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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51635687 No.51635687 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51635707

what happens in 2136

>> No.51635717

miners only profit from the fees

>> No.51635749
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do you see where we are on the scale ?

>> No.51636098
File: 30 KB, 759x249, btc21m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so at best BTC is dead around 2080

>> No.51636219
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yes :(

>> No.51636356
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My 1 sat will be worth something one day

>> No.51636364

this is what coping altcoiners 50% down against bitcoin would want you to think
but in reality mining reward is just a distribution mechanism for bitcoin. for altcoins its a necessity because altcoins aren't scarce, but bitcoin is the only digital asset you can't recreate, and thus accumulates value long term.

>> No.51636466


>in reality mining reward is just a distribution mechanism for bitcoin


>> No.51636506
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99.9% of these niggers dont get it. Just buy bitcoin.

Grats you are rich min 4 years.

>> No.51636557

so what's the point miners keep mining btc if block rewards getting low and low but cost to mining getting higher and higher with prices stuck at 20k? 2024 will be no bull run?

>> No.51636611

>but in reality mining reward is just a distribution mechanism for bitcoin
retard. the halvings are setup like a ponzi, worked well at the start but there's major diminishing returns now obviously. miner profitability has to pace with the halvings for btc to be sustainable, which implies btc has to go up exponentially, but overtime if it doesn't it'll turn into a death spiral.
unironically the same mechanism that caused it to grow will cause it to die.

>> No.51636888
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>unironically the same mechanism that caused it to grow will cause it to die.
you can plot it out on a graph

>payout to miners changes with mcap, time
payouts need to keep growing, or attacks happen
>mcap grows, payouts are enough
mcap is higher, attacks are more profitable
>mcap needs to grow more
attacks get even more profitable

this is like terra/luna, at some point the threshold is crosses
everything collapses
point of no return

>> No.51636925

You're dead

>> No.51637255

bitcoin doesn't need to go up exponentially because it's currently massively over-secured.
"death spiral" cope all comes from midwitds holding alts that objectively won't even survive until the magical point where bitcoin "collapses"

>> No.51637279

Bitcoin will get to where ETH is now at 2032, in 10 years.