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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 103 KB, 670x530, 1646637649105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51608554 No.51608554 [Reply] [Original]

>Gold bugs are crawling out of their /toy/ containment thread again
Yep this is 100 % the bottom there is no better indicator on this entire world than a gold bug. Not roasties, not normalniggers, not boomers, not any ta or othe chart analysis, not the fed, not inflation, not war or peace but a smug low iq /pol/tard shiny rock gold bug. Prepare yourself accordinglythey will be back in their contament >>>/toy/ thread during the next bull run, seething about crypto and how they can't make any money because they bought shiny rocks with a 20 % premium from a jewish shiny rock dealer and how it is da jooz fault that they are all low iq faggots.

>> No.51608638

am i to understand that your post would indicate that your signaling the implication that
you don't have ANY pm investments?

>> No.51608660

What the FUCK is the point in this thread you fag?

It's worth having 5-10% gold in your portfolio. There are many ways to own it, from physical to low cost physical ETFs or ETCs.

>> No.51608666

>20% premium vs 50% loss
its a deal

>> No.51608670
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I'm glad people are finally making the connection between pm fags and "/toy/" as you put it. It's the same psychology complete with fanboyism.

>> No.51608679

Sweet mother of cope

>> No.51608686

Ok satan

>> No.51608747

Cope on what you retard?

>> No.51608755
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It is basically tribalism in modern form, just worse because you are not rooting for your own people (your tribe), but instead for a ever dumping piece of shit rock while you fud other forms of investment 24/7. And the worst part they have never made a single $ in profit. Basically the worst kind of low iq faggots.

>> No.51608763


goldniggers, silvercoons, ammotrannies and canned-food poos are the unholy union and if anyone holds this they’re infected. add monero dog with bat and bitcoin as well

>> No.51608801
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Everybody can play these stupid games and pick arbitrary entry points.

Bitcoin YTD -60%
Gold YTD -9%

>> No.51608812
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>> No.51608830

stack posting is cringe, i will admit

>> No.51608838
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This is why everybody hates you gold bugs. Btc is over 10000x up against gold in the last 10 years i.e. a better investment, not even talking about all the alts that made over 1000x. You low iq faggots always assume everyone bought the top and never sold. We could do the same with your shiny rocks but trust me you don't want to open this pandoras box. Now cope more and go back to your >>>/toy/ containment thread.

>> No.51608856


>> No.51608868

>ignores 5 thousand years of history
>ignores the modern monetary system collapsing
>it’s just tribalism bro
70 IQ midwit

>> No.51608875
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>> No.51608876

How much btc do you own?

>> No.51608887
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>BRO just wait 5000 years for a 5x bro XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Back to >>>/toy/ with you gold bug.

>> No.51608890

Did you miss “the point of entry” or are you really retarded? Gold is mid-long term, crypto is short-mid term. Faggots like you come here trying to stir some drama like troons on twitter gtfo

>> No.51608893

>not buying the bottom

>> No.51608894


Like I said, these are stupid arguments. Bitcoin was $13 in 2012. If it was $100 right now, you could claim it outperformed almost everything, excluding some of the tech stocks in the NASDAQ.

>> No.51608897

>misses the point and the point of precious metals completely
69 IQ midwit or a kike shill. Kikes kvetch because their precious metals paper scam can completely unravel the system.

>> No.51608898

whats my stop loss set at?

>> No.51608915

OP why do you care that I stack AGEs so much? It really shouldn’t cause you this much stress. I also buy SPY every month - why not create a post on that?

You’re not still hold crypto are you? You held through the entire drop this year?

>b-but I’m buying the dip

You do you, I’ll keep hoarding my AGEs and shares of SPY.

>> No.51608947
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More cope "what if" or "just wait bro" "arguments".
Back to >>>/toy/.

>> No.51608964

maximum cringelevel achieved

>> No.51610077
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Daily reminder gold bugs are responsible for at least 40 % of all off-topic shitposts and political off-topic threads on /biz/ because they have nothing to do other than fudding crypto (on a crypto board) and cringe posting their $500 shiny rock stacks in the /toy/ containment thread.

>> No.51610200
File: 57 KB, 640x480, out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold has gone down you say? Well I've been waiting for this moment, I'm gonna finish buying the rest of the coins I wanted.
Oh but wait, looks like OP is a faggot. See, I bought 7 krugerrands a week ago for 1756 euros each, and now the store wants 1788 for them.
See, it turns out the COMEX paper price of gold isn't the same as the street price. Guess you learn something new every day, huh?

>> No.51610248

>crypto board
redit tier cringe off the chart

>> No.51610258

Toy has unironically outperformed biz though

>> No.51610285
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I only inset in thing that have real value. Like Luna and safemoon.

>> No.51610288
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More cope from gold bugs back to >>>/toy/.
No they didn't they own illiquid consumer goods.

>> No.51610293
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See, you don't even understand why people buy gold. For me, it's not about making profits. It's about removing my money from the system entirely, before it fucking implodes.

>> No.51610325

Wow, 2% your a real daytrader. Ive never heard of someone selling gold ever so you are indeed special if you made a profit off it.

>> No.51610333
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>comic about fiat dollars
normie level cringe

>> No.51610370

Kek faggot for someone to sell at 100x someone had to buy at 100x. 0 sum game you absolute mong.

>> No.51610410
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Same for gold and every other asset in the history of mankind now back to >>>/toy/.

>> No.51610434

I see the Bayhorse shill has gone off the deep end after getting banished

>> No.51610461

>nocoiner spin

>> No.51610487
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Goldniggers so butthurt. They just can’t admit they’re retarded and move on

>> No.51610507

>still posting frogs
asmongold follower tier cringe

>> No.51610560

PM fags fucked up my friends and family and suckered them into bagholding garbage that never goes up. They don't even show remorse for this and just keep chanting their stupid shit about "muh five thousand years"

>> No.51610566
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>highs denominated in USD
I think we can all see who the real winner is here

>> No.51610570

KEK how much did your nigger cattle friends and family buy

>> No.51610577

You realize you just said if bitcoin was worth $100 it still would have out performed gold. Lmao.

>> No.51610581

a lot of fucking coins and the bags are HEAVY physically and psychologically

>> No.51610593

I bought a couple dozen or so silver eagles before Trump was elected, and sold them all in 2021 for about double the price. I don't understand why anons are so upset about metal itt.

>> No.51610748
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Hedge funds sell gold all the time to cover their losses. Of course that's probably just paper gold. People who buy physical don't usually sell it unless it's their last resort. And it's often not in the form of coins or bars. People from poor countries often buy gold jewelry instead.

>> No.51610830


Yes. And? They are totally different assets. Read my first post. It's not tyst complicated to wrap your head around.

>> No.51611423

>For me, it's not about making profits.
Thats lucky.

>> No.51611524

You goldfags have been reeee'ing the same doomer dipshit takes for decades and decades. If your thesis to hold metals is their use in a SHTF scenario, your far better served holding lead.
Stay poor

>> No.51611609

>Uhm excuse me I don’t buy gold to make a profit like some KIKE I seek only to preserve the pittance saved from my minimum wage job when the system collapses and nigger eat each other in the streets
If the asset you hold is only useful for an apocalypse why the fuck aren’t you buying food and ammunition while it’s abundant compared to saving gold rocks you hope to barter in the end times when everything is much more scarce? And no, humans won’t be using gold after a collapse because people have seen that the shiny rocks really are worthless after 5000 years of niggerdom

>> No.51611762
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It's not luck, I just don't want to lose what I saved over the course of decades. I'm not young anymore, and I can't afford to take risks.

And that's precisely why all the banks are hoarding gold right now, because it's totally useless all of a sudden after thousands of years. ;^)

>> No.51611789

They’re not lol

>> No.51611852
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>> No.51611926
File: 2.26 MB, 1200x2297, gold reserves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are though. The US in particular has a shitload of gold, and even more off the books, because they keep stealing other countries' gold (Lybia, Ukraine, etc.)
If gold was totally worthless as you say, they would have dumped it all long ago.

>> No.51611956

1. No they actually don’t
2. Retards (the US and all governments) collect worthless things all the time

>> No.51612006
File: 145 KB, 567x521, qeuksvqvf7t71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indian households have the largest private gold holdings in the world, standing at an estimated 24,000 metric tons. That figure surpasses the combined official gold reserves of the United States, Germany, Italy, France, China and Russia.
Good morning sirs, how are my fellow gold bugs doing today?

>> No.51612044

The IMF itself contradicts you, so unless you have a source that's a higher authority than the IMF (i.e. not some random crypto rag), you're just making shit up.

>> No.51612549

I am now, and forever, the only source I need

>> No.51612607

>The US in particular has a shitload of gold

Lol. Anyone ever seen it? Nah didn't think so.

>> No.51612666

>The US in particular has a shitload of gold
cringe cope

>> No.51613471

not a bad idea anyway, I did that with shinja and now it's finally doing something profitable
why everything must work with patience?

>> No.51613516
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New goldbacks are beautiful.

>> No.51613532
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>falling for the PMs meme

>> No.51613540

goldbacks might be even more retarded than actual pms

>> No.51613545
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>> No.51613554

Ya but they look nice.

>> No.51613922

>9 posts by this I'd
You're so tilted it's like gold bugs raped your mom.

>> No.51614010

>It's worth having 5-10% gold in your portfolio.
no it isn't
why would you hold something that has
>lost its monetary premium
>was easily attacked by government and demonetized
>lost to cash YOY since the 1970s, below CPI (rigged by the government) on average

gold and silver are absolutely worthless

>> No.51614017
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Based good ol' boy

>> No.51614024

>buying the classic shitcoin death spiral
yep, I'm thinking you are a complete fucking retard

>> No.51614049

you are a fucking retard
silver is JPM's cashcow
they keep dumping paper silver on you mongoloids because there is no real ledger for your shitcoin
retarded nigger silverbug financing the kikes and thinking that you're going against them
literal faglord brain

>> No.51614153

>not working at JPM

>> No.51614215
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>> No.51614251
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You are a fool blind to the truth of the world around you. Meanwhile I will buy my own house, and sex slave harem during the great reset.

>> No.51615451
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The amount of pm fud threads today is very inorganic.ramnm2

>> No.51615747

>gold and silver are absolutely worthless
until a critical mass of people awaken to the jewish zeitgeist, sure

then everyone's going to want some. could be a day, could be 1000 years

>> No.51615761
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OP is a Homosexual

>> No.51615799

(stack posting is indeed cringe)

>> No.51615820


Let me guess: The only thing you're buying is more onions, estrogen, Z-cup tit clips, and a big white van to kidnap children with because you're fucking "based" right?

>> No.51615883

Exchanges do fractional reserve bitcoin trading. There is more bitcoin "held" on exchanges than they could redeem if everyone withdrew at once
>b-but I do withdraw, not your keys not your coins
That's exactly the same logic as silverniggers buying physical. Jews do fractional reserve shenanigans with every asset and all you can do is take custody of it yourself and wait for their gay game of musical chairs to blow up

>> No.51615903

>hello my dear melanized raider, might I buy your rifle or some food for this lovely gold limited mint block?
>why am I being raped and killed? At least I was smart and bought real, PHYSICAL currency for this collapse. I could’ve been much worse off with nothing but food, guns, and shelter.

>> No.51615927

To add to this, the fact that premiums are getting so absurdly high in the physical market is actually evidence that the silverniggers' plan is working. Imagine if every exchange suddenly tripled the withdrawal fee for bitcoin or started severely limiting withdrawals. You'd think huh, maybe these fags are close to insolvent and not to be trusted, maybe they're afraid of a run on their bitcoin. Maybe I should eat the fee or find some other way to get my liquidity out of there.

>> No.51615928
File: 654 KB, 1071x1383, stocksvsbondslookingnice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First this is not a crypto board this is a investment and finance board. Second a low priced asset is a good investment to buy so it's valid right now. Third shiny rocks in art form and some think the ones in old currency and various bullion form is a protection asset from starving aka trade and barter if things get bad enough which has been shown in various countries to be truth so far. No harm buying assets in any form vs holding usd long term, considering what's on the horizon for multiple markets with the current fed plans and people over leveraged to the hilt and losing their property and lowering the value of said goods. Anyway thanks for giving me a laugh now go and gather cash short term the stock market is not fully at it's lowest point vs bonds.

>> No.51615937

>you can only own guns and food or metals, never all of the above
You’re retarded

>> No.51615947

>a liquidity crisis means that it's a FFA battle and I'll just hecking raid you!!!
ah, that retarded old chestnut

>> No.51616215

>liquidity crisis = total collapse LARP

>waste money on metals that will do NOTHING for you in a collapse

YOU are retarded.

>> No.51616255

unless you are eating metal you dont need it for anything and no one is gonna trade food for a shiny stone in a time of scarcity, SWEET MOTHER OF COPIUM

>> No.51616321
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Were you born dumb, or did you have to take advanced university courses to get to this level?

>> No.51616368

yeh it is interesting to watch, when gold is going up it is due to all the reasons 'muh store of value, 5000 years, inflation proof, blood on the streets erryone rushes to the safety of gold' but when it is going down it is a conspiracy, it is the 'ebil central banker cartel working in the shadows'.

>> No.51616418
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both of those but unironically

>> No.51617230

What asset's chart is this?

>> No.51619531

I see you cannot read the top left where it says gold/bitcoin 1month

>> No.51620620

Its not conspiracy, dollar is just getting stronger, if you bought gold in any other currency you either stayed the same or went up.

>> No.51621564

You should be fudding Shanghai Gold Exchange and Central banks right now, not mongolian bee wing clipping forum. Central banks are accumulating and promoted Gold to Tier 1 asset for some reason. If you have any brain cells left then they should start activating already.

>> No.51621738

Gold will always hold value, no matter what.
Fiat can go to literally zero. Crypto can go to literally zero. Stock can go to literally zero. Real estate can go to literally zero
Gold will always be worth something in any society. It's the best store of value

>> No.51622055

This is the epitome of a poor person

Idolizing like 1000.00$ of silver

>> No.51622195
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What, a poorfag isn't even allowed to have some fun with his metal, now?

>> No.51622769
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That's only about 50 oz of silver, but the way things are going, any silver is better than none.
Here's $14K of silver that I just got recently. A monster box of 500 coins and 3 1-kilo pieces.

>> No.51622859

Gold is going to tank. Many idiots don't realize it this time but PMG IS NOT GOING UP. In 2008 they went up with the crash but this will not be the case.

>> No.51622884

You paid above spot price by far and you'll get nowhere near spot for yours in return. You've been played as usual. Pmg includes a "holders premium" - a fee you pay simply for owning physical metals since it makes you feel comfy. Owning the product and talking about it is part of its expense priced in.