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51378920 No.51378920 [Reply] [Original]

What will be the financial implications of this and what should I buy?

>> No.51378936


>two more weeks

>> No.51378940

>what should I buy
Anything but energy. Especially euro stocks.

>> No.51378942
File: 1.23 MB, 350x250, fd9a191bbedd2840abe2f509daa6dcab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia is getting fucked in Ukraine

>> No.51378949

Long Euro and European stocks. Unironically. Russia will turn the gas on - they need the money and then move the goal posts on Ukraine and agree to ceasefire that will become permanent. European stocks are super cheap right now and will moon when all the bad shit that was supposed to be the end of the world for Europe vanishes.

>> No.51378969

GME. I can't imagine Russia actually losing this. A lot of bombs are about to drop on these Ukrainians and Putin not busting out the nukes yet is him being merciful. Putin is very clear that nothing west of the Crimea will exist if NATO is on his doorstep.

>> No.51378974

Is that what they tell you in America? lmao

>> No.51378975

are you that faggot from >>>/pol/

>> No.51379027

>what should I buy?

Short-term; Ukrainian stocks like FXPO and ENW
Mid-term; European corporate bond market
Long; Build cash reserves from when Russia is Yeltsin'd again you go all in on commodities before its next default

>> No.51379032

No, they aren't. They're still holding the most valuable parts of Ukraine

>> No.51379040


Putin can't use nukes. The only reason NATO puts up with Russian bullshit is because of nukes. If Putin uses nukes, Moscow gets glassed by NATO. For the same reason Russia avoids anything near Ukraine's western boarder, they want a single bullet going over Poland's boarder or any other NATO member.

>> No.51379059

We're all getting fucked by ukraine, anon.

>> No.51379070

See you in 72 hours OP

>> No.51379081

My point was that Putin would end it all for the entirety of humanity than allow for anymore encroachment.

>> No.51379092

He posted man ass, he's obviously a native /biz/raeli.

>> No.51379105

you really believe that propaganda anon? You can't be this fucking stupid can you?

>> No.51379124

putin is just a front like any other public leader

>> No.51379165
File: 381 KB, 1000x750, Russian national hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP immediately flooded by one post ids

So is Russia shitcoin project now?

>> No.51379191
File: 54 KB, 1024x707, FTW-ngBXoAAYFgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ukraine wasn't meant to be this strong guys

>> No.51379200

You need to understand how these people start to buy their own cult of personality. This is why globalism won't survive. Go ahead and say that the likes of Trump and Putin are WEF stooges, but when they get in front of their podium, and they see the love in their peoples eyes, they start to believe the nationalistic rhetoric they've used to gain the votes they got. That's why you only see the least beloved political stooges such as Trudeau or any weak leader in Europe being the only ones who go full globofascist against their people, because their people never loved them. They never had any strength to be admired. Trump and Putin have been on both sides of the spectrum and know who they want to serve and to whom they have a duty to protecting. And it isn't the "men" in Brussels, Geneva or Tel Aviv.

>> No.51379268


The people only "love" Putin because all his opposition tends to accidentally fall out of windows, get heart attacks, or end up conveniently being exposed as criminals.

>> No.51379318
File: 80 KB, 590x590, Russia-gas-EU-4043653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2 more weeks Russia will still occupy significant portions of Ukraine (like 20%). Buy energy and energy shipping companies. The EU will bend the knee after one hard winter. Look to short energy as supply comes back online in spring. Around February the EU will make a deal with Russia. The will still be freezing in February and spring planting season will be around the corner.

>> No.51379320

Honestly it's smart for there not to be any opposition until globalism is destroyed and the coffers of the WEF, it's members and their counterparts are liquidated and imprisoned. Hence the reason I near exclusively hold GME stock. Russia can't have an honest, glow free election until ZOG, NWO and WEF are eradicated.

>> No.51379337

i am from finland but i kind of want germany to suffer a bit because they were so smug about their energy plans before

>> No.51379347

Slava ukraini. Also buy XRP

>> No.51379365

The only way the EU bends the knee is if it's citizenry kill their leaders. But doing so would end the EU anyway so technically there is nothing to bend at that point. The EU will just allow white natives to drop dead and just import more bodies to freeze again the next winter (if by some weird off chance this lasts that long). As long as the heat still works in Brussels tower of Babylon and the homes of the Rothchilds, the EU will sacrifice Europe down to the last pair of blue eyes on the continent.

>> No.51379376

both ukranus and russhita are fucked
ukranus is destroyed, no amount of foreign funding will fix the damage
russhita has isolated themselves out of their cashcow and are now a pariah state