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51673884 No.51673884 [Reply] [Original]

lads I'm putting my net worth into deenz
I figured post collapse that deenz will be one of the few safe foods around

tell me why my plan isn't fucking perfect
I will be become king deenz


>> No.51673920

Pretty based, I think it would be cool to be a warlord that is totally insane from mercury poisoning.

>> No.51673944
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Quality > quantity you pleb.

>> No.51673960

but deenz have little to no merc....
you almost had me you rascal

>> No.51674000


>> No.51674004
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>mercury clad fish soaked in Sneed oils
Yeeaaaahh.... totally safe......

>> No.51674022



>> No.51674107


i wish seson would figure their shit out when it comes to the salt content. Some cans are great, some you open and its just a brick of salt with no deenerinos

>> No.51674126

the fish is safe cause they're low on the food chain

>> No.51674142

bro it's not a swordfish or tuna

>> No.51674152

they're in 100% pure extra virgin olive oil though

>> No.51674158

Based king deenz. Glad to see you pop around time to time.

>> No.51674173


Fucking howling.

>> No.51674190
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Based /deenz/poster. I'll be making the switch from tuna soon

>> No.51674193

You'll kill for one of those

>> No.51674298

I just bought my first can of deenz because of all of you, whats the best way to eat this without vomiting?

>> No.51674310
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drain leftover oil
put your favorite hot sauce or mustard on top
est out of can
if you are a huge weenie put on some crackers

bone apple teet

>> No.51674353
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This is the one is it good

>> No.51674385

Try frying them in a skillet until they’re nice and crispy, then put them on a cracker with your favourite sauce

>> No.51674408

I like sriracha, should I use olive oil or butter.

>> No.51674525

trader Joe deenz are unironically tasty as fuck

>> No.51674536

oil so they crisp

>> No.51674547

to get maximum calories you need to drink the oil. my dad always drank the oil and he died of multiple myeloma at the age of 70 which is pretty good all things considered

>> No.51674565

Whenever there's a schizo post there's always multiple stages that they say are playing out. I always take note of the first few and if they ever come true I'd rush to the store and buy up all the deenz

>> No.51674644

You want sardines with something else on the can so you dont get bored the second day. Fish in brine tastes metallic

>> No.51674673
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For me it's picrel. Since I found these I've never bought any of the other shitbrands.

>> No.51675034
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"Fish she is very small"
Based Quebecois

>> No.51675381

can you make this make sense?

>> No.51675424

where to buy this???
i don't see them carried in stores?

>> No.51675496

>tuna and swordfish get mercury from eating sardines

>> No.51675526

Idk in canada you can get them at sobeys/superstore.

>> No.51675533

>schizo post world ending larp
>I only remember the first part of their larp to see if it comes true
>If it comes true I go to the store and buy all the Deenz before normies can

>> No.51675542

yeah and it accumulates in them so they end up with much higher levels of mercury by weight than sardines

>> No.51675564

No mercury or heavy metals in deenz, they are too small and young when caught

>> No.51675575

>Quality > quantity you pleb.
Say that again after starving to death in a month, retard.

>> No.51675579

Because they only have a shelf life of a few years?
Also if you're gonna stack, diversify and get some herrings, kippers, smoked oysters/mussels, jarred squid etc.

>> No.51675910

>buying brand name sardines

Retard play

>> No.51675936

The best thing about canned fish is if it has spoiled and the can is compromised it takes a very short time.

So if it doesnt smell like death then its safe. Theres little to no "maybe" period when it comes to preserved fish products.

>> No.51675944

my current networth is
5% food
10% crypto
85% cash

>> No.51675990

Deenz will be the new currency post collapse just like how Cigarettes are prison currency. People can't eat silver and have no use for it, it will be easy to measure the value of deenz relative to other foods when there is a huge amount of people growing potatoes in their backyard but nobody has meat or fish

>> No.51676024
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based deenz enjoyer. The perfect food for any circumstance. ive eaten them on ski mountians and road trips many times instead of gas station (((food)))

>> No.51677848

Good idea but also diversify into tuna, cod fish liver, rice and pastas.

>> No.51678289

I'm a lacto-ovo-vegetarian, shill me something to buy.

>> No.51678345
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enjoy ur chronic mercury + heavy metal toxicity
also enjoy those proinflammatory oxidized veggie oils
also enjoy the hormone disrupting toxins leaching from the can into the oil
in short - enjoy being a faggot, faggot

>> No.51678621

Damn just finished the last of my deen stack. I have storable protein powder tho if shtf.

>> No.51679095
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I've got deenz with 2027 expiration dates. And that's just a minimum, not a hard limit.

>> No.51679137
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I didn't kept track of my canned food portfolio, but there are probably several thousand euro's.
Just another one of my shelves.

>> No.51679448
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Nigga ate so much DEENZ he can't stand still for a picture

>> No.51679929

you're gonna wanna diversify though: mackerel, kipper snacks, and octopus

>t. 350 lb burger

>> No.51680112

Anyone have a reccomendation of smoked oysters that isn't Chinese trash?

>> No.51680592
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It's just an old dumbphone with shit camera.

>> No.51680972

>bom petisco
yikes, pricier than other brands for no real reason imo
>olive instead of sunflower seed oil
lit + patrician + W

>> No.51681630
File: 1.07 MB, 659x724, dw3e1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent stack, fren. what's the king oscar tin in the back right?
I just got this off amazon, excellent variety for ameriburgers at $5/can

I got pic related recently, absolutely delicious and a nice change of pace from the regular king oscar with the oregano, basil and garlic.

>> No.51684156


nigga u take a pic of da beans like it was bigfoot

>> No.51684378

>This many deenz
>He doesn't know about the mercury
Enjoy minamoto disease

>> No.51684426

Be careful, a number of brands have been shown to contain dangerous amounts of arsenic. Interestingly, Season brand has been shown to have no detectable levels though.

>> No.51684520

Deenz don't accumulate mercury in any significant amounts because they are short-lived fish on the very bottom of the food chain, meaning they do not accumulate this and other heavy metals like larger fish like Tuna.

But by all means, don't buy deenz, I don't want faggots bidding up the prices of my precious deenz.

>> No.51684558

Sardines have some of the lowest mercury levels of any fish. 10 ppb, compared to 3 ppb in beef. Not that crazy.

>> No.51684584

Kek. I am going to write this into a funny post-apocalyptic story. Thanks for the idea.

>> No.51684608

how long do they last?

>> No.51686632

best buy dates for deenz are 3 or 4 years from canning date, but you can probably keep them for 20 years and theyd still be edible

>> No.51688183
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I'm all in

>> No.51688333

>tell me why my plan isn't fucking perfect
ask any poltard who did this the last time it was "happening for real this time, you have to be a complete idiot to not understand how bad things are gonna get VERY SOON, I went to walmart and these sheeple were NOT EVEN buying all the sardines/beans/canned food/ammo/precious metals/propane tanks they could afford, it's crazy how indoctrinated these goys have become, it was truly surreal shopping while I was the only one to understand that we are in the final days before the happening" in the past 10 years

>> No.51689089

Unironically stacking beenz and deenz, and water
Clown world surely has accelarated

>> No.51689308

So delicioso

>> No.51690254

Huh, so if you think about this logically with humans, if you ate a bunch of sardines like retards on this site suggest, wouldnt you accumulate mercury like the swordfish or tuna fish? Cause its the exact same process.

>> No.51690333


Yeah you pretty much need to include heavy metal detox as part of your kit. Everything is poison

>> No.51690334

I dont want your cancerous microplastic chinese seed oil tin can ass heavy metal "food product". Ill just go to a stream and catch a single trout that will have like 10x the meat of 1 of those cans. And guess what, its FREE.

>> No.51690355

Or just eat fresh fish... from freshwater... you dont live in a coastal city right retard?

>> No.51690377


I highly recommend the Walmart Great Value brand. They are very superior for only $1.

>> No.51690391
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based deenz thread

>> No.51690450

nice spread