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File: 210 KB, 853x1280, thumbnail_vitalik_buterin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51361790 No.51361790 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously what is wrong with him?

>wants to abolish private property
>thinks homeownership is archaic
>wants you to literally eat bug powder
>wants to legalize heroin and cp
>smugly thinks he's correct on all of these issues

like how do you become this brain dead

>> No.51361907

thats why its the ultimate midwit filter

anyone with a brain wouldnt touch eth with a 10 foot pool

he also sold out to the wef making it go from pow to pos

>> No.51361918

It's called blackmail

>> No.51361929


they probably have huge dirt on vitalik and he has either make the elite rich or hes gonna go to jail for being a disgusting pedo fuck

>> No.51361939

compramat. this dude glows lately. probably had a sit down with cianiggers who threatened him to steer ETH in the directions it’s going. total control via validators pools, of which 60% are institutions, and 100% will cuck out to government sanctions before you can even blink.

>> No.51361941
File: 737 KB, 2048x2732, F8828490-DED9-4775-B971-919229018DA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s disgusting, can’t wait for ICP to replace the bug eating pedo


>> No.51362036

His approach to reality is governed by pragmatism and research of efficiency gains.
He doesn't understand yet that you can't make human existence "efficient" because people have different values and considerations about what is important in life.

>> No.51362047

This, they probably found loads of cp on him

>> No.51362048

he's literally a pedophile, his brain is infested by parasites

>> No.51362065

typical INTP
genius in one thing, retard in everything else

>> No.51362078


>> No.51362085

I'm from Greece where socialism was in fashion for a long time because of a Military Dictatorship so I've learned to easily psychoanalyze the idiots.
The more rich you are: the more likely to be socialist; they tend to be so cozy that they think everything is easy; they don't see the big picture.

An easy analogy is a child and young people in general; when they young: they still think money grows on trees; most students are socialist.

>> No.51362093

To amend, it's also related to new money. If you get rich quick with little effort: it's easy to create the delusion "it's easy for everyone".

>> No.51362111

He is a WEF puppet

>> No.51362119

What is wrong with his face? Did something bad happen that made him evil, like happens to comic villains like the joker?

>> No.51362124

he build ETH with the intention to scam people but it blew up and he rolled with it. he said that ETH was overvalued at $10. he premined 71pct of supply. LMAO

>> No.51362129

His father was a village idiot in Czechoslovakia and his mother was a black mermaid.

>> No.51362153



Have in account that this people are anti semitic, anti black, incels who wouldn't score more than 90 in an IQ test.

Now that you have this information, continue reading the thread

>> No.51362160

ICP is the literal bug eating globohomo coin paid advertiser

>> No.51362170

>this people
>90 IQ
>an npc always projects as it is incapable of self awareness

>> No.51362176

Autistic savant, very intelligent when it comes to one thing, but is absolutely fucking retarded in all other aspects

>> No.51362197

> le the whole 4chan are nazis le meme
you are a moron
we have /lgbt/ and /hm/ too

my may attraction is trolling the nazis

>> No.51362259

Vitalik wrote a book about POS

Did you read the WHOLE book? I did.

It's the bible. He is literally god and he will change the world.

>> No.51362275

>you vill own nothing
>except smart contract shitcoins
>also davos and larry fink can own whatever they want
>but goys only get shitcoins

>> No.51362285
File: 165 KB, 852x976, ethpos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's toilet paper, you should wipe your arse with it

>> No.51362291

Pathetic that you worship an admitted pedo, kys

>> No.51362341

Are you a btc maxi?

>> No.51362762

POS is for brainlets.

>> No.51362816

>he doesn't have the same opinions as I do
>FUCK this guy he's a pedo

>> No.51362929

Vitalik posting and talking ridiculous shit but in line with WEF/Agenda2030 is a sign from (((them))) Vitalik is in their hands. Think, Trump sudden 360 degree flip on vaccines .... etc The whole purpose of 4chans is to mine data for future compromat. Ever wonder why Q chose chans to post ? In Soviet Union every citizen had a paper file with compromat, in the west NSA has your every email, browser history, message, conversation, file you created, places you went and shitpost stored in their Utah servers, if you ever get to the top man in black will want to have a talk with you.

>> No.51363502

If you want to innovate you have to think for yourself, and if you think for yourself you will come to conclusions that vastly differ from the mainstream. Hence why Elon Musk also pisses off so many people. Or Bill Gates, albeit in a different way. Just follow the standard procedure of accepted thinking and you will stay poor

>> No.51363517

he's just another techfag that got fame from doing one little niche thing and now thinks he's an expert at life and all issues, just like zucker and the rest
congrats, you made some dumb internet coin that does nothing for anyone you ugly fucking freak

>> No.51363615

Nothing is wrong with him. He always was, and still is, a WEF stooge.
Ethereum was created as a reaction to bitcoin. Not to turn crypto better, but to make it useable to the global cabal.

Anyone can run a bitcoin node, you only need a SSD with enough space. You can also prune your node, in case you don't have many space.
But few people can run a ethereum node. Try to run geth and see your node never catching up with the network. Only big servers can do it.
Ethereum is a centralized coin, used to run scams. Most of its utility could be used for good, but instead it is used for scams. So Vitalik opinions does not surprise me.
You are surprise because you memetized the idea of losing money, and losing money gives you a dopamine rush.

>> No.51363616

the number of eth req to be a validator is 32, not 1500 eth. why lie on such an autistic board anon?

>> No.51363648
File: 10 KB, 235x210, 2e12cf16ec51a0292a28efb3db9dd62a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look: I totally get that you can't judge a book by it's cover. The guy is smart but he got shafted in the looks department. Well, so what? What does the way you look have to do with anything?
So - what's next? Is the fucking Elephant Man gonna come out with some supposedly world changing cryptocurrency now?
It sounds shallow but when I look at pretty much all of these crypto "geniuses," it just turns my stomach on an instinctual level.
I can't put any faith in anyone that triggers the same primordial distrust I feel within me when encountering venomous snakes or spiders.
I think it's passed down from our ancestors to red flag people that look more like goblins than humans (probably evolved to become instinct after eons of being rugged by jews).
Sometimes you've gotta trust your gut. That's why I'm out on all of this crypto bullshit until you can show me one of these guys that can pass as human.
It's not cryptocurrency; it's cryptozoology as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.51363652

Why does it matter if rich people blackmail each other with shit like that? They have tens of millions, in some cases billions of dollars. What would seriously happen to them if they were exposed in public? They wouldn't see any jail time, and they can just fuck off to a private island someplace. It seems pointless for them to all blackmail each other since they're above the law.

>> No.51363653

You'll also never see him on a date with a woman or a man for that matter. You'll need to figure that out on your own

>> No.51363662
File: 49 KB, 514x587, 20220910_091026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical asian. I hate how much russians and chinks love globalism. they actually think their opinions matter to americans. even after 3 or 4 generations they're always the raging marxists its bred into them.

>> No.51363692
File: 93 KB, 772x865, 1662781082642128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51363706
File: 78 KB, 768x727, child-drag-queen-e1556594502549-768x727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He only has sex with picrel. Can't really do that in public.

>> No.51363779

the simple fact that ETH needs v2 is proof that it has failed. and I mean technologically. obviously people made money. the cult worship of this brainlet is incredible. he’s just another grifter.

>> No.51363789

At some point his arrogance and hubris will be his demise

>> No.51363801

The same people that preach these ideals own a beachfront home in Florida

Remember that

>> No.51363897

he's a good frontman and the ultimate traitor.

>> No.51363922

I don't know but the more I hear the more I don't like him.

>> No.51363940

This. EETH was created for Vitalik. Not by him.

>> No.51363959

This is your brain on libertarianism

>> No.51364043
File: 79 KB, 1024x886, 1662737005014567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait until the WEF/Davos set becomes the primary stake holders in PoS. Yes, it will pump everyone's bags, and then the fun begins.

>> No.51364087
File: 2.63 MB, 600x456, Vitalick my balls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dudes in bed with the WEF.

>> No.51364106

>this people

>> No.51364120

go play warlock for 5 years you would think the same

>> No.51364152

The fact that vitalik does what we can’t says it all. Just like bill gates and msft. Wagmi.

>> No.51364392

you will own nothing and be happy

>> No.51364779
File: 85 KB, 684x626, 1633486008544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to legalize heroin and cp
>smugly thinks he's correct on all of these issues
Remind me why he's not on this account atleast.

>> No.51364842

The vaccine die-off have just started, and the WEF wants you to take the poison shot.
So they pump all their assets, making you rich, and then you die from the poison.
Your assets will stay in their networks, as nobody else will have the passwords to your wallets.
The result? Less volume in the markets, turning it more easy for them to manipulate the price.

The WEF then, buy lots of ethereum, making the price go up, and stake it in their new PoS model.
Later they will be able to control the network with a majority, and propose a fork where the user will be asked to provide a vax passport number to be able to access their wallets. Being the majority, they pass the new fork through voting.
With this, they get rid of those who resisted their poison shot, while maintaining a position of power and much wealthier than before. And no need to use mining rigs for it, you only need to be rich and have more stakes than everybody else.

>> No.51364891

Wait, what’s wrong with being anti-black? Besides the rape and murder what are blacks good at? Certainly not building or maintaining society.

>> No.51364921

>wants abolish private property
>thinks homeownership is archaic
>wants you to literally eat bug powder
>wants to legalize heroin and cp

>> No.51364972

I wish you fucking niggers were right about vaccine die offs. Sharing the same air with you 80iq polcel subhumans is torture. It's literal agony.

>> No.51365036

Even if they're wrong what kind of bootlicking retard would support coercing people into taking medicine that is borderline necessary at best?

>> No.51365058


Nine pages of adverse effects.
If you don't die, you at least will be incapacitated to trade your coins.

>> No.51365098
File: 268 KB, 1004x1231, FbYlW6IVUAE1DnT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are just jealous because he is the the literal definition of an Ubermensch

>> No.51365141

Yeah bro all the sudden adult death syndrome due to winter vagina is really common

>> No.51365150

Brown hands typed this. American hands..

>> No.51365200

He's the definition of "intellectual yet idiot"

>> No.51365220

money basically grows on trees, its printed out of thin air en masse

>> No.51365284

you will live in a pod
you will eat the bugs
you will devour the goyslop

>> No.51365535

this thread is full of seething brainwashed low IQs

>> No.51365708

If you have one philosopher king, there must always be another philosopher king with the direct inverse of your philosophy. Sadly, both of them are WEF guys. However one seems infinitely more trustworthy than the other, but the other does his part in telling the people what he would do. While the trustworthy one, you’re able to infer exactly what his goal is. Still, they’re WEF guys but it finally seems like Vitalik has bent the knee.

>> No.51365767

the best thing that could ever happen to ethereum long-term would be the POS flop and people choosing to continue on ETH POW without the ethereum foundation

>> No.51365782

looks like malnutrition to me. Not that he hasn't eating the calories, but lack of nutrients, a vegan diet for example can have you looking like that

>> No.51365819

Blasphemous scum. Hold high the name of the Lord

>> No.51365898

It’s loaned out to people/businesses who then pay it back. Like a house loan is a loan to the homeowner to pay back the loan, retard. A car loan is a loan to the car buyer to pay back. If you had any job and a positive iq, you’d know that, but since you don’t, it’s clear you’re a unemployed millennial retard.

>> No.51365928

third post best post, end the thread

>> No.51365980

Imagine not buying the only thing that can save you from the pod

>> No.51366103

IDC I just want to make money to buy a multi million dollar yatch and watch the world burn from it

>> No.51366118

When you put all your points in int but 0 spirit

>> No.51366157

Ive never heard an argument for abolishing property, what are they?
I have heard arguments for property rights being a cornerstone of society, these usually make some sense.

>> No.51366158

Typical autist who is smarter than 99% of the people around him and so wraps himself in an imaginary world of his own creation and thinks himself smarter than the experts due to being completely oblivious to the limits of his own information

>> No.51366195

you literally just show up and do a good job. if you're skillful, people notice and reward you to stick around. it really is easy

>> No.51366506
File: 77 KB, 480x359, monero-extremist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zero privacy puts you IN the pod, retard

>> No.51366614
File: 979 KB, 720x1311, 1661218346570187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autists suffer from black and white thinking
That's why they're so attracted to retarded managerial and libertarian solutions

>> No.51366639

Absolutely retarded line of thought. There are several opportunities that comes with blockchain and smart contracts which are becoming amplified by account protocols that are making it easy for developers and users to interact with them

>> No.51366754

>all of a sudden according to faggot op, vitalik, the creator of ethereum and one of the wealthiest and smartest crypto people in the world cannot have differing opinions to him.
seriously who cares, he will never be a politician anyway, he has much better things to do with his time

>> No.51366821

He's autistic. He has absolutely no conception that there may be intangible factors influencing whether or not any of these things are a good idea: that 'researchers' may be lying or misrepresenting, that 'the science' is incomplete, that humans have a spiritual dimension that makes some things more damaging to both individuals and society than 'logic' would dictate.

>> No.51367196
File: 30 KB, 400x300, 375347264863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becoming amplified by account protocols
I guess it's a good thing that ORE is doing what its doing especially for users and developers interacting with Ethereum chain

>> No.51367239

who drove bettter? patton or earnhardt?

>> No.51367594

Well he can start by abolishing private ownership of eth..

>> No.51367646

>We need to remember that the earliest ideas behind Vitalik’s original proposal for Ethereum in December 2013 came about as a result of his visit to Israel in October 2013:

“Let us first begin with the very earliest version of what would eventually become Ethereum, back when it was not even called Ethereum. When I was visiting Israel in October 2013, I spent quite a bit of time with the Mastercoin team, and even suggested a few features for them. After spending a couple of times thinking about what they were doing, I sent the team a proposal to make their protocol more generalized and support more types of contracts without adding an equally large and complex set of features.”

>> No.51367653

>being mad at vitalik when the og btc devs literally handed control over bitcoin to the cia
Why do you think it wasn't shut down immediately like the other dozen attempts at sovereign digital money before it?

>> No.51367720

STFU up with this stupid meme. WEF is ted talk for billionaires. Klaus is goyim. You keep distracting with this thing.

>> No.51368172

am i the only dude that thinks this pic is fake?
there's no way that's his dick