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51307484 No.51307484 [Reply] [Original]

Another dump? I was thinking we’re on our way up and now below 20k It’s obvious we might hover around here for some time and it won’t be funny I’m anyway. Who can keep up, both projects and users are complaining. I mean, it’s high time y’all implement plan B if you have or wait in hopes for the God of crypto… kek.

>> No.51307498

An Anchorman meme.. where do they hire you people?

>> No.51307625

Honestly, what made you assume we were on our way up again, kek We're far from that. Have you even been watching the news

>> No.51307647

What the fuck does that even mean

Look, I get it. Inflation, recession, student debt, war, fed rates. But a few pumps actually occurred.

>> No.51307682

What pumped, pajeet. BTC barely did, ETH did only because of the merge news, LUNC and SHIB were most likely community pumps.

>> No.51307715

We wont see an actual bull until at least the next halving. You retards need to focus on bear

>> No.51307908

What strategies are you utilizing


>> No.51308015

Firstly, in my opinion to de-risk your portfolio, you need to diversify

>> No.51308079
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Agreed. And to DCA. The hedging approach may work too

>> No.51308117

I can't wait until cryptobro ponzishitters lose everything.

>> No.51308141

Invest in assets less likely to be affected by volatility. That should work for now. >>51307715
Yeah, 2024 is a realistic target for market recovery

>> No.51308152

Kek. The stock market has been just as crazy. What about that,.retard

Assets like what though. Fiat is one of the only safest options but the returns are shit

>> No.51308218

>The stock market
At least the retards that bought stocks at a time when stocks where up 50% year on year bought something with intrinsic value. They're retarded and they'll pay for their retardation with losses, but they're nowhere near as retarded as people that buy Ponzi coins.

>> No.51308467


The market has been on downtrend early this year .wtf have you been thinking? Boom to 100k ?
Kek indeed

>> No.51308494
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Do you call those pumps?
Flash pups to eat up future traders

LUNC is a scam pump say it that way

>> No.51308554

Yield farming, staking, having a life outside web3

>> No.51308713

Bold assumption when people have made significantly more through crypto than stocks

Staking yes. But not alts. Most likely stables or something less risky

>> No.51308742

The closer the merge get the harder ETH seem to be falling, the merge pump was just the classic "pump the news"

>> No.51309212

Agreed. This is true. It's been going down ever since that short pump. This is why it isn't wise to invest in volatile assets like that right now

>> No.51309290

>Invest in assets less likely to be affected by volatility.

This doesn't mean you won't incur losses ask from those who invested in housing in the united states.

>> No.51309760
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I think loss is inevitable, you just have to make sure your assets are less risky than others. Or your platforms are fully audited. Your stables are 1 to 1 backed. Things like that

>> No.51309799

>I was thinking we’re on our way up
You need to take your thoughts for a system upgrade

>> No.51309850

If you diversify into shits, it's still highly risky.

>> No.51309899

>it’s high time y’all implement plan B if you have
My plan B has been in play since Putin's madness started, were y'all so dumb to see that he was going to follow through with his plans? Stable staking to the rescue!!!

>> No.51310066

>You retards need to focus on bear
The truth is hard to take but the earlier y'all realise it and stop being dumbass zombies, the better it's gonna be for everyone. Stable staking didn't get so popular all of a sudden for nothing.

>> No.51310128

Lol. Not everything, I can't take up responsibilities of getting my hommies back on their feet.

>Invest in assets less likely to be affected by volatility.
Only stables fit into this narrative and inflation will fuck it all in the ass except they're staked. Holding them only isn't enough.

>> No.51310156

Only thing holding crypto up right now is the stock market and the only thing guiding the stock market are desperate jews who are trying to keep it from painfully dumping all at once, signalling to the normies that the market is legitimately fucked and they need to panic sell everything and start buying TP in bulk again.

>> No.51310182

>But a few pumps actually occurred.
That's how y'all jeets keep deceiving the retards on this space. FOMO to get rekt

>> No.51310342

So invest in gold?

>> No.51310403

>Fiat is one of the only safest options
Fiat and safe shouldn't be in the same sentence retard. Is inflation a joke to you? Why do you think users are buying stables to leverage on Defi services rather than save in fiat?

>> No.51310475

Fuck the while market, I activated plan B for a long while now.

when's next halving ?

>> No.51310481

Inflation is going to affect every market. Not just fiat.

>> No.51310482

If you're not in LUNC already, any FOMO would get you rekt for sure.

>Yield farming, staking
Avoid CEXs at all cost. Go for Defi services, preferably those that are non-custodial.

>> No.51310741

We can only hope we don't incur losses.

Bloody hell, You clowns are still buying shitcoins?

>> No.51310914

>Inflation is going to affect every market. Not just fiat.

> Housing is getting fucked
> Stocks looks shitty as hell and don't even get me started on crypto.

I don't know how we are supposed to ride this one out.

>> No.51311120
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Yes. Staking them on Spool Fi. Mostly just USDC at the moment and only because DeFi middlewares are less risky.
Next halving is 2024
It is very volatile and scary lol. But yeah we'll make it out eventually

>> No.51312749

I would hope not. I think everyone learnt their lesson from the LUNA crash at least.

>> No.51313010

In addition, take advantage of web3 authentication protocols.

>> No.51313287
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Diversifying is a good strategy. However, I wonder how challenging it may be without platforms such as ORE network where you manage all the assets and the identities from a single universal account

>> No.51313406

What a time that was, pretty sure the effects of that will resonate for as long as possible.

>> No.51313425

>God of crypto

7+8+6 = in the name of God = 21

>> No.51313508

One mental health is also important. I try to ease off stress by streaming Family Feud with my buddies on GameStar+ while I continue to earn passively on ETH and MATIC. The rest of my portfolio is stables and I will be hoping to be early in the next bull run.

>> No.51313616

> Early in the next bullrun

If this is your plan then you should be DCAing currently anything asides this you are planning to fail.

>> No.51313638

>but no
but yes

>> No.51313677

>ORE network
Making web3 onboarding easy through simple authorization processes.

>> No.51313935

Stocks has been relatively safer but crypto have been more profitable.
>> What other shit can be staked aside Alts?

>> No.51314063

Shitposter spotted.. 2024 is too far fag... We gonna moon our bags kek
How do you even mean pleb

>> No.51314135
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We've been telling you retards for MONTHS that the jews will be dumping in September before the shemita ends and the final rate hike is announced

>> No.51315673

What's your plan B, I only have one plan and th's to Dca BTC,ETH,BNB,MATIC and ORE.

>> No.51315910

I guess OP was judging from some short term pumps, I mean even some of my alts like RAIL and BAT actually had their time few weeks ago.

>> No.51316150

If you are already in loss, you can stake. I got below my entry point on RIDE. I just staked it for some decent APY on Maiar dex

>> No.51316219

I don't think ETH qualifies as a volatile asset though.

I think anon meant that inflation would affect fiat greatly and that's why it's not safe to save in fiats for now, rather get stables for Defi services.

>> No.51316242

Diversification is good, investing across different niches and market caps can help profit taking quite easy. Some web3 focused projects in the lowcap region with working product like ore protocol and Ocean protocol are worth adding to your folios.

>> No.51316338

Spool was on the list of the top TVL gainers released recently by Crypto Differ. It's not up there for nothing.

>> No.51316341

>having a life outside web3
Web3 is unironically the next trend and you should focus on it especially projects that link web2 to web3.

>> No.51316373

You just have to be very selective.

>> No.51316379

I hope those stables are staked preferably on a non-custodial Defi platform?

>> No.51316518

If there anything worth investing now it will be privacy that's the only important thing the space needs now for security and true decentralisation.

>> No.51316611

based. It makes sense to focus on projects that give you ownership. Projects like holoride incentivize creator creating virtual environment for their VR headset

>> No.51316747

Those who're staking stables are definitely not failing. In fact, they're one of the top gainers in this market situation.

>> No.51316864

NFT creators are having a field day with web3 authentication, its pretty seamless for them to onboard web3 and validate their works with added services like minting, trading and cross chain transfer.

>> No.51316875

ETH will dump hard after the merge. You will see how volatile it can be.

True that. Privacy is one important sector. You don't want the government fucking you with your data. I am using sylo wallet for decentralized comms. Data doesn't get stored on a central server.

>> No.51316891

>What other shit can be staked aside Alts?
Are you that dumb not to have heard that people also stake stables like USDT,USDC & DAI?

>> No.51316918

Multichains access and Identity management are two very important aspect of Asset management.

>> No.51317085

Being early in the next bull run depends on how you invest in a bear market. You should try dyor on some privacy protocols, Railgun seems like a good fit with their recently launched privacy on the go mobile app, that's enough to get some level of adoption.

>> No.51317108

>Stocks has been relatively safer but crypto have been more profitable.

Have you taken a look at Netflix, Tesla and Faceebook stocks of recent? They have been equally fucked incase you don't know.

>> No.51317403

Can the jews just get this over with? We need to know the way forward in no time.

Only a retard would still make use of CEXes when DeFi protocols offer the best yield while you still keep custody of your assets also their are tools to automate the staking on DeFi one of which is spool.

>> No.51317933

You have no idea what that word means.

>> No.51318051

Every one hopes to get in early. Apart from ETH and Matic, what based low cap are you holding? I'm holding RIDE, UNQ, JUNO and SWASH

>> No.51318094

>Can the jews just get this over with?
No I'm still accumulation phase.

>> No.51318466

>True that. Privacy is one important sector.
Keeping transaction details private is the best way to avoid wallets being hacks since important info cannot be traced back to receivers or senders.

>> No.51319425

Would be nice to know how this works. pardon am a normie

>> No.51319673

this rhetorics is all over the space, seems ETH maxist would have to cry.
The jews gives no fuck about the market.. You demn based

>> No.51319738

Lots of avenues to stake your stables.. spool is audited and safe to use by even normies.

>> No.51320554

Privacy=Security and freedom. Nuff said.

>> No.51320583
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Indeed. I guess everyone has a choice whether they intend to keep the details of their transactions secured or not

>> No.51320620
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>You don't want the government fucking you with your data.
>Not p
The risks are quite a lot: censorship, theft, targeted exploits.

>> No.51320650

>Identity management
ENS and ORE made a big sense of that

>> No.51320900

Privacy is a necessity especially in recent times.I am very sure you are aware of the attacks on wallets and platforms, I believe keeping transaction details private should reduce these attacks to a large extent.

>> No.51320988
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>Invest in assets less likely to be affected by volatility.
Better still, invest in underrated fundamentals such as PriFi based crypto assets.

>> No.51321204

I will drink their tear while shorting the hell out of the ETH

And ETH will tank harder after the merge.

Not just DCA. Don't keep the money idle. Stake whatever shit you can stake. If you can farm in Liquidity pool, by all means do it. Different Platforms have different APYs, most tokens on Maiar dex is about 25-30%.
The crypto winter will be long and you don't want to come out of it with your balls in your hands

>> No.51321212

bro crypto typically crabs for years before we have a bullrun. get use to these levels because we aren't going up for a while.

>> No.51321745

What the fuck? Do you lve under a rock cause your english seems to be lacking daylight.

>> No.51321906

>And ETH will tank harder after the merge.

Everything in the market seems to tend towards this, more and ever it's logical to sit in stablecoins and let the market play out.

>> No.51322327

Your stables are routed to the best yield protocols that suit your risk preferences since Spool is just a middleware.

>> No.51322365

Th UI is top notch. The infographics available on its gitbook are super easy to understand.

>> No.51322409

It's one of the most misused words around here.

>> No.51322426

WTH is this? Jeet!

>> No.51322454

Stake 'em and choose the APYs that work best for you in a Defi non-custodial middleware. Kek.

>> No.51324570

Man, anything to earn money now is good. I recently considered yielding...

>> No.51324731

Kek, This would definitely not be stables,especially since the crypto volatility is affecting them..

>> No.51325362

DeFi solutions such as Spool, BeamFi offer a better yield program than CEX can, not even In terms of APY. considering safety, and flexibility, CEX doesn't give that...

>> No.51325398


>> No.51325596

The creator economy is big. Creators are being incentivized for using elastic SDK to create virtual environment for holoride

>> No.51325976

waiting for a bull run from now is more like useless, cause it's a long way from here. it gets funny when I consider that one could even earn safely by staking their stables through Spool.

>> No.51326177

stablecoins are the safe heavens if I'm asked, I mean one. can earn with them, from staking with through a DeFi middleware that grants access to multiple yield generators..

>> No.51326754

To even think that users don't get charges on withdrawal, except the performance fees which they only get to pay when their withdrawals exceeds their deposits.

>> No.51326794

samefagging OP.
very fucking weird thread.

>> No.51326805

oh nvm i understand now. carry on. making me dizzy

>> No.51326863

For once I thought the 20k mark was the resistance support but then shit dipped to $18.7k yet anons didn't DCA and ETH held strong not wanting to hit an $800 per token mark.
The market already pamping sers but we know that wick ain't strong, get in on all your faves bobos, kept a new buy order on RIDE, HERO, NGM and EVMOS, all except the latter has picked up, staking them all to avoid panic sales of course.
>But come to think of it what if we hit $15k are y'all gonna buy coz I did DCA at $18.7k and waiting for more dip prolly.

>> No.51326886

Stables not secured anymore.

>> No.51326891

He's going to learn to always switch to stables when the market comes crashing down on his head again, There's a lot that can be done with stables.

>> No.51326906

Stoopid ass noobs be saying that always.

>> No.51326976

Liquidity mining be likened to yield farming and that's what I've been doing with my ETH and wBTC holdings asides lending them on Aave and Compound Finance, I be doing liquidity mining on Uniswap on either of the tokens and getting transaction fees asides the LP tokens which I then stake on Sylo pool for over 45% APY.

>> No.51326981

And who said so? please don't mention those scrap here... USDC, DAI and USDT are the stables I mean.. so fuck off if you think they're not secured cause they are to me, pajeet.

>> No.51327037

BUSD preferably.

>> No.51327071
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Hahahaha this cracked me up badly.

>> No.51327119

Speaking of Maiar dex, I be metastaking gems like Ride and Zpay for that APY range bobo, asides farming or staking them with Mex or EGLD different ways to earn passive income too. Everyone gotta know their strength in the market and cling to it.

>> No.51327205

I actually meant USDC and USDT anon.

>> No.51327282

Then I gotta bag more ETH if that be the case, $500 per token or nothing, who's with me?

>> No.51327393

Then I'll just bag more of it and pull into liquidity mining on Uniswap for subsequent staking in Sylo or lending and borrowing on AAVE

>> No.51327409

Dunno where he got his own notion from.

>> No.51327537

kek we're far from that. Just keep dcaing and staking. I'm doing same on ETH and GEEQ right now

>> No.51327578
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Fool yourself anon. In few days time you'll agree that you a big looser. I increased my position in ETH and some low-cap, mainly GEEQ, because I believed they would gain in value after the merger.

>> No.51327613

Spread funds, these plebs be banking on just one gem as their banger gems like who tf does that in this kind of market where tokens be selling at giveaway prices. All I do is see a gem I'm attracted to DYMR and place some good funds in it majority be DeFi gems say Rowan, UMEE, Aero, Ride and more if you got y'all can put them too in dah list.

>> No.51327684

Yeah I wish they had more staking options in the CeXs I hold them. My balls have turned to steel from all holding I've been doing

>> No.51327705

Some people say the merger might be a bearish event. And I really don't know what to think about that desu

>> No.51327871
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stop acting like a retard and dyor anon. They've staking options in Ascendex and Kucoin.

>> No.51327891
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Hold your breath, get a virgin pussy have fun and wait for the merger.

>> No.51327905
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Just some low class fudders with the aim of buying at $100/token. These fuckers forget the bliss this merge be bringing starting from scalability, accessibility, secured and over 99% energy intensive. Miners be shitty and spreading the fud but c'mon we can be flexible in here, but your eth holdings can still be yielding profits either in BlockFi, Sylo pool, Curve Finance, Binance and more.

>> No.51327917

Man's just daft

>> No.51328404

The more the merrier anon. The more the merrier. I wish they were hosted on more CeXs is all I'm saying. That way I could stake in multiple places

>> No.51328616

Let's hope the merge is bullish. Because my GEEQ needs to really do a madness

>> No.51330421

Not complete if you don't put at least 5-10% in a privacy focused coin.

>> No.51330527
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Okay, you're fucking retarded. Well-noted dumbass. PriFi means private DeFi. Next time, use a search engine before embarrassing yourself.

>> No.51331914
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Split, take advantage of ORE/ETH LP decent APY rate.

>> No.51331945

Well, staking in multiple place especially when spread across multiple chains can be quite challenging. Better if you manage them all from a single universal account through cross-chain identity protocols.

>> No.51331980

Stocks are down 17% from their high. how far is your shitcoin down from its high?

>> No.51331981


Privacy: securing information about on-chain transaction histories.