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File: 86 KB, 640x273, US_one_dollar_bill,_obverse,_series_2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51604270 No.51604270 [Reply] [Original]

For how long will the US dollar get stronger and stronger?
What will happen in result of rapidly strengthening US dollar?

How long will it go on for? How badly will things break?


>> No.51604296

Buy gold
Buy food
Pull cash from the bank
Live in North America, if you can.
>inb4 mexico
not mexico
Get ready

>> No.51604304

The last time we had a strong dollar they blew up some people somewhere and it went back down. It's been forever...

>> No.51604315

Why gold and not silver?

>> No.51604392

That video was pretty good OP.

>> No.51605330

Well as long as countries are continuing to sell treasuries to defend their currency against the dollar strength, it will continue to moon.

Only thing that can stop it is a US intervention, but the Fed is giving the middle finger to everyone else

>> No.51605494

Wouldnt selling treasuries weaken the Dollar?

>> No.51605542

No, selling treasuries as basically how the fed recalls dollars back from the economy, less dollars in the economy means stronger dollar. congress is supposed to do it by balancing the budget and raising taxes but politics have become too retarded to do that

>> No.51607270

Legit answer is until it breaks some European economies or the Japanese economy. Maybe not even that, maybe all it will take is a couple of LATAM countries which is what happened last time supposedly.
Remember, his theory ends with the Highlander (gold) defeating the Kurgan ($).

>> No.51607280

Gold always implies silver

>> No.51607316

so Im a yuro and I work remote for a US company
I get paid in USD
this sounds fantastic
like soon Il lbe able to buy an apartment block with my monthly USD wage
sounds great to me!

>> No.51609307

>doesn't know hes getting laid off

>> No.51609376

To 120 or maybe beyond.

>> No.51609946

how do you even find work in america as a yuro? this is what I'm looking to do myself but can't find a way "in"
did you already have visa status in america?

>> No.51609970

americabros can i come and live with you
you can have my holes please

>> No.51609980

But treasuries just end up yielding even more dollars

>> No.51609987


>> No.51610283

Silver is better. Solar panels, EV’s, the chip economy etc. silver will probably overtake copper in industrial use demand in the new “green” economy. It’s the most conductive metal and it’s also a currency. Neither gold or silver will ever actually be widely used as money, so the only way to truly measure their value is thru supply and use case. The j’s need you to think silver is a cheap and abundant metal. Meanwhile the comex is draining at a much faster rate than gold.

>> No.51610512
File: 158 KB, 850x850, sample_01e094360284c411a852a0feeafe939b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you wear various outfits and be prepared to participate in rough sex wrestling activity every night.

>> No.51610565

Post bussy and I’ll consider it

>> No.51610832

Fucking slut selling his nostrils for cheap

>> No.51610865
File: 1.54 MB, 964x1386, Screen Shot 2022-09-24 at 11.41.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all bitches don't know about Wishes & Rainbows.



>> No.51610974
File: 123 KB, 657x527, 1659323870417503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every country that holds US treasuries is gonna sell like mad to secure their own currency. They may even turn on the US if the fed doesn't pivot soon. Energy has to be bought in USD but they may just start using rubles or some other currency if the USD gets too strong.

>> No.51610976
File: 198 KB, 845x539, Screenshot 2022-09-23 at 09-52-02 Powell Signals Much Tighter For Much Longer To Markets Alfonso Peccatiello - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.51610999

Will this shit at least go on for half a year or so at least? I'm down like 40% on the year and I'm hoping to use UUP to get back on top, is this likely?

My strategy is to ride the dollar back up most of the way and then go into GUNR when and if the dollar starts to fall apart, is this a good idea?

>> No.51611031

it matters what its sold in not what you want to pay in.

>> No.51611066
File: 199 KB, 500x334, 11026582_828835723872221_3139606192295712210_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Flip and I earn remote and US Dollars at that. I thank God for the USD rising. It's actually been a boon for BPO and ship workers (seaman) like me. I was actually able to buy my own house and provide for my pregnant wife and soon coming daughter into this. world. As long as we continue to trust in the LORD and just persevere no matter what bros, we will always make it.

>> No.51611095

Where buy gold?

>> No.51611138

Yeah but I'm telling you if USD is too strong, some countries that are already on the USA's shit list might start selling energy in a different currency. Other countries will take notice and may have no choice but to buy if their people start freezing in winter. If they don't it will mean civil unrest.

>> No.51611241

It's good to be the king :)

>> No.51611312

how? it's pretty easy, he earns half of your salary, therefore they don't need (You) but him.

>> No.51611314

Silver has a terrible history has a monetary metal and if value his a certain point it's inflation rate can be ramped up to fiat levels. Every single person or country using silver as money has been decimated by people or countries using gold. The chinks had a decent run but still lost out to a gold standard empire in the end.

>> No.51611347

Imagine holding Dollars after what they did to Russia. They can pull your wealth at will along with inflating it to nothing at will. Dollars are simply the least shit fiat currency but it's still a shit fiat currency. By the time people realize this they won't be pricing stuff in dollars anymore and it will be too late to pivot away from them.

>> No.51611782

imagine being this retarded

>> No.51611811

I can't wait to see you get your asset seized once credit controls start to be enforced. Better not piss off Biden cuck.

>> No.51611838

wont have to worry about that im not a fatass burger like you
>By the time people realize this they won't be pricing stuff in dollars anymore
so tell us genius what will they be pricing stuff in, let me guess your favorite shitcoin?

>> No.51611879

>build wealth and infrastructure for centuries using silver or gold as exchange
>some rando african warlord finds more gold than ever existed one day
>buys all your stuff

Cool civilization you got there chud

>> No.51611949


>> No.51611989

People like you said the same shit in Wiemar. Sri Lanka and Russia are examples of victims of late game dollars and the late stage US empire. The world will pivot back to hard money within the next decade as more and more states reliant on dollars will fail. Once the largest US vassal state, the UK, falls there will be a rush out of dollars and back into assets as people stop caring about numbers on a screen and start caring about how they are going to secure their immediate future and cucks like you will get fucking rekt holding a large bag of paper. The UK ends as a going concern within a year without US intervention btw.

>> No.51612103

oh didnt realize im talking to a midwit goldbug.
Funny a gold retard talking about confiscation, do i need to remind you who got their wealth seized last century?

>> No.51612140

and then your gold moons 1000x and you become rich and buy a harem and 4 walmart supermarkets all for yourself, and then you wake up from your dream and look at the gold price, stuck as always. Fucking midwit lmao, what will the goods be priced in, gold? haahah

>> No.51612173

It tarnishes and looks all icky

>> No.51612179

I'm a retard. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.51612204

How did you get remote work in the US being a flip?

>> No.51612219

Up until 100 years ago everything was priced in gold or a gold redeemable currency dating back to at least the Romans. Every successful empire for the next 2000 years used gold as it was the dominant free market medium of exchange (as in it beat everything else out).

I don't hold any PMs. They are too controlled by US central banks to pose a serious threat of backing currencies. This experiment where local currencies have failed has already been done in South America and crypto emerges almost every time as the dominant medium of exchange, even in the face of IMF threats and bribes.

>> No.51612378

>up until 100 years ago
>the last 2000 years blah blah
i dont know if you noticed you goldbug midwit, but we increased production by a hundred fold these last 100 years, you cant price stuff in gold anymore.
> This experiment where local currencies have failed has already been done in South America and crypto emerges almost every time as the dominant medium of exchange, even in the face of IMF threats and bribes.
another clueless retard talking out of his ass cause he saw a few articles talking about a south american rush for bitcoin. The dollar is king in south america, i know im south american myself

>> No.51613104

Kek. The money supply on average goes up 15% year over year dipshit. Production rises hasn't outstripped that. It's all false but a window licker such as yourself who is somehow long USD and long fiat in the face of the dollar losing 99% of it's value in the past 80 years could never fire enough neurons to put 2 and 2 together and see what comes next. Screen shot my posts and come back in a year or 2 and lets see if the tune you're singing is the same.

>> No.51613106

>using banks

>> No.51613187

If you're not using banks there is no reason to use a rapidly inflating medium of exchange like the USD. The entire reason you use the USD is to get access to the dollar banking system and dollar denominated debt.

>> No.51613307

everyone knows fiat is shit you absolute mongoloid retard, why do you people act like everyone else is clueless about the economic system, on this board of all places? thats why everyone hates you. Yeah lets see which tune you're singing when your precious ponzi tokens crash to zero. Fucking brainless twat here thinks there's gonna be a rush for crypto or metals, you will have a rude wake up call

>> No.51613320

>muh dollar is inflating 10% per year reee what a shitcoin
>i hold crypto which has only depreciated 70% last year

>> No.51613571

>He doesn't know about EROI

Unless there's way more oil out there that they're not telling us about, we're going to die within 10 years

>> No.51613749
File: 358 KB, 920x858, (((Secratary of the Treasury))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51614107

Damn, the second video was really good.
When we going to get that gold fellas?
Couple pickaxes and we're getting rich

>> No.51614123
File: 23 KB, 543x443, 1513322986412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dollar is getting stronger!
>buy shiny rocks!
>the dollar is inflating and getting weaker!
>buy shiny rocks!