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51347757 No.51347757 [Reply] [Original]

What makes a person driven, in that always-seemingly-hypomanic, 80-hour-weeks way, and is it possible to induce permanently in a normal person?
People try with drugs, but tolerance to those builds up too quickly.

>> No.51347874

not sure about the 80 hour work week way, I'm moving to reach that myself. but I think you'll find it's because they have something they want to achieve, not nessesarily achieve in the general sense, but they have an extremely vivid understanding of what they alone want and are prepared to put it above everything in the long term - the ones who do the 80 hour work week I hypothesize put it above everything in the short term too, which is significantly harder to do depending on if you value little things

>> No.51347897

"I want to make a game"
compared to
"I want to make A game"

>> No.51347969

i would say discipline is the single most important quality. i used to be a simple southern boy, until i moved to NYC, and have since adopted the manic hustle. i've doubled my salary in the last year and am looking to take on more freelance contract and subcontract those and hopefully generate passive income and double my salary in the next 3-5 years

>> No.51348207

psychopathy + narcissism

seriously they're strongly tied to people, usually men, who are workaholics

>> No.51348290
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Fair. Kind of wish I was one. Their lives seem easy and successful.

>> No.51348313

the only work addicted guy I've ever met got a pulmonary embolism from working at like 35 and would tell everyone that if you don't want to work so hard at your job you die from it you're in the wrong job and should quit

he was a fucking psycho who gave out terrible advice constantly, but he made a lot of money and got a lot of work done. I'm glad people like that exist but man, I wouldn't want to be friends or know one. the seem like absolutely awful people to hang out with.

>> No.51348399


The most cliche response of the 21st century

>> No.51348407
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keep in mind that nobody who achieved anything great hasn't been at least a little bit unbalanced, looking at sports, art, tech, whatever, the people who end up leaving a mark are usually the ones who are at least somewhat obsessed with what they want to do.
Ronaldo isn't great at football/soccer because he one day decided he wanted to become great at it, he's great because that's what he fucking wants and he'll fucking go and get it. You can't 'induce' a state of obsession, you gotta find something you really really really want and then try and get it, or improve yourself to the point where you can have a go at trying to get it. Bill Gates didn't become rich because he wanted to make a profitable company, he made a profitable company because he wanted to change the way people looked at and used software, Picasso didn't start painting the way he did after he realized people wanted to pay for it, he started painting the way he did because it was what he really wanted and then people just happened to really like what he did.
tl;dr you're going about it the wrong way, don't try to induce obsession but find something you want and then go for it

>> No.51348442

Well he chose his life and got what he wanted from it. More power to him I guess?

>> No.51348622

Also focused high-functioning ADD. Can't sit still, always have to be doing something.

>> No.51348637
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>pulmonary embolism from working
So this has to be a euphemism for coke or adderall or something, right?
You can’t get this just from working a lot, right?

>> No.51348640

I work 13.5 shifts in a mine. I do a week then have a week off it's horrible it's stupidly hot, we don't stop for lunch ever. Like not had lunch in like 8 years.

It's brainwashing yourself I used to be normal about working and hated doing the job like my mind couldn't fathom why we had to work hard. Eventually your mind sortve crumples on itself and accepts this as it's new version of being normal and not stupidly ridiculous. I don't think anyone starts out from working 0 hours to 100 hours without a period of self talk to make it seem more palatable

>> No.51348705

People lke that usually steamroll over others in pursuit of their goal. Not antagonists, just well-meaning people who have a broader perspective and aren't willing to sacrifice as much. Think how Steve Jobs' path is littered with the decayin husks of careers of people who didn't "get with the program." Even Wozniak didn't really flourish until Jobs died and he could crawl out from under his shadow.

>> No.51349739

People are saying "psychopathy" and "narcissism," but a non-redditor way of looking at that is "caring about a thing more than yourself" and "perfectionism." Substances are not a joke though, depending on your biology, you will want either stimulants (cocaine and adderall) or depressants (alcohol/weed).

>> No.51350121
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My dad is like that and I wish I understood. He's also an iron man triathlete, it's like he's overflowing with energy and purpose with razor focus on being the best at everything he does. Meanwhile I've never had a job that doesn't make me want to kys myself.
I want something good to die for, to make it beautiful live.

>> No.51350208
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I think forcing the situation San help jumpstart the process if you’re really fucking lazy. Look at anon who moved to jew York and had to adapt to the hustle mindset to thrive. I found I was in the best shape of my life when I was obligated to a competitive swimming class. When you pay for shit and have to do it it helps get your ass out of bed. I think when pursuing a business endeavor or job you have to feel it’s a good thing so much so that you can persevere over doubt and failures. Anons should share when they worked the hardest in their lives and what motivated them to do so.

>> No.51350274

I do this with adderall & caffiene. I'm 6'2" 240, been taking adderall for 7 years and only take 5mg 4 times a day. Sometimes i take 10mg in the morning if i'm hurting.

People build up a tolerance because they sit down on there fking computers and aimlessly tweak out. Addys turn you into the god ant in the antfarm, they don't unlock some hidden Ivy league potential learning ability in you.

When I was younger and got my script I went and got a second job at UPS and rode that for a few years, that's the shit you should be doing.

>> No.51350299

Behaviour is 100% genetic.
Trying to become something/someone you're not is tranny-tier, schizo kunt.

>> No.51350350

Rude and untrue

>> No.51350515

midwit conclusion

>> No.51351032

This exactly. It's really just that they have discipline and impulse control. Normal people can't understand it, so they assign self-diagnosed mental disorders to them. It's the 21st Century version of: "You just got lucky!"

>> No.51351265

>discipline and impulse control
Devil’s advocate:
It’s so common for them to have rage issues and personal problems that this isn’t totally credible.
Also a lot of them wind up without children or screwing them up in a way that they don’t have grandchildren, so it’s arguable that it is in some aspect maladaptive.

>> No.51351459

They are obssessive and focused on one thing, and dsciplinated at it. Then they get good
I mean that doesn't compute at being good at every aspect of life
>t. high level workholic

>> No.51352405

You are verifiably retarded if you think behavior is actually 100% nature and 0% nurture. Legitimate brainlet.

>> No.51352436

I think most people have no drive because they're not interested in what they're doing, and can't identify something that would interest them. Even lazy people can put effort into things that appear as worthwhile.

>> No.51352462
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>People try with drugs, but tolerance to those builds up too quickly.

>> No.51352553

Jesus what the fuck
Poor monkeys :(

>> No.51352640

>in that always-seemingly-hypomanic, 80-hour-weeks way
Derangement and good habits. I have derangement and bad habits, but I'm a WFH webdev so I don't have to do much. Sometimes I'll get into a good state of mind and do weeks of work in a few days, but then I get sad about something and hyperfocus on that instead, and fall back into my bad habits.

>> No.51352960

Nurture is 100% nature.

>> No.51353077

i hate the fucking antichrist

>> No.51353079

People don’t grow up in a sealed vault with their parents knucklehead.

>> No.51353123

It's not normal to not crave relaxation, hobbies ect from time to time.

>> No.51353207
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The urge to do stuff decreases as you age, fren. Anger never dies.

>> No.51353269
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You're confused about where it comes from because you're analyzing the 80-hour-week like it's some kind of goal or end in itself. It's not. The people who do that don't want the 80-hour-week, they're just obsessed enough with whatever project/goal they're engaged with that working that hard seems like a good idea.

Talking about "inducing" that is stupid. If you're not like that, it's because you don't actually want to be like that - because you don't want anything badly enough for all that trouble to be worth it. What are you going to do, beat yourself up like an idiot for not being more driven towards goals you don't even really have? Why? If you have an intuition that you want some kind of "more" than you'll get from what you're currently putting in, then stop being obsessed with yourself like some kind of weirdo and meditate upon actual goals themselves. And give yourself permission to decide that you just don't care that much about most things, if not everything, to go nuts about any of it - either you'll let enough nonsense and noise go that you can zero in on some things that really do matter to you that much after all, or you'll realize that you just aren't attached to anything enough to run around like some kind of crackhead for it after all, and find your peace.