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51484778 No.51484778 [Reply] [Original]

I caught feelings for another whore I met and fucked right away off Tinder and now she's cucking me

I haven't slept in 3 days. This is hell. Pure hell. Why do I keep attaching my self worth as a man to these sluts? Why do I empathize with them?

>> No.51484791

Why don't you just go to church or something and find a nice girl, why do you want to fall in love with whores from Tinder you retard?

>> No.51484812

Because I don't think I'm good enough
Because I don't know what it's like to go out with a girl and not kiss her right away and then fuck

I just assume she's not attracted to me then

>> No.51484910
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you vill be celibet and you vill be heppy

>> No.51484947
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>> No.51484958


bro women have pheromones that hijack your brain, you are literally getting cucked by chemical warfare

>> No.51484965

>and now she's cucking me

it was just your turn bro. She was never yours

>> No.51484968

Bro you sound super stable kek lmao @your life get an std

>> No.51485001

My friend followed this advice, and he recently wanted to commit suicide when he realized church girls are whores too.

>> No.51485216

religion only works if it's a religion that realistically threatens to honor kill women for being whores... so basically islam.

>> No.51485318
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You are not alone :)
The world is not fair. Embrace, accept, exercise.
Yeah for me it’s hibiki and weed

>> No.51485892

We need to go back to biblical times where women were considered your property.

>> No.51485966

whoa I'm in the exact situation right now. Met a girl on vacation and we fucked within 2 days even though she has a bf. After we fucked she said "I love my bf but not enough to not cheat on him". Bitch is only a 6h drive away from me and am afraid to chat her up again for the fear of her rejecting me. I haven't had a good nights sleep in weeks. Wut do?

>> No.51485997

>takes your cock and immediately pretends she didn't cheat and that she wouldn't cheat
>think this slut is worthy of a relationship
>believe that you would be the exception to this pattern of behavior

>> No.51486072

I've never been able to get a crush on any woman i've met on tinder except this one hottie who was a virgin. How can your standards be so low, anon?

>> No.51486082

I can save her

>> No.51486156

Try to spin multiple plates, if you are getting sex from one woman only, you will get attached to her.

>> No.51486173

Kek incels. In pagan germanic religions (if you aren't white, kill yourself) women had a lot if freedoms. They could even file for divorce.

>> No.51486186

Precisely. What the fuck is wrong with you niggers? I'm 22 and a virgin and I'm keeping it that way until I find the tradwife with an intact hymen that God will provide to me

>For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: that no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 KJV

You're literally defrauding God's genetic Blockchain when you fornicate. And no you don't need to be "married". You are married with first sex you dumbass faggots.

>> No.51486214

See >biblical

>> No.51486246

Stop looking for your soulmate, and start looking for YOUR soul, mate.

>> No.51486260

Because you’re just a boy and not a Man

>> No.51486268

Stay strong cuckbro

>> No.51486276


>> No.51486291

Dude are you fucking retarded
Just fuck her and leave
If the sex was right and you clicked, you'll meet up again
If it wasn't, you won't.
Repeat this until you find someone the sex clicks with, until then, be absent minded and distant.
Only add girls on Snapchat so they know your intentions from the get go. Any girl under 35 knows if you ask for their Snapchat that practically means "let's fuck and potentially never talk about it again"

Wise up anons there's better ways to do this and I want all my homies getting their dicks wet fr fr

>> No.51486300

>Because I don't think I'm good enough
This is why you get cuckholded. Stay out of relationships until you learn to be the man.

>> No.51486320

why are you idiots trying to find your soulmate on dating apps. those apps are for hookups and nothing more.

>> No.51486325

>I'm 22 and a virgin
what about if you haven't found a tradwife at 32? 42?

>> No.51486334
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>See >biblical

>> No.51486401

Not going to happen because I'm fit.

Actually, thanks for reminding me to do my sets today.

>> No.51486429

Anon... Working out won't get you females

>> No.51486453


A word of advice for you young men. If you meet a girl that cheated on her boyfriend/husband with you, don't be surprised when they do it to you. Sure, there are cases where the next boyfriend was their soulmate or w/e, but those are likely the .1% cases. If a girl is a feckless whore, then that's her for life, the end.

>> No.51486475
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All religion is made up bullshit, sorry senpai.

>> No.51486476

How do find about their sexual past anons. They guard that shot harder than Fort Knox or Area 51. Are there any objects you can find in a girls room or her phone which will let you know her true sexual past. Most anons get attached to a lying whore.

>> No.51486513

Lol. Imagine coping this hard. I guess you have to not be a poorfag as well.
And that cope is why you are where you are.

>> No.51486526

I'm going to be honedt with you anon. Unless you are some natural chad who fucked hot girls in high school, the chances that you find a good looking girls is very low.

>> No.51486536


>> No.51486562

>implying a job makes a woman more valuable


>> No.51486570

I'm playing 3 girls at the same time right now man, once you stop giving a fuck it's like an all you can fuck buffet of pussy

>> No.51486580

Do you have an instagram? I feel like me not having one hinders me or should good looks be enough

>> No.51486592
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>> No.51486636

Based advice

>> No.51486667


>> No.51486673

Inconceivably based. Reeling rn

>> No.51486695
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>how not to profit

>> No.51486896
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I am a 23 yo virgin, never had a gf
Now 17 yo zoomer girls come up to me in grocery stores, or walking their dogs on the street and say “hey” or “hi”

How do I profit off of this

>> No.51486968

Unless you were born into an Amish community good luck ever finding a virgin tradwife in 2022, it's doubly impossible if you're looking for one that isn't vaxxed too.

>> No.51487000

ignore her, retard
are you on nofap?

>> No.51487018

you are gonna make it anon

>> No.51487062

The jews who dictate your life worship satan and the clown world is a direct result of rejecting God and his divine values. God is real. Don't be a retard. Believe in Jesus. At least make an honest effort by praying to God and asking him to reveal himself to you. Don't be a retarded faggot, anon.

>> No.51487289

Yeah basically I am
Got a new job working long hours, lot of customer facing. So tired of work can’t really think of cooming. Lot of personal development from a sheltered autismo

>> No.51487567

Jesus Christ you 20 something niggers, gtfo this board and stop posting lies

>> No.51487595

>catching feelings for someone who fucks other people

>> No.51488208

you both are the biggest fucking losers I've ever seen, holy shit that is incredibly pathetic. How are you so fragile? Grow the fuck up. This is incredibly feminine behavior.

>> No.51490014

Lmfao skepta lyrics