be better with money

Fuck you

>> No.51677731

don't forget your tip when you pay your rent to me this month. 10% is fine and i also would appreciate if you would bake me a nice cake.

>> No.51677745

hey mr. shekelstein the HVAC unit blew up for the 3rd time this year.... weird. anyways, i need it fixed ASAP or i'm legally entitled to withhold rent or deduct from my rent the cost of a hotel room. chop chop, landwagie!

>> No.51677746

don't forget your tip when you pay your rent to me this month. 10% is fine and i also would appreciate if you would bake me a nice cake.

>> No.51677762

Just save up enough for a mortgage and buy a home instead of larping with clothes, trips, restaurants and coffes u can't afford

>> No.51677773

The real redpill is that landlords are still wagies, only REITchads are free from wage slavery.

>> No.51677782

If you were paying 1,333.33 a month for rent in the past ten years you’re a retard and it’s your own fault. 1300 may be normal monthly rent now, but it’s overpriced and living beyond your means two years ago.

>> No.51677791

Especially in Manchester kek just rug me daddy

>> No.51677797

landwagies love to cope and say they outsource it to a property manager.... who charges 10% of gross rents with the work ethic, intelligence, and due diligence of a minimum wage employee, because they have literally no skin in the game.

>> No.51677824

>Your greed will be your undoing. It is not right, it is not right to treat basic human rights as a commodity for profit...and then you dont stop at making a profit, you want an obscene profit and more. God will not let evil reign unabated forever, remember that.
just don't be poor, if you had spent your 20's in your parents house, you could have saved the required amount for a down payment, instead you go on living around, following the meme of independence and casual sex life, until you are in your 30's and realize you are a useless fucking person with nothing, no family, no property, nothing, you are a worthless slave...

>> No.51677856

People with full time stable employment that complain that they can't afford a house really mean they can't afford a house in the same area as their rental.

>> No.51677857

Stay poor commie faggot

>> No.51677867
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I buy none of those things you stupid worthless faggot.

>> No.51677868

>muh gommunism
tell me you're an hourly blue collar worker without telling me you're an hourly blue collar worker.

>> No.51677883

The cheapest most ran down single wide trailer in my area was 1000 5 years ago, today theyre about 2800. Dont fucking lecture me on shit you have no idea about. Californians will soon invade your cheap state as well fren and you will remember this conversation. Shoot every one of them you see, and their pet niggers too

>> No.51677893

Share your budget and we can all help u afford a house

>> No.51677905

Jesus christ, not every one who wants to be treated human is a communist. Communist aint even people anyways. Im an anarchist but not the cringey antifa kind, but the Edward Abbey, Ted Kacysnki kind

>> No.51677910

Supply and demand bitch. Thank your governments immigration policy. Rents come down when units sit empty for a few months. Not my fuckin problem.

>> No.51677937

I make around 4500 a month. 2000 in rent, 1200 in food because i have kids and wife. No car payments.

Insurance for my business is 70 a month
140 for phones
150 for car insurance
I save the rest but every few months it gets wiped out. This month i gotta spend 1200 on winter tires etc et

>> No.51677940

Stopped reading lol. She is literally doing it to herself.

>> No.51677973
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>goods that must be produced and services that must be performed are human rights

>> No.51677993

I bet this whore is a single mom

>> No.51678003
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Slaves are not a right either you turbo-kike

>> No.51678010

That leaves u with 940 a month which is 11280 per year so how much is a deposit where u are to work out how many years it'll take?

Obviously consider cutting costs through cheaper food alternatives, better deals on your car insurance & mobiles etc

Can you get a credit card with a 0% term to pay for the tires over time?

Be disciplined like with anything in life and you can be in control of your own destiny

>> No.51678014

If she wasn't a miserable and insufferable cunt she could have lived with her parents 2 more years and saved enough for a down payment. She could have gotten married and supported her husband, but instead she chose to be a strong powerful independent woman who can't afford a house.

>> No.51678022


unless they have a shitty family themselves and are forced to move out at 18, but if its voluntary, they should have accepted that living at home until 30 is the new norm, delete that tinder app

>> No.51678025

The GDP per capita in 1973 was $1,190. I highly doubt people were making $873 per week.

>> No.51678040

I do tend to agree, women should be at home raising kids and getting the core family unit stronger again, but they fell for the (((propaganda))), and most men arent doing their part as God intended either. Theyre abunch of coomers and man-babies, so cant blame women...but i still do.

If i had a pussy and tits id rule the world

>> No.51678043

Nobody forces you to work, but those working are the only ones who get shit.

>> No.51678052

>2000 in rent
Your mortgage payment would be less.

>> No.51678086


$12,051 median family income in 1973 = $80,386 in 2021 dollars. 2021 median family income is $79,900 per HUD. https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il/il21/Medians2021.pdf

>> No.51678091

Most places right now are asking 20% down, and literally the cheapest place is 300k for raw land. Anything with a house is 450k and up, leaning towards up more. Ive done the math in my head, itll take me about a decade to save up at this rate. Because i cant save that entire 900, alot of it goes to unexpected repairs and expenses.

My neighbor got his home and 15 acres for 50k 20 years ago. A working man can afford that, now his house is worth almost 750k.

I truly do appreciate your time and trying to help anon, i gotta go wage. Will try to reply if thread is still up in 12 hours when i get home

>> No.51678111

I know, thats why im seething so hard.

I know dozens of people that got priced out, and a dozen more paying 3000 grand a month for a 2 bedroom home. Shit is nuts thanks to all the califags invading and the land-kikes

>> No.51678115

>Federal Reserve and United States Treasury team up to make your money worthless
>Grrrr landlords
You are too afraid to fight

>> No.51678131

How the fuck is the MEDIAN us income 80k? That's almost 6 figures. There's no way average American families are making that

>> No.51678162

my parents live in bumfuck northeastern PA. their home (double wide on a foundation) and land (10 acres, of which 1-2 acres are clear cut) are now valued at $250-300k. i have no idea what they paid for it 25 years ago, but it was cheap enough that my parents bought it while my dad was still relatively entry level as a maintenance mechanic in a factory and my mom was a stay at home mom. today you'd need to be making $60-70k a year to afford it, which is experienced and near top level pay for a maintenance mechanic in the area.

>> No.51678178


>> No.51678184
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If inflation is bad and wages aren't rising... why not just cancel the inflation? You know? Stop printing money and reduce the velocity of money... maybe by first cutting government spending, canceling social programs, and reducing taxes, idk.

>> No.51678190

>$12,051 median family income in 1973
So divide that by 52 weeks in a year and you have $232 per week.
>2021 median family income is $79,900 per HUD
Divided by 52 weeks is $1537.

So instead of weekly wages decreasing as he said, they’ve risen by 560%.

>> No.51678204

>literally the cheapest place is 300k for raw land
Consider leaving California. That would buy you a house in the second richest suburb where I’m from.

>> No.51678205

do you have a learning disability?

>> No.51678213

>make it make sense
should have stayed at home with your parents and saved that money dumb bitch.

>> No.51678219


They weren't, he posted inflation-adjusted figures for 1973 wage, but then left the housing and education costs in nominal values.

In all fairness, tuition costs have ballooned. If you look at the numbers, though, housing hasn't really outpaced inflation by much over the last 50 years, although the last few have certainly been an outlier.

>> No.51678224
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>> No.51678230

We don’t call you poor for nothing. My forklift drivers make $22/hr. If they married each other that would be $44/hour, or like $90k per year.

>> No.51678236

No, why?

>> No.51678249

>They weren't, he posted inflation-adjusted figures for 1973 wage, but then left the housing and education costs in nominal values.
Yes, I’m aware he was intentionally misleading people. The problem is it works. People are too retarded to even google “median income 1973”.

>> No.51678257

Yeah looking at 8 years to get a 90k deposit which will pass quicker than u think (unless you'd rather do nothing and seethe even more as prices go higher?)

This time can be shortened with some smart compounded investments along the way, key part is ensuring u don't dip into that fund.

If u need some help staying on track join the @accountabilityteam telegram group

>> No.51678288
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The average house and car is much bigger today compared to 1971. Everything else listed is pretty much in line with the increase in income.

>> No.51678293
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>> No.51678391

>The average house and car is much bigger today compared to 1971. Everything else listed is pretty much in line with the increase in income.

these facts are irrelevant when they don't build small homes or small cars (e.g. ford no longer even makes compact sedans.) and spare me the "tiny home" bullshit because they don't qualify for traditional financing, and they are even more illiquid than normal homes.

>> No.51678489

Mill yourself

>> No.51678504

>I’ll be 40 in 10 years
Just say you’re 30 wtf

>> No.51678530

Ummm, honey…? Banks NEED to be bailed out??

>> No.51678604

I thought the same thing.

>> No.51679149

>all those people are white and not trannies or black or brown

>> No.51679772
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Millenials are pathetic. Maybe pull your socks up and prove to your boss that you deserve that raise and put more hours in at work. It is good there are more immigrants as the competition will encourage work-shy entitled brats to earn their keep.

>> No.51679791

Thanx anon

Ive never steppes foot in California, never will unless its to eradicate their populace. I didnt have to go to California, California came to me unfortunately

>> No.51679905


$1 in 1973 = $6.67 today
Everything in today's dollars

Average weekly wages
1973: $873
2022: $813

Median Home
1973: $201,434
2022: $433,100

Monthly rent:
1973: $720
2022: $2002

1973: $1000
2022: $13,104

Why couldn't that fucking faggot just use the real numbers? They are still really bad. And I bet groceries would solidify the point even further. If rent went down by 50% I would be set (actually if houses went down that much I'd own but you get it).

>> No.51679979

bro some states you can't legally build homes under a certain sq footage. Actual manufactured problem

>> No.51680425


160k over 10 years is not the worst assuming you used the tradeoffs of renting. In particular since people rent much less than they buy and the upfront costs are lower let's say she should have been able to isave an extra $600/month. Furthermore the mobility to switch jobs can get her maybe 5-10k a year additional salary for half that time.

So in total she should have come out with
- 600 * 12 * 10 + 5000 * 8000 = 1120000 additional money saved, not including investment growth or dividends.

Everyone has to live somewhere so it looks like her real cost was like 30k.

>> No.51680499

Thats not the American mythology. It's that people who provide value will get the money. Doing undifferentiated work that is fun will not get you anywhere unless you are incredibly talented (art, music, etc).

Now what sucks to think about is what's actually valuable to society and what's not.

>> No.51680783

The fact that (((bankers))) aren't hung from their necks is the first place is all you need to know about this gay ass "society."

>> No.51681112


Taking a break is good for the soul, I propose that it is also good for a nation.

>> No.51681150

(((Everything else))) unspecified.

CPI assumes that you are a single mother in NYC btw.

>> No.51681382
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Why do cringe millenials insist on being taken care of like they're children well into adulthood? The government is not your mommy and daddy, there to provide for your every want and need. You have to grow the fuck up and provide for yourself.

Hey, property destruction is against the terms of your lease so you'll receive an eviction notice shortly along with a subpoena as I'm suing you for the cost of the A/C units you destroyed. See you in court, looking forward to garnishing your wages for the next several years.


Declaring things rights do not render them immune to scarcity

>> No.51681554

>>51677773 >>51680425
>The real redpill is that landlords are still wagies, only REITchads are free from wage slavery.
What are some good REITS that I should dump my fiat into? Also is now a good time to put money into REITs?

>> No.51681591

>Hey, property destruction is against the terms of your lease
i didn't destroy property. the burden of proof is on you. i can do this all day while you shell out $10k at each occurrence.

>> No.51681615 [DELETED] 
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Bros what if...what if


>> No.51681737

Declaring people employees/tenants do not render them immune to scarcity

>> No.51681816


Low I.Q. meme

You can have all those things, you just don't have the right to have someone provide it to you for free. That's slavery. You either pay outright or pay through higher taxes. Capitalists pay their employees for their services, just like you have to pay the doctor/school/water company, etc .. for theirs.

>> No.51681934
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Getting "paid" a slave wage and getting fairly compensated for your time are entirely different things.

>> No.51681935

The evidence will be presented in court. Your vindictiveness will cost you dearly rentoid...

People become employees and/or tenants voluntarily dumbass. No one forces you to do a certain job or rent a certain apartment. That's communism which is what you want. Reddit faggot

>> No.51682041

It’s because our system is controlled by evil Jew parasites, and they deflect all criticism of them by dividing and conquering the goyim with SJW, globohomo and race politics and pretend to be humanitarian masters that have our best interest at heart that even this retarded roastie complaining about not being able to own a home will defend the very entities that seek to destroy her.

>> No.51682140

>The evidence will be presented in court.
lol what a stupid fucking boomer

>> No.51682187

Get another job if you can’t afford rent, wagie.
And now go back to my burger. No pickles or I’ll call the manager.

>> No.51682207

Lmao you really think you can just destroy a rental property to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars with zero consequences. Rentoids really are retarded

>> No.51682217

Your salary is based on the value of your labor, not the amount of labor. An engineer makes much more than a burger flipper even though the burger flipper may do more physical labor. The value is in the scarcity of the knowledge the engineer brings. There are billions of people who can put a frozen patty in a warmer. You can debate on what's fair or not, but the pic I referred to spoke of rights.

>> No.51682385

Just ignore the peasant and rise his rent by delectable 10%. For start.

>> No.51682406

definitely bait slide but in the offchance it isnt; do not put 20% down and dont lie about what "people are asking"
Sellers dont get to "ask" you to put 20% down. They get to ask if you have secured funding and if you can prove you have the ability to buy the house. After that, dont say a fucking thing and make a deal.
Rates are rising and i took the risk to buy a second house instead of getting priced out by rates because im young and idgaf if price collapse. A 10% interest mortgage on 270k is equivalent to a 5% at 400.
If the price on my second home collapses i do not give a fuck, i have a stable payment for 30 years that gives tax benefits and its in one of the best areas to live. My kids will not have to worry about being priced out of an area by rent.
This thread topic is misdirection btw. And some anons have pointed it out. Landlords are not your enemy. Theyre the ones trying to move up with one of the few invesments anyone can make use of. The people that created the problem of unaffordable housing (politicians w/zoning laws and macroeconomic policies and fed with rates being flatlined for 10 years) are very powerful and would rather have you be a crab in a bucket than someone who looks up and sees the true people that need to be the target

>> No.51682415

>remove thermostat cover
>rapidly short yellow/red wires until compressor windings melt down
>put thermostat cover back on
hey mr. shekelstein the air conditioner isn't working. you need to fix it NOW.

>> No.51682506

My 15 yr mortgage is 1600/mo in an affluent suburb of Chicago 3/4 acre of land
At these prices they are paying a premium to rent and thats fine because there are upsides to renting, theoretically

>> No.51682527

Hmmmm.... (((who)) is responsible for all this inflation...?

>> No.51682546
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>> No.51682702

>Why couldn't that fucking faggot just use the real numbers?
I think it's done deliberately as a form of well poisoning.

>> No.51682727

>rapidly evicts you
Hey rentoid you need to leave NOW

>> No.51682740

Not the value but the demand of it. Plumber can make more money than doctor just because there is more demand. Value is relative and not really important in market economy.

>> No.51682792

in my state you cannot evict without good/lawful cause. law enforcement will refuse to assist. if you persist by other means, i'll take you to court for breach of lease. you can't win. i'm smarter than you. after all, i'm not a retard who is six figures in debt for an asset that cash flows $300/month pre-tax in the best possible scenario.

>> No.51682824

>40 in 10 years
Why put in like this?

Wow these "guys" are like twins

>> No.51682825

My first landlord dropped by when I was making cookies. I gave him a few.
He was cool. I had some legit electrical problem and he was at my place in 20 minutes watching youtube videos on how to fix it.

>> No.51683010

Sorry bud. No can do. You're free to move as soon as the contract expires, tho. Have a good day

>> No.51683087

>real estate is a terrible investment because my state has tenant friendly laws and I post property destruction fanfiction on a Burmese pickleball forum

Lmao okay rentoid. Im going to keep getting my rent money, property appreciation, and pay little to no taxes on the income. You can keep seething. Faggot.

>> No.51683099

Ignore last reply. It's cool. I love my tennants and try to help them with whatever problem they have. They're nice to me too. Never had a bad tennant and most of them last long because I charge them less than market price. The only rule is no delays and there have never been any. I guess I was born to do this LMAO

>> No.51683138
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good luck out there.

>> No.51683143

this cunt will get to move into their parent's home when they die, so wtf is she complaining about?

middle class parasites are really just complaining their families dont own 4 homes so every child gets to have one by their mid 20's

>> No.51683189

>hey mr. shekelstein the air conditioner isn't working. you need to fix it NOW.
This is why my apartments are going to be 40 ft shipping containers with prison amenities. You'll rent month-to-month cash only, and you'll like it. Plus, you'll never know who the paid snitches are in the container stack until you fuck around and find out.

>> No.51683220

>threatening someone who legally has a right, for the duration of the lease agreement, to inhabit the property which you can barely afford to pay yourself
do you think this is a good idea?

>> No.51683425

Fair enough, but what creates demand (generally)? Scarcity. There will always be more potential burger flippers than doctors and plumbers because of the scarcity of the skills/knowledge (or lack of) to do each respective job. That scarcity creates value and demand. We're saying the same thing.

>> No.51683465
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>> No.51683484

We thought about it and decided we're just going to print more. Thanks

>> No.51683531
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>make it make sense
Government is full of satanic pedophile jews helping other satanic pedophile jews.
You know those movies and games about BBEGs?
Well turns out it's real, but no one does anything about it save a few good souls.
In fact you have people who will argue that their system is actually a good thing that we live in a dystopian hellscape!

>> No.51683560


>> No.51683584

Never forget that your taxes directly paid off a villa where rich people raped and abused innocent victims. Remember this when they are swinging from the lampo posts and begging for mercy on their knees. In Minecraft.

>> No.51683587

kill all boomers then the problem solves itself

>> No.51683804

No one paid 200k for a home in the 1970s you colossal faggot

>> No.51683840

Investing in crypto would have been better than buying cardboard houses.

>> No.51683844

>Posted from his iPhone, in starbucks as he orders takeout online plus tip plus tax plus delivery fee. Delivered to his apartment, in one of the most expensive cities, where he works from home

>> No.51683846

Yes we will pay for our sins. With your money. Now fuck off peasant.

>> No.51684138
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Doesn't work that way anymore.
"prove to your boss "
nigga please.

>> No.51684700

Have you tried just building your own house ?

>> No.51684864

All that's true and it's because niggers weren't as common as they are now. Back then it was mainly just normal black folk. white people thought it was bad back then, if only they could see today

>> No.51684890

If a burger flipper costs $350k a year, a burger probably costs $100. Are these morons for real?

>> No.51685201
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I bet she loved living like a queen there with tons of subscriptions and consoooooooom like there is no tomorrow

>> No.51685364

Mongoloid boomer. I hope you die soon.

>> No.51685400

>adjust wage for inflation
>nothing else
just be better with maths

>> No.51685415

Paige is a normie from npc boomer parents. Many such cases. At least this thought occurred to her in her lifetime, most people people never think of this.

>> No.51685466

Mom and pop landlords are usually based but are rare in the barrage of psychopath landlords and management companies.

>> No.51685495

Came to post this. This person threw away money for 12 years. They could've lived in a van, got free wifi from Starbucks, and showered every day at a gym and been rich during the QE years

>> No.51686430

I make $90k a year myself. I am poor here in California.

>> No.51686942
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Imagine being so fucking braindead you think landlords themselves are responsible for high rent and housing costs.

lol just LMAO

>> No.51686980

Kill yourself communist retard
I bet you support the federal reserve too

>> No.51687004

This needs a name like "goyslop" because normies are dense and leftards will die for the 1%
goywage is too mediocre, goyyield?

>> No.51687014
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Employers get almost nothing compared to workers.
Typical profit margins are about 5-7%.

>> No.51687040
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Yes… YES hate the small landlords! Hate them yes! Ahahahahahahaha !!! By the way gassies enjoy paying $1.20 per gallon over what we pay distributors!!! Hahahaha!!! Those skittles and kombucha you just paid $5 for? I paid less than $2!! Hahahaha hate those boomer landies, they’re stealing all your monies!!! Thanks for paying my investment property off, the 30 unit complex I went 10% on is going nicely and not a single complaint, be sure to hate your neighborhood boomer landie though they are so evil!!

>> No.51687042
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>>51681112 >>51683484
>>51677782 >>51677973 >>51678025 >>51678115 >>51678184 >>51678224 >>51678489 >>51679772 >>51679905 >>51682187 >>51682506 >>51682527 >>51683531 >>51683587 >>51684864 >>51685400 >>51686942 >>51687004
>If inflation is bad and wages aren't rising... why not just cancel the inflation? You know?

>> No.51687066
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Reminder that this is what communists actually believe.

>> No.51687101

the numbers are INFLATION ADJUSTED

>> No.51687192


We are in a housing bubble, so hopefully the Fed keeps ratcheting up rates and that shit continues to crash. There's absolutely no reason for houses and rents to have gone up as much the last couple years as they have, they've been artificially inflated in value by market manipulation (cheap borrowing due to low rates and people having more discretionary income due to COVID policies like the moratoriums on rent/mortgages and student loan payments).

>> No.51687277
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The real redpill is that the fed and zoning laws/other housing "regulations" are the sole reason housing prices have exploded in the past 30 years.
If we had a free market, housing prices would be coming DOWN.
But these gullible retards hate free markets because they're bootlicking retards

>> No.51687383

Trillions printed and handed out, Dual income and 50% of women over 30 without kids is why we are in a “bubble”
Without fed intervention it was going to keep going, and will.

This is nothing like 2008 but you renties sure wish it was. In 2008 there was a demand crisis. In 2022 it is a supply crisis. There’s too many dual income families without kids ready to outbid you and the trend will only continue.

>> No.51687539

There are systemically created distortions in the housing market, causing house prices and rents to be a lot higher than they should be, IMHO. However your landlord is not the root of those problems. As an individual, he has almost no control over those problems. He would be a fool to not charge rents that are suitable to the distorted market.

>> No.51687573
File: 130 KB, 1065x1065, landchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists are braindead and can only think in very simple terms. That's why they blame landlords and capitalists for everything the government does.

>> No.51687635

Yeah. I guess propaganda is still amazingly effective, unfortunately. Creating division in society seems to be the main goal of a lot of propaganda lately.

>> No.51687819

I live in the UK, looks like land leeches and bag holders who bought property during the covid surge are about to get shafted.

15% decline in property values by the end of the year possibly more by summer next year.

>> No.51687995

based retard

>> No.51688065

Engineers are unemployed

>> No.51688353

the iraq war cost $2 trillion alone, so did the afghanistan war, and america lost

>> No.51688406
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 10947221_10203469208325063_1311998398249270918_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll be 40 in 10 years

>> No.51688515

>bought a rich person a second home outright
if living in an RV counts as a second home then i guess so

>> No.51688998

> house price doubled in 50 years
they are not even trying to make these lies plausible

>> No.51689497

I can understand that housing went up some over the last 50 years.
>more luxury homes
>higher building standards
>higher taxes
But there should still be affordable homes. Everything on the fucking market is luxury.
What probably happened is the builder went crazy building luxury homes because they make more money. Now that the market is finally cooling off and people can afford luxury homes.

>> No.51689550

Either you rent or go homeless since its not enough for buying a home. Simple as

>> No.51689736
File: 129 KB, 400x600, 0930erina artist 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice Asuka sir, saved to my Asuka folder

>> No.51690552

I’ve heard it’s because land is so expensive it doesn’t make sense to build smaller homes. You could get a much better home for comparatively not much more money.

>> No.51690671

I'm glad I'm a home owner

>> No.51690759

>At 18
There's your mistake, I stayed until I was 32

>> No.51690850

>that's how much we can seize
do these retards think billionaires are sitting on piles of gold and cash?
it's from fucking company ownership, value which includes speculation (some publicly traded companies are massively overvalued) and illiquid assets

so let's say these commie retards get these companies, what now
how do they "solve world hunger for 216 years"?

do they start managing these companies and appropriate the profits?
isn't that stealing from the working class? should the workers not get everything? or maybe their ideal state manages the companies on the workers behalf?
that's fine i guess, but i guess we forgot about the whole "seize 6 trillion" or "solve world hunger" things

or do they just start market selling assets worth 25% of their country's gdp?
fuck the workers i guess, they can find other jobs
you can't just sell the ownership and let them keep running, you have already established that you "seize" businesses so there will be nobody to buy and any entity with a networth above 1b has no incentive to grow
thus you have to shut them down and sell/appropriating tangible assets like equipment or cash reserves
but many of these companies are overvalued, have assets that are illiquid or derive valuation from intangible things?
what happens when you try to sell fucktons of assets in a short amount of time with limited demand?

will they even get 1% of the valuation they seized?

>> No.51690855

I love it when rentoids go online and type out their little faggy power fantasys.
Anyhow the rent is due on the first don't be late.

>> No.51690947

How about i bake you in the hot arizona sun tied to a switch rail

>> No.51691088

It's important to learn where your rights end and sense of entitlement begin or else you're doomed to waste your life screeching at a bunch of people who don't care.

>> No.51691124

Not a good time. We are just getting started. Check in 3-6 months. Vnq is a good start

>> No.51691218
File: 78 KB, 1024x1001, Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is household. 75% of American households have the husband and wife working for corporations or the government. In 1970 it was closer to 40%. The Women's suffrage movement and immigration was co-opted by Capitalists with the intention of increasing the supply of labor. Capitalists used the freedom of women from familial work to instead work for the corporation. By increasing the Capitalists' supply of labor, they reduced the cost of labor to increase their profits. Capitalists further pushed for the Immigration Act of 1964 to add even more to the supply of labor. The depression of wages was set in stone and we are living with its effects.

>> No.51691285
File: 13 KB, 244x207, F76846A4-8EEE-4537-B053-354FE7E6ACCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rentoids having their little power fantasies in this thread is hilarious.

>> No.51691385

Correct response also checked dubs, OP is confirmed retarded or a moderately good troll

>> No.51691438

Don't get me wrong. I'm with that guy buy in his post he only adjusted wages for inflation.

>> No.51691551

>will they even get 1% of the valuation they seized?
you're forgetting something important, something even anti-leftists don't understand

lets say they managed to get at least SOME money from this seizing.
As they went to go spend this money, it would simply cause massive shortages and price increases because no new goods have been produced to justify this new demand.

The economy was already structured for the level of production before the seizing, simply spending new money(money that was previously saved, ie. not pushing up prices) into the economy, won't change the supply of goods and services received by the working class

The working class already, RIGHT NOW receive something like 99% of all consumer goods produced in the economy.
The economy is structured in a way so they get virtually all of the end product of production.
What the fuck more do these leftists want than virtually EVERYTHING?

>> No.51691595
File: 6 KB, 153x223, bawerk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want all marxists to die.
It's a cancer that won't go away even after it's been refuted a million times.

>> No.51691975

>do these retards think billionaires are sitting on piles of gold and cash?
Yes. The literally believe they all have a giant Scrooge McDuck vault.

>> No.51691990

>makes poor decisions

>> No.51692119

Flashloan arbitrage, learn how to do it the right way on the video below

https://cos dot tv/videos/play/37118042580489216

Resources needed to do the same process of the video are on the link on the videos description, click the video title to see the description

>> No.51692223

When I started landlording, we bought eyesore houses, rehabilitated them, and provided cheap and quality housing for local families. We still do. The neighbors are glad for what we've done.

We didn't raise rent a penny during COVID, and only just now gave 10% bumps across the board because property taxes are absolutely rocketing.

>> No.51692517

>What the fuck more do they want?
A home, stability, prosperity, and the consumption of various luxuries for an amount of money that your average worker in the first world makes, reliably meted out to everyone willing to work an average job in the first world.

If there aren't enough jobs, you're going to have to get more jobs or less people.

The fuck do you people even ask these stupid questions for? Its the exact same shit in every thread and we've done this a million times. Make it happen.

>> No.51692617

>Landlord will pay
Here's the deal kiddo, you cannot do anything. You can only vote. And the population pyramid is inverted and birth rates are negative. Nobody anywhere will ever be held accountable ever again.

>> No.51692755

Based Sincere landchad.

>> No.51692764

>Make it happen.
okay, lets free the market then

>> No.51693326

>We didn't raise rent a penny during COVID, and only just now gave 10% bumps across the board because property taxes are absolutely rocketing.

That's very noble, but haven't all your costs skyrocketed? Appliances, raw materials, labor, etc. it's all a lot more expensive than just a couple years ago. It's not like most landlords are raising prices just to fuck people over, it's because their costs have increasing along with everything else since COVID (or rather, governments' response to COVID) turned the world upside down.

>> No.51693358

You voted for this bitch, for both of us.

>> No.51693523

Lol, meanwhile me, an Italian with a loving family, worked since he was 18 years old and kept every monthly salary in his bank while living with his parents who paid for everything.
Guess what: I now own my house without having to pay rent or even asking for a loan to the banking jews.

Colpe & seethe anglocucks.

>> No.51694916


t. small town in flyover state poster

>> No.51696012

Dumb nigger, he's saying you could have saved 20k renting a room in a shitty sharehouse and have had a house with that mortgage. But you didn't because your a dumb fuck who'd rather whinge about stuff.

>> No.51696047

>I'll be 40 in 10 years
Imagine turning 30 and you're worried about....a decade from now

Bitch worry about today that's why you're in this situation you dislike lmao

>> No.51696304

They have vaults with pieces of paper saying they own federal, state, and municipal debt.
So what do you think happens if they seize the paper?

>> No.51696385

Jesus fucking christ you retards. The numbers are already inflation adjusted. The price doubled on top of inflation while wages slipped compared to inflation. That's the take away.