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51383399 No.51383399 [Reply] [Original]

What is ur plan if crypto doesn't work out?

>> No.51383494
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Move in with you.

>> No.51383508

No other option
We either make it or we die

>> No.51383521

been doing odd jobs since the second to last bear market

>> No.51383535

Homelessness isn't all bad if you prepare a bit and know what you're doing.

>> No.51383538

shit, my plan was to move in with you

>> No.51383541

Suicide would probably be alot easier at that point desu

It really is something, going all in. 100%. You can't fear death, rather embrace the comfort of knowing if things ever get real bad, you can escape.

>> No.51383547

Sounds like you've invested too much desu

>> No.51383575

Winters a problem unless you're south. It sucks and living is unavoidably more expensive.

>> No.51383603

A better question would be, what will the world be like if crypto doesn't work out?
Bitcoin's whitepaper outlines the political and social reasons it was made, so just multiply that by 1,000.
Basically it isn't going to be a good world.

>> No.51383626

I don't want their cash and lose my soul

>> No.51383673
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There is no plan.
It's all or nothing with this shit

>> No.51383701

then I kms
simple as.

>> No.51383723

I went in like boom or bust like a lot of you, but I will never kms. So for me, it'll be a well paid corporate job where I feel immense frustration that I've never had the chance to live my life like I wanted.

>> No.51384286

unironically this

>> No.51384407

-Online Business / Crypto
-i am learning a New langage to become an online teacher (long term vision)

Emergency solution :

-Purchase / Resale on Vinted

-Buy chickens and sell eggs and Growing Cannabis and sell that to the drug addict

>> No.51384427


>> No.51384435


>> No.51384458

I can always start shorting biotech stocks before clinical trials.

>> No.51384849


>> No.51385878

Probably shoot myself in the mouth. If I'm not gonna make it by 27, I'm going to kms.

>> No.51385893

Keep on being a neet on disability gibs (not actually disabled btw, I am alpha chad that pretends to have severe depression which qualifies as a disability in Canada)

>> No.51385971

How do I apply to this shit, I have depression n sheeit too.

>> No.51385983

and we're all going to die anyway, so may as well risk it all

>> No.51385998

there isnt one. this is get rich or die trying

>> No.51386043

Continue my comfy career and watch my kids grow up to have kids of their own. Crypto Is just another investment.

>> No.51386060
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I never ever surrender so I guess I won't find out until I die of old age or get hit by a bus or something
Imagine being enough of a cuck to have thoughts like this enter your mind ever

>> No.51386099

social security

>> No.51386119

i don't hold coins, but if my equities don't go the right way, then nothing changes, i keep living like i have been for the last two decades... really nothing to lose. Eat, read, gym, work, repeat..

>> No.51386152

rope.... probably

>> No.51386178

at some point we all have to lift, stop drinking, eat right and have sex.

That's my backup plan.
And also my current one.

>> No.51386250
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I'll keep working and saving/investing in the boring shit. I'm way too heavy into crypto now but my retirement funds are still ahead of 99% of Americans my age.

>> No.51386256

Stocks, of course.
You guys aren't really all-in on crypto are you?

>> No.51386343

wish i had this

>> No.51386539

Bring kneepads

>> No.51386554

A diverse portfolio of recession resistant stonks that pay 5-7% dividends

>> No.51386587

Same here

>> No.51386591

Never put all of your eggs in one basket. If you're a wagie, at least ensure that you've gone through the training and education to have a good salary. The crypto/memestocks/etc are gambling, not a lifeline.

>> No.51386758

Probably kill myself. My mental health has really plummeted over the last year. Between all the shit happening more broadly in the world and the enormous dumps we've had it's not been easy.

>> No.51386772
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>> No.51386774

Living self sufficiently on an acre until they come for the guns

>> No.51386875

Everyone itt who says suicide will in reality end up going the kneepads route

>> No.51386890


>> No.51386907

Eating a hollow point.

>> No.51387147

it's my only plan
otherwise i will just neet for the rest of my life but be poor forever

>> No.51387806

shoot kill self

>> No.51387815

probably just continue to hodl while holding my depression at bay.

it worked after the 2018 crash it should work again

>> No.51388100

run into a tornado with a parachute.
I either die or get godly footage worth $.

>> No.51388115
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if crypto works out : luxury high class travel neet
if crypto doesn't work out : neet.

>> No.51388153
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Pic related

>> No.51388377

I have VA neetbux coming for the rest of my life.

>> No.51388387
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>> No.51388396
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What kind of pussy kills himself over -$730k? Even if it stuck I would just lol because I am literally never going to pay them a single dollar

>> No.51388398

>The crypto/memestocks/etc are gambling
Nice wrong opinion you have.

>> No.51388937

If I haven't made it by the age of 35, I'll take the money I have left and I'll go full vagrant until there's no money left. Then I'll go to the tallest cliff possible and i'll jump off while listening to Gojira's the way of all flesh last riff

>> No.51389096

I am probably in the wrong place but Religion prohibits suicide. This is my biggest fear, begging for death and not getting it.

>> No.51389578

I'm slowly moving my money back to stock, crypto is done

>> No.51389627

>> im going back in the boomer market.

>> No.51389641
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own nothing and try to be happy

>> No.51389660

Everything I tried in life turned to mostly suck once I got more information about it.
Its a bit like seeing a cute women from a distance but as you get closer you realise her teeth are fucked up, her face is ugly, her shoulders are weird, etc. Except with many hobbies and interests over the course of a lifetime
Investing is the one exception to me. I like to read news and developments anyway, so making money of it is generally fun. Although Im not autistically min-maxing with timers and math. But perhaps thats fine. I know folks in investment firms who purely go off sociological predictions on the long term.

>> No.51389929
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It has to work out

>> No.51389958

Go all in on being an internet rapper, and if that fails, I guess I'm homeless

>> No.51390105


>> No.51390404

A future without crypto won't look like today but without crypto. It's either a dystopian government with total control over most of the world or a worldwide civilizational collapse.

In the first scenario I'd be dead for opposing it, in the second I have some valuable skills.

>> No.51390596

Can you feed chickens cannabis to make cannabis eggs?

>> No.51390658

what the fuck are you nutjobs doing? crypto is literally an hour or two of my time a week, and I outperform 99% of you anyway
if crypto is your plan A you are absolutely retarded

>> No.51390709

and who the hell being filling ya head with the what ifs? See pleb, people like you are in here for degen plays on Shitcoins and when you get rekt you come here wailing ya eyes out and asking noobish questions, what if what if, get solid gems Dot, Kda, Ride, Metis. Buckle up for the next bull fag.
Yeah it's normal to get a skill, looking at frontend dev or domains sales with affiliate marketing as go-to skills. So go DYORs

>> No.51390795

i used to say this, then i turned 35.
i didnt make it but the world didnt seem so bad once here.
almost 40 now without making it

>> No.51390812
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>> No.51390823

the famous words of a newfag hahahah

>> No.51391063

>they think I'm trading
cringe manchildren

>> No.51391076

I either make it while young or don't retire at all. There's no middle ground now

>> No.51391109

Kill commie politicians (in Minecraft)

>> No.51391172

In Minecraft right?

>> No.51391192
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Slave hahahahahahahahaha

>> No.51391217

Yeah except they’ll just take all your stuff. Same tho. At least kill the Jew that tries to take your stuff (in Minecraft)

>> No.51391249

Keep trying.
Never ever give up

>> No.51391251

Move in with you

>> No.51391264

will never share a beer with Monero-Chan, why live?

>> No.51391308

kore wa

>> No.51391336

continue my dull life until i get too old, then go to a nursing home if i can afford to, then die. same if crypto works out, btw

>> No.51391415

Precautions can be taken though, connecting your wallets to privacy platforms for example will reduce the chances of getting scammers have information about your wallet to work with, amongst others

>> No.51391513

solid plan

>> No.51391536

idk I guess something will come along and make everything perfect for me

>> No.51391547

what stuff lol

>> No.51391675

Don't think I can continue living a normie life much longer. Maybe 5-8 years. If I don't make it until then I will burn out and/or just leave society behind and start a new hobo life chapter.

Betting very heavily on eth (its like 95% of my networth at this point) so it's kinda all or nothing.
I've ben working full time for only 6 years and I felt burned out after the first year. Miserable since.
Switching jobs didnt help.

>> No.51391678

Use the remaining USDT I have left, Go into Real estate, and buy my house paying through Utrust for cash back.

>> No.51391729

>Doesn't work out
BTC has gone up like 20000x since it came out, what the fuck have you been doing this entire time?

>> No.51391946
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>What to do if crypto fails?
>Well I'll use my crypto to buy a house

>> No.51392068

Crypto is only 39% of my net worth, if it all went to 0 tomorrow it would reduce my progress for the minimum needed for retirement from 37% down to 23%.
Sure it would suck, but I wouldn't be doomed, I could probably still retire in my 50s.

>> No.51392133

Yes but when homelessness is at an all time high and business is down it does become a bit more difficult.

>> No.51392144


>> No.51392396

He's obviously a retard, anons like this find it hard to comprehend almost anything in crypto, privacy may be alien to him as well.

>> No.51392439

Winter is a meme, just wear more layers. People sleep comfy on mountain tops in snow storms through effective layers

>> No.51392462


>> No.51393299

If crypto fails Stablecoins will still stand, Like USDC which is pegged to US dollars. It's better than making payments in shitty fiat

>> No.51393311

>spend time preparing plan
>plan is to be homeless
Do people really?

>> No.51393583
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>> No.51393656

Dont be negative retard, crypto has to work. I just invested my last $200 on a web3 access and identity management project and its going to moon. Be hopeful.

>> No.51393689

As long as OP is investing in the right alt he'll be fine.

>> No.51393748

sui unironically

>> No.51393762

Climb the corporate ladder. It's so easy as long as you recognize it's all a game. There's a reason superficial dumb chads and Stacey's become vp's making hundreds of thousands a year.

>> No.51393781

reporting in

>> No.51393788

Exactly just what I thought, crypto should be the plan B and investing in high caps now is useless, mid caps and low caps are where the gains at, OP should have gone foe either of these
Potential 10x alts.

>> No.51393792

I have personal projects as well as a full-time salaried job to fall back on. It would suck if I lost all of my money in crypto but I'll unironically be fine.

How do most of you have NOTHING in the way of experience, skill, or even ambition, and would rather commit suicide than do something truly meaningful with your life? That sounds like legitimate NPC behaviour.

>> No.51393811

i'm going to work on my trading bot until the day I die and and from the likes of it i'm going to die poor and alone and filled with hate

>> No.51393814

continue living with parents and wage some job I hate no doubt.

>> No.51393908


>> No.51394127

Wageslave and commit suicide at age 70. Only 40 more years to go h-haha

>> No.51394197

Retire and study to be a software engineer

>> No.51394462

Not bad, your selection is good but not as diverse as it should be. A based portfolio should cut across different market caps and niches, currently cross-chain interoperability, Asset management, Web3 and privacy are the top trending niches and most portfolios are built around these trends.

>> No.51394514

>What is ur plan if crypto doesn't work out?
To go out with a bang.

>> No.51394589

wage till death

>> No.51394608

you really gonna try to live off of odsp?
isnt in 1150 a month?

>> No.51394881
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I'm going to literally read 100 books of farming and gardening to passively master it.

Here's a little cheatcode to life:

If you want to become an expert on anything. Literally just read 100 books on the subject and you'll be an authority on the subject, Even if you're fucking stupid.

Want to be a master of fixing cars? Read 100 books about fixing cars.

Want to be a master of building jetpacks? Read 100 books about building jetpacks/hovercraft. It's so simple yet profound. You guys just aren't taking advantage of the all info out there.

The reason most of you guys are fucking up at crypto is because you're dumb, So literally just read 100 books on crypto trading. There are thousands of guys that have made it and wrote all their knowledge and wisdom concerning crypto, They've done 99% of the thinking for you. Just think about how assimilating all those perspectives would affect your thinking process.

>> No.51394895
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>> No.51394916
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>> No.51394972
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It will work out because I won’t stop until it does. There’s no coming back from this decision. I will become rich and so will my family, we shall fulfill what our bloodline deserves.

>> No.51395023

> 100 books
i'll watch a few youtube videos and use my brain instead. you don't need to know much to farm and garden, you just need to do it DO IT (i grow a garden every year)

>> No.51395078

Imagine how much better of a farmer you'd be if you'd also read 100 books on the subject, fool.

>> No.51395136


>> No.51395295

imagine how much better you would be if you go outside and fucking work at it instead of sitting reading 100 books you fool. what a waste, 100 books. lmao

>> No.51395389


Truer words have never been spoken

>> No.51395432

work and crypto

>> No.51396249

this guy holds chainlink

>> No.51396293
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I'm sure Crypto will not fail me as I'm banking on a quantum resistant blockchain which offers top security against the quantum computers. So no worries about threats, hacks, scams and I'm going Tobe ric and not getting rekt like you pessimistic prick.

>> No.51396525

Kek. The fuckin zoomer thinks crypto is going anywhere but up. I'm already strapped and storing my assets on the Sylo smart wallet, far away from hackers.

>> No.51396543
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$VINU will work out because it always finds a way
>t. Doesn't have a plan B

>> No.51396550

i'd eat his asshole whole with my tongue

>> No.51396553


>> No.51396617
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He is going to get rekt for sure. Damn he can't be helped. The quantum threats will hit him so hard and he feel helpless. But me on the other hand will be chilling out with my funds migrated to the quantum resistant blockchain which is compatible with the EVM. Kek ignore the bastard desu

>> No.51396660


>> No.51396823

Based. The fucktard doesn't even know what's coming.

>> No.51396841


>> No.51396877
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declare bankruptcy, run to south america with whatever i have left, and start fresh. this county was shit ever since 08,

>> No.51396879

privileging the text

Reading 1 book/article/video then doing is better than reading 100 books

>> No.51396881

Crypto would change a lot of lives anon. I already went in on based assets like FIL, THETA, RIDE, and ZPAY which I'm holding for the long term.

>> No.51396910

based future alcoholic anon. Keep it real homie. Let's buy shitty motorcycles together during our inevitable mid life crisis.

>> No.51397055

You stupid bastard, I gave you the keys to the kingdom and you flushed them down the fucking toilet. Remember that.

>> No.51397087
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True that. All the elliptic curve cryptography based wallets will break. Only a quantum resistant blockchain which is built on a post quantum cryptography algorithm called CRYSTALS-Dilithium will survive.

>> No.51397123

I just want you to remember 1 year from now, When you still haven't made it. You could've read at least 50 books on crypto investing and been closer to your goal had you just heeded my advice and been humble.

>> No.51397139

It already worked out. I'm just playing with the leftover pocket change that was left behind when I converted to fiat. Crypto is fun but retarded.

>> No.51397146

How about reading 100 books and doing? Think man, THINK!

>> No.51397241
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>> No.51397687

stay at home husband to career woman

>> No.51397715

Good thing the solution arrived before the quantum threats. Or else all users would have been fucked.

>> No.51397743 [DELETED] 

I will try again and this time with _SYS_. Assets like _SYS_ will surprise the users with massive returns in the next bull cycle. With the current growth of the sy.scoin ecosystem, I'm optimistic about the future of _SYS_. The ecosystem certainly will continue to grow, and more projects will be onboarded.

>> No.51397748

this, im trying to become a arms dealer tho

>> No.51398057

Well that's true and it's a fact which can't be denied after all. I really hope Qan will go live by the eyear end or early next year.

>> No.51398258

Sell my little place, buy similar little place in a smaller city. Still not work

>> No.51398271

your computer

>> No.51398352

Use Utrust payment gateway to exchange all my crypto for real life good, even real estate.
That's my contingency plan. Good thing projects like that exist.

>> No.51398394


>> No.51399649

flee to mexico, I can gain citizenship because of my parents

>> No.51399712

literally fucking kek, these kikes wish they'd never let me borrow ever lol

>> No.51399811


>> No.51399815
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There is NO OTHER PLAN. I'm already 40 and all of my salary is consumed by my $1800 rent and other bills that I can't afford to invest more than $100 a month. I got ripped off for 10 btc in 2015. Only got back into crypto last year out of desperation and made about 5k off a lucky play then lost it all in rugs. I'm destined to always live paycheck to paycheck and never own a home, which is literally all I want in life. I have 1.6 million LUNC and a $1000 bag of pulsechain waiting for me if it ever launches. Other than that, there is no hope for me. I'm more black-pilled than every relative and friend I know combined. At least they all own a house. I will never even have that.

>> No.51399837

maybe stop gambling you fucking idiot, god damn

>> No.51399870


I'm not sure investing $100 a month into crypto can be classified as a gambling problem but thanks for the high IQ insight

>> No.51399906

nigger your banking on LUNC and whatever other shitcoin your throwing your money. Stay outta crypto gramps

>> No.51399923


>> No.51400183

You have clearly not been homeless before.

>> No.51400960


>> No.51401922

LUNC is not an ideal asset to put all your money in. I'd go for other options with long-term potential like RIDE which redefines in-car entertainment, and THETA which focuses on blockchain video streaming.

>> No.51401927


>> No.51401940

Violent senseless rampage.

>> No.51402076


>> No.51402084
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>> No.51402096
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>> No.51402147

honestly reading all these replies has made me 100 percent certain of what I've been saying for a while: crypto is the last hope of our generation and is the only thing keeping a revolution from happening

>> No.51402480


>> No.51402486

DCA into SPY

>> No.51402501

Basically just work until my 50's, retire on my government pension, and try to eke out a comfortable existence after that. However, I'd much rather make it now and try to enjoy life while I'm young and have energy.

>> No.51402520

suicide, i will escape.

>> No.51402536

>What is ur plan if crypto doesn't work out?
Would honestly kms. I've been making peanuts from being a wagie compared to my crypto gains last year alone. I have no doubt that there will be another bullrun. It's just like a wheel. Sometimes you're on top and sometimes you're below.

>> No.51402553

thats not how it works

>> No.51402773
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retire in a monastery

but it will work

>> No.51402814

my one and only plan is crypto. because i know for a fact that mass adoption is imminent with BitDAO constantly working on making web3 easily accessible to people around the globe

>> No.51402850

saved, and delet this

>> No.51402936
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I literally have all my life savings in pic related

>> No.51402974
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You dumb retards might aswell just kill yourselfs because crypto is a shitty scam for retards.
Its not over...it didnt even started.

>> No.51403001

>I’m just going to kill myself
No you won’t, and if you do you’ll do it in tears wishing you didn’t force yourself to that point. Don’t be stupid, you want to live, thinking any other way will lead you to a desperate death.

>> No.51403004
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>> No.51403024

I was homeless through a winter. 4 blankets is all it took to be toasty warm.

>> No.51403026

Move to a Buddhist monestary and never think about money, women or material possessions ever again.

>> No.51403065

There is no alternative. More and more people (likely men 10-40 yrs) are going to realise how bad things have gotten and abandon on mass the tradfi system which is designed to enrich the top and destroy the bottom. Crypto is the last bastion for all of us. Fuck the FTM fudder.

>> No.51403128

Funny story about Buddhist monks from my visit to Singapore. I was riding on a bus and sat next to this group of young monks and they were very interested in showing me this shitty watch. They fought over who got to hold it like some sort of disney cartoon. It turns out that the monks aren’t the religiously devout types you expect, they are actually all just orphans dropped on the steps of Buddhist temples where they grow up into emotionally stunted individuals. The dalai lama seems to know what’s up since he went and said that his reincarnation is over and there won’t be another dalai lama when he dies, he doesn’t want one of these retards leading the religion.

>> No.51403154

Btw did you know that buddhists over there believe americans have the absolute best karma in the world? They see us like divinity just because being born in such a rich and powerful nation must mean we have very worthy spirits. Fucking lol right

>> No.51403439

Ride, is a good one Anon, can't wait for their official NFT VR tech launch that's coming up.

>> No.51403535
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- Bleach
- Bounty paper towels
- 50 feet of dental floss (mint wax)
- Surgical scalpel
- https://youtu.be/d1NTpgzhXAY
- Apple Airpods
- Tape recorder
- Tinder Profile

>> No.51403976

Kill as many Jews as possible.

>> No.51404024

Lol, anon needs to make the money in the first place not to say securing wallets going through the route of utilizing privacy protocol isnt based but atleast have a based wallet too.

>> No.51404050

I see a lot of talks about crypto payments today and I am glad we are also talking about SECURITY and wallet shielding by integrating with privacy protocols.

>> No.51404057

Laugh at a bunch of poor fags the wasted their lives gambling.

>> No.51404067

If crypto fails, it all fails.

>> No.51404111

Its a 50/50 chance anon, the web3 niche is based and identity management is hot too I mean we all about how far polygon ID and Ore ID has come.

>> No.51404133

start a business, work harder, never give up, never surrender. I will own my patch, i will create a progeny and my sturdy, steadfast legacy will be carried on.

>> No.51404308

The technicalities of privacy protocols might be a little confusing but the need and importance are quite clear to most people.

>> No.51404483

Not bad crosschain interoperability is always gonna be favored hence why I fuck with Ore protocol too.

>> No.51404695

To spend more time remembering Allah our maker

اللَّهُ لَطِيفٌ بِعِبَادِهِ يَرْزُقُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ ۖ وَهُوَ الْقَوِيُّ الْعَزِيزُ
Allah is Benignant to His servants; He gives sustenance to whom He pleases, and He is the Strong, the Mighty.

>> No.51405135

Walk me through how BITDAO tends to achieve this cos the only process I have seen with a lot of potential is to link web2 accounts to web3 whereby just one single identity can access both platforms.

>> No.51405185

Metaverse and video games might not be the best for a porfolio, try considering projects in Defi, Asset management or privacy.

>> No.51405208

Crypto is not going anywhere anon. I've already diversified my investments across ETH, DOT, HNT, and FIL. I'm also staking RIDE, ZPAY, and UTK on the Maiar DEX for a good yield.

>> No.51405269

Privacy is a right and security in the crypto space can not be over emphasised because of the real life solution that they provide

>> No.51405494

very important, that why protocols like Sylo that has it decentralized comm caught across DeFi, NFT and the Metaverse would always be of great value in the space.

>> No.51405519
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>> No.51405708
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ride or die
wagmi brothers!

>> No.51405726

Keep grinding it as an Amazon wagie. I'll probably just be a code monkey sooner or later.

>> No.51406033

This is good advice. It's a shame that people are sleeping on it. Even if it's confusing, tedious or even stupid, you WILL walk away with something valuable. Every book out there has least ONE key takeaway including garbage ones like the secret or subtle art of not giving a fuck.

>> No.51406557
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>> No.51406586

>This, but btc already fail
I am so sorry

>> No.51406739

Why make it your problem?
They're the ones who practice usury.
It's you or them and it's as simple either way.

>> No.51407215

This way, It's still crypto, cause I work to invest in Spool, for me crypto is the plan B since the financial system failed me already.

>> No.51407332

there is no real backup
poverty and misery until i kill myself with drugs age 39

>> No.51407409

Kek, I doubt if you're making the best out of crypto opportunities out there. It's understandable anyway, considering the rigorous wallet creation experience for an average user.

>> No.51407474
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It's very unlikely for crypto to fail. We are yet to strike the peak of its potential. Although, the rate of adoption is being slowed down by the relative complexity in managing multiple seed phrases and keys as opposed to keeping things in control from a single and universal account such as ORE ID enables.

>> No.51407542

Right now, I'm sure crypto will work and projects like AllianceBkock that kept building despite the bad market will eventually become big stuff with time.

>> No.51407600


>> No.51407857


This was my plan in 2018 - I'd just lost everything (150k to -50k in debt lol) like a fucking idiot and was suicidal, constant panic attacks and shit. Long story as to how I got my head straight but then I decided that there was no Plan B, I knew crypto well enough and I was smart enough to make it work.

So I remortgaged my house, took on as much extra debt as I could find (easier back then, people were lending more freely) and got back in.

Today, let's see... $13.8 mil

I got rekt this year like everyone else but it's about holding it together as best you can and staying strongly in the game for the next play. I'm very content with having stayed in 8 figs so far this year, that will do nicely.

>> No.51407894
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>> No.51407905

Well, that's the point of account protocols- making wallet creation and authentication easy for people, especially naive users.

>> No.51407914
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Kek, motherfucker