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File: 127 KB, 597x171, 4912A33B-C54A-4E19-9D74-BB9DD5BEEC24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51392173 No.51392173 [Reply] [Original]

They never sold.
Did you?

>> No.51392273

nat is into puss. gone to waste. why did nobody save her, some good dicking and she could have been a tradwifu

>> No.51392341
File: 3.13 MB, 1163x2048, ETHER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold? I never did boughted, I am an eth maxi, flippening or bust!

>> No.51392352


>> No.51392385

lies, everyone except Nat sold

>> No.51392418

>Buys asset that only goes up when bitcoin does
>doesn’t buy any Bitcoin to help his own cause
You’re a literal retard and I’ve been buying ETH since March 2017

>> No.51392594
File: 572 KB, 1499x1999, media_FcN79VhWAAADCZ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cant she enjoy dick?

>> No.51392710

imagine the smell of the bathroom they share after they've both had their poop. rank

>> No.51392722

with some good dicking, so could you sport.

>> No.51392782

>nat is into puss
is she? any real evidence of that?

>> No.51392791

post the full image gay

>> No.51392928
File: 1.49 MB, 750x1220, 1614720499585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf happened ? it's she aged 10 years

>> No.51392953

Just another brick in the wall
Women are depreciating assets

>> No.51392973

In 8 months ?

>> No.51392982

Solid diet of constant binge drinking and hours in the sun to take photos of themselves.

>> No.51393092

All my life, I have dreamed of glimpsing a woman as beautiful as she.
Her sparkling eyes and soft tender body, supple yet yielding. I love this woman with every fibre of my being and would pay all the ICP in the world to be her knight.

>> No.51393184

yeah at 63k thank god

>> No.51393211

Which one is this?

>> No.51393306

Far left

>> No.51393376

>First from Left
Ugly duckling of the group will suck a mean dick to be loved equally as much of her more attractive friends.

>Second from Left
Sad longing eyes, looks like shes a basket case ready to snap because of previous failed relationships.

>Third from left
Everything about her is fake, she has no hobbies interests or unique thoughts of her own. She has created a personality based on the social media of Kendal Jenner.

>4th from left
The alpha female of the group. She must make everyone aware that she is the center of attention, the top bitch. Her dad is a wealthy greaseball investment banker from Los
Angeles. She has her dads credit cards and spends hundreds of thousands on her appearance during her lifetime. If you ever approached her in public she would call the police
on you

>5th from left
Has ridiculous standards like the rest. Would puke in her mouth if she caught you looking at her. Wears tight yoga pants to the gym and does squats for the chads, then shuts
them down when they ask her out. She will never have to work a day in her life nor will she ever experience real hardship

>6th from left
The hippie free spirit of the group. Knows shes hot and doesn't care. She knows the wall is coming fast for her and desperately wants breast augmentation to fix her flat chest.
She has a long term boyfriend but is taking a break with him to fuck a professional baseball player.

>> No.51393422

>Me in the back trying to poop in my designated beach but my privacy is getting invaded by internet whores

>> No.51393509

You're spot-on about second from the left.
I know a girl that has the same looks/phenotype.
She attempted suicide, and got better after moving back in with her parents.
She got married afterwards to a guy she just settled for before she hit the wall.

>> No.51393554
File: 37 KB, 716x724, 1641249602459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seriously need to touch grass anon

>> No.51393636

feel sorry for the poor simp bastard who married her. Why do men still think women like this are a prize? They are nothing but a detriment in modern society