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51630228 No.51630228 [Reply] [Original]

What were you doing from 2009-2012 to make you miss investing in Bitcoin?
>smoking weed, playing counterstrike, and fucking my Fleshlight

>> No.51630246

Learning to code. NEVER. AGAIN.

>> No.51630295

Making vaporwave/seapunk tunes. I was actually offered 200 BTC but it involved sending $50 to an unknown account and it seemed like a scam, so I skipped it and bought junk food and cigarettes instead.

>> No.51630361
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I knew BTC since 2010 and even thought to set up a mining computer. but I was still religious back then so I didn't partake in this sector because speculative assets like btcoin are haraam

>> No.51630381
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I was still in school and had no bank account and not even my own pc.

>> No.51630402

I had no money I was 12 its not fair

>> No.51630404

Making touhou doujins. Don't blame me, I'm still in middle school at that time

>> No.51630408

in high school playing video games and watching anime. i had not heard of bitcoin.

>> No.51630472
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being a computer nerd, started setting up a mining rig but thought I should stop being such a shut in on his computer all the time and to get out into the world.

>> No.51630538

working my ass off while my virgin gf was cheating on me
/pol/ lied

>> No.51630770
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Enjoying the last few good years of WoW, before it was pozzed.

>> No.51630776

developing a hardcore pornography addiction and playing retarded shit like minecraft with kids half my age

>> No.51630813

Also this

>> No.51630878

literally just not paying attention to anything important, I even built my own PC in 2012 and was tangentially aware of bitcoin's existence, just never took a chance when I should I guess

>> No.51630887

i tried to buy $50 worth of it around december 2009 and couldn't figure it out

i would have sold them for like a 400x and made like 30k and my life wouldn't be much different

>> No.51630895

I didn’t even hit puberty yet

>> No.51630911

I was 10 years old in 2012

>> No.51630934
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Have zoomers taken over biz?

>> No.51630958
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seems like it sometimes

>> No.51631122

I was a stupid 15-18 year old during those years.

>> No.51631319


>> No.51633323
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>hear about Silk Road/Bitcoin
>didn't feel like buying drugs
>still on joint bank account with my parents
>forget about it

>junior year of economics degree
>Bitcoin comes up in class
>professor said that it's a bubble because you can't short it
>"yeah that makes sense, sure"
>never research if that was true, forget about bitcoin

Does anyone know when exchanges started letting you short?

>> No.51634330

Was too young :( bought some in 2016 though when I could get a job.

>> No.51634357

Half-way through an 8 year stint in grad school for physics, F

>> No.51634377

>professor said that it's a bubble because you can't short it
wow nice thanks professor!

>> No.51634447

Talking about mining bitcoin with friend. We never did it because we were lazy. He probably would've wasted it on silkroad buying drugs anyways.

>> No.51634457


I was doing drugs. thought about mining btc to buy drugs off silkroad but then it got busted and I thought there was no more point to it

>> No.51634572

Being a kid who does nothing but watch anime and play vidya

>> No.51634602

whoa, are you me?

>> No.51634648

Didn't miss it, first bought bitcoin in early 2011 for 80 cents a pop.

>> No.51634680

Homeless, then living with grandparents without internet.

>> No.51634759

I fell for the
>Go to college and work hard

Then after I graduated I was a couchsurfing hippie in Europe and Asia for 3ish years...and eventually I discovered Bitcoin in 2016 near the tail end of this

>> No.51634793


>> No.51634840

Our CS professor discussed it with us in like 2010.
We eventually understood all the concepts, ECDSA for public and private keys, SHA256 for validating blocks of transactions, chained with the previous transaction, difficulty being based on the preceding zeroes on the hash, and being adjusted periodically, as this block validation is how new coins are minted etc.

But all he told us about it was that it allowed decentralized transactions, without a central payment processor.

He COMPLETELY skipped the value proposition, about it being all about digital scarcity, we didn't even discuss that there was a halving.

Would've been better if he didn't teach us anything about bitcoin at all imo. We could've done our own research and learned properly about it including things like that. Instead, we had false confidence that we knew everything that was there to know about it, which was worse imo.

I only took a look at how to get some at 2016 when I wanted to buy some dubious online stuff without being traced (wanted to rent DMCA-ignored hosting for a private server that always gets takedowns, C&Ds from lawyers etc.)

Too late to mine coins or get free coins from faucets, too broke to have a significant investment.

>> No.51635019

Outside of druggies paying for their E from the dark web and Eastern European or Russian criminals trying to hide or launderoney, nobody invested in cryptographic currency.

>> No.51635423

At the time
>3rd world internet connection
>"This shit will take forever to download"
>Meh, effort
All I had to do was just leave a spare computer on and occasionally go to a faucet and the last 10 years wouldn't have been fucking shit
hindsight, lol

>> No.51635440

Kek, he was accumulating

>> No.51635491

>Had a good gaming GPU (HD5850 or something)
>Had looked up how to do it
>Transferring, wallets and stuff seemed a bit annoying to deal with
>You can't buy anything with it anyway (this was before any exchanges existed, it was worth $<0.2)
>I don't want to run this script in windows and get hacked, maybe I should install linux and do it
>Too lazy install linux just to make this coin
>Plus my room would get too warm anyway from the GPU running all the time
>Ah, fuck it. Probably not missing anything
>>Play WoW all day instead
Could've been financially independent, but nope. I literally had a page with the download link up, all I had to do was set some space for linux aside, run it there (to avoid worrying about getting backdoored so much, since you had to run some shady looking script from an ancient looking site), and I would've easily had enough for several lifetimes. This was before ASICs. Financially, that is my biggest regret, if I have to feel any. The second opportunity of a lifetime that I've blown (not in that order).

>> No.51635837

>set some space for linux aside
Or just run it in Windows
>worrying about getting backdoored so much
Did you even have anything worth hacking at the time?
Like accounts with your credit card details or online banking accounts or something?
If not, I'd say your paranoia was unfounded. You actually just needed to do a few clicks (download and run).