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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51655310 No.51655310 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it going up in price?

>> No.51655327

It's not


>> No.51655382

It is

Let me get that dub for you

>> No.51655407

Check em. $35 end of day tomorrow. I’ll either have a 35get or dubs. Enjoy lads. He did it for you.

>> No.51655411

Oh god yes praise kek and it shall be

>> No.51655412
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token needed

>> No.51655432

Some anon claiming to be an insider last week posted about this price movement and I didn't believe him. Wtf is going on? I need buy this already

>> No.51655613
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Because I closed my long yesterday at $7.80

>> No.51655685
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>> No.51655697

none of you will believe me, but the world is ruled by alchemists. Hegel believed in his dialectic. History to him was a self organizing process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. But really, it was being manipulated by an outside force through alchemy. It was nigredo, the breaking down of society into its base form, albedo, the washing away of undesireables, citrinatis, the enlightenment of society into the desired programming of the alchemists, and then rubedo, the red fulfillment and completion of the process. There are alchemical symbols all around us and none of you can see them. Some of you are even getting angry seeing me write this, because you have been programmed to reject any hidden knowledge, even when its right in front of your face. The black cube of saturn, the omphalos of delphi, the seven luminaries of antiquity. The fact that chainlink bounces between 6.66 and 7.77 regularly. You all know the world and reality as we know it is falling apart, you see ever more bizarre things become commonplace every day, and refuse to believe maybe there is something deeper.

Chainlink was our last chance to aquire capital before the end of the value of human labor. The new world is going to break many of you because even though you have stacks you are not prepared for the responsibility of what that means.

>> No.51655702

before smartcon? Nigga u stoopid.

>> No.51655731

I'm physically and mentally prepared for a gold bathtub full of cocaine. The time draws near. I am ready.

>> No.51655734

On the contrary, it's what I was born for.

>> No.51655767


>> No.51655791

We're at the end of days. automation and AI have made us redundant, and since our labor and our intellect no longer have any purpose we're going to be depopulated. Everyone with a stack over a hundred will be nobility, everyone with a stack over a suicide will be responsible for countless lives that can't generate capital for themselves anymore. those in the hundreds of thousands stacks will be living gods. The symbolism is all right their in your face. Go look at the homepage of spaceandtime.io. The seven luminaries of antiquity with chainlink taking the place of mercury the messenger of the gods. They're telling you openly that they have achieved their goal of leaving their humanity behind and nobody fucking sees it.

>> No.51655805

I freaked out and sold 1k link last week. I want to rope myself

>> No.51655832

two more weeks

>> No.51655855

Why would you ever sell, particularly right now?
Better buy back in now at a loss.

>> No.51655923

>two more weeks

no. two more days.

>> No.51655954
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Funbags Onee-chan. If link is not $35 end of day tomorrow I demand you deposit 1 LINK into my account.

>> No.51656001

full metal alchemist was a documentary

>> No.51656360

If I buy back in now it will definitely dump
What do you think is going to magically pump the price? Smartcons are always anti climaxes

>> No.51656400

i get angry not because it's secret but because it's a really gay mindvirus

>> No.51656425

Based. But your schizo theory isn't complete without a detailed astrology chart for Chainlink

Please do one

>> No.51656447

Ex Google ceo will literally endorse chainlink on livestream with Sergey. Videos of it will circulate the news sites. This could get crazy real fast.

>> No.51656466


No more shorting, Nexo is DONE.

>> No.51656547

I don't think his 10 minute speech will be making headlines.
Even the guy from t-systems is a junior underling.

>> No.51656569

“Ex Google CEO calls Chainlink a scam in front of dozens at scam coin sponsored conference. Tune in at never.”

>> No.51656769
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>Ex Google ceo will literally endorse chainlink
He already did months ago.
And Bitcoin did not like that one bit.

>> No.51656911

Have you seen Kaiji season 2? When he's about to beat the bog machine, all the pachinko balls just keep building up near the prize-hole as there's a barrier keeping them up. But eventually the barrier gives way and all it takes is 1 ball to make it through and then the rest follow suite like a tsunami. That's what's going to happen with Chainlink. The shorters keep trying to keep the price down but everything keeps building up and something will give way eventually.

>> No.51656966

>That's what's going to happen with Chainlink.
This is exactly what happened in 2020.
Months of big news (BSN, InterworkAlliance, Korean banks, Oracle, ...) for Chainlink, and Bitcoin dumped each and every single time.
And then all of a sudden Link broke out and priced it all in over the course of a few days.

>> No.51657022

Big check on both.

>Months of big news
Only difference now is there are YEARS of suppressed big news to still be priced in, not months.

>> No.51657095

I buyed

>> No.51657889

On the eave of Hippasus’ watery demise. What interesting timing.

>> No.51658092

Holy fuck true if big

>> No.51658625

rolling for 200 end of year

>> No.51658675

>Seven states have ordered a halt to Nexo’s “Earn Interest Product” accounts, accusing the company of improperly offering unregistered securities.
>Seven states
checked massive if factual

>> No.51658924
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>tfw you will have to defend your fiefdom from both the hordes of seething nolinkers and other LINK Barons who have gone power-mad
I will give my serfs good lives, and treat them with dignity and respect. They will fight fearlessly to defend their lands and their Lord, who lifted them from unimaginable poverty and despair. Don't fuck with us please, we just want to be left alone.

>> No.51659078

>Bitcoin did not like that one bit

>> No.51659161


>> No.51659219
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If the linkies were to win the war, there would be 10,000 years of darkness. I'm crying as I type this.

>> No.51659245 [DELETED] 
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a big mac just flew over my house

>> No.51659418
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someone post the thread

>> No.51659480
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checked. based kaiji enjoyer

>> No.51659485

I sold, just in case, 1/5 of my stack this morning. 12k link. I’ll buy back Friday afternoon on my annual “buy the SmartCon dip” firesale. This has worked perfectly every SmartCon and it won’t change this time

>> No.51659539

He said price go up. Price is going up. Big woop

>> No.51659556
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I remember you from a thread a few days ago. will you say more about their plans for depopulation?>>51659539

>> No.51659586

ikr? Why would anyone wanna even see that thread

>> No.51659902

Your bot is working

>> No.51659937

I haven't been here all year and it's almost October. when the FUCK are we getting staking?

>> No.51660062

Like my prostate after 15 years of marriage.

>> No.51660066

He specifically said, "A little birdie told me Chainlink will go to $11 soon."

>> No.51660111

Check em instead

>> No.51660178

WOW $11! That's only 79% down from ATH!

>> No.51660251
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>> No.51660469
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not even a single thread about this in the catalog or archive lol

>> No.51660557
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>> No.51660565

LINK won't pump on news, when it pumps it will be because they finally turn the taps on.
On the contrary, we will destroy the darkness forever.

>> No.51660609

>LINK won't pump on news
Link always pumps on news.

>> No.51660628
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>> No.51660679

>Imagine not having $100k sitting on the sidelines to buy at $7 and sell at $11 for a cool $57k gain in two weeks.

>> No.51660822

Because deco and PoR are about to be used across a quadrillion dollar derivitives settlement market.

>> No.51660865

No they aren't

>> No.51660869
File: 545 KB, 1080x1680, Screenshot_20220927_164533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a thread about jannies deleting LINK threads and it got deleted shortly after. Got a warning for it (pic rel). They know this isn't warranted

>> No.51661755

LINK never pumps on news because LINK news is always suppressed, it's literally just us that ever hears anything about it.
We were never invited.

>> No.51661795
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>LINK never pumps on news because LINK news is always suppressed
Well yes, but it always starts pumping right before BTC shits itself.
Hence pic related.

>> No.51661846
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>> No.51661885

Shemitah year ending

>> No.51661893

Come back next October and we might have a soft launch date for 2024