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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51659343 No.51659343 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 28 year old grad student
>cold approach a mommy at a nightclub in Miami
>she's a 42 year old former playboy model
>turns out she has a boyfriend, so I cuck him, and she eventually leaves him for me
>her and I fuck like rabbits for several weeks
>the novelty begins to wear off, so I start treating her like shit
>get drunk and scream at her for being a whore and her promiscuous past
>she gets upset and says that no guys has ever treated her as badly as I have, that every guy treats her like a princess
>tell her that I'm not a beta simp and that I can drop her at any moment and find a girl half her age
>despite treating her like shit, she still wants to be with me and still loves me
>now I stopped caring and treat her badly more than I'm nice to her
>despite all the fighting we do, she always wants to be together all the time
>evidently, I've gotten her to want me more than I want her

Why did no one tell me treating women like shit is the best way to deal with them? This newfound knowledge has completely changed my perspective on dating, so I want to help my bros out and get into dating consulting. If I can help any man become a chad, then I will find fulfillment. How do I even get started /biz/? How much can I charge for my services?

>> No.51659411

if you aren't making a baby then having sex is useless. you gained nothing.

>> No.51659427

It's purely decadence, my guy. Cope.

>> No.51659431

absolutely based. the only reason to release your seed is to procreate. embarrassing, OP.

>> No.51659456

Decadence is a cope though, nigger
t. Decadence enjoyer

>> No.51659457

>pick up a roasted out slag 20 years past her prime in a night club
>get mad at her for being a roasted out slag 20 years past her prime
i don't get it. what's the moral of the story here?

>> No.51659458

OP thinks he is some kind of alpha because he is "dating" some 42 year good for nothing desperate trash.

>> No.51659496

>45 year old single mom prostitute gf
Wow anon you’re so cool

>> No.51659510
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you can have sex for bonding (spiritual) also, but its always in preparation for having a baby. if you are having sex for fun you are a le idiot. its completely useless and it only degrades the power level of the man doing it. Imagine decreasing your powerlevel for meaningless sex. with the only result you want more and more and it will never be enough. LMAO >>51659427 >>51659343 LMAO >> fuck like rabbits ::: YES, you are a stupid fucking animal.

if you aren't having sex to bond and soon make a baby, your sex is worthless and meaningless. if you aren't going to make a baby, then you shouldn't waste time having a girlfriend. how fucking stupid are you pleb tier animals. God is emberrassed at you. do you think he likes to see you do sexo? do you think watching an ant have sex is interesting? or would you rather see it build something. you retard. LMAO and then you come and brag about your meaningless sex on a basket weaving forum. the absolute state of plebs.

>> No.51659524
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Cope, faggots. Miami thots are the hottest women in the entirety of America. Yeah, she's 42, but she's literally 10 out of 10. Guarantee any of you would find her sexually attractive. Besides, older milf energy is unmatched. It also helps that she ha a nice network that I'm tapping into. Do you think some 21 year old thot is going to get me into exclusive Miami parties? Fuck no.

>> No.51659534

Yet you keep jerking yourself off because you’re a sexless incel. The hypocrisy is immense.

>> No.51659546
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kek, the absolute state. ok buddy, you can move on now.

>> No.51659571
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No YOU jerk off and try to have sex for fun. that's you, projecting your sad fucking state. and when your whore club slut isn't available or fucking tyrone you wank and wank, you wank it atleast 3 times a week. coombrain tier. LMAO LMAOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.51659577

Still boggles my mind that people larp like this, you have a sad life anon

>> No.51659581

how much do you need to have or make to live in miami? in the fun part where you are i mean.

>> No.51659591
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>Why did no one tell me treating women like shit is the best way to deal with them

Either you're an absolute newfag, just here to brag about banging a 42 year old (absolute cringe), or you're baiting.

Meahule Chad and Tyrone are out there banging these sluts in their primes.

Congrats retard

>> No.51659594

OP is a douche and his gf is a whore. Birds of a feather.

>> No.51659618

Miami is pretty fucking expensive, my guy. If you want to live where all the young people are, look at Brickell, Downtown, Edgewater, Coconut Grove, and Wynwood. South Beach is the containment zone for all the snowbird yuppie transplant faggots.

>> No.51659626
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in a few weeks he'll start growing warts on his dick cuz he fucked a blown out 42 year old roastbeef, for fun! kek

>> No.51659653

Anyone can fuck a 72 year old OP it's not impressive

>> No.51659662

You absolutely reek of inceldom, and cope with your “Muh degeneracy” because you know you don’t really have an option to partake in the degeneracy you apparently so much hate. Truth is, you only hate peoples having sex because you aren’t. Crab in a bucket.

Also you sound mad, maybe go have a fap and calm down

>> No.51659728

that's fine anon we trust you. enjoy it whil you still can.
hit us up when you realized it's meaningless and leads you to nowhere.

>> No.51659767

>> reek of inceldom.
projection and cope.

>> you just aren't able to partake in the degeneracy
hahahahahaha the absolute state of plebs.

>> have a fap
I don't waste my power. I'm not gonna throw you any pearls etiher, fucking swine.

>> No.51659790

>get me into exclusive Miami parties
Priorities sir. I have more fun day trading by myself

>> No.51659814
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>I have more fun day trading by myself

Mother of cope.

>> No.51659893

LARP: the thread

>> No.51659929


>> No.51659959

>Target roast beef over 40
Oh woahhh such skill/wisdom

>> No.51659990

>I love being helpess when it comes to making my own network outside of using whores who wasted their lives/eggs...
I hope you aren't white, this is embarrassing enough as it is...

>> No.51660016

Post pic or gtfo OP. Let the bizchads decide if you are worthy.

>t. Made it bizchad

>> No.51660054

>t. he has never been to Miami

Yeah, I would never make it to these exclusive parties if I wasn't going with my mommy gf. It's just how it works down here. She's already done all the work to build her network (she's hot, so guys are simping over her and invite her to all these parties), so I just piggyback off her and go to these parties and network myself. My relationship with her is sort of transactional, but she doesn't know that.

>> No.51660076

>Showing off on /biz/ about bagging an old lady

tsk tsk

>> No.51660081

is it a bad idea to move there to try getting rich?

>> No.51660098

any numbers you can throw out? to live decently comfy.

>> No.51660103

Miami is the best place of opportunity right now, but everyone down here is grinding and has side gigs. It's tough to make it in Miami. But if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.

>> No.51660105

It's not only because you treat her badly. It's because you're younger than her and she feels validated as beautiful still (her survival depends on this) by your association.

Being treated poorly is a factor but less than you think. She understands the power dynamic. Sure knows that you also understand it, so she can't pretend otherwise (other men do not, and she gets away with shit). She probably appreciates the honesty, but only because she does not have the options she once did.

Be nice to her once in a while at least.

>> No.51660143

whats your plan to make it there if I may ask? you can keep it vague.

>> No.51660156

Opportunity to do what? Talk “business” (crypto scams and other equally dumb things) with half breed mutt retards? Congrats, you get into a party with sluts that have filled their faces full of plastic. Miami is a fucking shithole filled with genetic vermin and you are a fucking faggot, “my guy”.

>> No.51660185
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>the best place of opportunity

Maybe if you're in a shitbrain profession like real estate or hotel management. Nobody with career prospects or entrepreneurial potential goes to fucking Miami to get rich.

>> No.51660210

You literally only posted this to try and get some justification for your actions because you don't even believe what you're saying.

>> No.51660223

It works BECAUSE she is 42 retard

Lol lmao imagine this dude thinking he is a pussy pulling chad because a used up whore having a mid life crisis is clinging to a younger men

>> No.51660231
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I literally got fired my job last week, so I'm trying to figure everything out. I'm a grad student and was working at the same university I study at. But I kept hitting on students and got accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment, which resulted in my going through a six month investigation (it's an EMBA program, so I was hitting on women 10 years older than me). Even though I was cleared of both charges, I still got fired with no fucking warning. So now I'm back to square one. I have to renew my lease in two months, so if I can't find a job by then (I'd be a retard not to), I might consider moving in with my mommy gf. I've already stayed at her place over the past month. I'm literally typing this post from her living room. That said, it's all about who you know in Miami. So I find great value in going to these parties and tapping in to my girl's network. I'm meeting prominent people. Once I finish with my school work this week, I will look for work in Brickell or remote work. That said, it's a good thing I got fired because I was making fucking peanuts, and I needed to be making $20k-$30k, so now I have time to find my next opportunity.

>> No.51660233

You are halfway there; the final secret is that this is also the best way to deal with men.

>> No.51660295

>and I needed to be making $20k-$30k more


>> No.51660303
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In the old days ambitious young men used to go to LA to work as waiters and hand each other their movie scripts.
Now they go to Miami to be waiters and try to con each other with their crypto coin.
Miami goes through boom/bust cycles like crazy because everyone is from somewhere else and they all failed in that place. It's like Lord of the Flies but instead of students it's PrePaid Legal salesmen.

>> No.51660330

You’re dating your mom m8

>> No.51660334

What's the problem?

>> No.51660372

how much would you want to be making over there to stay afloat?

>> No.51660408
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At the very least, $80k. And that's just staying afloat, nothing extravagant, nothing fancy. I could probably afford to live in Brickell with that salary, but I would still be broke. At the very least I could live in Edgewater. I currently live in Coral Gables, but want to move closer to the ocean.

>> No.51660484

ding ding ding.

>> No.51660487

Can’t have a baby with 40+ year old roast

>> No.51660544

Atta boy. Pickup is all but dead and we’re effectively in the pirate’s sunset era where the remaining guys become governors and plantation owners. Finding any of Julien’s dark stuff is basically like going back to medieval times with penicillin and smart bombs.

>> No.51660667

>Why did no one tell me treating women like shit is the best way to deal with them?

PUA anon here since 2011. read the mystery method, all you need to know.

>I can drop her at any moment and find a girl half her age

that's why.

reason: willingness to walk away.

now ditch her and settle a younger girl she's too old and you waste her time.

>> No.51660718

Only use case to have a whole like this is to build up your viril energy up. But I'd ur Nutting left n right like a monkey. Then u op are retarded

>> No.51660758
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>> No.51660827

Yeah, I pity the faggots who resort to dating apps. They willingly let an algorithm limit who they can get with. It takes balls to cold approach women. They're literally biologically designed for men to cold approach them. They're fucking begging for it. But are you man enough to take them? I am. But I know most of the faggots in this thread aren't. If I only used dating apps, I wouldn't be getting with models, yoga thots, college girls, milfs, etc. Then again, I live in Miami now, so women here expect to get cold approached. If you don't have game here, you won't survive and Miami will eat you alive.

>read the mystery method
Thanks, I will check it out, fren.

>> No.51660846

>Julien’s dark stuff
like tengame or PIMP? julien is a joke nowadays I lost all respect for him. imagine having 0 backbone and deleting his own past and achievements.

>> No.51661989

>They're literally biologically designed for men to cold approach them. They're fucking begging for it. But are you man enough to take them? I am.
Lol, I hope you get arrested for harassment again you loser

>> No.51662031

Found the white knight simp faggot.

>> No.51662142

thanks anon

>> No.51662520

I don't think I've ever read a more retarded bullshit story ever on this website.