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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51665949 No.51665949 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>told myself I wouldn't eat yesterday after binging on Sunday
>binged after work; felt so demoralised by Stacey filled supermarket and general existential ennui
>was so low energy after work
>skipped gym and slept
>woke up this morning slightly early
>drank coffee, browsed internet
>felt extremely low energy, demoralised, defeated before work
>ate food at lunch after telling myself no food until Wednesday to make up for Monday's binge
>was openly cringing after some meetings and zoom calls today
>had mini epiphany about how ugly and cringe and repulsive I am
>finished work
>calmly went to the store to buy junk food
>binged with zero guilt (must have used it all yesterday)
>will go to gym later
>now browsing internet

I'm glad 2/5 work days have gone this week.

I'm simply never going to fit in at any workplace, with any normies, ever. That's that. People see me as a freak.

My weekend is going to be so fucking boring.

My job is pointless.

I wasted my 20s and teens.

Everyone has life on easy mode except me.

I unironically believe in the hive mind.

>> No.51665989

thanks for the blog retard

>> No.51665992

Not eating is bad for metabolism and gallbladder
Just eat less you pig (love you xxx)

>> No.51665996

how do I unsubscribe from this blog

>> No.51666013

What investments do you hold londonfrog?

>> No.51666026

Broke my 1 month long nofap today as well friend. Life's a rollercoaster

>> No.51666062


Boring index funds and small amounts in bitcoin and Ethereum.

Caring about investments at my level of wealth isn't very worth it.