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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 469 KB, 1638x1638, dominic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51446801 No.51446801 [Reply] [Original]

>created the single largest pump and dump scheme in all of history
>spends all his time attacking people on twitter, mostly his own bagholders
>harasses other crypto ceos, to the point where even charles hoskinson is calling him out
>spends tons of company money on prostitutes and retarded things like "cryptoleaks.info" trying to save face
>doxxes random reddit users for questioning him and his project
>named his project "internet computer" thinking it was a good idea
>made the ticker "icp" which sounds like frozen urine or insane clown posse
>single handedly crashed the ENTIRE fucking market by releasing his scam token
>blames every other entity in existence for the failure of his shitty project, including ftx and binance
>still getting away with his crimes, even tricking new retards into buying into his ponzi
Dominic Williams needs to be stopped. He is out of control. This man belongs behind bars.

>> No.51446827

The green text was the making of perhaps the most based human on earth. Your gaylord opinion wasn't needed.

>> No.51446864
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, slurpindor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it entered market at 50B marketcap. imagine how much they paid to get it listed at that price. was a scam from the start. anyone not retarded knew

>> No.51447576

Are you fucking retarded? They didn’t pay shit. The exchanges manipulated the launch price through futures by allowing the sell of futures a week before launch and then after launch the New York Times was paid to put a hit piece against icp and call it scam. The exchanges and other l1 platform are afraid of icp. It’s makes them all obsolete. Stay poor faggots

>> No.51447658

no project gets listed at 50B marketcap without a bigpaycheck for exchanges in on the scheme dude. scamtier scam

>> No.51448812

You don’t know what you’re talking about at all. I just explained to you why it got listed at that price but no keep believing your fairy tales

>> No.51450535

go back to your telegram you stinky indian nigger

>> No.51450556

shat tha hell your mouth rankesh
i poopoo in your pooper

>> No.51450629

imagine holding a coin with CP in its ticker

>> No.51452695
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>> No.51452988

>This man belongs behind bars.
xanax ones

>> No.51453397

Yes him, Chris derose, Richard heart, mikeinspace, Shawn Leary, a massive cluster fuck of scammers. Nightmare fuel

>> No.51453812
File: 66 KB, 818x583, 98EF9794-19DA-4EE1-8292-2378240DE033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we know

>> No.51454058

got 100 more pees today
dom will win

>> No.51455621
File: 2.51 MB, 1080x1344, wallet chain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made the ticker "icp" which sounds like frozen urine or insane clown posse
juggalos unite

>> No.51456449

I can't go into much detail, but Dominic Williams is likely facing trial in Switzerland soon. Nothing to do with his work, but he was allegedly involved in a hit and run hate crime. There's a very good chance he loses the case and faces hard jailtime. What happens to DFINITY then?

>> No.51456633

i heard he paces around the dfinity office with a machete while speaking nonsense about "integrating god into the blockchain" and threatens to send his employees to meet his digital god
really weird guy but apparently a very good motivator

>> No.51457204

dominic stole an employees car and drove it into a lake.
he didnt even buy him a new one

>> No.51457310


>> No.51458755

i first bought icp in 2021 and regretted it when it dumped hard as fuck, sold and bought Matic instead which was the smartest decision ever, not only profit wise but im also witnessing how polygon is partnering with industry titans and paving the way for mainstream adoption

>> No.51458860

ghost token or ghost nft which is a better hold?

>> No.51459440
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 6740049F-EF04-4B86-B60C-6BD09F15BA8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

icp will host templeOS