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51428008 No.51428008 [Reply] [Original]

we won

>> No.51428033

where tf are they getting their gas from?

>> No.51428034

>Goldman Sachs analysts said: “The indefinite reduction in NS1 exports to zero leaves north-west Europe without any Russian gas going forward. And while we often hear the question of what this will do to storage, we believe a better approach is to ask what this will do to prices, so that storage continues to build as needed.

>“This is the puzzle Europe has successfully solved for the past year, with a combination of gas demand destruction within Europe and across [liquified natural gas] buyers elsewhere in the world, resulting in above-average inventory builds.”


>> No.51428041


>> No.51428043

Ahhh yes, trust the "experts".

>> No.51428048

ok so gas crisis confirmed, thanks GS

>> No.51428052
File: 651 KB, 2917x1945, bogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its true though....more people will 'do their duty' and turn down the thermostat and various other things that will drop gas usage, probably dramatically like 20%.... Simple economics

>> No.51428054

there never was any doubt
mutts simply got played, once again, by mutt media

>> No.51428055

I've been doing my part by only showering once every week instead of once every 3 days... take that putin

>> No.51428079

Europoor's central heating isn't even on yet. Basically no need for gas right now except for hot water.

That's about to change though if you don't want to sit in a 15°C house

>> No.51428081

You can look up gas storage in Europe for yourself and compare to the reserve targets.

>> No.51428086

Where do you look this up? I wanna do it

>> No.51428096

What kind of faggot brown bitch turns the heater on at 15c?

>> No.51428098

Niggers are likely to stop shooting themselves in the near future, source is my ass.

Btw i hope you're not retarded enough to think "low price == everything is alright"

>> No.51428100


>> No.51428102

People usually set their thermostat to 18 no?

>> No.51428111

>source is my ass.
Source is the reserves.

>> No.51428114

The storage lasts 3 months theoretically. In practice probably closer to 2 in the middle of winter.

The storage isn't enough, we still need gas coming in to keep up with demand or industry will start shutting down. Or hell maybe politicians decide that industry is more important than heating homes and we'll be told to just wear a second sweater.

>> No.51428125

I would not belive a word Goldman sachs says. This company is the devil. There is always an alteria motive with them.

>> No.51428127

Nobody cares about your reserve if resources are scarce the price is high and you sell with the price cap, your business is at loss nigger.

Buy high and sell low, the /biz/ way.

>> No.51428133
File: 12 KB, 772x134, Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 07-14-42 Europe gas storage reserves - by country updated daily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uk gas storage days

>> No.51428137

Most people in europe? The average is probably around 20-21°

>> No.51428147


>> No.51428156
File: 15 KB, 640x934, 1650585087575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chud bros not like this, not like this yuropoors should have all frozen to death, why is based putin nothing?!

>> No.51428164
File: 120 KB, 1300x821, heliumuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live image of the storage

>> No.51428189

Holy midwit.
The whole point is by the time the gas gets sold to the consumer, the price will be much lower.
Read the article.

>The storage lasts 3 months theoretically
>The storage isn't enough
Read the article.
Nobody's saying everything will be normal.

>> No.51428199

Nothing has been normal since 2012.

>> No.51428200

>believing the gas capacity data
dis shit empty nigga. and why dont people understand its not only about the stupid ass gas. we need cheap oil from russia for the whole industry complex.
>yeees gooy, buy our (((americano))) oil, costs only 140 % up and we cant ship enough over the sea
if politicians say, everything is okay, then everything is fucked. dumbass

>> No.51428204

Me. Sorry I ate some beans.

>> No.51428205

Too soon, she's not even in the ground yet. I'll give you some more time to delete that post.

>> No.51428207

>th-the gas reserves are a lie!
You're living proof of the salt reserves.

>> No.51428209

Maybe it's because I live in lapland but anything above 0 I just wear a sweater... Never heard of anyone being unable to bear with temps below 27, just seems so pathetic to me

>> No.51428219

I've kept it up, "as a mark of respect"

>> No.51428220
File: 137 KB, 1169x1480, Freezing Is Good For You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gas demand destruction

As Europe slides into a dark winter of literally freezing to death and blackout there has been a concerted push from the propaganda system this week to change the narrative ie The Kherson offensive hype and stories like this one. Though the reality is this is just propaganda, images and words, The reality of European collapse and suffering this winter which will spread to the rest of the interconnected world cannot be propagandized away,

>> No.51428225

Make that brain work for once you dumbfucking retard, if you buy gas high and you sell it low, your business is at loss and you get into debt to sustain it, nobody cares about your reserves.

>> No.51428235
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>> No.51428250

70% of german gas goes into the industry, the npcs turning down heating will have little effect, but they do it anyway

>> No.51428256

>cannot be propagandized away
Time and again it is proven to you without a shadow of doubt that yes, everything in fact can be propagandized away.
Not the cold and the suffering, but the collapse and the blame.

>> No.51428263

>successfully solved via gas demand destruction

>> No.51428266

>freezing to death
just buy an electric heater bro
>t. norwegian

>> No.51428283

>we won
of course we won, there is gas literally everywhere on earth, it's just a matter of pumping and transporting it, it's not rocket science is it? fuck russia, russia is no more, probably going to collapse with China taking half of Siberia from their hands

>> No.51428289

>mkultra is a lie
>total surveillance is a lie
>cia coke is a lie
>'its zeee jews' is a lie
enjoy getting backstabbed by your beloved politicians,science and statistics soon in regards to 'winter will be no problemo'.

>> No.51428292

>an article that says demand for gas will be lowered is propaganda
>in reality demand for gas will be lowered

>your business
My business?

>> No.51428303
File: 179 KB, 654x555, Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 07-51-23 Javier Blas (@JavierBlas).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Record electricity prices

>> No.51428310

Your posts are a lie.
Now what.

>> No.51428322

A lot of Euros will just freeze to death causing demand & therefore prices to fall

>> No.51428324

well touché kek

>> No.51428330

This includes switching to different energies.

>> No.51428355

>Gas prices will fall sharply
And so will everything else, stocks, crypto, housing and your will to live.

>> No.51428367
File: 43 KB, 750x740, 1599955666536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro just put on a fucking sweater or light a fire or blanket or something. >>51428266
Whenever I visit other places in Europe I'm sweating my ass off in the winter and these people are talking about needing the heater cranked at 21. No wonder they're talking about a doomsday scenario, holy shit what a bunch of babbies.

>> No.51428369

>my business?
>the state? state is not a business, it's capable to create wealth out of nothing

>> No.51428376

t. didn't read the article.

>> No.51428381

so invest in energy stocks, mostly oil and gas then

>> No.51428410

Thats judt media panic, the actual threat is companies going bust as they cant produce anymore (see >>51428250) leading to people losing their incoming and everything else

>> No.51428413

>This includes switching to different energies.
Like switching from russian gas to russian coal.

>> No.51428417

faggot germans literally being hysteric pussies as always
we'll be fine
as always

>> No.51428424

Whatever helps your fuzzy little head sleep at night, lil bobo

>> No.51428444
File: 503 KB, 1024x765, 1646563135953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the heckin articolerino
>through demand destruction we will push down prices
Mastermind move destroying your own industry to so you won't use gas anymore LOL.

>> No.51428453


Also, I said to read the article, not cherrypick from it.

>> No.51428509
File: 80 KB, 590x590, Russia-gas-EU-4043653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51428519

>read the heckin articolerino
>we predict things will be better because uuuuuhhh... STORAGE
>also we just impose rationing!
>also we turn off factories!
Thank god i feel better, thank you the guardian golem.

>> No.51428529

In 2 weeks?

>> No.51428546

You're not taking this well, are you?
This is your mind on leverage.

>> No.51428559
File: 957 KB, 1074x806, 1663082053883826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes bro it's not rocket science just fart inside the pipes and you get it for free.

>> No.51428560

From where did Europe replace the Russian gas?

>> No.51428567

Netherlands, Qatar, the US, etc.

>> No.51428587

Oh noes Finland must be doomed!
Oh wait we pretty much don't use gas at all your chart means nothing.

>> No.51428590

>leading to people losing their incoming and everything else
not my problem
I work remote for a US americhad company
yuro collapsing gave me a bonus even despite inflation
fuck all the yuropoors they can lie in the bed they made in

>> No.51428594

Show me which part of your guardian golem article gives a good argument to be optimistic that is not goldkike saying everything will be alright.


>> No.51428616

Well the reserves are ahead of schedule, that's the main thing.

>> No.51428620

at what price

>> No.51428623

Don't, like half of them get the rest from Ukraine?

>> No.51428640

I already told you >>51428225 nobody gives a fuck about your reserves the state is not magic it doesn't create gas out of thin air.

>> No.51428654


>> No.51428656

The same price you can check for yourself.

No. Most central and western European countries get it from places like the Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, ...

>nobody gives a fuck about your reserves
Those reserves are literally getting us through the winter. They're pretty important lol

>> No.51428683

Never asked to care retard, you should be able to understand english working a kike job no?

>> No.51428694
File: 339 KB, 572x495, Fracking-ukraine-shale-gas-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to hazard a guess the war has stopped exports.

>> No.51428695

Yes but it gives people some rule to follow and an excuse for when it fails. It was fucking Hans down the road who didn't turn down his heating far enough! Lets arrest that cunt.

Never mind the retarded situation your benevolent overlords put you in, in the first place. Not like anyone with half a brain could see this coming.

>> No.51428708

Its going to be a mild winter, that is all. Thank the sun

>> No.51428719

Netherlands has been reducing its gas output for a decade. Qatar already refused European demands to increase its production
Nowhere near enough. And both Qatari and American gas is LNG, which is much more expensive than pipeline gas. For German industry, which was already running on low margins, expensive gas is just as good as no gas.

>> No.51428720

Maybe you don't understand but i'll say it again, nobody gives a fuck about your reserves you don't use gas just to heat your home there's an entire industrial system built on it and skyrocketing electricity prices are the proof.

Getting gas from US will not be as cheap as the faggot near you selling it to you and i don't think the netherlands have enough supply to power our industry which makes everything expensive as well.

You're just extremely retarded.

>> No.51428732

Those reserve targets were made with the consideration that Russia gas would still flow at 100% during winter, retard.

>> No.51428735

you sound kinda mad, are you one of those yuropoors getting rekt right now?
all I can say is God bless America

>> No.51428738

>Nowhere near enough
For what?

>nobody gives a fuck about your reserves
Those reserves are literally getting us through the winter. They're pretty important lol

>Getting gas from US will not be as cheap
Nobody's saying otherwise.

>> No.51428740

Gas is less than 10% of our total energy consumption

>> No.51428748
File: 13 KB, 582x97, collapseisnear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinabros... it's over

>> No.51428752

Read the article.
Everything is based on the assumption that no gas is coming at all anymore through NS1.

>> No.51428769

>The same price you can check for yourself.
How can pipeline gas, which is just digging a hole in the ground and oppening up the valves costs the same as digging a hole in the ground, oppening up the valves, liquefying it in a dedicated costly facility, loading up in
dedicated costly tanks, making it travel half the world, gasifying it in another costly dedicated facility and oppening up the valves again?
And it also begs the question. If LNG was as cheap as Russian gas, why didn't the Europeans just buy LNG gas from the start?

>> No.51428779
File: 271 KB, 1200x630, 1652273680122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just extremely retarded and repeating the same shit you said before makes you as worthless as a bot.

Nobody, literally nobody gives a fuck about your precious reserves, you're an NPC retard without rational thinking.

>> No.51428785

>For what?
To replace Russian gas.

>> No.51428824

>How can pipeline gas, which is just digging a hole in the ground and oppening up the valves costs the same as digging a hole in the ground, oppening up the valves, liquefying it in a dedicated costly facility, loading up in
> dedicated costly tanks, making it travel half the world, gasifying it in another costly dedicated facility and oppening up the valves again?
You realize you can look up the wholesale price of LNG too, right?

What the absolute fuck is wrong with you.

>If LNG was as cheap as Russian gas
Literally nobody is saying this.
You're like the third retard itt to put up this exact same strawman.
Stop being a literal retard.

You mean 100% replacement of the entire volume at the same price?
No, of course not. Literally nobody is saying that.

>Nobody, literally nobody gives a fuck about your precious reserves
Those reserves are literally getting us through the winter. They're pretty important lol

>> No.51428850

If the article is any good it would make you be able to respond to my questions.
>Those reserves are literally getting us through the winter. They're pretty important lol
Those reserves got us through the winter with Russian gas outflow still at 100%, retard. And most of the times the reserves, even with the Russian gas still flowing, would be almost depleted by Spring.
Gas reserves is a bit of a misnomer, it is not meant to be a reserve, but more like a cushion to work around gas flows, to work around peak gas demand periods.

>> No.51428880

Total lies. Their politicians are just trying to avoid having their citizens come after them with pitchforks.

>> No.51428889
File: 101 KB, 1000x800, 36a9f4b7-2427-4cfe-9839-6c85cef271d5-BE_FAST_stroke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it would make you be able to respond to my questions
I literally did respond.
You said the reserve targets assumed Russian gas would still flow, but the article clearly assumes Russian gas flow will not resume.

There is seriously something wrong with you right now.
Are you having a stroke?

>> No.51428891
File: 246 KB, 600x942, 865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those reserves are literally getting us through the winter. They're pretty important lol
>>yes but we're buying expensive gas just to sell it lower
>Those reserves are literally getting us through the winter. They're pretty important lol
>>but we're getting into debt and parasite our own economy just to afford gas!
>Those reserves are literally getting us through the winter. They're pretty important lol
>Those reserves are literally getting us through the winter. They're pretty important lol

>> No.51428907

Check the gas reserves for yourself.

>>but we're getting into debt
Read the article.

>> No.51428971
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>> No.51428989
File: 65 KB, 1006x813, 6b5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read the article
>>it doesn't say shit about solving our problems
>Read the article
>>but it's just a corporation predicting stuff that is never accurate!
>Read the article
>>point me which part of it answer my question
>Read the article
>eat the goyslop
>sleep in the pod
>be happy

>> No.51429008

>>>it doesn't say shit about solving our problems
Oh yes it does.
Von der Leyen had a big speech about it just a few hours ago too.

>> No.51429029

You enraged the vatniks, well done

>> No.51429030

Look at those coal and petroleum numbers.

>> No.51429048

>yes it does politician said the same thing on TV
>everything will be alright
>no gas but everything will be alright
>price down = good

>> No.51429058

If there's anything I trust governments to do, it's collecting taxes fucking lol

>> No.51429079
File: 17 KB, 200x198, NPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now if you excuse me i will debunk zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... will debunk another bigot saying future will be bad
>future always good
>must pay taxes
>must suck cock

>> No.51429092

You're the one desperate to deboonk.
You can check the reserve data for yourself, the article (and the underlying source study) are based on those.

>> No.51429136

What the article assumes and what the reserve targets actually include are two different things.

>> No.51429141
File: 142 KB, 796x434, projection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have reserves everything under control
>expert said it
>what happens after reserve drain?
>we turn off industry

>> No.51429171
File: 58 KB, 576x433, 1649428803098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the percentages retard. Flat numbers don't mean anything.

>> No.51429192

>There will be no gas shortage because there is no demand due to everyone being poor and the economy contracting
They're now saying a recession is bullish

>> No.51429224

great pic for you

>> No.51429228

>You realize you can look up the wholesale price of LNG too, right?
Maybe now it is cheaper than pipeline gas, because pipeline gas was artificially stopped. But how was the price difference before the sanctions?
>Literally nobody is saying this.
>The same price you can check for yourself.

>You mean 100% replacement of the entire volume at the same price?
Doesn't have to be this absolute. So you admit that Europe cannot replace Russian gas?

>> No.51429242

They are nothing but programmed golems you can't reason with, it's much better if you shoot them in the head. Euro is going straight to zero.

>> No.51429253

Italy cut a deal with Algeria just a few months ago

>> No.51429260

I'm asking you questions, and you are failling each and every single time.
The gas reserves are good enough to last 2 months, maybe even less. How is this any fix?
From where does your article say gas will flow to replace the Russian?

>> No.51429274

Here's another statist retard.

>> No.51429297

>>what happens after reserve drain?
Read the article you moron.

"Goldman said it expected storage facilities to remain more than 20% full by the end of March next year."

>>The same price you can check for yourself.
I'm saying the price you're asking for is the same price you can check for yourself.

>Doesn't have to be this absolute. So you admit that Europe cannot replace Russian gas?
Right now? Not at the same volume and/or the same price.
But enough to get through the winter, with a massive drop in gas prices along the way; as per the article in OP.

>> No.51429321

>I'm asking you questions, and you are failling each and every single time.
You said the reserve targets assumed Russian gas would still flow, but the article clearly assumes Russian gas flow will not resume.

This is LITERALLY a 1-to-1 direct rebuttal of your assumption.
It's time to stop posting.

>From where does your article say gas will flow to replace the Russian?
Same places the gas being put into reserves right now is coming from.

>> No.51429331

>we still need gas coming in
course but theres plenty of other countries giving gas atm, NS1 was like 10% of europe gas tops

>> No.51429358
File: 142 KB, 1004x1015, 1646759289245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a piece of cake left in the fridge
>for sure everybody will stop eating in march
>i love goldstein he so smart

>> No.51429370

>>there's a piece of cake left in the fridge
>>for sure everybody will stop eating in march
Literally what.

>> No.51429374

I've already told you that the gas reserves, historically, were almost depleted by the end of winter even with gas supplies from Russia flowing. How is the article claiming that reserves, with no gas flow, will handle the consumption on its own? How is it possible? Which is why i was asking for the alternatives the article said would replace Russia, because that is the only way possible. But from your reluctance to answer just tells me that the article made no such considerations and is just lying to the people.
>trust the experts
>obbey the law
>eat the bugs
>be happy

>> No.51429391

>NS1 was like 10% of europe gas tops
Most other pipelines from Russia are also cut off, Russian gas was about 30-40% of anual European gas consumption. From where is Europe replacing this amount of gas? At which price?

>> No.51429395
File: 253 KB, 1500x1000, ejkgkejgijiofukhnu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bad, you don't understand the concept of scarcity.

>> No.51429402

>the gas reserves, historically, were almost depleted by the end of winter
Gas reserves were never rushed to be filled like they are now.

>with no gas flow

>> No.51429425

>From where is Europe replacing this amount of gas?
Places like the Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Algeria, ...

>At which price?
You can check the price for yourself right now.

>> No.51429430

I told you niggers for weeks that nothing would happen in case of gas short ages
The euro is fucked for real thi

>> No.51429446

Bullshit the only hysterics are Americans who can not once get cirrectnews

>> No.51429458

>Places like the Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Algeria, ...
This will cost you 600€/MWh sir, cash or credit card?
>You can check the price for yourself right now.
Oh i've seen you have an infinite reserve of farts my bad again.

>> No.51429471

>Gas reserves were never rushed to be filled like they are now.
Because there was no need for it. Again, there are math on this, total European gas reserves are equivalent to about 2 months of average annual consumption. What part of this don't you get?
And they are only being filled because Europe is struggling to buy each and every available gas molecule at any price.
For German industry, expensive gas is almost as good as no gas.
No russian gas flow, pedantic retard.
You sure do love to repeat yourself see>>51428719
All your alternatives lead to more expensive gas, see above.

>> No.51429483

>This will cost you 600€/MWh sir, cash or credit card?
Gas prices right now are around 215€.
And the reserves indicate prices will drop by a lot.

>> No.51429511

>Because there was no need for it.
But now there is, and there are more reserves than previous years.

>No russian gas flow, pedantic retard.
So when you said "no gas flow", you really meant "no RUSSIAN gas flow".

>All your alternatives lead to more expensive gas
It's already "more expensive".
But that price is set to drop by a lot, due to the reasons listed in the article.

>> No.51429537
File: 1.65 MB, 1237x1156, 1645444207680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the magic of price capping everything can be real.
>reserves indicate
My ass indicate you should kill yourself autist.

>> No.51429544

>With the magic of price capping
No, without price capping.
As stated explicitly in the article.

>> No.51429566

It is also stated you're about to deindustrialize, monkey.

>> No.51429578


>> No.51429597

>Gas prices right now are around 215€.
Which makes European industry that is reliant on gas uncompetitive. And since many European countries use gas for eletricity, it makes power, which is used by all businesses, expensive, and drives up inflation.
Another, less talked about, side effect of expensive gas is fertilizer production. Gas is a key component in it.
>But now there is, and there are more reserves than previous years.
AAgain, see>>51429471
>total European gas reserves are equivalent to about 2 months of average annual consumption.
You are just going to ignore things you don't like lol
>So when you said "no gas flow", you really meant "no RUSSIAN gas flow".
Just the sentence before i explicitly used "Russian gas", and i talked about "russian gas flow" a couple of times in my post. Are you really this mad and out of arguments that you are picking on this? lmao, being pedantic just makes you look like a bitch.
>It's already "more expensive".
Because we cut it off. So your argument is that LNG is cheaper than pipeline gas because we intentionally made pipeline gas more expensive? lmao

>> No.51429606

>with a combination of gas demand destruction within Europe and across [liquified natural gas] buyers elsewhere in the world
You can't be this retarded.

>> No.51429622

>gas demand destruction

This is the same bullshit they tried when they said russia defaulted on their loans, but it was because the west didnt want to accept their payments. Its fucking clownworld logic.

>> No.51429666

>Which makes European industry that is reliant on gas uncompetitive
Also, good thing gas prices will go down drastically then, huh?

>total European gas reserves are equivalent to about 2 months of average annual consumption.
Why are you under the impression that the reserves will be the only source of gas?

>Just the sentence before i explicitly used "Russian gas"
You said the gas reserves will have to "handle consuption on its own" with "no gas flow".
You are clearly implying Russian gas is the only gas.

>Because we cut it off.

Literal Russian confirmed.

>> No.51429692

Gas demand destruction in no way means deindustrialization.
It means among other things using other energy sources.

>> No.51429701

>he's actually this retarded

>> No.51429732

>but they do it anyway
uh yeah because I can't afford spending half of my paycheck for fucking gas when I could buy btc&eth instead. I won't heat or take hot showers for the past 6 months and I do not give a fuck.

>> No.51429758

It is if you can't upgrade your industry to do that, i wish they're actually do that with more nuclear energy.

>> No.51429810

You need source why a 10x or even more increase in the price of a vital raw good makes a industry incompetitive?
>good thing gas prices will go down drastically
Source? Some promise by some kike? Only way this happens is if demand drops hard, which means lots of unemployment
>Why are you under the impression that the reserves will be the only source of gas?
Which is why i'm asking you what are the alternatives
>You are clearly implying Russian gas is the only gas.
No i didn't, you are just being pedantic. Keep seething more retard. I said here Russia supplies about 30-40% >>51429391
>Literal Russian confirmed.
And even if i was? Would that make me wrong? Cope seethe and dilate. You are trying to redirect the "conversation" to shitflinging because you have no arguments.

>> No.51429811

ive been doing that since 2003

>> No.51430009

>You need source why a 10x or even more increase in the price of a vital raw good makes a industry incompetitive?
Well yes.

>Source? Some promise by some kike?
It's all based on real-world info you yourself can check.

>Which is why i'm asking you what are the alternatives
They were given a long time ago.
Protip: they're the same alternatives that are filling the reserves at record pace right now.

>No i didn't, you are just being pedantic
You literally said the reserves will have to handle consumption on their own without Russian gas.

>> No.51430063

>this winter
The article then says "early next year". So it's an article about gas prices going down at the end of the winter. Very important news

>> No.51430113

t. esl who doesn't understand the word "by".

>> No.51430263
File: 136 KB, 420x427, 1662807309965406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna shower just once a week while my wife boyfriend's and her twice a day togheter instead of three..it's a little but at least they help too.

Take that putler

>> No.51430313

Only the germs use gas. Nobody else needs that shit

>> No.51430349

Literally and exactly this. It's all for blame-shifting and more divisionary politics

>> No.51430417

>deindustrialization of the EU is a good thing, goys!

Who needs steel, glass, fertilizer or various chemicals.

>> No.51430508

Nat gas is mooning rn lmao

>> No.51430553

Why do you keep changing IDs, Alexei?

>> No.51430570

sounds like cope to me

>> No.51430672

You will suffer, Mateus.

>> No.51431026

Nah. More like Red Seal or maybe Skoal.