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51428276 No.51428276 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best jobs an average person can get started in relatively quickly and earn good money?
I just learned junior deckhand earns good money but importantly they don't pay food or rent whilst working. So they save all the money on bills, food and rent.
After a single year you could have £20k saved ($30k ish)

>> No.51428498

Mortgage loan processor. I know a guy who went to school for a few years as a second career and is now making $200,000 plus.

>> No.51428517

any middleman agent profession if you have the communication skills
Insurance, real estate, yacht broker, second hand cars.

>> No.51428547

I want a real estate licence. Even for smaller companies they seem to get £40k a year and commission. Is the work even hard.

>> No.51428581

>£20k saved ($30k ish)

£20k is about $23k now

>> No.51428608

True. Spending power wise its a lot more than the difference I think.

>> No.51428659

Jobbers dont get rich

>> No.51428668

Feels that way but I will.

>> No.51428684

Learn Javascript

>> No.51430925

I know a lady who is pulling at least this as well and she sits on her fat ass at home all day and just talks on the phone. She went from living in a small 800 sq foot house in a poor area to a million dollar house in just 4 years.

hilarious for a job that could (should) easily be obsolete

>> No.51432229


>> No.51432260


idk what companies you were looking at but basically all the ones ive seen require you to pay to join and are 100% commission based

>> No.51432261

police officer
>nationwide shortage
>good off duty gigs if you want to get paid to sit and watch netflix

>> No.51432269

None gets rich doing "jobs"

>> No.51432327

Cool story, bro

>> No.51432362

You say this buy won't say how to get tich without a job

>> No.51432405

easiest path to end up in jail too if you are forced to defend yourself or community from a "teen"

>> No.51432431

Go catch crabs in Alaska make over 100k in a season

>> No.51432442

Migrate to US and learn trades like plumbing, electricity, house building, woodwoork or go into oil industry in Canada/US.

>> No.51432516
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Repeat after me

>> No.51432526

Goddamn this beer is really strong

>> No.51432585


>> No.51432620

trading futures and buying xrp

>> No.51432689

no such thing as job that gets you rich. you'll never be rich working for someone else. unless you consider a good 6 figure salary 9-5 job "rich". Everyone I know with a 9-5 is miserable. even if they have a nice car and a big house

>> No.51432781

Yeah well your job determines your ability to start investing. Nobody is going to make it with a few thousand bucks and no income unless they get insanely lucky.

>> No.51432907

this. another benefit of being a broker is that your earnings aren't wage/hour. what you make largely depends on how much shit you can get done.

>> No.51433161
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Why don't you explore the field of gaming in blockchain? It's an industry that's worth over $16 billion and doesn't really need more experience or skills. Noticed Gamestar+, US-based leading Web 3.0 gaming platform had a strategic investment with Mighty Kingdom

>> No.51433189
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You can get insanely lucky in crypto. Oe insanely REKT. Know that and know peace so playing P2E is even better for me because there's no tension

>> No.51433201

why do we care about american dollars, the british pound is all that matters

>> No.51433217

only a few ways to actually get "rich" (not just upper middle class)

>inherit it obviously (lol)
>start a business
>attain one of the few hyper high income jobs in society and invest everything meticulously
>win the lottery

Starting a small business is the most "straightforward." It can be as simple as building a rental home portfolio and managing it, or a trade or store, and then of course it has to be successful. In the US I see a dire lack of good small trade businesses (e.g. roofing, plumbing, electric, general contracting). That's because there aren't enough intelligent people in trades. Anyone with an IQ > 100 going into a trade can start their own business, hire a bunch of grunts to do the actual work, figure out how to scale well, and find themselves earning $200k+ while building the worth of their company itself.

>> No.51433415

fucking new fags.
everyone knows you need to do a 100x margin trade 3-4 times and you will be rich and never have to work a day in your life again

>> No.51434117

You can get insanely lucky in the lottery too. Crypto is a casino.

>> No.51434149

How is having a rental home portfolio simple?

>> No.51434184


It's financing rinse and repeat. I did it to get to 4 houses and then decided I didn't want to commit wholesale. It's still work though, initially you do a lot of the property management and have to figure out how to start scaling as your portfolio grows. You can go with a professional property management service or do some hiring yourself.

As far as businesses go, rental businesses are quite simple.

>> No.51434228

If you're going to be an average person anticipate average wealth.
If you want to make averages work for you, get any job and aggressively invest.
>t. Has never heard of expected value

>> No.51434232

How do you start? Get a loan to buy a property?

>> No.51434294

I work in risk management for an international reinsurance firm. I did a degree in maths and currently doing further professional exams.

£60k base salary which will go over £120k in a few years. Bonuses tend to be 15%, and the company regularly pays for events, travel and dinners.

The only downside is that while it was a boy's club in the past, there is a big DEI push, so my company has started hiring niggers and feminists.

>> No.51434299

You can't get financing if you work at McDonald's.

>> No.51434330


Here's the basic process in the US:

>Find an area with a good price to rents ratio (midwest, south, etc.)
>find a multiplex in a good middle ground in terms of condition, affordability, and rentability
>owner occupy with an FHA or low down payment loan (these can range from 3-10%)
>after a year (or less) repeat the process with another home

Your income starts to compound, as does your portfolio. By the time low financing is no longer an option you should be able to refinance what you have or just outright afford more typical 20% down policies.

There is an alt strategy called BRRR, where you buy a property that is in shit shape, rehab everything cosmetically, refinance immediately, and then use those proceeds for the next property, this is a more aggressive and time-efficient approach. This is all only possible because the United States has a government that is hellbent on making home financing available to every mouthbreathing creature in this country.

>> No.51434350
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You can't get rich if you work at McDonald's. Try again another life, retard. You will never, ever, get rich without a basic level of intelligence, competency, and drive.

>> No.51434359

as a RE agent, it can be done but the price you pay is in winrate. Be prepared to spend days / weeks / months courting and servicing a client and over half of them will ghost / change plans on you and you're left holding your dick with a $0 commission for all that gas and effort. Now rent is due and fuck all has hit. But it can hit well, I've made 5k in an actual afternoon, 40k for my best sale, and my boss has collected single commissions approaching 6 figures. But the flakey people and the deals that fall apart, even when contracts have been signed and earnest money down, they can still shit the bed with sadistic frequency

The other rub is it's always.on.your.mind. You're never off. A good agent picks up their phone religiously, evenings weekends.. and deals in process stay in your head, hovering around. Compare to a job of dig that hole, once you're done you're done

You also NEED to have a drive that washes so, so many people out because it's generally make your own business, instead of having a punch list.

t. soulless

>> No.51434365

Huh, why?
Should i keep going and learning django+javascript then? I was thinking solely python is the main bitch to worry about.

>> No.51434419

>police officer
Shut the FUCK up. This is the DUMBEST idea I've ever heard of.
>risking your ~LITERAL~ life for $23/hr.

>> No.51434441


There's a national shortage of everything. Some firefighterfag told me he's making $110k in a mcol city and that they can't find anyone to hire, I'd go with that over being reviled by your own city government and half the people.

>> No.51434479

I don't actually work at McDonald's. Try to read between the lines here. The point is that I'm questioning if just getting financing for a "real estate portfolio" is "simple" like you said.

>> No.51434514


No, there is no way for a retard who can only manage a minimum wage job to get rich. There is none. Hope that answered your question lol, figured that was a moot point in this thread context.

>> No.51434543

>who is Bill Hwang

>> No.51434574

>irony:the reply

>> No.51434832

Anon you picked a hell of a time to make this thread.

I'm finishing up the season in the med, I'm going for my Officers licence in the next few months (the position before Captain) and I started out as deckhand 4 years ago.

Ask away

>> No.51434972
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how tho

>> No.51435055

sex cams

>> No.51435063

Thanks m8

>> No.51435064

I've seen videos and read testimonials but can you tell me what the day in the life of a junior deckhand is really like.
Also how nackered you get by the end and the starting wages (websites tend to exxagerate)
Thanks anon! Good luck with your officer license

>> No.51435295

Its definitely a lifestyle more than it is a job.

and its such a weird industry, a salary range could be $3000 a month for a shit eastern european run boat to 10k+ a month for a well-run charter-heavy yacht.

As a junior its pretty tough for the first year, the learning curve is so steep and your at the bottom of the rung. If you'd asked me a year or two ago I would have said forget it, only now am I feeling like I'm legitimately enjoying it.

But as for day in the life, its a regular workday, 8-9ish until 3-4 if boats not being used. And if guests are on your bloody wrecked because your up at weird hours. Its not for everyone.

Great money though because its untaxed, (unless you work for Uncle Sam), free food, don't pay rent. Its essentially your whole pay is take home.

>> No.51435357

The saving of all the income is what's so appealing to me since I have looked at many options and all end with me barely pocketing a penny. I live in a port city which will help I hope. I want to spend my time out there seeing nice things being on a nice thing.
Another question I had is living situations. You are on the boat when working but if you have some days off what do you end up doing? Are you on the boat, a hotel?

>> No.51435374

of course, any super competitive job is going to be hard

>> No.51435472


Theres not too many big port cities for yachts anyway. Barcelona, Antibes, Ft Lauderdale are the biggest. It helps if your in one of them.

But you live on the yacht, you have a cabin (that you usually share) and days off I usually spend riding my electric skateboard around (lol), going partying with the crew or just hanging out. everyone parties fuck loads in their first few seasons

>> No.51435548

I'm going to do a bit of fitness and then head to the local training centre they do the certifications I need. About £900 in all I think.
Thanks for talking to me about it. Is there anything you want to tell a noob, advice etc.?

Oh and what are the guests like.
I feel good about the decision right now.

>> No.51435700

it will seem impossible to get your first gig, but once your in its all easier from there.

If you really want send me a message on this burner email qewxcvjppkjmnvxwpb@nvhrw.com and I can give you some better info, but other than that best of luck bro

>> No.51435776
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Yep, I'm a firefighter and make $120k+. Overtime will only get more insane as younger generations don't want to work. The thing is, the "work" is 8 24hr shifts a month so there's plenty of time to do side stuff you enjoy. I invest, have a small business and own my home. Buying vacation properties next year in countries I like visiting myself. I also have enough free time to hunt, play hockey, golf, etc.

AMA if you want, it's a pretty sweet gig and the people love you.

>> No.51435823

>no such thing as job that gets you rich
There is such a thing as a job that gets you lots of capital for the purposes of investing, which is how one gets wealthy.

>> No.51436473

so do you work 2 days a week? what does your daily life look like?

>> No.51436694

Yeah two 24hr shifts so basically a 48hr work week. My day starts 7am until 7am next day. If the night was busy and I got no shut eye, usually I'd spend the first day off sleeping until mid day. My personal business is WFH so pretty easy to do/set my hours.

Days off are days off, I do whatever I want. Mostly shitpost on this site and plan my finances. I get 6 weeks of vacation a year so Summers I hit the beach, Fall I hunt/camp, Winter I'll ski and maybe visit some hot destination. Pretty comfy

>> No.51436768

Why do you get paid so much? In the UK its volunteer work. Purely due to no one else doing it?

>> No.51436837

>what does your daily life look like?
what did he mean by this?

>> No.51437013

There are lots of volunteer departments yes but most metropolitan cities in North America have professional Firefighters. We get paid more because our FFs also do medical calls, whereas your UK fire brigades don't (medical calls make up roughly 80% of our call volume). Also we often go to bed bug infested shitholes where we gotta work on piss/shit covered meth addicts, so in my personal opinion we don't get paid enough. At least the zoomers agree so they don't even apply, hence the massive amounts of overtime.

>> No.51437043

Im a data engineer, i hate tech and would be interested in firefighting.
i live in a top 10 US city with ~2 mil pop. my firefighting department gets somewhere between 500-2000 applications yearly. are most of these people brain dead retards?
seems like the selection ratio is pretty shit, is it like that everywhere?

>> No.51437125

how does one get into this field? already have a degree in a different field.

>> No.51437247

>he fell for the jewish propaganda

>> No.51437288
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Electrical work. Electrician, Lineman, Groundman all make fucking bank.

>> No.51437348

Yeah it's pretty competitive because its a great job with great benefits and free time, but the job is tough. Tough in a sense that it requires hard physical work, people skills, and basic problem solving. You can also see why it's very unattractive to a lot of younger people. I don't wanna knock on the whole generation but it's pretty telling across the industry. If you're a bit older (25-35) and have a good head on your shoulders, the entry costs are pretty low (roughly $10k in education and 6 months of your time) but to be a competitive candidate you'll need volunteer experience, physical accomplishments, robust/diverse work history, etc. Selection is also point based, so some groups (like veterans and minorities) get more points. Hope that helps

>> No.51437367

not worth it if you live outside of post-soviet europe. t. 4th ENG

>> No.51437371

how much do you get starting? i know a firefighter and he's not making that much after a few years. what do you actually do during your working hours? sit around the station until you get a call?
fire is more of an issue in US than UK i would imagine.

>> No.51437499

>i know a firefighter and he's not making that much after a few years
depends on the cost of living in your area

>> No.51437587

This is all me samefagging, I don't know why it keeps changing my ID..

Salaries vary greatly from state to state. Pay in the Pacific Northwest is on average way higher than South East for example. Basic salary (for me) was around $70k to start, and then depending on your department's union/collective agreement you build up to ~$100k/year after 3 years. Everything over that is overtime and/or promotion based. We're one of the busiest in North America so down time is virtually non existent for most firehalls in the city, but yeah theoretically if you're not going on calls you're cooking, working out, training the probie or watching TV.

>> No.51437637
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I just read about a former schoolteacher who quit her job because she made $1,000,000 in three years. But she's a young attractive woman with nice assets, so that's probably a prerequisite.

>> No.51437652

Forgot to mention that this was on OnlyFans, but you probably figured that out.

>> No.51438958

>£20k saved

these. or simply buy and resell shit for at least 3x, and convince retards that your shit is the best shit out there.

>> No.51439104


>> No.51439128

Fucking really? Fucking Javascript bro?

>> No.51439517

that pepe is too handsome to be that fat and nasty

>> No.51439546

Nobody needs python in the real world. Except if you have a phd in cs with focus on machine learning

>> No.51441313

This is correct. You pay for your license courses, pay for your license itself, then you have to pay for your fucking annual memberships, quarterly access to multiple listing services, etc.

It costs a minimum of $1500/year just to fucking exist.
This is closer to reality than most people think, but I'd add that you can also get sued by retards and have hundreds if not thousands of additional rules you now have to follow, much like when you are a cop or in the military.

4 out of 5 real estate agents fail in their first year. That number is going to get even worse because we had so many fuckheads dog pile into the space when the market went nuts to try and get rich quick. Last year my local association had close to 1400 agents active at the peak of the retardation. Last I checked a month or two ago we were down to 600ish.

Mortgage rates are so high that we are having people that had money saved up, didn't buy, and are now fucked. You have to pay down at least 2 points to even get to the lower 6's.

>> No.51441716

I just went for my TWIC today. Looking at shifting into the merchant mariner industry myself and starting anew. I’m in Arizona though, so I’ll have to take the chance and move to San Diego or somewhere. Where’s a good place on the west coast to have a chance ending up as a deckhand?

>> No.51441912

My friend does this and he makes about this much. Still lives at home while he saves money to move out. It sounds like a pretty nifty job, reminds me of when I worked in inspection services with collateral. Lots of driving, signing of papers, getting paid either vast sums or piecemeal depending on the time of year

>> No.51441922
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e-whore scams
The number one thing men/women desire is a orgasm
It's simple