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File: 35 KB, 600x800, f53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51514048 No.51514048 [Reply] [Original]

why are they like this? imagine applying this same logic to any other investment. people would think you have a learning disability or mental retardation.

>> No.51514081

Just materialist retards that get status from “owning” things

>> No.51514089

>why are they like this?
OP can't do basic math.

>> No.51514112

>You will own nothing and you will be happy

Stfu commie

>> No.51514117


>salty nohomer cope

Enjoy the pods

>> No.51514128

If inflation hits the golden number of 2% over the course of 30 years they are paying a 60% under market mortgage. If we keep seeing crazy inflation over 5% per year like we have for the last 3 years then he stands to pay a lot less than that.

>> No.51514191

>no you don't understand, i must CONSOOOM

>> No.51514192

Do you not know the difference between inflation and interest rates? Wtf are you talking about

>> No.51514196

i don't know why you assume that i'm poor. i put close to $50k a year into savings and investments and i work from home. if home prices defy supply and demand economics and refuse to come down over the next 2 years, i'll cope and buy a $150k home for cash in my flyover home town. i'd prefer to buy a more expensive home in the suburbs but i refuse to overpay like some nigger retard.

>> No.51514219

lmao. if you move out to rent you stupid

>> No.51514238

what this anon said >>51514192 . i have literally no idea what you're trying to say.

>> No.51514426

You seem to be lost

>> No.51514482

*450k in cash

>> No.51514498
File: 19 KB, 337x410, sadfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw my monthly rent cost is less than monthly property tax, mortgage/home insurance, utilities costs in the same city

>> No.51514562

$450k in my hometown gets you like 3000 square feet on 15-20 acres. more than i want or need.

>> No.51514564
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>So what if I have to pay compounding interest on that overpayment in my mortgage, and miss out on the huge opportunity cost of not being able to invest that recurring expense
>I have somewhere to store my funko-pops now

>> No.51514733

>You WILL live in a pod
>You WILL eat the bugs
>You WILL overpay your mortgage
>You WILL purchase highly rare and collectible funko pops

>> No.51515089
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people will have tribe mentality about anything. ive been hearing the same bickering forever about rei vs asuka, xbox vs playstation, u fuckers are all the same. rent if renting works for you. buy a fucking house if you want to own a house. its that simple.

>> No.51515217


I own multiple houses so I recognize the need to have a lot of rent slaves available to pay off my mortgages and fund my lifestyle

>> No.51515269


People really dont understand how much you get FUCKED on property taxes. Where I live anyway. The taxes on a 300k house are equivalent to renting a cheap apartment.

>> No.51515277

I used 3% ($10,000) down in 2011 to buy a house. I’ve 30X’d my down payment with equity. 2011 soijacks were pissing and shitting themselves about the housing market being a scam and hated the Fed, but didn’t buy BTC.

If you don’t understand money printing and leverage then housing and biz isn’t for you,

>> No.51515338
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yeah that's great. 2011 was almost the bottom. we've barely begun to go down.

>> No.51515371

>make "rent" payment on mortgage for 10 years
>sell house
>literally get all of that "rent" money back + any increase in value

are you retarded?

>> No.51515384

>confusing SOISOOOOOMPTION with investment and home ownership
Your funkopops will go the way of beanie babies, fag.

>> No.51515408

property tax is a write off for income tax. this is literally only an issue if you are an unemployed trust fund baby.

>> No.51515443

Rentie cope. It’s always the same thing with you.

>> No.51515452
File: 45 KB, 1149x435, housing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> paid $45K over asking for house in 2011 ($240K) and house is now valued at $670K. Mortgage is $1,650 and house is now rented out at $3,200K per month
> paid $70K over asking for a house in April 2021 ($410K) and house is now valued at $540K. Mortgage is $1,600 per month
> BOTH mortgages are paid from my rental income
RETARDS still not grasping the concept of money supply, inflation and housing market that has only had a -20% drop in the last 93 years will continue to remain RENTKEKS or BASEMENT DWELLERS until they eventually pay way more than the prices they are laughing at.

>> No.51515467

Yes, they are. In the last 300 years of history there was one single event where you went underwater on a home. They actually think this is 2008 again kek

>> No.51515502

USD is losing value at an exponential rate.

>> No.51515519
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you might want to look at an amortization schedule, retard.

>> No.51515535

no its not, its buying more and more bitcoin and stocks every week

>> No.51515543


Even if it was 2008 the lesson is to never sell and buy the dip

>> No.51515567

That's because investors are retarded

>> No.51515582

5.27% interest. Get fucked rentoid scum. Keep trying to make yourself feel better

>> No.51515621

i could buy your flyover crap shack with cash today, you devastatingly poor white nigger.

>> No.51515622

I own 4 properties and it's disgusting, homes should be tied to one person/family only and not be classified as a commodity or investment but as a fucking house to live in

>> No.51515624

Can you do this while also getting the standard deduction?

>> No.51515634
File: 21 KB, 512x512, reddit-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight giveaway of a low IQ retail minmum wagie when they have the conviction of muh housing is unattainable and due for a major crash without looking at the fact that asset prices just keep going up over time with dips that are just buying opportunities

>> No.51515647

Homes are best make it investments. Solid asset and solid cash flow. The reason there is so much seethe over home owners is all cope that they can’t afford one themselves

>> No.51515678

Hi my favorite goy cuck. This is your lord of land. I will be dropping by and letting myself in on Wednesday to check on some things inside. Sorry I didn't get the new carpet this year, you are going to have to live with that subtle cat piss smell for the rest of the year. I also won't be upgrading anything, but feel free to upgrade my house at your leisure. Also, rent is due on the first, and I have eviction paperwork on hand should you fuck around with my money again.

>> No.51515683

>move out
americans aren't given the option theyre forcibly thrown to the curb on their 18th birthday under force of law

>> No.51515692

low IQ thesis. remember me when you're stuck in your "starter home" for 10 years because you're six figures underwater.

>> No.51515711

Any of you fags got a lake house?

In my mind I imagine just loving being on the lake. Do you just get used to it after a little while or is it always great?

>> No.51515725

hi Mr. Shekelstein. it looks like the HVAC unit blew up for the third time this year, no idea how that keeps happening. anyways, you need to fix it now or I'm legally entitled to withhold rent. chop chop, wagie!

>> No.51515754

also coulve withheld rent for the last 2 years with no threat of eviction due to covid
oopsie poopsie

>> No.51515764

one of my homes is half a mile to a big river that connects to a lake, we built a mexican style palapa along some brick grills and it never gets old

>> No.51515796

Mr Goy, it looks like forensics has revealed you have sabotaged the unit. The courts have decided in my favor and I will take great pleasure in garnishing your slave wagie wages knowing you are seething in your cubicle about that hot pussy you will never get because you live like a rat.

>> No.51515823

>buying a house is just as bad as buying funkopops
fucking kill yourself you outpriced faggot

>> No.51515833
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>> No.51515869

Poorfag cope. Keep paying your rent poor boy. Kek.

>> No.51515871

It's amazing how no one seems to grasp this. Yes, Stacey realtors say it too much, but it's rarely a bad time to buy buy a house if you're looking to stay there long term because prices will generally, and historically, go up. That's just how inflation works.

>> No.51515891

Yeah but you aren't gaining equity. You are just paying rent for a place to live with zero other benefits.

>> No.51515907

yeah i remember there were shitloads of flipper tv shows and lots of buy now or be priced out forever in the run up to the 2008 market crash as well

>> No.51515929

Still better than renting.

>> No.51515933

I did my first house flip this year goys. Lets look at the numbers.

>purchase price 192k
that comes to about 85$ a square foot. House was very old school but in a decent enough neighborhood
>renovation budged 37k
The little things really add up here. Could have done it cheaper, Ill definitely improve on this. Paid a lot for boomer counter tops. I also had some guys come in and do all the flooring because fuck that. I did all the painting and tile work myself.
>sale price 309k
>Profit after paying the jews 54k

Im just happy I made any money. With the market going down and shit

>> No.51515940

>Yeah but you aren't gaining equity.
neither are you if you end up upside down on yours
look, this is historically one of the only times in a couple of generations where renting is preferrable to owning, especially if you were smart enough to sell at the top of the market in 2021 and are renting until prices come down re: interest rate hikes

>> No.51515951
File: 928 KB, 1020x859, bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except unless you bought a house in areas like Detroit or Nowheresville this has never happened. As a matter of fact, the top of the 2006-07 housing bubble looks DIRT CHEAP now and it already looked very cheap by 2012/13 in most areas. Money supply only goes up. Housing prices only go up. Rents only go up.

>> No.51516006

>Money supply only goes up
you zoomers have no conception of high inflation economies
you will learn

>> No.51516019

I paid cash for my house so I have no mortgage. All you people waiting for prices to come down are going to be waiting forever. The prices will come down but not significantly where it would be worth renting for years to wait for it. Housing prices just go up. In the last 100 years the biggest housing dip was around 20%.

>> No.51516029

do you having a learning disability or are you legitimately retarded? i live in a middle class area outside of philly and i see plenty of listings for homes that are now selling for $20-30k under their last sold price back in 2020/2021. look at meme markets like phoenix or miami and it's even worse.

>> No.51516052

this is just complete nonsense, you probably werent even a teenager in 2008, formerly "hot" housing markets like socal dropped over 50%

>> No.51516064
File: 103 KB, 779x579, Fco8-ltX0AIYlI2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forced institutional selling soon.

>> No.51516072

there is no bubble. the population of the US has increased by 20 million since 2008. cope harder.

>> No.51516073

>In the last 100 years the biggest housing dip was around 20%.

completely wrong. look at the TOTAL COST OF REPAYMENT, interest and principal. you're looking at selling price which is irrelevant. rates going from 3% to 7% has driven up total cost of repayment considerably.

>> No.51516080

>7 posts and counting by this seething rentcuck

No one cares dude. I’m glad you’re happy owning nothing.

>> No.51516122

We're talking averages not your over inflated faggot "hot" spots you cherry pick. Just keep renting bro. Maybe you will buy when a 3 bedroom is 1mm.

>> No.51516141
File: 214 KB, 786x1000, fam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "going to be underwater in ten years anyways" he said in 1970
> "going to be underwater in ten years anyways" he said in 1980
> "going to be underwater in ten years anyways" he said in 1990
> "going to be underwater in ten years anyways" he said in 2000
> "going to be underwater in ten years anyways" he said in 2010
> "going to be underwater in ten years anyways" he said in 2020
People were who decided not to buy in the early 1970s and continued to wait for the market to cool down were screwed. What is even worse for people who waited, not only did home prices increase double digit percent on average during the 1970s but the interest rates on mortages went from ~7% in 1971 to reaching ~18% in 1981. So the BUBBLE retards FUCKED themselves over TWICE paying a HIGHER PRICE and a HIGHER INTEREST rate.

>> No.51516154

Why would institutions sell their existing portfolios which are predominantly long term financed with cheap RMBS debt? It’s not like they have to roll the cost on their entire existing debt stack. On the margins it will just make acquisitions tougher and they will adjust their underwriting for a higher going in yield to compensate. Institutions don’t panic sell profitable cash flowing assets you complete fucking retard

>> No.51516174

if your mortgage is anywhere near the estimated price in 2019 you are going to end up with negative equity
and thats a good thing, retards and their money are always parted

>> No.51516209

DEFI was the last thing needed in this space. Nothing else will be invented, since they already saturated every possibility.
You can argue that soulbound tokens will be the next thing. well it won't be since you can't profit from it.
ETH POS was all about speculation. Now its all downhill.
Please SS this. I'm not even kidding. Sold my last 40 ETH 3 days ago.
I'm never touching crypto again. It became centralized and going in the same direction as banks, which they will never swap places.

>> No.51516210

You sound awfully concerned for my personal finances as a homeowner. I appreciate your concern but would suggest you spend more time rectifying your own living situation as it seems you are a rentoid. My condolences

>> No.51516245

Yeah bro maybe just wait another 10 years for the market to "cool down". You are a poor rentoid using massive amounts of cope to convince yourself why you shouldn't own a home when you can't afford one. You will continue to be priced out and continue to seethe on 4chins about it.

>> No.51516312

i aint your "bro" asswipe, i already said I sold in 2021 in this very thread
you're so stupid you probably also financed a new car
didnt you

>> No.51516314
File: 1.17 MB, 965x668, poor2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rentkuk ignores all the facts, copes with bubble hopium and larps that he has cash to buy home outright. every single time

>> No.51516315
File: 850 KB, 1080x950, pathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to beat it through the skull of this boards zoomers that historically homes aren't great investments when you average it out. We've just had the privilege of living in a low interest rate environment since 2008 and now the piper is getting paid. If you aren't renting it or flipping it then you're frankly just being a retard. Now with prices where they WERE I would say that I couldn't stomach buying but at this point prices are normalizing.

You have to live somewhere and you buy a home mainly because you're tired of renting and don't want to play by some landjews rules.

>> No.51516377
File: 253 KB, 1139x739, Real - Case-Shiller HPI (CPI-U Less Shelter).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do i feel like i'm talking to a racially mixed low IQ hourly wage mutt? your chart isn't inflation adjusted. pic related is inflation adjusted. hot locales were under water for years. god damn does this board get dumber and browner by the fucking minute.

>> No.51516396

>pay 2% a year on financed real estate in a depreciating market, assuming risk and maintenance associated with those holdings, and all for 5% return before expenses
>buying a bond with zero risk and getting 4%

One more rape hike and they won't have a choice. Fiduciary responsibility will require them to rotate into lower risk, equivalent reward assets (in this case bonds) if yields continue on the trajectory they're on.

>> No.51516397
File: 10 KB, 219x214, 63475687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t o d a y
your rent today
I had the same argument until my 1 br 600 sq ft onions pod increased rent to the same amount as my PITI in a single year under this inflation

>> No.51516405

> he is comparing housing market with crypto

>> No.51516413
File: 28 KB, 795x563, Screenshot 2022-09-19 at 10-01-20 North Hollywood Los Angeles Real Estate - North Hollywood Los Angeles Homes For Sale Zillow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wait
that 100k dip just covered 10 years of rent wow

>> No.51516441

where the fuck is that? africa? are you fucking dumb that can't see that more than 80% of housing only gains value?

>> No.51516469

No I pay cash for everything. Bought my house in 2015 cash and buy all my vehicles cash. I have never had debt and never will. Cope about it rentoid.

>> No.51516491
File: 221 KB, 1139x739, 12-Mo Change - Case-Shiller HPI - 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey mutt nigger retard, guess the pattern.

>> No.51516520

well first it was all homes go up now its 80% of them do, next it will be "i just dont want to have to move" later this year when hes underwater

>> No.51516523


>> No.51516542

who in the hell is talking about crypto you fucking trisomy 21 downs syndrome motherfucker?

>> No.51516570

>*rates never go back to all-time lows of 3%*
>*seethes over the HELOC consoomerism he was planning to do*

>> No.51516643

OP is a faggot again.
>buy house and live in it (this is the important part)
>don't have to pay rent anymore as rents are skyrocketing and are unlikely to come down again
>can refinance mortgage later to a lower rate if interest rates come down
>the principal part of the monthly payment is home equity (you're paying yourself)
>can deduct property tax on your tax return so it mostly cancels out
>as long as the monthly interest paid < predicted monthly rent, it makes sense from the accounting perspective to buy
The one drawback is the opportunity cost of the downpayment and if you have an HOA payment, but that's pretty much it.

>> No.51516664

>>can refinance mortgage later to a lower rate if interest rates come down
>>the principal part of the monthly payment is home equity (you're paying yourself)

>> No.51516699

The only good part about renting was having my landlord fix everything but I was lucky to have a good landlord. The rentie seething in this thread is hilarious. Trust me lil rentie unless you bought a moldy roach motel there's infinitely more benefits to owning than renting.

>> No.51516705

>don't have to pay rent anymore as rents are skyrocketing and are unlikely to come down again
rents in my area are coming down.
>can refinance mortgage later to a lower rate if interest rates come down
3% was all-time low, 5-7% is historical long run average. never going to happen.
>the principal part of the monthly payment is home equity (you're paying yourself)
learn how an amortization schedule works. seriously, just learn how it works. you aren't building much equity for the first 5-10 years.
>can deduct property tax on your tax return so it mostly cancels out
first part is true, no idea what you're referring to as "cancelling out."
>as long as the monthly interest paid < predicted monthly rent, it makes sense from the accounting perspective to buy
i'm literally an accountant. you're an idiot.
>The one drawback is the opportunity cost of the downpayment and if you have an HOA payment, but that's pretty much it.
you're avoiding my argument and creating a strawman.

>> No.51516806
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>i'm literally an accountant
that's pretty surprising considering you appear to actually believe home prices will collapse in proportion to the increase in mortgage rate, even though you should know better

any home owner that refinanced during covid is watching their liability literally melt away as even basic shit like 3 month treasuries and high yield savings account rates now exceed their mortgage interest

>> No.51516824
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>> No.51516841

I for one am just so glad there are several intelligent renters ITT with multiple posts trying to help me out of the terrible investment I’ve made in owning my own home. Such great people we have on this board!

If only I was intelligent enough to rent. Alas!

>> No.51516858

Man that’s pretty based but also scary like you go from 190-310 basically and only make 50k

If you can just do that twice in a year you’re making six figs though. I assume this was a side hustle or are you doing it full time? Either way it’s pretty good as a way of escaping waging, if you aren’t scared of manual labor.

>> No.51516865

>home prices will collapse in proportion
i said that prices are too high. i didn't say that the market would collapse. prices are barely down from all time highs. rates have increased from 3% to 6.5%. this represents a ~35% run-up in total repayment for an identically sized mortgage.
>any home owner that refinanced during covid
irrelevant. rates "during covid" were 3%. rates today are 6.5%.

>> No.51516880

it's another smug post by a 50th percentile retard who happened to buy at the right time and incessantly gloats about winning the 3% mortgage lottery. congratulations, no one cares.

>> No.51516887

My mortgage is $200 a week. I could rent my play out for $450 a week. No point renting where I live.

>> No.51516932
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>> No.51516964

>he doesn't know mortgage firms only get ARMs.

>> No.51517003

>this represents a ~35% run-up
yeah, and you are implying that by the same measure, home prices will inevitably come down, which would constitute a massive fucking collapse
in reality you have zero historical data to back that up; that has actually never really happened, so basically you are just a perma-bear chud on 4chan screaming that asset prices are gonna collapse, aka a seething rentoid

>rates "during covid" were 3%. rates today are 6.5%
all you've done is shift the goal posts, these dumb threads were being made when rates were still low and climbing, that everyone who bought in at the 3% overpaid to get that rate, in a year you could just as easily say you aren't talking about the people that locked in 6.5% because the going rate is 12%; you have no clue how high this is going to go or for how long

>> No.51517034

Clearly you care as evidenced by your 18 posts ITT warning us of the dangers of home ownership! Thank you for caring so much!

>> No.51517100


>> No.51517133

i'm not warning anyone else. i couldn't care less about retards wasting their money, belond ridiculing them. i'm saying that the market is overvalued and i'm not buying until prices come down.

>> No.51517186



Thank you both for your express interest in my financial well being as a homeowner! Very glad 4chan has caring posters like the both of you with only my best interests in mind!

>> No.51517231

Stay outpriced

>> No.51517286

have fun wagecucking for the next 30 years to hit that 50% post-tax DTI PITI you devastatingly poor nigger

>> No.51517335

Projecting much?
Sorry anon my father bought houses when they were cheapies so I'll be inheriting my home
By the way those homes are paid off and are being rented
Maybe don't be poor next time

>> No.51517340

Maybe you wouldn’t come off like the seething rentcuck you are if you hadn’t furiously posted 20 times and counting in this thread, you colossal fucking loser

>> No.51517347

look at how retarted their posts are christ it makes me sad that so much of humanity are like that but hey, that's their role to play
its just like the lines you see at mcdonalds every day

>> No.51517372

you're retarded
property tax, utility bills, etc. don't go toward equity
if my mortgage is 1k and additional costs = 1k for a total of 2k/month, only 1k goes towards equity. if my rent is <=1k, then it makes more sense to rent. this is one of the only times in history where it was more advantageous to rent than own.

>> No.51517408

they dont have the nuance to see all sides of a situation, to them its 1 vs 2, have vs have not, rentcuck vs ownerchad
similarly stupid people were gloating about their overpriced shitholes in 2008, pepperidge farm remembers

>> No.51517414

You pay rent lol you are in absolutely no spot to be talking about retarded financial decisions my guy

>> No.51517463

>pays 30k in rent, moves out, gain nothing
>pays 30k in mortgage/taxes/insurance, 5k in maintenance repairs, move out, retain 8k equity from payments and $40k in gains after 4 years

Which scenario would make you end up with more money? Seethe rentoid. You waited until 6% interest rates to have any actual argument against buying. Houses were free in 2020 and you still waited, selfishly, for the world to crash so you could scoop the dip. Then you call landchads psychopaths when you’re the one waiting for everyone to crash and burn for your selfish benefit. Fuck you

>> No.51517465

>my guy
I imagine the look on your face in about 2-3 months when you check your z-estimate

>> No.51517482

Keep waiting for that crash, buddy. This is nothing like 2008.

>> No.51517484

>only 1k goes towards equity.
a considerably proportion of that $1k goes toward interest for the first 5-10 years of the loan. so many drooling nigger retards don't understand how amortization schedules work, it's absolutely shocking how fucking dumb they are. >>51515519

>> No.51517490

Imagine being such an ADHD-riddled faggot you care about the value of your home outside of when you buy it and when you sell it.

You will NEVER make it with that attitude my guy

>> No.51517499

>This is nothing like 2008.
it is worse

>> No.51517509

>Keep waiting for your lease renewal when it raises another 10%

>> No.51517527

How? “Numbers too high” is all you idiots say when the gov minted 30% of money supply in last 3 years. Give me any reason this is worse than 2008. Energy prices? Kek

>> No.51517528

you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.51517541

long-run appreciation barely exceeds inflation, retard. after 4 years and with $5k in repairs you'll be break even with where you started. assuming 6.5% rates, only about 2/9ths of your mortgage payments will have went toward principal. the remaining 7/9ths are interest payments.

>> No.51517587
File: 32 KB, 541x445, Zillow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me any reason this is worse than 2008

>> No.51517627

arguing about pointless things is fun

>> No.51517685

Omg not an 8.3% CAGR


>> No.51517700

still waiting for a response to this you fucking retard jet black gorilla nigger.

>> No.51517733

this but unironically the average income in that area is 50k, those mortgage payments require two fulltime incomes plus ludicrously low interest rates

>> No.51517799

It’s plainly obvious you’re trying harder to convince yourself you’ve made the right decision in forgoing homeownership than trying to convince anyone else on here. I hope you make peace with your decision anon. I’ll be thinking of you as I make the same fixed payment on my current home for the next 26 years

>> No.51517840

i absolutely made the right decision to sell in 2021 and rent until the market corrects

>> No.51517887

No you didn’t but you’re sure trying hard to convince yourself that you did. Good luck!

>> No.51517889

> forgoing homeownership

he hasn't forgone home ownership you dumb nigger. he's saying that prices are too high and that it's likely a prudent move to wait it out.

>> No.51517972

>no he’s not forgoing homeownership he’s just forgoing homeownership for an undefined period of time and hoping it all works out!

Cope lol

>> No.51518014

It's important to remember we've only had interest rates going down for the past 40 years.

>> No.51518089

Buy now or wait another year

>> No.51518131

I pay $150 a month on a 1 acre, 350k home
>t. Delaware Chad

>> No.51518182
File: 198 KB, 693x598, 1568725091981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah sweet another rentoid cope thread! how much equity do you have in your borrowed goycage bros?

>> No.51518186

post proof with time stamp of you are lying

>> No.51518192

You'd have space for a cool helicopter or plane then and you could wagecuck it to the city in style

>> No.51518226

What a self hating cuck attitude, lefties won't care that you felt bad for the poors when they chop your head off

>> No.51518278

ah sweet another landchad post. how much equity do you have in your single wide trailer on 2 acres?

>> No.51518298

Kek this

>> No.51518349

Interest shouldn't exist.

>> No.51518358
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Finally, someone gets it.

>> No.51518404

Let them have their little threads crying about never owning anything. It's all they have.

>> No.51518420
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>> No.51518427

>low IQ people forming tribal in-groups around their bad decision making and inevitable financial losses
indistinguishable from GME baggies

>> No.51518446

It's even worse. He's going to end up refinancing in 5 years, re-extending his loan for another 30-years.

>> No.51518455
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but seriously who cares?

>> No.51518507

No one forces anyone to take out a loan

>> No.51518531

Renting gives you the flexibility to just leave at any time, and you never have to worry about maintenance because that's the owner's responsibility.
Meanwhile "owning" a home (on property that doesn't technically belong to you because property taxes exist) means you are fucked the moment some nigger moves in nextdoor.

>> No.51518546

Rentoids should not have the voting rights, everything went down hill since then

>> No.51518572

How do rentcucks have a sense of pride with themselves? I had to rent for 4 years to save up and couldn't STAND with the idea of paying off someone else's mortgage every damn month. Now my mortgage and home maintenance payments are almost half of my rent payments.

>> No.51518813

Maybe we just let these pied pipers lead the unwary off the 5-6% cliff right now and down into the 8-10+% pit that will be there years from now. The landlord is going to raise the rent by 25% when it works, regardless.

Ah, but that those soothing, melodious sounds leading the unwary to the next lease renewal… it’s so pleasant listening to the sound of a 1,700 a month apartment become a 2,100 a month apartment, that will soon be a 2,500 a month apartment, at which point the screams of the outpriced sound not so attractive.

>> No.51518854

it's because 'dem RACIS- err I mean, 'dem RATES, nigga

>> No.51518894

1. Don't live in some shit hole that's full of niggers.
2. If you do, don't buy until its in a neighborhood with little to no niggers.

>> No.51518897
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>26 posts

this kid is STEAMING. feels good being overemployed and snagging a 4br 280k house (now 490k:)) and renting my three extra rooms to the point where i dont even PAY FOR MY HOUSE.

>> No.51518924

You mean like the screeching rentoids on this board the last 2-3 years crying about how home prices HAVE to collapse 50%?

>> No.51519128

Should've bought gotten two mortgages on two properties with that money and made one exclusively an airBnB. Would pay both mortgages and you wouldn't have roommates like a cuck.

>> No.51519143

>home ownership
If you're just going to get evicted by the bank in six months for failure to make payments you can't really say you own it can you?

>> No.51519167

zoom out goyblin

>> No.51519234

I like to look at it as two separate things
>I own a house
>I own a debt of 200k

>> No.51519248

>bragging about being so poor you need multiple jobs
>bragging about living in a $280k house and sharing it with strangers just to make end's meet
i literally do not envy a single thing about your life.

>> No.51519315

>make fun of funky pops
>random fags start projecting about missing mortgage payments

>> No.51519358

>six months
if youre not doing anything terribly blatantly illegal in your house AND its main residence (homestead declaration), it takes a few years to get rid of the occupant. just buy a home lmao

>> No.51519397

Nobody bought at 20% rates, those were temporary to fix how screwed up the US economy was in the 70s.

>> No.51519428


Remind me to put "NO funkopops allowed on premise" in the contract when I lease out my investment.

I'm not getting good vibes with that type of renter.

>> No.51519493

they're idiots
renting makes sense when it is lower than the cost of ownership
similarly to not buying a car because your uber costs are less than what you would pay in gas + insurance
renting for a period of time is no different than holding cash periods of time. renting forever may not make much sense, but short term it could be a very viable solution.

>pays 30k in rent, moves out, gain nothing
>pays 30k in mortgage/taxes/insurance, 5k in maintenance repairs, move out, retain 8k equity from payments and $40k in gains after 4 years

when the fuck did i say that renting in this case is wiser? stop twisting my words, you fuck face.
if the cost to own a house is MORE than the cost to rent, why the FUCK would you buy the house?
shut the fuck up with
>muh equity
if mortgage = 30k/year and taxes/utilities = 10k/year and my rent/utilities/etc < 10k/year..

the cost of renting is lower than even a paid for house in this scenario (as well as mine and other anons in this thread). this varies city by city but in my city, buying makes absolutely zero sense in this climate.

>> No.51519495
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Riddle me this bubbleretards and tell me why I'm making a bad decision. Everyone I know IRL is telling me that buying a house or condo is a good financial decision because you "build equity" and that muh prices always go up.

>be in Sweden
>75% of the aggregate value of all outstanding mortgages are on 3-month variable rates
>interest rates were sub-3% for years and are now rising
>one of the highest housing appreciations in the western world
>15% downpayment required on any house or condo

Am I completely fucking retarded or is this not bubble territory? How is renting in these circumstances NOT the best way to approach this market?

>> No.51519506
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>i see. are these... "funky pops" and "rent cucks" with us in the room right now?
>*takes notes: patient is experiencing acute stress-induced delusions secondary to being six figures underwater on his mortgage*

>> No.51519527

I just spoke to a call center customer service agent who bragged about making their first home purchase.
This is the 4th person that’s bragged about making a home purchase, that I personally have spoken to that works in customer service. If thats not a top signal idk what the fuck is.

My rent is lower than property taxes, mortgage payments + maintenance
With the additional cash, I’m parking it in pure cash instruments (bills, bonds.etc)
When looking over the entire timeline for the stock-market, housing hasn’t outperformed the s&p 500. If you know what your doing then you know what your doing, thats great. Though for me the biggest benefit to renting is flexibility.

Yes you do build “equity” but your not accounting for the fact that the “equity”
can go away. If you have any existing debt, that can hurt like falling dominos.

You are credit rich, I am cash rich.
Time will tell to see who’s right and who’s wrong.
Demographics has changed, and I’m wondering a few things that could cause housing to shit its self

>> No.51519543

And also, everyone and their mother is indebted to buy-now-pay-later schemes, and my intuition is telling me that paying $500k USD cash for a two-room shitbox condo in Stockholm is a terrible financial decision. Happy to be convinced otherwise though, but in my opinion anyone buying a condo or house with a significant amount of leverage in these financial circumstances is a complete financial illiterate.

>> No.51519554

Still rocking that 2006 unlimited data

>> No.51519577

fyi i stopped reading after a few sentences. your writing style is unbearable. you read as if you suffer from ADHD, low IQ, and a prolonged history of drug abuse. please, for your own benefit, take a course on practical written communication skills.

>> No.51519622

>My rent is lower than property taxes, mortgage payments + maintenance

>rentoid rentoid rentoid
shut the fuck up lmao. binary thinkers think the way they do because it's easy. white or black, right or wrong. the world mostly exists on a spectrum, and bad long term decisions can be great short term decisions, and vice versa.

also, if you're treating your house as an investment - like all of you "non-rentoids" are, you're most likely poor. I'm not buying a house until I can afford to buy it in cash over and over again. It's just a fucking place to live. Make your money through actually providing value, then use a small portion of that to get a house.

>> No.51519682

i wasn't arguing against you lmao

>your writing style is unbearable. you read as if you suffer from ADHD
second of all, this reeks of retardation. it makes no sense.

>> No.51519919
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this was not a real response.

>> No.51520182
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>reddit spacing phone poster hopping IDs to attack people for multiple posts

>> No.51520227

>My rent is lower than property taxes, mortgage payments + maintenance

I struggle to understand in what location this is true, big cities?

For me, my morgage and utilities are 1700 a month, I spend on average 500$~ on maintinence a year so around 1741$ a month for me to own. plus 1000$ in property tax. if I rented something in a similar neighborhood with similar sq footage it would be 2200$ minimum, PLUS utilities in most locations. Not to mention the landlord can just change rent whenever they want in my state.

If it works better for you thats great, but im just curious where you live that this is the case.

>> No.51520900

The rentoids ITT are the ones treating housing as an investment telling all of us that our precious house values are going to crash, as if a home doesn’t intrinsically provide you the value of shelter and stability. I am definitely glad to see so many people ITT worried about my financial well-being, though.

I wish I could bring myself to care even half as much about them and the inevitable plight they will face as they realize how shitty is is trying to raise a family when you have no sense of stability in a rented home/apartment.

>> No.51520982

>how shitty is is trying to raise a family when you have no sense of stability in a rented home/apartment.
kek you have a mortgage - you're not stable
i will have kids when my fully paid for house is a small percentage of my net worth

>> No.51521517

So never then, got it

Housing threads are great for spotting retards because it’s only completely moronic 20-somethings with this fantasy of just buying their first home all cash. You won’t do shit faggot you’re not special

>> No.51521537

very poor

>> No.51521556

2011 prices were a generational bottom after a total washout on every level and bottom in sentiment
complete opposite of buying now with high rates and at prices

>> No.51521572

real return on housing in 300 years is literally 1% annualized

>> No.51521809

this, and more near-term it averages like 3% which is barely in excess of """"2% inflation."""""

>> No.51521889


>> No.51521912

Where do you live? Tell me now.

>> No.51522037

Being a renter greatly raises the likelihood you will be living next to a nigger.

>> No.51522821

bradford county pennsylvania

>> No.51523038

I lack foresight. I am stupid. I am filled with regret.

>> No.51523254

>My rent is lower then mortgage
Are you renting a room, sharing a house with other rent cucks or renting whole house. Where are you that rent is cheaper?

>> No.51523550

>the piper is getting paid
nigger, rates are gonna be low again by this time next year. You really think the fed has the balls to put us in a depression over muh CPI? The USD is gonna get cheaper until it's worthless, we aren't suddenly in a new golden age of fiscal and monetary restraint.

>> No.51523600

This could accurately describe his residence and he'd still have two more acres of land than you.

>> No.51524690
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Rates aren't going that low for a while. Expect two more rate increases max and Powell to hold it. People need to stop betting on a fed bluff because they want the market to go up and have enjoyed an extremely accommodative monetary policy

>> No.51525118

I've never lived in an area where rent<mortgage either. Only things I can think of is that they snagged a rent-controlled apartment in a big city, live in income-restricted housing, or they are comparing their studio apartment rent to a 2,000sqft townhome mortgage to cope

Just bought a house this month, probably going to be underwater for a while but it's $300/month cheaper to own this house with a 2 car garage than a 1bd apartment with pakis raping their kids on my ceiling all day.

>> No.51525137

Pay it off early then

>> No.51525932

Then prices came back even higher you fuckwit

>> No.51527593
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>> No.51528742
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If you accept rent in crypto, I don't mind being your rent slave. My last landlord used to accept crypto through Utrust gateway

>> No.51530252
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You guys are realizing that the global population is dropping right?

Look what happened to the Japanese housing market once population started dropping. House prices have dropped year on year for almost 35 years now. Rent is going down every month.

Buying a home now is like buying at the top. The era of population growth is over which was the primary cause of real estate valuation increase over the last century.

>> No.51531589

Its always great.

>> No.51532679


>> No.51532763

>using the boomer browser
ngmi rètardo

>> No.51532788

Theres a ton of inherent risk in doing this. Plenty of flippers lose 10s of thousands on bad deals or stupid remodeling they insist on investing in

>> No.51533419


People are dumb