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51479403 No.51479403 [Reply] [Original]

I am betting all of my gains that trump wins 2024

>> No.51479416
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>red goy v blue goy
yeah you wont have any gains by 2024

>> No.51479438
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how do we defeat them

>> No.51479479

Jews thrive by controlling the flow of information. Academia, social media, news media, television, film, publishing, and financial information. Disrupt their ability to control information and they perish.

>> No.51480060
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And im betting all of my gains into dextools, im fucking tired of binance and it's constant debauchery, besides after dextools added hotpairs everything is basically three times better here so
Also fuck biden

>> No.51480067

is this country THAT invaded by the GOY?

>> No.51480075
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nooo, don't look at the true state of the world and how everything follow the order of the globohomo agenda, take a look at this harmless fruit basket

>> No.51480264

Trumps' base is starting to drift away from him It's more likely to be Ron DeSantis

>> No.51480268

Voters have short memories and largely oversimplify things. If Trump is nominated, he automatically gets his base and the mainstream GOP. He could probably pull enough independents to win just running a simple “things weren’t this bad when I was president” platform that would resonate with a lot of people.

>> No.51480274
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okay but how do i profit from this?

>> No.51480388

If Trump is weakened enough, don't you think the Republican political class will notice? I can totally see some siding with DeSantis. Ted and Nikki don't stand a chance and once DeSantis wins, they will back him just like Ted backed Trump. Also, DeSantis has pretty good and good enough name recognition imo.

>> No.51480393

He did loose by millions in the general to a bad candidate so there's precedent. Even if his base is still strong, elections are won and lost on the moderate vote. I believe DeSantis is stronger with moderates. Trump may still win the general but I can't shake the feeling that DeSantis is just a stronger candidate that Dems don't want to deal with. Perhaps this is all a moot point since J6 may really not change anything

>> No.51480396

Excluding Bush Jr. in 2004, every Republican loses by millions in the general.

>> No.51480399

They haven't noticed so far. Mitch McConnell recently said during an interview with Jonathan Swan that (paraphrased) Trump was dangerous and he would also support his candidacy if he won a primary, because that's "what the voters want." Now combine that attitude with the concerted and very deliberate effort since 2020 to put Big Lie proponents into positions where they have power over elections and ask yourself if this is a risk you're willing to take.

>> No.51480445

Good call if only because your money will be worthless if he loses

>> No.51480532

He can't lose, dems that voted biden regret it

>> No.51481038

Yeah imagine losing that much money because of orange man

>> No.51481042
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Trump 2024

>> No.51482012

Trump isn't running so you are gonna lose.

>> No.51482051

It may get rigged again

>> No.51482140

Will. Nothing has changed. Does anyone really think the Dems would be as shitty as they are on message, economy, energy, inflation, attacking and labeling half the country as terrorists, etc. if they didn't know they had the election locked? They don't give a fuck about having to lie and message anymore. They control the street niggers, vote counters and the whole chain of custody in large population centers. Mail-ins and ballot harvesting is happening again and if you question it, social media will ban you and the FBI will monitor/arrest you. They got the shit locked.

>> No.51482154