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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51585642 No.51585642 [Reply] [Original]

>(You) vill eat ze bugz

>> No.51585656

No not my EGGS

>> No.51585671

I will grow my own food

>> No.51585711

that's a health risk and hence illegal goy, only government approved goyslop for you

>> No.51585724
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Catch me if you can

>> No.51585729


>Meat 6.7%

Umm.... steak went from $13/lb to $21/lb. Suck my dick.

>> No.51585742

Jews are pumping egg prices because they know it is the healthiest food

>> No.51585749

Our global, backyard pool detecting, orbital satellite matrix will be used to identify any terrorist garden activity.

>> No.51585761

Beef went from 7.5 USD to 12.5 USD for 3 lb tubes from the super market.

In other words, “fake and gay”

>> No.51585766

eggs used to be the cheap meat alternative

>> No.51585773

My chicken went up 8 dollars.

>> No.51586245

growing crops is bad for the environment goy
where is your water license
where is your rain collection license
where is your nitrogen soil level license
where is your FDA approval and license
where is your business license
where is your food handlers permit
where is your john deer tractor with no compiler and source code under lock and key

>> No.51586258

I can't believe I'm afraid I'll be punished if I start a garden.

>> No.51586335
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oh no, the $3 18 pack of eggs now costs $4, wat am I gonna do

>> No.51586524

Because of a 6,7% increase in price?

>> No.51586626
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>> No.51586732

Did your 120k jumped to 160k? Yeah thought so retard

>> No.51586819
File: 27 KB, 640x480, 2E7003F0-9883-4E05-8ABC-65B34DC62C9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t ever use that pepe when posting cringe faggot

>> No.51586855

no civilized culture has ever made insects part of their diet
the hallmark of a degenerate culture has always been one that does

>> No.51586869

I used to order fried silkworms when living in chinkland. But even there people would just order a couple of those and eat normal meat as the rest of the meal.

>> No.51586875

The eating bugs thing is definitely some sort of communion. The Machines from The Matrix looked like bugs. Maybe the bug thing is like communion with the machines.

>> No.51586911

If red means bad and meat is red maybe it's bad too

>> No.51586956

This is why you should garden and learn the basics of species identification and foraging, if you get hens and feed them a bare minimum while allowing them to graze and you get free infinite eggs
>No compiler and no source code
t. Modern "dietitian"

>> No.51587886

isnt inflation making the price of things worth less even if the number is going up.
inflation is good

>> No.51588193

I eat 6 eggs/day this shit is going to fuck with my expenses

>> No.51588800
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1.89 on Trump's last day in office
4.29 at the beginning of september

Eggs were my go-to protein.

If only I had more space or redpilled family members, I would buy some chickens

>> No.51588829

found the poorfag

>> No.51590213

yes, if you're profiting off of your crops then this is all required. If you are growing on your property and it's not intrusive to others then nobody gives a fuck

>> No.51590261

>If you are growing on your property and it's not intrusive to others then nobody gives a fuck
Clarifiying, if the crops are just being consumed by you and family here

>> No.51590356

maybe not now. wait for a few years. crypto was also not regulated when the rich were not losing money. gardens of anything edible will 100% be regulated before 2030, screencap this

>> No.51590362

>eggs, milk, fruit and veggies, fish all pumping
I liked eating those. I don't want goyslop

>> No.51590373

is it real than in the US you can't grow your food ?
I've seen videos of people being raided but what I understood is that they were selling the food

>> No.51590466
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you vill own nothing and be happy

>> No.51590503

If you sell commercially you have to meet/be certified by certain standards and the FDA can be massive cunts about it if they think you're getting too big. They get pissed as hell at the Amish over this kind of thing.

Growing for your own consumption is fine and selling to your friends/neighbors/the local market won't get you into trouble as along as you aren't making a commercial business out of it.

>> No.51590522
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>fish sauce 400%

>> No.51590554
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>Growing for your own consumption is fine

For now

>> No.51590638
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thanks anon, it makes sens this way. have a great day