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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51357177 No.51357177 [Reply] [Original]

for the anons working with big money ppl ? (8 figures+) what are the biggest difference you can tell from them and us plebs ?

>> No.51357186

None, most of them are complete reatrds just like us

>> No.51357192
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 86E65678-191F-4002-BB88-C74875DA4218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im broke

>> No.51357236
File: 264 KB, 678x381, CryingProtestor-678x381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're gayer acting and easily offended

>> No.51357366

If they ever offer you fish, eat the fucking fish. Trust me fish is sacred to these fucking people 'one of us' kinda thing. Whether it's fuckin lobster, shrimp halibut a fucking mcfilet fish, probably salmon. Who gives a fuck if you don't eat meat or you don't like fish. Fucking eat that shit up, smile and ask for more. This is your open door next you ask for money.

For me it was a creamy lobster bisque with this fuckin baked brulee thing. It was made by this man's wife and it took her a long time.

If all goes well you'll soon be drinking in an office and making a deal, trust me.

>> No.51357402

They genuinely enjoy working and work crazy hours etc because they like doing it

I have been trying to shift my attitude to enjoy work, hustling etc but I haven't had much success

>> No.51357413

Why fish ? I mean , it's good and I'll probably rather eat fish than meat (just for the taste not for the caloric or veggie shit)
but why specificly fish ?

>> No.51357454

It’s relatively the cleanest form of meat.
I mean most fish literally breathe saltwater so it doesn’t surprise me

>> No.51357524

I think it has to do with something something Anglo Saxon bullshit. Other raced people have simply adapted, every culture has their own fish dish. Every race eats fish. Rich and poor.. Its a little thing so nobody talks about it, but it's a very important moment it might have something to do with Jesus.

>> No.51357696

Yeah could be right , I keep that in mind

>> No.51357706

Because they've never "worked" in their life.

>> No.51357710

disgusting, financially and nutritionally-speaking. Unless its deep-fried of course ;)

>> No.51357736
File: 37 KB, 680x426, pepe confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're Schizos

>Sitting in the car with my boss
>He suddenly throws an entire bag of lunch out in the middle of the road
>Ask him why wouldn't he just wait to throw it out in the trash
>"It's how you play the game"
>Sit there confused

>> No.51357904

Based. I know exactly what he meant

>> No.51357941

In my experience it depends on how they made it. Guys that made it by being businessmen/salesmen types are chads that are pretty smart with great social skills. The types that made it from software and internet shit are usually pretty autistic. I think the lesson is you need to figure out where your talents lie and lean into a path from that

>> No.51358077

Luck desu, but I am personal acquaintances with 4 self made billionaires and they are also very smart and extremely hardworking people. But luck and the ability to take a risk to start their own business (from having previous capital, also a lot of luck desu) but s all that separates them from tons of other smart and hard working people that I know.

Also on a side note, 2 of the 4 are CEOs and are definitely sociopaths

>> No.51358348

wtf why ?
I'll take that adice thank you anon YAGMI
Yeah that doesnt surprise me , most of dangerous sociopath are in jail but thoes who were smart enough to not be in jail are in succesful position like CEO , surgeon ,ect... those position requise people that cant be dictated by their emotions , imagine getting oparated by a surgeon and he starts crying and shacking because he cant open a heart due to his emotion (wich is how most normal humans would react)

>> No.51360304

anon 100% of people on earth dont know what they are doing, no one has it "together". most rich people are complete retards.