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51411725 No.51411725 [Reply] [Original]

Regulations is slowly creeping in...
What next for privacy coins and privacy focused projects?

>> No.51411764
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Privacy coins are all shitcoins even bitcoin cash a giant piece of shit shitcoin has a bigger volume than ALL privacy coins combined.

>> No.51412234

Reminds me of SHIB's volume at a point in time. Doesn't change the fact that it's a total bullshit.

>> No.51412266
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7 privacy coins delisted on a major exchange. What else do you think

>> No.51412365

What's your definition of 'shitcoin' fagoot

>> No.51412427

>A fucking paradox
Can a space without privacy be regulated?

>> No.51412620

Bullish on them

>> No.51412644

What exchange is that? Centralized exchanges are full of absolute shit

>> No.51412669

Okay, what's your point? That BCH is more relevant that privacy coins?

>> No.51413223

It's a weak effort. Privacy should be embedded and respected in every facet, most especially in finance including crypto

>> No.51413248

>slowly creeping in...
it's already here in full force. Crypto used to be the wild west, it's completely controlled now.

>> No.51413257
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>What next>
A major resistance coming from legitimate users of privacy solutions. Wait for it

>> No.51413296

Decentralization indeed. A fucking fantasy

>> No.51413378

Part of the problem is that privacy and owning your own keys and stuff requires some degree of technical competency. Literally just making a coinbase account and buying some btc is a supet daunting tasl to mose normies, then you ask them to move their shit off the exchange and they go full deer in the headlights.

>> No.51413402

Fucking sorry, I can't type for shit on these gay smart phone keyboards.

>> No.51413465

Well, it's becoming super easy to stay anonymous with privacy protocols and to maintain keys with account protocols. Only mediocres stick with centralized exchanges

>> No.51413536

Ain't for traders. A reasonable trader will never get stuck on a coinbase account buying BTC.

>> No.51413574
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So much for web3 and driving against infringing rights. The message is fucking clear; they want to see everything you do with your finance, without your fucking consent

>> No.51413797
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I can remember shilling SHIB aggressively.

>> No.51413866

I wonder what XMR maxis have to say about this.

>> No.51413885
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>> No.51414120

They are going to be doomed sooner or later, just looking for gaming projects avax and sol and upcoming gamestarplus and would play family feud as well.

>> No.51414222

when is their public sale going to happen, >>51413866
The maxis will die and feel that their world is ended now.

>> No.51415097

Doesn't mean much

>> No.51415151

It's just common sense. Privacy is needed for personal rights and civil liberties.

>> No.51415240
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Except Monero

>> No.51415329

The list
>ZEC and

>> No.51416410

Jeet like you will never learn, for the last time retard privacy projects are much more than volume but more about what they offer to the space and that's SECURITY.

>> No.51416569

Hence why I put up the thread, I guess exchanges are just being speculative. We need privacy in this space and I believe protocols with audit function like Railgun and Secret will survive.

>> No.51416773

Regulations in the cryptospace is not due to privacy, incase you missed it. Privacy is just a tool/means regulators perceive crypto users are utilizing illegally to avoid taxes which imo privacy is much more than that. Privacy is a right, it's freddom, security and it's legal.

>> No.51416802
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You get it.

>> No.51417025

I think the resistance will come from the projects themselves or a form of compromise between regulators and privacy protocols to have a form of audit feature that can be viewed when there's a need. What do you think anon?

>> No.51417172

They are all trying to play a safe game, motherfuckers.

>> No.51417199

Centralized exchanges are all full of shit

>> No.51417309

>If the SEC and EU continue to regulate DeFi like they do traditional fiat, there will inevitably be a legal need for privacy that corresponds to laws similar to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. Even if transactions from crypto service providers must be shared with tax and legal authorities under a proposed law currently facing the EU Council, that will not prevent traders from desiring privacy, nor will it prevent governments from eventually requiring it.
Here is a quote from an article identifying how regulators, and even the government may be at the mercy of privacy protocols.

>> No.51417405
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Kek, when regulators come around and you be like fuck

>> No.51417413
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pic related is the only viable hold

>> No.51417782

It is obviously inevitable to want privacy in the financial industry. I mean for companies paying salaries in crypto will it be wise to leave such transaction details publicly displayed to the mercy of hackers without protecting the right of the workers.

>> No.51417827

/biz/ will never admit monero is doomed

>> No.51418003
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Putting Monero and Ethereum in the same picture

>> No.51418372

I could only recognize ZEC and XMR

>> No.51418407

Overvalued against the market. I buy at 250 XMR @ $100. Until then it can sit in cash.

>> No.51418423

Well, there is nothing to be agitated about if your transactions are legitimate. This is one of the reasons why privacy protocols that provides ViewKey as an option should be encouraged and may be vital with increasing pressure from the regulators

>> No.51418449

Well, how shitty the market is no news to anyone

>> No.51418459
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Well, there must be a reason why Railgun,secret and Aztec are not on this list. They must be doing something right.

>> No.51418513

They are not privacy coins, dude. Railgun is a smart contract protocol built on L1, unlike Aztec which is L2-specific. I don't know much about Secret but I am sure as hell that if it was a privacy coin, it would be among the 7 on the list.

>> No.51418541

Its really depressing, I am just trying to protect my wallet by hiding my transaction details from hackers.

>> No.51418564
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All efforts against privacy is wasted. Sooner or later, they will become a standard. There is no way mainstream adoption of crypto will happen if users are not guaranteed of their privacy and identity rights

>> No.51418586

Redpill me anon.

>> No.51418602

>regulating privacy coins
lmao, just try, I dare you

>> No.51418624

Not entirely true, there are privacy protocols you can simply connect your wallets to and start transaction incognito.

>> No.51418641
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Firn protocol is the only legit privacy project left I guess

>> No.51418661
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Privacy needed to regulate the crypto space. All head out against anything privacy-related. It's a fucking twist and it's obvious what's going to come out on top.

>> No.51418679

I'll gladly join the class act against these fucking regulators.

>> No.51418684

Kek, define legit asshole

>> No.51418726

>more secure than any token
>accessible to anyone in the world because it uses eth
>private contract interactions (eg buying an eth erc20 privately)

>> No.51418734

Really? That sounds dumb and insecure because even in incognito modes, a whole lot of your data is generated by whatever site you visit. Go check ZKSNARKS-built privacy systems and you'll realize that you've been sticking your dumbass in the wrong place all along

>> No.51418751

Go take a pill and Kys, faggot.

>> No.51418755

Nah man firn protocol makes it super easy, it's like torn on steroids

>> No.51418765

Well thought out and reasonable response

>> No.51418791

>buying an eth erc20 privately
If you had said Railway, since it's integrated with Matcha, you would have made a little sense.

>> No.51418835

Not privacy coins but I won't be surprised if exchanges begin to pay attention to them as well.

>> No.51418856
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What is the name of your village, jeet

>> No.51418901

Sounds great. Optional transparency exclusive to wallet owners alone will for sure set a compromise. Besides, it further drives the point that wanting to stay private doesn't necessarily mean illegal activity is involved.

>> No.51418909

BTC Atomic swaps. Simple as.

>> No.51418921

Kek, steroids. That's new

>> No.51418939

Seattle :(

>> No.51418945

Exactly what is being done right, Railgun is a smart contract system which gives zk-SNARK privacy to any transaction or smart contract interaction on the Ethereum.

>> No.51418949

Yeah well it's never been done before now

>> No.51418954

Privacy can't be stopped. Only morons hodling privacy altcoins will be shitting on their pants right now

>> No.51418959

Unfortunately zk snarks is antiquated at this point