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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51388463 No.51388463 [Reply] [Original]

On September 16th, we could possibly see the biggest railroad strike to happen since 1877. Over 115,000 railworkers are expected to strike and walk out leaving entire lines of trains idle on the tracks. This is significant since over 1/3 of our supply chains come from the trains. Food, metals and even coal come from the railroads.

The MSM claim that certain unions like UPRR have reached tentative agreements. But it really does seem like they were only tentative and didn't really go anywhere. Class 1 railroads are already going to see reduced service on Monday and Tuesday will also have networks shut down belonging to Norfolk.


If this strike goes on for even a month, we could probably go into a Great Depression real fucking soon. This might also inspire the rest of the freight industries like longshoremen, truckers, mailmen etc. to go on strikes throughout the nation too.

>> No.51388580

I have a car and don't rely on railroads at all. Why the average person is concerned with fucking trains is beyond me.

>> No.51388594

Railroads move 30-40% of freight in the United States. Meaning almost half of the countries supplies dissappear overnight. You colossal fucking retard.

>> No.51388614

trains are the most efficient way to transport shit, they move a lot of food and other important shit across the states.

>> No.51388628

I get my supplies locally. This isn't a problem for anyone. Just buy local and stop ordering shit off Amazon.

Trains are very inefficient. If they were so efficient, why are we all driving cars now? Let me guess, you don't have one. Kek...

>> No.51388962

this nigga glows

>> No.51388986

Everything you buy is made within your state? Are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.51388988

Good. About time.

>> No.51389027

Anon has to be trolling, no one could possibly be that dumb

>> No.51389319

Lol a month is never going to happen. Conductors up in canada went on strike at cn rail a few years ago. Lasted about 8 days. Took the railway 3 or 4 months to catch up.

If then entire running trades, conductors or engineers, go on strike in the states your economy would be crippled in under a week. The only end would be the companies giving the unions what they want or government intervention.

>> No.51389369

True but that was in a different time and in Canada.

Burger railroad unions are fed up from the covid bullshit and the deteriorating economy that's happening right now. They got nothing to lose at this point.

>> No.51389400

Oh im not arguing they have something to be mad about. We keep hearing horror stories up here of the shit going on in the states.
I'm just saying that thinking it would take a month to cause a great depression type event is incredibly optimistic. Every intermodal train that doesn't run is 300 seacans that don't make it to Walmart. Every oil train thay doesn't run is 200-300 semi loads that won't make it into vehicles. Every grain train that doesn't run is at a minimum 12k tonnes of grain that won't be turned into food.

Shit will get bad a lot quicker than expected.

>> No.51389515

>railroad guns
i wonder what would be used?

>> No.51389528

>hurr durr just buy local
This only works if the local stores you buy from ALSO only buy local. At some point up the supply chain, someone doesn't. I guarantee you 90% of the shit you own wasn't made locally, and if it was, it was made with shit that wasn't made locally.

>> No.51389544

Fool of you to think this wasnt planned by the government

>> No.51389558

If you can have self driving cars you can have self driving trains, Fire them all.

>> No.51389605

Dems can't afford this shit just before midterms.

>> No.51389613

kek just drive to a farm and plant some food, then come back in 5 months and dig it up

>> No.51389615

good, support them even though I know you won't because of the false dichtonomies the jew has been deepthroating you with since birth.

>> No.51389618

Does Biden really want to crash the economy? I thought he wants the midterms to be in his favor.

>> No.51389661

I'm sure Elon Musk is rubbing his hands already at the thought of it

>> No.51389663

he just wants to sleep dude, i'm the same

>> No.51389787

Railroads are going to be closed for (((faulty))) ties.


Yup strikes are definitely happening on Friday.

>> No.51389890

Agi 2 more weeks trust elon python sisters

>> No.51389945


What the fuck anon is this fake and gay or are we about to have massive shortages

>> No.51390094

Its real. All of that happening in the same week as the strikes occurring is no coincidence.

>> No.51390151

Railroad workers do nothing all day and get paid 6 figure salaries, they're not going to strike you retard.
.t works with Norfolk Southern daily.

>> No.51390786


>> No.51391366


⅘ I'm killing the foreman so I get my God dam pay. Hes been striking on the rail road all the dooo daaaa day

>> No.51391461

braindead zoomer kys

>> No.51391582

Lol railworkers need the government's permission to strike since it's a "national security" related industry/infrastructure. Funny how that works. The Democrats are going to suddenly become rabidly anti-union the moment that conservative railworkers want to trash their paper tiger economy

>> No.51391660

Seething car-less poorfags kek. I've never had a train bring my uber eats, you're all coping so fucking hard. Seethe

>> No.51391814

>In 2014 a California ruling against employee privacy clears the way for inward facing cameras to be installed in all railroad trucks, and later locomotives.
>After some digging the attorney general who passed this atrocity turns out to be none other than Kamala Harris.
>After niggers at McDonalds receive 100% raises to $15 an hour and working years during a fake pandemic while niggers collect salaries for doing nothing at home, railroaders are offered 3% yearly raises, standard corporate affair.
>Jew Biner will get on TV and tell the white chuds to get back to work if it goes that far. Much like Reagan did with the air traffic controller strike in the 80s.
The goal is the extermination of what's left of the white middle class.

>> No.51391880

I wonder when the schizos will actually be right. Currently 0/10000.

>> No.51392072

Biden doesn't want anything, he's a figurehead

>> No.51392635

BNSF anon here. We don't even rally care about the money that much. It's the fucking conditions. Although let it be said that record profits are not being distributed to the workers. Dudes I routinely do 12 hour days. Sometimes 16. Mandatory 6th day on call that I haven't been able to rely on as a real day off in 5 years have a family. We all do. We are hardly ever home. And now they are hiring boatloads of niggers who are so unfit to perform the job we would almost prefer women. It is highly dangerous work and require patience and paying attention. The blacks cannot do this. Regardless of the strike outcome the hiring of blacks is already having effects that will render the RR useless in the next few years. Things are fucked. If Biden steps in and screws us most of us are quitting anyway and have been looking for new work for months. You should prepare accordingly.

>> No.51392778

Yes this is literally what the bolsheviks running our country want

>> No.51392842
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Repent you faggots and worship the Creator.

Bible > KJV > Revelation 18
◄ Revelation 18 ►
King James Bible Par ▾
Babylon is Fallen

1And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 2And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 3For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

4And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. 6Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. 7How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 8Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

>> No.51392843

the replies to this bait are a bigger sell signal than half of the usa starving to death

>> No.51392845

You can’t be this retarded and stupid even if you went to college to become a professional dumbass.

Literally go back to school stupid monkey brained troglodyte.