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51537695 No.51537695 [Reply] [Original]

>when you look at the social media pages of your qt co-worker and then you realise from her night out pics that she's a whore who gobbles ten miles of Chad cock a week and you realise what a loser you were for not knowing that right away and thinking she was some sort of qt who isn't repulsed by quiet non-Chads but you don't use social media or have any social life so you didn't realise until now that the chance of you getting a gf like her isn't 0.1%, it's 0 %, and the idea that casual workplace interaction with her could lead to anything is like thinking that photocopying monopoly money could lead to Jeff bezos wealth

>> No.51537750
File: 352 KB, 512x512, 8B39EF3A-7149-4BF4-BD78-402E56639412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red ID

>> No.51537769

idk anon that was pretty witty writing of yours. Maybe you are more chad than you think, but yeah, roasties operate onmale attention and alpha dick until they got burnt so hard/get so old they realize their mistake and take any decent non chad.

anyway, focus on non roasties

>> No.51537803

why u put the whore on pedestal

>> No.51538054

forget her and focus on improving yourself. you can't get every fucking woman out there despite of what some people say. you will eventually find some qt girl who is in your league. also act more dominant in total

>> No.51538182
File: 296 KB, 400x400, 1662574469177299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhm you guys use a burner facebook account when creeping on girls right?

You DO KNOW that if they have an iphone it gives them a notification when someone looks at their profile? lmao

>> No.51538357
File: 768 KB, 635x717, 1657308870914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51538540

>female coworker
change career to something with no women
Rule of thumb: the less women the higher the wage.

>> No.51538565

Ain't that the truth

t. Kitchen-igger

>> No.51538607

break out bro, cope and turn into the volcel you really are
you'll feel so free after that

>> No.51538677

stop lying underage

>> No.51540496

but witty writing doesn't have anything to do
with chad. Or does it ?

