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51334825 No.51334825 [Reply] [Original]

Don’t think I’ll actually take any advice from here but am curious about the replies.

I recently inherited a trust worth around 5million dollars. While I don’t have direct control over it for a few years the executor values my input into how it should be managed in the mean time.

On top of that, I’ll have about 300k in personal liquidity to do w/e I want with.

While yes, I could neet forever, I’d like to grow my family wealth and possibly use it to have an impact on the world.

How would you invest if in my position and why?

Also, friendly reminder to shoplift part of your groceries at the self check out.

>> No.51334887

Put 4.8MM in a world stock index.

Use 200k to teach yourself some skill and start a business in a field you give a shit about

>> No.51334928

buy $KENSHI and rule the world in a year

>> No.51335267

Yeahhhhh it pretty much already is. Im sitting in blue chips my family has been holding for 30-60 years. Mostly American stuff though.

I’m thinking about creating a photo / music studio to use and rent out to folks. I have skills I just need to refine them.

Hmmm seems sketch. Too much volatility for me :). Maybe I put in 1-5k for fun

>> No.51335393

my father is a (retired) trust fund manager. you should shop around for a fund manager who has a proven track record of beating the S&P. most are also attorneys and can advise you on asset protection (should you get sued). at the 5m level, capital preservation and consistency of returns are where it's at. take your 300k and do what you want, but renting a photo/music studio sounds like a lot of work. why not just buy some btc or eth and chill out without having to deal with wannabe rappers shooting up the place and failing to pay for studio time? c'mon anon, you made it, don't make it harder than it needs to be.

>> No.51335503

My financial advisor has been with family a long time and is VP of Merrill lynch. Maybe it’s a if it ain’t broke don’t fix it kind of thing.

Because I want to work. I have been a NEET and am bored of it. I will probably put 50-100k in various crypto, and the studio is for me too. I will use it myself. Since I’m not some struggling “artist” I will be able to be more selective with my clientele.

>> No.51335546

Index fund, use the divvies to run a conservative wheel strategy

>> No.51335916

Honestly anon if I were you I would invest in real estate, gold, ETH and MATIC and some stocks.
this way youll be covered no matter what happens as they are the safest options out there.

>> No.51336204

Got a link to the original video?

>> No.51336291

Holy shit dude, you sound like the biggest faggot on Earth. Dude weed lmao.

It's soothes my soul to know you will lose all your money by the end of your life. You type like a child.

>> No.51336360

1m btc, 1m eth, 1-2m xmr 1.5m-500k to start some business, 500k liquid. Used your 300k to buy a house if you dont already own one.

>> No.51336375
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Lol I wish.

Very rude, ngmi. You schools change your energy up if you don’t want to stay a poor fag forever. Stay sober, and find God.

>> No.51336447

>most are also attorneys
why is that?

>> No.51336452

100k is as much as I’m willing to spend on crypto. I’m looking more into stuff like Hedera and Polkadot for that anyway.

>> No.51336654
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I’m a little scared of ETH but I’ll read more into MATIC and if it can sell me on the two. I’ve had a fear that I can’t shake that the big boys of the world will eventually kill ETH, BTC, and 98% of the coins out there.

I have a farm in IN and a house in PA but it’s in the middle of the forest and don’t want to live their full time. I’m kind of at a loss with what to do with it. Don’t want to sell and don’t want to rent it either. Any anons ever run bnbs?

Gold is fun! Here are some recent purchases.

Seems to me like my senpai has had it figured out as most of what y’all are talking about had already been handled. Ty for the advice anons.

>> No.51336679

If I had to guess I’d say it’s probably because they’re working with such vast sums of money that it’s advantageous to know what is possible legally for when people get pissed and sue? That way they don’t have to play telephone with some kind of on retainer attorney?

>> No.51337047

you allready made it
neet forever
neet life best life
pay 200k to wage later
pure cringe

>> No.51337215

Start a business(es) and invest in real estate obviously. Otherwise, do what you want. Teddy Roosevelt used his inheritance to go to law school, write a book, enter politics, and buy a ranch.

>> No.51337293

the executor only pretends to listen and will only put the cash in the instruments that offer him the highest cuts
dont believe me tell him you want to put a sizeable chunk of it into eth right before the merge because tech reasons you list
then watch him reeeee like mad because he doesnt get jackshit commissions in crypto

>> No.51337489
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AEVA stock

Look into it

>> No.51337587

>You schools change your energy up if you don’t want to stay a poor fag forever.
You literally inherited your wealth and now you're acting like your success was due to your own financial savvy. Lol, lmao

>> No.51337631

This is true. I’ve also dealt with a lot of trauma in my early life to the point where I’ve lost so many family members that I’m literally the last one standing to inherit all this and I’m not even 30. Before this last family member passed I was working 2 jobs at 60-80 hour weeks.

I could have just as easily picked up a heroin addiction due to trauma a decade ago, and squandered much of this money being a spoiled brat or a drug addict. Instead I only took money when it was basically shoved on me and I worked hard.

That guy came at me with bad energy so of course I’m going to act like a dick head back.

>> No.51337650

Also I came here asking for advice for what to do as I lack financial savvy and have basically been a poor fag until now.

>> No.51338916
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>> No.51338992

>come from rich family
>financial advisor is VP of Merrill lynch
>I’m such a poorfag
Fuck you

>> No.51339009

>Bad energy
Anon was right, you are an insufferable faggot

>> No.51339960

going 100% stocks is low IQ
you can get the same level of return with lower risk if you include uncorrelated assets

>> No.51340013

Can smell the jealousy from behind my monitor.

>> No.51340159

For the love of god put 10% of your networth into BTC. Worst case scenario is that you cash out next bullrun with a 5-10x. Best case is that when the dollar collapses (it will) and drags down the west with it you'll retain your wealth and be able to gtfo out the US. When you start hearing whispers about shit like BTC/Crude from BRICS then you know it's time to all in.

>> No.51340876
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take this advice and you’ll make it
sell everything and invest only in pic related and thats it

>> No.51340900

>inherited 5 mill
>steal milk

Cool story, bro. All in jnug

>> No.51340978

I don’t really drink milk. I mainly just take Cat Litter / Meat from the deli counter.

Companies don’t wanna pay for every check out line to be staffed and make me do labor so ima take my cut, rich or not. Idk what to tell you.

Do y’all seriously do it for free?

>> No.51341022

Based af. Every win, big or small, is still a win.

>> No.51341068

It’s really easy if you do it right. I live in a pretty safe town if you know what I mean. I can’t get away with this shit in places like NYC or shartmart. But just random grocery stores? Whole Foods has good steaks senpai and I haven’t paid for them in I couldn’t even tell you how long.

>> No.51341143
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>wants world changing money
>only 100k into crypto
enjoy 1m

>> No.51341254
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Yeah we will see. I think the vast majority of crypto will be wiped out by the overlords of centralization. So the only crypto I’m even investing in caters to that. I could invest more depending on my divis and how much of my raw liquidity I end up spending.

Could I get lucky investing a fat wad into a dead horse people have beaten for a decade? Sure. But at the end of the day I don’t trust the government or the masses to actually enact something as ambitious as a decentralized digital currency system not run by bankers. It’s a nice dream though.

>> No.51341323

Dangerously based

>> No.51341353

>5 million
>impact on the world


>buy $KENSHI

>just buy some btc or eth

ITT children think 5 million is a lot of money.

You will be broke in 5 years or less. Using the money for anything but living and learning valuable skills is fucking retarded.

Giving your money to some jew is fucking retarded.

Buying stocks or real estate or literally any investment in the current state of the world is fucking retarded.

Learn some trades. Buy land with clean water that is far enough that no one can drive to you without hauling extra gas for the trip.

Start planning for 2030 when money will be fucking useless.

>> No.51341432
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I don’t think 5 million is a lot. But it’s a decent start. And I agree with you 100%, but you have to understand that I am a black sheep in a long line of blue pills.

This amount of money feels extremely fragile, if I’m being honest. I’ll think about the trades more and think of a way to approach my financial manager about the land. Real estate is the one thing where I think they will be the most open to working with me. I also literally work in the water industry so what you’re talking about is already kind of on my agenda. It’s approaching the normie family about it to do something before it’s too late is my main issue.

>> No.51341509

Try to join WEF and short term ride the commie take over. Although I heard they only accept people with an exorbitant amount of money. Maybe shill hard. Central banks already won because no one knows they’re the ones having planned this whole clown world.

>> No.51341531

>I am a black sheep in a long line of blue pills

You're a larping chinese or indian nigger.

>> No.51341535

Agree agree and based take. I’m trying to use some of it to get my foot in the door then put myself in a position where I get good at using other peoples money.

Or flee to the woods and become a prepper.

It is a tough choice.

>> No.51341555

>I recently inherited a trust worth around 5million dollars.
Where I stopped reading, made this comment, and exited the thread.

>> No.51341580
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I will post more coins then.

>> No.51341612
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Dude it’s over you can better join them and try to break out after getting some deals. Just start a stupid ‘green’ company and pitch it to the fuckers. Shill super hard and say you have capital to negate the risk. Fuck other people they’re sheep and not worth it frfr to help. THEY WILL EVEN BEG THE WEF GOVERMENTS (commie central banks) FOR MONEY WHEN THEYRE FUCKED.
If you don’t get too rich nobody will notice you anyway. You can secure your bloodline and educate your children that Marxism is like a cancer that always grows back and sometimes cancer gets healed with a new cancer feeding in the cancer, sometimes the cancer gets cut off or it get nuked. This time the cancer grew another cancer and it’s you. That’s making a chance helping your family. Everything else is just noises and Ponzi schemes paired with a controlled market.
Also own MONERO so you can make private payments that aren’t traceable.

>> No.51341625

all in 10% yield dividend stocks. NEET a with a 500k income

>> No.51341695
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I will look more into water and work that angle. The problem with water rights is you can’t just own them. You have to own land that has water on it that is also using it (wink wink) in order to “own” the water. It’s kind of a good thing imo I guess. So I have to scope out what this anon was saying >>51341353

>> No.51341717

Personally I'd invest 20% in a blackrock fund like blackrock 2050 or blackrock 2045, 20% in an ETF like XEQT 20% in a high dividend-paying REIT, 5% in crypto, 10% in silver and go travelling on the rest, maybe buy a hybrid Toyota and maybe get a pilots license or something.

>> No.51341718

>Maybe it’s a if it ain’t broke don’t fix it kind of thing.
Literally this. Unironically let professionals handle this shit or you'll end up losing it. Play with your 300k if you think you're smarter than the market, or just live with it. Learn new skills and build things if you're bored. You can even set up a youtube channel if you make or do shit for fun.

>> No.51341738


Oh yes anon please consider donating to a local animal shelter to help the kitties. Even just a little bit would warm my heart.

>> No.51341752

I'd buy $4,550,000 worth of 3% CDs and buy a $450,000 ladder of out of the money LEAPs on QQQ

>> No.51341756

Hmm don’t say I warned you. It’s happening right now. Power will soon be more worth than money for the common man. Just so you know if your shill hard enough and are persuading like a salesman it’s very easy to get capital pumped in your shitty idea. BECAUSE THE CENTRAL BANKS NEED TO INFLATE THE MARKET OTHERWISE THE SYSTEM BECOMES ILLIQUID. Will it now also will just with a harder fall.

>> No.51342523
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Just think about the possibility of an instant 20% on one million after you buy and the constant pumps until you dump, go for it

>> No.51342719

>whines about trauma
>will see more money than most people here in their lives
>”bad energy”
Lmaoooo dude you’re such a fag, my previous statement stands. Sage this shit thread.

Also this.

>> No.51342859

I was just trying to give some insight into background. Not really whining, but maybe I’m wrong. You probably have a hard life but being bitter just doesn’t serve anyone

>> No.51343402

>How would you invest if in my position and why?
Use 2M to kill a couple banking CEOs. That'll change the world for the better.

>> No.51344053

>have an impact on the world

>> No.51345353

Based, Maurice and Augustus

>> No.51345434

Buy a second citizenship in a Caribbean country. Maybe you won't need it, you'll like having it anyway. You can do it by investing in property in some of them. If it was me I'd also move there and live in a mansion full of hoes because 5 mil is enough to do that
>change the world
Don't be gay

>> No.51345548

I haven't paid for my gum in 4 years.
Also buy exactly one share of Gamestop stock (GME) just in case the crazies are right, so you can say you were there.
Buy puts on most of the rest of the market immediately, tons of institutions just did the same, but to a level 3x what they did right before covid.
Hold on buying until you're as close to market bottom as you dare
Good luck.

>> No.51345576

help a bro suffering from (((hyperinflation)))

>> No.51345622

You may be gone op but friendly reminder to always use excess capital to advance the interests of white people and/or your relatives around you

Without that you build your wealth for nothing
For exhibits crudely tuned and edited to inspire brown massess hereafter

>> No.51345997

Bullish, I'll add a privacy protocol to those 2 and its a perfect combo.

>> No.51346099

If you're going to steal from my store, I'm going to beat your ass.

>> No.51346208

Real estate mainly, You have enough capital to start. You can also buy some good stocks and crypto.

>> No.51346413

I wouldn't invest too much in this just yet, Although it looks like a good buy signal, I'd rather just buy some cheap coins and hodl or join some pulic sale with little.

>> No.51346589

Gamestar is a good one. Steve Harvey is a co-founder. The focus on family board games is quite promising.

>> No.51346641

Lowcaps are always relatively cheap so i'd advise go that route, personally I hodl a few too.

>> No.51346662

In anything you do dont fall for the XMR cult, RAIL and Aztec are better options.

>> No.51346759

Some sectors in the crypto space such as web3, identity management and Asset management are showing bullish signs but i'll advise to wait for the inevitable dump.

>> No.51346805
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Congrats on being so goddam lucky. I fucking hate you.
>t. Seething poorfag

>> No.51349175

I didn't read any of this thread. I just want to let you all know I really, really, really hate jews.

>> No.51349705
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You might get comfortable with investing in crypto. If you want a long-term alts, investing in blue chips is better. If you want low caps with strong fundamentals, I'm counting on hard, xpress, lit, and drep. DYOR OP and don't trust too much ITT.

>> No.51349782

Your typing skills are equal to that of a child and I'm willing to bet you're lying or massively exaggerating the amount you have. Sage

>> No.51349900

Good decision, the need for on-chain privacy is quite evident seeing the rate of hacks in the space. Privacy can serve as a perfect tool for security since transactions details will be hidden and unable to be tracked.

>> No.51350055

Multichains access should be on this list since its the basis of crypto usability. Being able to access multiple chains from a single point to give a sense of control is one of the major factor to push mainstream adoption.

>> No.51350110

You can stop here and as you rightfully recognize, you never should have come here to begin with. Enjoy your money and go do some good with it. The only thing I can add for you is to now judiciously manage your social circle. All of the money in the world counts for very little if you are constantly hounded, harassed, or annoyed by the people around you. Get rid of anyone you're sort of on the fence about. You being wealthier will not make anyone you might have to carry any more enjoyable to carry. In fact, in my experience they'll only get heavier. As the value of your time goes up, stupid group texts or events you are attending that you don't want to be attending become potentially expensive distractions. The sooner you intervene on your social network and fix it, the less potential upheaval you'll have to deal with. Now leave this site and don't come back.

>> No.51350227

How old are you?

>> No.51350845

If you're not using it to bring about an end to judaism then you're not using it correctly.

>> No.51351648

Anon is diversifying. The Xpress one-stop solution is already a big help to every user as it's very convenient to use. I wouldn't be surprised in the future anon.

>> No.51353125

Get some based tokens.

All under $1. You are looking at laifu and waifu changing money by next bull run

>> No.51355359

Asking for how to invest $300k on this board is dumb pajeet. DYOR and do whatever pleases you so you own up to it when you have your fingers burned. For me ETH and privacy focused projects like Railgun are all I recently go into.

>> No.51355502

chainlink ticker : LINK

>> No.51356048

Web3 and privacy go hand in hand. maybe you could take a look at some decentralized communication protocol like what Sylo is doing.

>> No.51356456

>How would you invest if in my position and why?
Keep yourself liquid and wait for the real estate market to crash. Slurp up houses at fire sale prices and generate revenue from renters while also holding appreciating assets. Depending on how many properties you acquire it might also be worth it to hire someone to vet and handle your renters for you - vetting is extremely important because one bad tenant can wipe out a year's worth of profit.

>> No.51357641

Good choice, ETH is already a constant in most portfolios while privacy is the latest trend every crypto user is investing in, tho I am not totally surprised since exploits have been rampaging the space, transaction privacy seems like the best way to keep wallets safe.

>> No.51357700

Accessing mutilchains from a single point has to be the best way to control ones assets and also guarantee wallet security without having to bother about seedphrases.

>> No.51357764

Betterment's pretty good. I've been investing with them over the years and now have a net worth over a million USD with them. They autoinvest your money, allocate them properly for tax advantages, and they also do automated tax-loss harvesting. The fee is only 0.25%/year, and actually I think that drops once you have so much money invested with them. The tax-loss harvesting alone pays for that or a huge chunk of it, depending on how much you have invested in them. You can also pick your stock/bond allocation for an appropriate risk level.

>> No.51357880

LMFAO "privacy" and "railgun" do not belong together

>> No.51357895

smart contracts and privacy will never go well together, but then again you're shilling this shit on every thread

>> No.51357910

>How would you invest if in my position and why?
it doesn't matter how much money i have, i would still make the same investment decisions, in the same way. i made 18x on bitcoin, 4x on OXY, and am probably going to see a range of different performances in the uranium space but all of them 5x at least in just the next couple years.
if you are hearing about uranium just now, then you are behind the curve and don't have any connections to any thought leaders. but if you search around you might find one. ask around and look for a friend of a friend of a friend who started talking about it during Q4 2020 or earlier.
and since you're making this post, you're not one, because i came to this thesis completely on my own by thinking and reading shit on the internet. that isn't you. start by knowing yourself.

>> No.51357930

Matic is jeet garbage

>> No.51357937

I'd contact one of my friends who does consulting regarding offshore management. Then i'd make my own shitcoin that is a low cap and spread capital around and get perpetuals and control the price of the asset while making money by selling the top and then buying the bottom consistently.

>> No.51357959

>I don’t have direct control over it for a few years
Stop right there. Who audits for you and do they have any relationship with the administrator?

>> No.51357973

You would piss it away trying to emulate a retarded low level high risk scam. Fuck. Do you mind me asking what nationality you are?

>> No.51358011

>possibly use it to have an impact on the world.
CRINGE. NGMI. this libcuck is going to start some cringecompany with diversity hires lmfao. its over before it even started HAHAHAHA

>> No.51358194

Based list but I dont know about CSPR so mostlikely sub it for ORE since its under 1$ too and low MC.

>> No.51358228

Best comment, we cannot overemphasize the importance of privacy in the crypto ecosystem. Hopefully in the nearest future private Dexs and wallet will be much more available for more secured transactions.

>> No.51358320

Don't fucking get MATIC lmao, it's centralised, ducted jeet trash. Looks into some actual good tech.

>> No.51358875

Lol until you see it at 10$ when the bull season returns. MATIC is worth investing in, the partnership choices are amazing and strategic my fav was that with disney and one with Ore protocol.

>> No.51359299

Clearly battery grade lithium mining companies are key to future cars, with that said I highly suggest buying into the top couple ones as buying into battery grade lithium as a commodity is not possible. Other option for long term future investment is into ownership of freshwater rights you can either collect money from now or in the future, depending if a place is using said water or not. California as a example has already started with the not your water route with wells, the future will be private ownership of some water rights and government ownership of others, better off not being on the short end of that stick. With owning said water rights, you can help the community around there to afford good drinking water and keep corporations from setting claim on it later on.

>> No.51359357

You should give your money to me then kill yourself

>> No.51359435

sorry prandeep, not convincing enough. why don't you go outside to the street, take a shit, perhaps that will clear your head. maybe make a few calls and get some target gift cards, that seems like more your speed, champ.